One For The Sisters

Some miserable old cunt writes:

I’m an old, lazy, overweight, skank-ho wimminz, who has spent the last twenty years sucking miles of strange cock, while contributing nothing to society. Seeing photos of a happy wife with a healthy family is unsettling and depressing because I have never been able to attract or keep a quality man of my own. Kindly fuck off and quit posting photos of your normal, decent life on social media, so that I can get back to the comfortable delusion that every other female is an unhappy skank-bitch just like me. kthxbye

The Cuck’s Spirit Animal

[Editor: A guest post by Chronoblip]

In certain mystical circles, creatures in the wild are endowed with various traits, and in figuring out which spirit animal an individual is aligned with as their guide, it will tell them something about themselves as well. Think of it like a more spiritual version of a personality test, or perhaps a more earthbound form of astrology.

There are many different spirit animals that one could be paired up with, and there is even a spirit animal for cucks: Horton the elephant. In a children’s book from 1940 comes a cautionary tale about idealism and manipulation.

“I’m tired and I’m bored and I’ve got kinks in my legs from sitting. Just sitting here day after day, it’s work, how I hate it I’d much rather play. If I could find someone to stay on my nest, if I could find someone, I’d fly away free!”

The story is that this lazy bird wants to be free of her responsibilities. She needs someone to sit on her egg because this was published in 1940 and Roe v. Wade wouldn’t come along to help her out for another 33 years. Instead, Horton the well-intentioned elephant happens upon her predicament and, while initially refusing, he eventually agrees to sit on her egg while she rushes off.

When the other animals make fun of him he stands by his choice, and utters this line as justification:

I said what I meant, and I meant what I said, an elephant’s faithful, one hundred percent.

Eventually elephant hunters come across him, but instead of shooting him, they put him in the circus. An elephant sitting on an egg! A father having custody of his children! The circus eventually ends up in the city that the bird was vacationing in, and when she discovers how much attention Horton has, she demands she be given her egg back.

And despite all his “faithfulness”, Horton is expected to just move on. His sacrifices were not respected or honored, his hard work not appreciated, the significance of his role discarded. Except that, the egg hatches and a half-bird half-elephant creature is born, and then both the newborn and Horton return home, living happily ever after, while Maizy the lazy is left with nothing. Do such fairy tale endings exist for men who are guided by the spirit of Horton?

Modern Maizy just breaks the egg, and even demands her fellow animals pay the bill to clean up the mess so that she can keep on partying. If she does rope herself a Horton, the minute he tries to assert himself at all the custody courts will tear even his biological children away and he’ll end up paying for someone else to raise his offspring.

The Horton mindset was weakly “redeemed” in the story by an ending that is fake and unrealistic, and any young boy who would read that story and think highly of Horton is being set up for failure.

While Horton’s antagonists back in 1940 mocked and ridiculed him, put him on display as an oddity, Horton’s behavior is now expected to be the norm for modern men. Modern men must always keep their commitments, no matter how difficult or painful that commitment is, no matter whether they were lied to or not, no matter their responsibility in creating the current circumstances they find themselves in or not, because otherwise they won’t be seen as faithful.

Horton’s faithfulness changed from a measure of virtue to chains.

What was supposed to be praiseworthy has turned into an avenue for exploitation.

Every personality has an animal guide, or a spirit animal, associated with it and for the men whose idealism about their qualities becomes the means by which they are abused and manipulated, they are simply following their spirit animal’s guidance, in their animal guide’s footsteps.

Don’t be one of those men who pattern themselves after Horton the elephant.

Bad Neighbors

This morning, a skank-ho police-wimminz named Amber Guyger was convicted for murder. Guyger broke into her neighbor’s apartment one evening, found her victim peacefully sitting on his couch (eating a dish of ice cream), and executed him without a single justifiable reason.

