There are many definitions of feminism. Those who despise feminism define it according to the hell that it is. Those who love feminism prefer fluffy, sweet-sounding definitions. Down below, new commenter Karen has generously provided her preferred definition of feminism:
The definition of equality as far as feminism goes is really simple: equal opportunity for all; not being stopped from trying because of gender. Treating everyone the same.
At first glance this appears to be a pretty tame definition. It is quite a bit less honest than Webster’s definition of feminism, but many feminists would probably agree with it.
Note that this definition is vague and contradictory. Equal opportunity for all is not the same as treating everyone the same. This is simple to demonstrate. If we were to treat everyone the same, then we would all be like Chinese culture: refusing to give up our seats to pregnant women. The reason I might yield my seat to another is because different people get treated differently. So let’s interpret treating everyone the same as a simple summary of giving everyone equal opportunity irrespective of their gender.†
There are many reasons that this is wrong.
#1: Equal opportunity is incoherent
The definition given is vague, especially not clearly defining ‘equal’. This is by design, because no specific, objective criterion can be established that leads to a coherent definition.
There are feminists called by the slur TERF: trans-exclusionary radical feminists. These oppose transgender rights, especially transwomen taking any rights afforded to women. They refuse to accept that transwomen are women. They argue that women cannot have equal opportunities if men are allowed to take their opportunities.
When a transwoman competes in a women-only sporting event, they have an unfair advantage because they are men competing against women. The opportunity is undeniably unequal. But by excluding transwomen you are not giving equal opportunities irrespective of gender. Thus, by the definition of feminism given above, excluding transwomen is also undeniably unequal. Both positions are undeniably unequal.
It’s a hopeless contradiction because men and women are not equal. Trying to equal that which is not equal leads to absurdities like feminists fighting feminists over which equality must be more equal. The concept of equality in feminism is self-refuting because it denies reality.
#2: Feminists seek equality of outcome
Having established that it is impossible to have equality of opportunity, we realize why feminists focus almost all of their efforts on equality of outcome.
Studies time and again show that the wage gap is real and that is predominately caused by choices made by women. The great irony was that when women achieved equality of opportunity, they used that opportunity to not close the wage gap. God forbid that we tell women what to do, so the only thing left to do is to try to force equality of outcome.
The Australian government attempted to help give women equal outcomes (that is, equal wages). They tried putting male names on female candidates’ resume. The result? Fewer interviews. It turns out that Australians are biased in favor of women, giving them unequal opportunities over men. In response to this, the Australian government insisted on new policies to increase the hiring chances of men over women. Wait, what’s that? They actually abandoned the practice because it didn’t lead to equal outcomes for women. They were perfectly fine with the anti-male unequal opportunity.
The feminist push for equality of outcome is not limited to women. As Karen noted, feminism was about ‘treating everyone the same’. Embracing this philosophy, the School Diversity Advisory Group in New York City found that minority children were underrepresented in the city’s gifted schools. The suggested solution? End equal opportunity admissions standards to force equality of outcome.
#3: Feminists seek inequality—of opportunity and outcome—favoring women
Feminists don’t stop with seeking equality of outcome. No, they have to be sure that women have greater opportunities and greater outcomes than men.
Last month, Hasbro embarrassed itself by announcing Ms. Monopoly, a board game that gives unequal opportunities to women.
The NYT article entitled “Where Boys Outperform Girls in Math: Rich, White and Suburban Districts” noted that girls academically outperform boys in almost every area.
When faced with this inequality, the NYT suggested that schools in America need to focus greater attention on creating more opportunities for boys to try to catch up or exceed girls’ outcomes. Wait, what’s that? They actually said that this was a problem that could be solved by raising girls scores, further increasing the gender disparity.
Feminists love abortion because their death worship favors women. Dave Chappelle pointed out their hypocrisy: if they can murder his child, he should be allowed to abandon it and not have to pay child support if the mother chooses to keep it. It’s logically consistent. Feminists despise it when anyone points out that women have unfair, unequal reproductive power and parental rights.
