Those of us who aren’t completely autistic come to realize the benefits of the golden mean. This is a peripatetic term which describes the sensibility and desirability of avoiding extremes.
Down below in the comments, Derek attempts to insult me by noting that:
“Men concern themselves with the future”, says the man who won’t be marriageable material, marry the right type of women, and have children. I suppose you can take the Darwinian approach that those who don’t reproduce are ultimately doing everyone a favor by removing themselves from the gene pool.
If I wanted to be even more of an asshole than I already am, I could become extreme. I could, for example, condemn all the married men I encounter. I could also start gaming and fucking their wives. I could post long hamster-wheel rationalizations about what I was doing was normal and healthy, and I’d probably poach quite a few fans from people like Roosh V and Heartiste in the process.
Of course, I could also veer off to the other extreme, and marry some woman. In the spatiotemporal location where this marriage is to occur, that marriage would entail becoming that woman’s servant. I would have to come when she calls, sit when she commands, and shell out the cash for whatever frivolity she orders up, from one moment to the next. I could construct an elaborate ego-defense, in order to justify all this, by pretending to be the only real man in the world, and condemning every other man for not showing females enough respect. If I were successful enough in that regard, Dalrock would end up mocking some of my essays on his blog, as he does with similar cretins.
Rather than following either of these extreme paths, I have chosen to adopt a certain set of ethical standards for myself. I do not expect anyone else to follow these standards, as they’re entirely self contained. This is in line with my general interpretation of MGTOW, given that my “way” is mine alone, and it isn’t necessarily going to be the way of anyone else. There is also a political precedent. During the cold war, the anti-Soviet communist revolutionary Josep Broz Tito formed the Non-Aligned movement. Like individuals, societies also want to forge their own paths, rather than obeying the orders of foreign ideologues.
Brother Derek can imply that I don’t think of the future when I make the conscious decision not to replicate my genes. In fact, like many of his other contentions, the opposite is true. In the first place, I have tons of genetic relatives, and “my” genes will be shared well into the future. In fact, my genes will likely outlive most of y’all’s, simply because my ethnic group is much more successful than the mean in North America, in encouraging reproduction.
In the second place, Derek is buying into the masculine mystique promoted by people like Roosh and Heartiste, who will tell you that men can cat around almost indefinitely, without ever damaging their own psychological states. Such people are liars, and I have argued this extensively, for years. Being promiscuous may produce a different sort of damage in the male psyche than in the female one, but the damage is done. I usually answer people like Derek with a challenge to introduce me to his sister or daughter, and perhaps I’ll marry that woman. The reality is that men like me would make very lousy husbands. Within a year, I’ll be fucking my wife’s friends and colleagues. Within five years, I’ll be divorced, and unlike most of the poor saps I talk to on Dalrock, I’ll deserve my run through the family courts.
I am, in fact, thinking of the future, when I consciously refuse to become the unfaithful husband of a decent woman. I am thinking of the future when I refuse to sire a divorce-bastard by such a woman. I am thinking of the future when I refuse to give one of the unmarriagable sluts I slum around with the baby that she’d love to have. I don’t want any of my offspring tortured or killed by such a woman.
I like to have sex, and I’m currently in a world where sluts and playas are encouraged. What I do is minimize my risk of catching a communicable disease, minimize my risk of a false-accusation of misconduct, and minimize the possibility of a pregnancy occurring. I do this in a number of different ways. For example, I let google and apple log my location. I (as smoothly as possible) document a memorandum-of-understanding before sex, and an acknowledgement of consensual and fun behavior after. I don’t fuck married women. I don’t fuck anyone I work with or have social or professional authority over.
There is another variation of third positionality, and that would be the one adopted by Earl. Earl doesn’t seem to be interested in discussing it in detail, but guys like him offer a young brother another valid alternative to slavery or PUAdom. I’ve often wondered if he’d object to me collecting some of his comments and writing a post of them in his honor. Time will tell.