After Guyger shot her victim, she refused to render aid, despite having a kit full of first-aid supplies on her person. When her colleagues arrived for clean-up, she concocted a ridiculous story about how she was “disoriented” and supposedly went sleepwalking into this man’s house, thinking it was her own.

Guyger and her victim: Botham Jean

Imagine what would happen if the roles were reversed, and this man had busted into this wimminz house and shot her dead. Had that been the case, we would have had the feminist media baying for his blood on a daily basis, along with opinion pieces suggesting that all men are violent psychopaths.

Since this is a wimminz, the media has gone all out to promote sympathy for the criminal.

One thing that is not being reported: Guyger was an affirmative-action quota hire for the Dallas police department who failed her first polygraph interview. Amazingly, the Dallas police allowed her extra time for coaching, and administered a second polygraph interview, so that they could hire her.

Before she ever applied in Dallas, she had failed an interview for employment with the Fort Worth Police Department, which wisely told her to beat feat out of their candidate pool. Similar failed attempts to become a cop were reported by the DFW airport police, and the Plano police bureau.

The city of Dallas also revealed that Guyger had a history of using illegal drugs, and that Guyger was an instagram ho’, with a number of different social media accounts.

Another result of the trial is the discovery that Guyger was banging one of her married colleagues in the police bureau. Her simp, a man named Martin Rivera, was screwing this bag despite his having a wife and family. Thus the murderer was actively engaged in destroying a number of different men, all while being paid a good wage by the taxpayer.

We salute the jury for making a wise decision, convicting this parasite, and referring her for a prison sentence. As I write this, the hearing regarding sentencing is in progress. Will this skank get cunt-passed out by the judge? I hope not, but the judge is another female, sooooo….

The Psychology of Gender Equality

Who should die today?

One of the fundamental problems with feminism is its incoherent notion of equality. There is no consistent definition of feminism[1] that agrees on who or what must be equal vs unequal, nor whether equality must be of opportunity or outcome. This is shown plainly in the women’s suffrage movement.

Women have had the right to vote ever since the passage of the 19th amendment to the United States Constitution in 1920. Voting is not about the individual, but about the group: the group with the most votes carries the day. If the opinions of men and women as a group were equally valid, then there would be no need for women to vote. Suffrage implies that there must be at least some issues upon which women’s opinions are unequal and (implied to be) superior to men’s. Let’s see what their notion of equality looks like.

Lewis Petrinovich and his team performed psychological research on hypothetical moral dilemmas. Trolley problems are not new, but this research took a twist by asking men and women to decide whether to save their own dog or a person. The results show a stunning gender disparity.

The research shows that women are dramatically more likely to let a person die than to let their dog die. Moreover, they show strong intuition that this is the morally right choice. Your sister is approximately 5 times more likely to let you die than you would let her die. If your best friend is a woman, she’s 4 times more likely than you to let you die than let her precious dog die. A woman is approximately 2 times more likely than you are to let an extended family member die.

Other research on gender differences in morality has led to additional interesting conclusions. When justice is carried out against wrongdoers, the brains of men are stimulated in the pleasure centers. For women the pain centers are stimulated. Women do not like when justice is served. Women are sensitive to context, while men are sensitive to principles. This helps explain why women are so frequently given a pass for their misbehavior.

The research shows that women are more empathetic than men, but they develop empathy over time in response to child development. This suggests that women who do not marry and raise a family fail to develop proper empathy to compensate for their lack of principles.[2] Feminism produces hordes of voting women who shun families for career. Those who lack principles and empathy make natural incoherent feminist soldiers. They are the women who would leave you to die.

Those of us who are not feminists recognize that giving women the right to vote meant giving those with non-principled, context-based moral centers the right to shape our laws. The research shows that women are much more likely to value an animal over human life. For proof, look no farther than the abortion laws and statistics.

As you prepare your 100 year anniversary women’s suffrage celebrations for August 18, 2020, remember that those women voting are significantly more likely to let you die. Men, the next time you have to chose between saving your woman or your dog, remember the feminist mantra of equality and save the dog.[3]

[1] The best definition most consistent across all flavors of feminism is the promotion of gender inequality favoring women, that is, female supremacy.