Another way feminists favor women is in divorce proceedings. By giving unequal rights to women, they can and do use divorce and custody of children as threat points in marriage. This feminist view of marriage is thus an antagonistic competition where power is given to the wife over her husband.
Feminists love #MeToo and Title IX enforcement, because it allows women to create post-hoc rationalized rape accusations to further control men and destroy their lives as punishment for being men. #BelieveAllwomen is yet another way to support this and give women unequal social rights and punitive powers.
#4: Feminists see opportunity as a zero-sum game
In theory, there are two ways to achieve equal opportunity: reduce the opportunity of men or increase the opportunity of women. In a zero-sum game these two are equivalent, so feminists would have to decrease the opportunities of men to increase the opportunities of women. However, feminists don’t actually care if opportunity isn’t a zero-sum game: they will reduce a man’s opportunity whether or not there is a corresponding increase the opportunities available to women in order to achieve relative equality. Many of the examples given above are like this (e.g. girl’s test scores).
This is important because the fluffy sweet-sounding definition ‘equality for all!!!’ is used as an excuse to reduce a man’s opportunity even if it doesn’t benefit women. Equality in this context just means harming men. This is where Dalrock’s Law of Feminism comes into play. Feminists demand that men change to their lives to give women more opportunity and better outcomes while simultaneously working to reduce his opportunities and outcomes. It is for this reason that many men are so hostile towards feminism, and their hostility is completely justified.
It turns out that the tame definition of feminism is actually insidious. Those gentle words are smooth lies. Those of us who hate feminism are often falsely vilified for ‘hating women’. Yet by fighting the irrationality of feminism, we fight the resulting tyranny and inequality. In doing so, we are probably the only people left who actually care about both men and women.
† This interpretation is actually illegitimate. Karen really did contradict herself. The full context is this: “Treating everyone the same. So a heavily pregnant woman would be treated the same as anyone else with a temporary disability or injury that makes them vulnerable in a jerky bus.” She really does think that treating people differently means treating them the same.
Did we properly cite Dalrock with a link to his blog here?
Incidentally, what do you think of my definition of feminism, written a year ago?
Boxer, I linked to a different article on his site. Dalrock never allows more than one backlink. Out of respect for him, I only ever make one link to his site that creates a backlink. However, I have a hack that gets around this. I will fix it shortly.
I remember that. I also remember a number of other bloggers who came up with their own definitions. I wanted this post to focus on why the feminist definitions of feminism are stupid, not get bogged down in the merits of anti-feminist definitions of feminism.
Still, I rushed this post to publication. I didn’t discuss a number of things I wanted to discuss, like the logic behind woman’s suffrage. The stuff I was saying about masculinity and anti-feminism being about responsibility on the previous thread is also worth a dedicated post. I note that because of what you wrote:
I think this is correct, but also incomplete in the same way my comments on responsibility are incomplete. If you don’t mind, I think I may follow this post up with a dedicated post discussing both male and female responsibility and how it pertains to feminism.
As for the rest of your definition…
This is spot on accurate. It is practically a summary of this post. Feminism is all about lying about the nature of reality.of males and females.typically at the expense of men (as per Dalrock’s Law of Feminism).
Dear Derek:
Thanks, bro. You don’t need to hotlink it, if you don’t want. Just date/time is good.
Wow I’m honoured that you have written an entire post based on my comments! How incredible that a blog post dedicated to defending an able-bodied man’s right to occupy a seat in the priority seating area of a public bus while a pregnant woman stands, would lead to this!
First off though, I can’t stand the #believeallwomen movement. It’s a crock. I mentioned in a comment on the contentious post about just one instance where a man’s life has been destroyed here in Aus by a female’s blatant lies about him. The #metoo movement isn’t a whole lot better, although it doesn’t automatically insist that all women are telling the truth, just because they’re women, it’s just opening up the whole toxic sexual harassment at work topic, which happens far too often.
Of course we treat those with disabilities differently that we treat those without disabilities! I would have thought that would have gone without saying. Pregnant women should be treated the same as everyone else with a disability as far as priority seating on public transport goes.
Excellent post. All these dilemmas are no doubt the direct result of men fapping.
