Some Shit Happened in September

I’m swamped with work, and also just swamped. For the last couple of years I’ve lived in a semi-tropical area, where it gets simultaneously hot as hell and rainy as hell and just miserable to go outside in the fall. Winter is the nice season here, where one can actually walk around outside without feeling smothered or sweating through his clothes, and I eagerly await it.

Since I’m looking forward to hiking in a dry 70f climate (that’ll happen in late November) I’m trying to get ahead on some things now. Sadly, this blog is going to continue to be neglected. Fortunately, I have lots of free researchers to help you folks find fun stuff to read.

Over on Wimminz, there’s a sobering discussion about the technology’s increasing role in killing folks. Go read viva las vegas.

Tim Finnegan has a short piece on the appreciation of the bawdy which is worth reading.

My nigga Artisanal Toad is honing his thesis on marriage.

Courtesy of my man honeycomb, we find our favorite elderly prostitute “Shahrazad” (or whatever in the fuck she’s calling herself this week) complaining about servicing fat dudes. I sorta sympathize, but hey, that’s your job, bitch!

The Anarchist Notebook is one of my favorite blogs. The author has a short piece on the inherent brutal truths encoded in traditional fairy tales. This whole blog is worth a gander. His work on what he calls “blood and soil libertarianism” is really old hat, and just another name (in my opinion) for Marxist-Leninist philosophy. The original nationalist libertarians were in the USSR; and Ayn Rand was a Leninist.

Dalrock has another brilliant takedown of a fake Christian named Doug Wilson, who feels like he has to inject a bit of feminist gender theory into his sermons. Read Abigails Daughters and see what you think.

What are you fellas reading lately? High quality links always appreciated in the comments.