[2] A women’s empathy is more context-based, not principled. Recipients of that empathy will depend on the target and situation. It need not be rational or consistent. For example, women may support empathetic legislation that actively harms people. Or she’ll save the dog and the kids and leave you to die. Don’t expect her to die with you.

[3] While I’m not serious, this is an excellent example of Dalrock’s Law of Feminism.

This Is What Equality Looks Like

I’m constantly reminded of the importance of agitating for more wimminz to be given makework government jobs, where they will be promised a living wage and a generous pension, where they don’t have to submit quality work, and from which they can never be fired.

Currently, there is drama on a national scale, and the cause is…

(drumroll please)

…a hideous old catlady that got her high-paying government job by way of the quota.

Truly, I never would have guessed.

Endorsing Laura Loomer

Lowbrow Performance Art – We Love It!

In an earlier article, I wrote about dissident political candidates who made free speech a part of their campaigns. Laura Loomer is one such candidate. She was previously featured on this blog after she chained herself to the front door at Jack Dorsey’s corporate office.

Loomer is facing a fundraising deadline. Political parties often judge the viability of candidates by the number of individual donations, and I’m hoping the republicans give her matching funds. As I am committed to doing my part, I gave her a some money and put my name on her list.

Unfortunately, Jack Dorsey won’t let me tweet my support.

I find some of what Loomer espouses to be tasteless and disturbing. I’m also a registered democrat, who doesn’t live in her district. That aside, her effort toward becoming Jack Dorsey’s own personal nightmare are just too important (and too hilarious) to go unrewarded.

I gave her five hundred dollars, because I’m a bachelor who can afford this. I realize that we’re all in different places, but I would love it if a few people kicked her something. The party bosses judge candidates by the number of individual donors, so even if you give her one dollar, you’ll be sending a strong message to the humorless wannabe censors at Twatter, Fuckbook and Cuckazon that you’re sick of their shit.

Wimminz and Their Demands

We’ve recently been exploring the instinctive disgust that arises in a wimminz for her man’s pre-existing children. I thought it would be instructive to contrast this phenomenon with the inherent generosity of men.

In the following video, we can hear some wimminz complain about her boyfriend, who is currently caring for her children (sired by some other man). Wimminz indignantly demands that her boyfriend “man up.”

Tommy softballs this wimminz to keep her on the line. Listen to the insane levels of entitlement that the typical skank-ho single mom carries between her ears.

Do you blame this man for not quitting his job, moving in with this bitch, and signing the marriage certificate? Sound off in the comments.

What Lies Behind The Behavior

While I hate social media for its censorship, I simultaneously love it for the humor. Tonight we are going to be treated to a bit of realtalk from an anonymous married mother, posting on a facebook forum. Bitch is known only as “T.”

I’ve been keeping this bottled up for so long. My husband has a son from a previous relationship and he is so spoilt and bratty and much more and I don’t want him around.

As a man who hates children, I can sympathize.

Of course, unlike this bitch, I don’t beg to marry people who already have kids attached.

Me and hubby get into such awkward conversations about it so now I try to not talk to him about it. I tried to get along with my skid (step kid) and it was fun at first, but then his behavior just got worse and worse with tantrums and stuff and even though I did know he had a kid when we started dating, I didn’t know he would get like this!!!! the skid lives with his mother full time and we moved far away which I felt was best for us and I feel good about that, but i can tell my husband misses him which is fine with me, but when he expects me to be everywhere that they are its so damn annoying… I tell him to go and do their own thing together and im not being spiteful about it I just think that it would do them some good…but its just so annoying cause I feel that I shouldn’t be putting him in an awkward spot with this and then im the one left feeling uncomfortable.