^^^ This is a feminist boys. ^^^
They get you to bite on an easily agreeable topic (re: disability).
Then they add all of their pet exceptions. Notice the nudge regarding “should” [sic] in her statement. Because what she is saying is .. I know a preggers womminz isn’t disabled .. BUT I’ll engage the government to enforce my beliefs. Even if only 2% of the population would agree.
Also notice, she will change her idea(s) of what is and is not a candidate for special treatment as necessary or as the mood strikes her .. and it’s always HER opinion that matters.
Just so we are clear .. a preggers womminz is not disabled. It’s normal for wimminz to get preggers. If she were disabled she wouldn’t be on the bus in the first place.
Karen you remind me of the kid who’s as dumb as a box of rocks .. except you do it intentionally.
And, NO, I will not treat you differently because you are disabled Karen. You wanted equality .. enjoy.
I agree, this is the point I was making. If everyone was equal, we wouldn’t care about pregnancy or disability. But of course we do care about those things: Christians have cared about such things long before feminism. Feminists want equality (allegedly) for certain things, but inequality for other things. In theory this means achieving gender equality by forcing all manner of inequalities, but in practice it never ends.
Feminists don’t say “well, we’ve closed the job opportunity gap, so we don’t need to concern ourselves with wage differences. We don’t need to fix the new bias against men in the job market either.”. They don’t say “men are required to consent before their child can be aborted”. They don’t ever say “boys test scores are so much lower than boys, so we better find ways to reduce girls test scores.”
The only description of feminism that is consistent across all flavors of feminism is that it promotes gender inequality favoring women, that is, female supremacy.
^^^ BINGO ^^^
Fella’s listen to your brother Derek ..
My short-form definition is thus .. Feminism promotes Wimmimz supremacy via deception and enforced theft.
Females centered idolatry
At the “womens march” here in Santa Rosa last month…..the shirts “Dump Trump” and “Orange Man Hates Women” “Believe All Women”
and the college aged girls, and little pre-teen girls with tee shirts “Boys Are Smelly, Throw Rocks At Them” “The Future Is Female” “Girls Rule The World” and “Boys Drool, Girls Rule” and the chants which made me smirk as pink pussy hats, foul language and outright “anger” at how oppressed they are right now by the president, men in general……..a banner “Don’t worry guys, we’ll use you as an acccessory, get in shape now if you want to be useful”
This is feminism. Whatever the academics are saying, or what the PR press from NOW and other organizations are telling us, the rank and file are being told another message.
No surprise that men in general have no reason to rally for it, believe in it or even want to listen to it
And…..the usual hodgepodge of other movements are thrown in…plenty of LBGTQ-XYY flags…..a few “black lives matter flags” and the former Soviet union flag in the mishmash of pink, foul language and seething hate to man that has little or no control on any of their personal choices…….
I’ve also noticed that feminism makes women treat pregnancy as a disability.
It’s actually the greatest ability women have.
The only reason why feminists treat it as a ‘disability’ is that it is a reminder that they aren’t men. Many years of contraception and abortion have made the mindset of bearing children and motherhood as something to be loathed by women.
If Karen really wanted to know the source of why pregnant women aren’t treated with respect from men anymore…it’s because most women don’t treat pregnancy with any respect anymore. Birth control and abortion is their mantra. The very feminism is producing the results they are getting.
This discussion was never really about giving up your seat for pregnant women. That’s easy. It’s about the feminist culture that produces men who don’t want to and women who demand entitlements.
And yet it’s the logical and expected consequence of feminism. Let me say this again: feminism denies reality by equating the unequal. It is fundamentally irrational. You can’t complain about the irrationality of the #believeallwomen movement when you are the one who promoted irrational feminism in the first place. Take some personal responsibility and own it. If you don’t like the consequences of feminism, you abandon it and join us.
1) Pregnancy isn’t a disability.
2) Christians were the first to value everyone.including the disabled.not feminists.
3) For thousands of years have valued pregnancy, even to a religious level. Feminists have devalued pregnancy into a disposable commodity. People like us celebrate pregnancy and family. Feminists fight for things that harm families, like abortion and divorce.
