If At First A Wimminz Don’t Succeed…

Sherri Telnas: One Ugly Cunt

Last Saturday, 29 June 2019, several people phoned the Tulare County (California) Sheriff’s Office, describing a babbling whore who was screaming and cursing in an empty field. Police arived to find the bitch, Sherri Telnas, violent and uncooperative. A short time later, they discovered two young boys in a stagnant ditch. After fishing them out, they were identified as skank-ho Sherri’s two sons, Jackson (12) and Jacob (7).

Young Jackson was dead as dirt, but Jacob was resuscitated. He has extensive brain injuries and remains in critical condition. It is reasonable to assume that he will never regain consciousness, and likely that he will die without his breathing machine.

Jackson Telnas – Rest In Peace

At first, this might just seem to be the typical story of a skank-ho bitch who kills her kids. There are so many of these stories, that it’s difficult to keep track. This particular tale is quite illustrative of the ease with which a skank-ho bitch is able to manipulate the criminal justice system, the divorce courts, and her simp. Let’s get a little deeper into the story, and hopefully you’ll all see what I mean…

Some eleven years ago, the same cunt Sherri Telnas drowned her same son, Jackson (then less than a year old), in the Clark Fork River, in Montana. On that occasion, the bitch was seen, and the baby was rescued almost immediately.

Skank-ho Sherri was hauled before a judge, back in 2008. All manner of faggots, including a Christian priest (how typical) and a psychiatrist (of course) wrote letters to the courts in support of skanky princess. Bitch turned on the tears and had sympathetic journalists write mountains of words explaining that nothing was her fault.

Watch the water works work

Naturally, the cunt pass was in full effect. Her attempted murder charges were dropped, and she entered guilty pleas to some misdemeanor “endangerment” charges, agreed to do community service and seek therapy, and the court cut her loose to do it all again.

Now, during the brief interval between bitch’s arrest and plea bargain, her husband did a very intelligent thing. He went to the divorce courts and got orders granting him custody of Jackson, and a restraining order against skank-ho Sherri. Sadly, this tact proved to be completely anomalous. Only a month after bitch plea-bargained herself into a jaywalking conviction for trying to murder his kid, Simp went crawling back to lick her smelly asshole. He subsequently married her a second time.

Ask yourself what sort of a weak man would remarry a bitch like this, and then go look in the mirror. We are all biologically prone to do the stupidest shit in pursuit of some ugly bitch’s slime-hole. Every single one of us could slip into this same mentality, and if we aren’t smart about things, every single one of us will do so.

At some point after her probation was completed, the Telnas family moved to California, and then they had a second child, young Jacob, who is now doomed to life as a vegetable — if he’s lucky.

I’m not going to embarrass the simp. He’s been through enough, and if I know the simp mentality, my feedback will only convince him that he’s sanctified in his stupidity.

And here the story ends. Take from it what you will.

9 thoughts on “If At First A Wimminz Don’t Succeed…

  1. Like divorce .. a background in murder .. attempted or not .. is a big red flag.

    Proceed at your own risk .. or you own off-springs risk.

    My personal findings are 75% of the women I meet are severally mentally-ill / handicapped.

    I’m sure it’s a bigger number than I can perceive.

  2. Proceed at your own risk .. or you own off-springs risk.

    From our perspective, this sort of spinelessness is insane, but the simp mindset is seductive, and if you drop your defenses, a wimminz may tap into it.

    I will remember this story the next time one of my bitches gets all teary and begs me to do her some unearned favor.

  3. Hey Boxer, if you honestly believe that wimminz are so terrible, you might seriously consider having no further forni-sessions with your [beeches], or any other wimminz for that matter. Seriously, dude, on the one hand yer totally spewing bile about women, and then on the other, you seem to think fornicating is okay. Uhm, yer talking out of both sides of your mouth.

  4. ‘Like divorce .. a background in murder .. attempted or not .. is a big red flag.
    My personal findings are 75% of the women I meet are severally mentally-ill / handicapped.’

    This particular wimminz tried to do her own post birth abortion and unfortunately succeeded.

    Ask yourself how many wimminz have had abortions of their unborn child…that’ll be the start of your mental illness link.

  5. Death by slow drowning would be an appropriate punishment for this BSC skank-ho. Sadly, California being the setting for this travesty, she’s looking at a slap on the wrist, at worst- if even that.

  6. Wait a moment, she’s a goddess, and those young specimens of Patriarchy deserved a slow agonizing death. /S
    Welcome to our feminized nation.

    Ask yourself how many wimminz have had abortions of their unborn child.that.ll be the start of your mental illness link.
    I agree, and not just mental illness, but they’re straight up as satanic as those idolaters who burnt their babies for Moloch. They need repentance and salvation, not just meds. And acceptance of their evil is not the way to turn them to repentance from their sins. We also need a stronger deterrent for abortion, which should be a capital crime.

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