Just a couple of days ago we read the sad story of Richard Davis and his unfortunate daughter Janiyah. As we saw then, Mr. Davis made the tragic mistake of leaving little Janiyah in care of the skank ho bitch he was fucking, and now baby Janiyah is dead as dirt.

What do you want to bet that murderous slag had some name like ‘skid’ that she (at least mentally) attached to her man’s little girl…

If we cook dinner and skid doesn’t like what’s for dinner he gets a takeaway. If he’s involved in making food or deciding what’s going to be for dinner then he will decide that he doesn’t want it and if he’s told he has to, goes on a ‘hunger strike’. He wanted a PS4 at his Mum’s and at his Dad’s, he threw a tantrum and got it, there’s so many other things. His Mum and Dad both spoilt him, he gets away with being like that at his Mums. He’s with us EVERY single half term and some of the Xmas break😩😩. Every time half term gets close and it’s time for my skid to stay with us I become cold and quiet to everyone.

He’s not a bad kid but I can’t stand him in my house, he’s spoilt as hell.

She admits there is nothing wrong with him, she just hates him to hate him…

I don’t want him to have anything to do with my 2year old daughter who is my husbands. I keep him away from my daughter and I only speak to him when I have to. I’m guessing he can feel it since he is now 12. My biggest hope is that he will be so uncomfortable he will stop coming to visit.

Let’s intuit what actually went down with this whore, shall we?

  1. Bitch is desperate for money/respect/dick.
  2. Bitch finds a poor sap who has just been through a divorce.
  3. Wallet-seeking mode initialized.
  4. Bitch sucks this poor sap off, says all the right stuff…
  5. Sap marries bitch.
  6. Sap impregnates bitch.
  7. Bitch suddenly drops the nice girl persona.
  8. Sap is now stuck paying for two horrible cunts…

It’s hard to hide from my husband and I don’t want to discuss it anymore with him. He will ask me to buy the train tickets for the visit and I wait until the last min so it costs more hoping my husband will say push the date out further to save money.

For a split second, I thought that bitch was actually funding the home visits. Then I realized that she wasn’t. My bad!

I feel bad because it causes tension at times but I just can’t get over the knot in my stomach when he’s around. I work so hard to make sure he doesn’t play with my daughter or spend any time with her. I find myself trying to figure out a way to discourage her from calling him her brother without making it obvious I did it. I just don’t want him around us. Whenever he leaves I put in extra effort to show how lovely and peaceful it is without skid.

It was Jennifer Love Hewitt versus The Wall

If we weren’t so settled with work and things since we moved a few years ago, I’d consider encouraging hubby to move even further away, our daughter hasn’t started school yet so it’s still a thought in my mind. Hubby yesterday discussed having skid for all of Xmas holidays this year, he wanted to raise it with me before he contacted skid’s Mum. He also wants him to come on our first family holiday abroad in the summer. This is putting pressure on my marriage and I really feel uncomfortable that he wants to do this.

I just need advice from other females about how to try and talk to my husband about this. I actually feel better writing about this, I might get stick for stating how I feel but this is just how I feel. I find myself getting happy each year skid gets closer to being 18, no child support will be paid and skid should be more mature and less bratty. How am I supposed to deal with this?

There is little doubt that the “advice from other females” is heavily skewed into yougogrrl territory, with other whores encouraging bitch to continue this destructive game.  Inadvertently, bitch gave us all a candid look into what really goes on in the female mind, and for that we thank her.

The Cunt Pass, Explained

Regular readers of this blog will be familiar with Boxer’s regular use of the intentionally inflammatory slur cunt pass.[1] This term reflects the tendency of society in general and the legal system specifically to give women a pass when they commit various felonies and other anti-societal behaviors.

Examples of the cunt pass are varied. They exist in and overlap legal and social realms. They include lighter (or no) criminal sanctions for infanticide, ignoring negative evidence against women in family courts, and excusing sexual crimes of adult females with male children. The cunt pass is in evidence in society when pastors refuse to condemn women who break up families through frivolous divorce, utilize the divorce threat point, or refuse to have sex with their spouses.