You are on the wrong team.
“Her body, Her choice!”
I agree .. and have an equality flip-side to the coin .. my wallet my choice .. and if Karen was a true
“feminist”“equality” enforcer she’d agree a man doesn’t have to pay for a child he doesn’t want. Heck it doesn’t even involve murder (re: abortion). It even allows th womminz to play a huge victim card (truly a single mom) afterwards for a fembot win-win .. right? /SI see honeycomb saw the masterful Chappelle bit that baited the women in and then pulled the rug from underneath them.
Actually honeycomb I do agree that a man should be able to sign away his parental rights and not pay child support for a child he doesn’t want. This would be much better than the alternative which sees a huge number of women (I can’t remember the statistic but I’ll find it soon) coerced into an abortion they don’t want, by the father of the baby. I also think a man should have the right to stop an abortion of his child, provided he is willing to pay for 100% of the costs associated with pregnancy and birth (including any time off work) and is prepared to take 100% responsibility for the child when it’s born (the mother would sign away her parental rights).
Apparently this discussion is actually about the feminist culture which produces men who don’t want to give up their seat to a pregnant woman. Really?? Men want to blame women for the fact that they’re assholes, again? A law should not have needed to be enacted in order to force people to do the right thing. And men blaming women for their bad behaviour is quite honestly pathetic.
No men are just pointing out that women should be held accountable for their own bad behavior. Feminists seem to think they can both blame men when men commit bad behavior and blame men when women commit bad behavior.
I’m sure the “huge numbers” of fathers convicted for this crime are easy to find. You’ve got exactly one message to post a few examples.
You are right Earl, women should be held accountable for their bad behaviour. Everyone should be. But if men want to take back control and be “men” again perhaps they should be leading by example and enforcing decent standards of behaviour regardless of what the women are doing? Because blaming women for men’s bad behaviour is hardly “manning up”.
Note how shamelessly the feminist lies.
If I end up writing that post on responsibility, this quote will be used as an illustration. Until then, a quick response.
A man gives up his seat to a woman based on an implied social contract. If that contract is broken by women, then she has reneged on her responsibility. Consequently, men have no responsibility and are not engaging in bad behavior. This is why Chinese men are not horrible villains for the exact same behavior: there exists no such governing social contract to behave otherwise. But more importantly, if a man keeps his end of the contract, he encourages bad behavior.she gets something for nothing.that leads to entitlement.
You do know feminism is basically cutting off men’s leadership at the knees, right. The whole idea of hierarchy is that someone has to be the head and everyone else falls in line. It can’t be men enforcing standards while women still loudly proclaim they can do whatever they want.
Daily reminder women can’t both be the head and expect men to be the head.
It’s the perfect eel game or trying to nail Jello to the wall.
But you can see how they can’t admit that either women need to give up their leadership role (and hence men can enforce the standards) or they keep the leadership role (and hence enforce the standards) and men follow suit. Many men are just following the standards feminists created because women wanted to be the head (while lying about it being all about ‘equality’).
Earl, it really is hilarious. She scoffed at Dalrock’s Law of Feminism, which is just an alternate formulation of “Daily reminder women can.t both be the head and expect men to be the head.” Feminists want both to have and eat their cake. Feminism, at its core, irrationally equates the unequal. This point is irrefutable.
Once again .. men are to blame for the abortions wimminz are having .. thru “coerced” [sic] man-nip-u-lay-s(h)in of these poor lil innocent womminz.
Hold your watch hand high fella’s .. ‘cuz my shoes are ruined and we need to save our time-piece from the Male-Bovine-Fecal-Matter that’s rising fast.
Hot off the presses ..
Jack has this ..
“One wimminz impeccable argument on how abortion is the direct result of men.s irresponsibility.”
I wonder .. Is Karen a mormon mom of 6?
Wimminz like Karen demand a traditional life while maintaining all other wimmimz be as reckless as possible with their own.
As always watch what they (i.e. th wimminz) do .. not what they say.
