Feminism is Hell

From the years 697BC to 643BC King Manasseh reigned as king of Judah. The Bible describes his reign as evil. Many have argued that he was the worst of all the kings in the southern kingdom. Among the list of his evil deeds is the devout worship of Moloch:

“He sacrificed his own son in the fire” [2 Kings 21:6]

Not only did he sacrifice his own son, but he perpetuated Moloch worship during his reign. The focal point of these deeds was in Jerusalem in the Valley of Ben Hinnom. God was so incensed by these abominations that he sent his prophet Jeremiah to condemn it:

“They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal—something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind. So beware, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when people will no longer call this place Topheth or the Valley of Ben Hinnom, but the Valley of Slaughter.” [Jeremiah 19:5-6]

By the time of Jesus, the Valley of Ben Hinnom was known by the name Gehenna. Jesus talked about it often. But Gehenna is not the name that we use in English. We use “Hell”, the place of death. Hell, the most special kind of place, is named after those who murder their own children.

When Judah, under King Manasseh’s reign, murdered hundreds (or possibly thousands) of children, God was so ticked off that “Hell” now commemorates it. We’ve seen previously that feminism is a religion of death. One of its primary rituals is child sacrifice: abortion. In the last four decades nearly 2 billion babies have been sacrificed to Moloch in its name. It’s hard to truly comprehend a number that large. Those are video game numbers representing human lives.

If God lost his religion over the deaths of thousands, imagine how he views the deaths of billions. Feminism is truly hell. No, that’s not right. I think even Hell is personally disturbed and horrified by 2 billion murdered children. Feminism is worse than Hell. We just don’t have any other name to describe it.

† This small valley still exists in Jerusalem. You can go visit it.

2 thoughts on “Feminism is Hell

  1. Dear Boxer, there’s a way to put the skids on this needless murder of babies. Stay away from women who (are deluded enough to) settle for sex outside of marriage.

    Boxer sez: Learn to read bylines. Derek is the author of this article, and he doesn’t run hoez.

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