But what is the cunt pass? It can be defined as follows:

Women are independent and powerful. They have the right and ability to make any choice. When they misbehave, it is because they are weak or mentally ill—victims not to be held responsible. Men are ultimately to blame and must excuse their misbehavior.[2]

Just as feminism—upon which the cunt pass is based—is logically incoherent, so to is this rationale. Women cannot be completely empowered and independent with their own choices while simultaneously not at fault for their misdeeds.

Oddly enough, there are many persons who deny that this bias exists, let alone that it is intentional. Many act like it is difficult to find the hard evidence to support it. The Department of Justice report “Homicides of Children and Youth” (October 2001) illustrates one critical application of the cunt pass.

The DoJ reports that women as a gender are disproportionately likely to kill children,[3] especially those under the age of 6.[4] What we find is that women tend to murder most vulnerable, those least likely to be able to resist. When the only meaningful difference between murdering young children, toddlers, infants, or the unborn (early, mid, or late stage) is the age of the child, then there is no in principle reason that a woman’s wanton death worship would end when a child pops out of the womb. The data confirms this. If abortion was outlawed, we would expect the subsequent murder rate of the unborn to be similar to the rates that women kill their birthed children now.

The report notes this critical point:

“Women who kill children are more likely to be labeled mentally ill than men who kill children and are somewhat more likely to commit suicide.” (DoJ, p9)

This is the cunt pass, front and center. For at least two decades we have known that women are much more likely than men to get an explicit or implicit “mental illness” pass for abusing or murdering their children. It is quite unusual for a government report to admit this in writing. The fact that the publication was done in the early days of the internet probably explains why it was allowed to stand. Yet even this admission by the DoJ is somewhat cagey. However, the report contains two more critical pieces of evidence:

“Homicides of young children may be seriously undercounted.” (DoJ, p2)


“Homicide is the only major cause of childhood death that has increased in incidence during the past 30 years” (DoJ, p2)

Think about this for a second. Women murder their children significantly more frequently than men. When they are accused of murdering their children, even the DoJ admits that they are excused much more frequently than men.[5] Statistically, those murders become accidents. The result? A serious undercounting of the real homicide rate of children.

Yet, even giving women the cunt pass for murdering children is still not enough to hide the fact that since the end of the 1960’s—the sexual revolution when feminism took power—women killing children is the only major cause of childhood death that has increased in incidence. Over that time almost every nation on earth has been experiencing a secular period of quality of life improvements and an almost universal drop in all crimes.

It should be noted that the cunt pass is given to nearly every woman who has a pregnancy and a subsequent abortion. It is alleged that a woman should not be held accountable in any way for having sex and getting pregnant. Not only must she not be held responsible for her choices and that unwanted pregnancy, but it is the man’s fault for ejaculating. Every. Single. Time.

The Department of Justice has merely provided yet another data point that shows that feminism worships death. It has highlighted that the cunt pass is not only real, but an essential feature of feminism.

[1] Though I’ve never used the term before and am unlikely to ever again, I will use it in here because it is considerably less inflammatory than the excused behavior. If the term is somewhat upsetting, then excusing the behavior should induce white-hot blind rage.

[2] Dalrock’s Law of Feminism“Feminism is the assertion that men are evil and naturally want to harm women, followed by pleas to men to solve all of women’s problems.”

[3] “Although victims include approximately equal numbers of boys and girls, offenders include a disproportionate number of women.” (DoJ p9)

[4] “In general, women kill much less frequently than men. However, one-quarter of the victims in killings by women are juveniles [..] Women overwhelmingly kill very young children (75 percent of their juvenile victims are under age 6) and members of their family (79 percent). Thus, women who kill are heavily concentrated in child maltreatment homicides and infanticides. ” (DoJ p9)

[5] We have not even considered the cunt pass implicit in lighter sentencing for women.