Jack has impeccable timing. Remember when Karen scoffed at the notion that feminists want explicit written consent for every sex act, or else it is all rape? Just remember boys, if you ejaculate without a written contract, not only is that rape on you, but so is the murdered baby!
Remember when Karen denied Dalrock’s Law of Feminism and said that feminists don’t think men are evil? Funny, I thought she said there were a “…huge number of women coerced into an abortion they don.t want by the father of the baby.” I must have heard wrong.
According to polling company D-Cyfor 7% of women who have abortions were coerced into it by their partner.
Australia beats the USA in abortion numbers – we have 22.2 per 1000 women, USA has 21.3. So if my dodgy maths is correct that is roughly 541,200 abortions per year here in Aus. And 37,884 men per year coerce their pregnant partners to abort.
In America, that’s 69,693,600 abortions per year. And 4,878552 men per year coerce their pregnant partners to abort. That is a MASSIVE number of men!! And a massive number of lives snuffed out before they’ve even been given a chance to live.
Derek Ramsey Some feminists think men are evil, sure. But the majority of them recognise that most men are good men. Just like some men think all women are evil. But most men recognise that most women aren’t. There are good and bad everywhere in society.
The Guttmacher Institute research found that 30% of women have abortions because “someone else, not the woman, wants it” but did not specify the number of parents of partners who were applying the pressure.
A retrospective study found that 65% of women were pressured into an abortion they didn’t want.
Link here:
Dear Karen:
Earlier you wrote:
Coercing a female into an abortion is a very serious crime. ex:
Given that “huge numbers” of poor innocent wimminz are coerced by men to get abortions, we should be able to find some data on the “huge numbers” of criminal trials in a desperate effort to save these poor damsels.
When I asked you to post some examples of convictions, you not only came up short, but have begun spamming my blog (I pay the bills here, cunt) with nonsense, which is your consistent M.O..
In short, you’ve provided yet another example of the inherent ease by which wimminz bear false witness against men.
Being a filthy, dishonorable liar is not against the comment policy, but spamming without entertaining or informing is. Your tirades here are boring as hell, and none of your laughable tactics are anything the regulars haven’t seen before.
Please see the comment policy for more detail.
I appreciate your time, but you’ve served your purpose here. Please don’t reapply.
So we are throwing everything against the wall to see what sticks? This smells a lot like the completely debunked campus rape statistics that feminists still lie about. Rape is a crime. Coerced abortion is a crime. The hard data is the conviction rate: what percentage of abortions result in the conviction (or even the accusation) for coercion? We know what the conviction rate is for rape, what about coerced abortion?
According to the Population Research Institute, forced abortion doesn’t just happen in China, it actually happens in America (surprise!). The PRI noted:
Huh, that’s weird. Did you know that there are a number of men in the manosphere who go to abortion clinics to let women know that they don’t have to get abortions if they don’t want to? They do the job that abortionists and abortion-clinic personnel refuse to do. Wouldn’t you know, feminists go to court and use abusive policing to try to prevent anyone from talking a woman out of having an abortion.
I have no doubt that some men coerce women to have abortions. As a pro-life person, I completely support anti-coercion laws. We pro-life want to see baby murder completely outlawed. The men who pressure mothers into murdering their child are obviously feminists: they want the right to murder their inconvenient offspring, just like women. Their body (egg and sperm), their choice (to murder).
^^^ LIAR ALERT ^^^
Karen .. you truly are an agent of disinformation. Not one fembot would agree with you. Especially since all you do is offer tainted data of how evil men are (posts below).
You are, now, on permanent ignore.
It really is amusing that the link Karen provided as evidence of coercion supports my position that feminists are coercing women to get abortions. Let’s say that 7% of men pressure their pregnant women to get abortions. Keep in mind that this is not a crime: only if he forces her. So she goes to the abortion clinic, and what happens? She isn’t told about alternatives, she is pressured to get the abortion, and if the clinic suspects she is underage they will avoid asking about it or reporting it to government.
Here is what feminists do:
1) Oppose all legislation that requires abortionists to mention alternatives to abortion.
2) Support legislation that requires non-abortion providers to mention abortion options.
3) Oppose all legislation that requires the dual consent of father and mother for abortion.
4) Oppose all legislation that requires parental consent for abortion.
5) Oppose pro-life persons from trying to stop abortions outside abortion clinics.
6) Applaud when abortionists fail to prevent coerced abortions.
7) Hide underage abortions.
It’s astoundingly ludicrous that men would be blamed for forced abortions. As a group, men overwhelmingly oppose abortion. Roe v Wade was one of the biggest judicial overreaches in the history of America. It coerced America into accepting what the majority opposed.
Derek .. and fella’s ..
Karen is an agent of disinformation.
Her goal is to lead men back to the plantation thru whatever means necessary.
Pack your bags fella’s .. she’s gonna (try to) send you on a guilt trip .. [1]
[1] By any means necessary (e.g. lies, deception, guilt, shame, false data, agree & expand tactics, etc.)
Don’t be deceived by the “Whore of Babylon”.
I agree there are certainly some women coerced into abortion…and as such those men are scum.
But I’ll bet you’ll never see a website that a man created with the title….’shout your coercion’.
You will however find a website where women ‘shout their abortion’.
So do you suppose those men ‘coerced’ those women into stating how they don’t regret and even are thrilled about snuffing out a life in utero?
No she’s just a good feminist.
She somehow thinks a civilization can exist where men are expected to follow patriarchial standards and women are expected to follow feminist standards which is meant to smash the patriarchy.
Patriarchy for thee, but not for meeee. Well that’s just a means to create MGTOW because some men will see that and say ‘rigged game’.
Now I’m not a feminist…I actually think patriarchal structure is the means of civilization and family…however I expect women to have those standards too. I don’t want a feminist as a helpmate.
“Karen” is not her name, nor is she from Australia. She may have made her living as a “bar manager” at some point in the past; but, today she self-publishes trashy pornography.
(When I called her a degenerate, a couple of days ago, I wasn’t kidding.)
I have no issue with the adoption of an alternate persona to comment here. I encourage everyone (friend and foe alike) to express themselves in the safest way he knows how. I’m also not interested in “outing” this person. Just letting you boys know that everything s/h/it said was nonsense from the get.
If Karen breaks through the firewall, please just ignore s/h/it and send me an email. This blog may evolve in many different directions, but it’s not going to become the humorless outpost of a neurotic radical feminist.
(When I called her a degenerate, a couple of days ago, I wasn.t kidding.)
Cane .. you dirty lil devil you .. heh!
Boxer found “Karen” to be boring, uninteresting, and a fake persona. It is his blog and her time here was, of course, numbered. What fascinated me most about the conversation was that she was pushing something of what earl notes. It was worth the price of admission to explore a feminist admitting that she wants the benefits of patriarchy for herself, just not for everyone else. I hope others found this exchange as educational as I did.
I’m late to the party, but a Guttmacher Institute (which is very pro-abortion, I should note–it was first located within the Planned Parenthood corporate structure) survey notes that among the “Most Important” reason for having an abortion, both “Husband or partner want me to have an abortion” and “Parents want me to have an abortion” rate at less than half a percentage point.
Click to access 3711005.pdf
(See Table 3)
The top reasons were “Not ready for a(nother) child./timing is wrong,” (25%) “Can.t afford a baby now” (23%), and Have completed my childbearing/have other people depending on me/children are grown (19%). Together, these three trivial reasons for killing a child make up more than 2/3 of main reasons for abortions, and most of the other reasons are similar. (7% said it was because of health problems in them or the fetus, less than 1/2 of a percent said that it was because of rape. So less than 8% are “hard cases.”)
I have no doubt that there are cads pressuring women to have abortions, but frankly when it comes to abortion men aren’t the problem. My sex are. We are the ones marching off to doctors to get rid of inconvenient offspring.
Dear Heidi:
The word she used was ‘coerce’… Incidentally, don’t you have a J.D.? What’s the common legal definition of that term?
When I started searching around yesterday, I found about a dozen examples of laws concerning coerced abortions. I have to assume nearly all states and provinces in North America have such laws, but the only convictions I came up with were a few pimps/madams who were members of immigrant communities.
No, I don’t have any law training at all; your time with Professor Google (or JSTOR, or whatever) makes you more of an expert on “coercion” than I am. But the obvious rejoinder is that “Well, of COURSE there aren’t many prosecutions/convictions! The legal system is so biased against women that it’s very hard for them to get justice!” You know, just like rape is so under-prosecuted, blah blah blah.
In theory, at least, a survey should provide more accurate data as to the reasons for abortion than something less anonymous. However, you will notice that the category is “X wants me to get an abortion,” which is much more expansive than “X pressured/coerced me to get an abortion.” Also, I would expect the Guttmacher Institute to want to elicit the most possible “sympathetic” reasons for abortion; therefore, the “hard cases” categories probably represent a fairly liberal estimate.
Here is a reminder how racist Planned Parenthood still is:

Their new motto: “Planned Parenthood: Murdering as many black babies as possible since 1940!”
Dear Heidi:
I apologize. I ASSume that my original ASSumption was based upon the quality of your arguments. You’re a very careful writer.
After your kids are grown, maybe your husband will send you to law school? It’d certainly be convenient for the rest of us, given that we’re due to be rounded up and gulaged for misogyny any day. We’ll all need counsel, fo sho.
Except that it’s not. I found examples, and I expected our guest to trot some out. Problem is that in every case, it’s some poor Chinese girl, who came across the water expecting to be a maid, and found (as soon as she got out the cargo container) that she owed a debt that could only be paid in a certain way… Oh and don’t try calling the cops, bitch, because the snake-head gang knows where your folks live back in Ching-Chong.
The original assumption that these trials concern Johnny and Janie, who got in trouble after the high school dance, don’t seem viable.
(Not surprisingly, these scenarios tend to play out in Canada, rather than the U.S..)
She was doing that in the last thread, over and over and over. Twenty-two of every five college students gets raped, and etc. I warned her before banning her.
Lol…you even did the feminist math on that one.
Thanks, Boxer. We’ll see if I manage not to mess up our kids too much in the mean time.
Boy men coercing women into abortions seems so easy that women don’t seem to be coerced into it at all.
off topic……heard a few of the customers this morning at the coffee station / cart we contract in the lobby for business owners and visitors to use……
Woman 1: “Looks like we’re still winning, the pressure is growing still to remove Trump”
Woman 2: “Well, then we’ll have Pence, who has a worse track record with women”
Woman 1: “After Trump is gone, he’ll be removed too, there has got to be some woman he harassed decades ago….she’ll come forward, and we’ll get him sent back to the farm in Indiana .And then Pelosi will be president, until the election….Beto is soooo handsome….raising my son to be just like him…a real man”
Woman 2: “Thank god! People will learn quick it will take a woman to really make this country something great again while Pelosi is holding back the white trash in the mountains of this state and flyover country”
Woman 1: “No more wars, free healthcare for all……..women will actually get to choose who she wants to settle with, instead of settling for……Europe is so enlightened and ahead of us…”
These kinds of conversations I overhear daily in this part of California. You may say “well, that’s not my state” and I am telling you now, it is in your state. In the state capital city…..and suburbs.
This is what I deal with daily, and I am a stranger in my own state. California has *always* been “out there” even during the golden age of republican governors and more conservative fiscal stewardship………
The funny thing is….both these women work for a Presby church in the local council here in Santa Rosa.
The funny thing is..both these women work for a Presby church in the local council here in Santa Rosa
Nothing surprising about this at all. The Presbyterian church, like almost all of the “old” Protestant churches, has been pozzed/converged for decades. I would have only been surprised if these creatures had NOT been spewing feminist-SJW vomitus.
Well once the Prot churches allowed female ordination…this is what they get.
Besides why should that mother only raise her son to be like Beto…she should raise him to be like Trudeau or that French guy. Feminists want the weakest headed man they can get so they can be a ‘real man’.
Thanks Honeycomb.
Boxer, I’d really like to hear your thoughts on how Mormons behave, regarding sexual habits and abortion. It seems to be a key element of my most recent post.