In Praise of Alabama

I’ve been working two full-time jobs for the past few weeks. While I’m almost done with one of them, the younger kids are still in the classroom for another month. I’m kinda exhausted, and have a new measure of respect for the prek-12 teachers in my audience. If I’ve been neglecting this blog for the past few weeks, you know the reason why.

In more relevant news, Alabama has passed a sweeping abortion reform law.

I always love talking to people about this issue, because the pro-choice saps who wail about such legislation remind me of my own solipsistic self, just a few years prior. They typically lament the poor waif who is gang raped and now must carry her attacker’s child to term, or the married mother who has Lupus, who is facing a very difficult (and possibly fatal) pregnancy.

I’m generally happy to clue them into the reality of the matter. Nearly all the filthy wimminz who have abortions are irresponsible idiots, who waste tens of thousands of dollars of public resources simply because they’re too stupid to use any form of the free birth control our society lavishes upon them. In most studies I’ve seen, the truly innocent victims of abortion laws are less than five percent of the wimminz who seek out an abortionist. In some studies, such honest women are less than one percent of the grand pool of sluts who can’t bother to keep their cunt-hole shut to every Tom, Dick and Harry who cums a calling.

The young brothers and sisters who are coming up in the world now are a great source of hope to me. For whatever reason, the children in today’s primary schools are woke, to an incredible degree, on what the establishment is doing. Here are some of the fruits of their efforts.

This propaganda is at least as effective as the photos of mangled up, aborted fetuses, that I see the old Catholic boomers holding up outside Planned Parenthood. Of course, I support and admire them, too.

What’s so interesting about these memes, which were probably completed in a matter of minutes, with nothing more complicated than MS Paint, is not merely their effectiveness, but how clearly they communicate the damage of social atomization.

Herbert Marcuse used to write articles on the power of the aesthetic to give us a picture of what’s lacking in our society. That’s why they called it critical theory, and the young brothers and sisters growing up today know how to speak that language natively.

So, hail the children, who will end up setting this diseased society aright, whether the decadent assholes in charge like it, or not. (Just wait until they’re old enough to vote, you fucks.)

And here’s to Alabama, the state where there are still some people who dare to say ‘no’ to the filthy skank-ho’.

No, you can’t murder the baby you conceived, in the public toilet of the night club, after one-too-many Appletinis.

No, bitch. We won’t help you kill your kid.

Killer’s Kiss

Killer’s Kiss is Stanley Kubrick’s first feature film. While it’s not a great movie, it is worth watching. Released in 1955, it foreshadows Kubrick’s greater, later works like Eyes Wide Shut and Full Metal Jacket, and I find it especially relevant to the question of female nature.

At some point, Davy Gordon left Seattle to go to New York and try to be a professional fighter. We meet him on a train platform, as he’s getting ready to leave town, disgraced. He starts telling the story of the last few days in the big apple.

Despite being the archetypical alpha male, Gordon has all the trappings of a simp. After getting his ass kicked for the umpteenth time in the boxing ring, he returns home to his fleabag apartment, where he indulges in his nightly tradition of peeping on his female neighbor, a wimminz named Gloria. On this fateful night, he sees the shade ramped up, and his neighbor screams for help. An unknown male is in her apartment.

A damsel in distress! Good lord! Davy shouts across the breezeway and thumps his chest, he quickly runs up the stairs to the roof, and comes down his neighbor’s staircase, where he meets Gloria, who has (predictably) fainted. Like a good little chump, he tucks the poor wimminz into bed, and sits all night nursing her back to sanity.

Gloria has been alternately fucking and rejecting her boss, a guy named Vinnie. Those of us who play with wimminz know this push-pull game well. Apparently Vinnie got sick of her shit, and decided to pay a visit to her house. That’s what actually happened.

A few twists and turns occur, and Gloria disappears. The sex-beast Vinnie has kidnapped our poor maiden! Clearly, it’s time for Davy to charge in to the rescue. He carjacks Vinnie at gunpoint, and demands to be taken to his love.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t work out so well. Davy finds Gloria, and once in the room where Vinnie’s thugs have her tied to a chair, he rapidly gets his ass beat into submission.

Once the score is settled, Gloria turns on the charm. What do you suppose she says to her kidnapper?

Gloria: Listen Vinnie, don’t kill me! I don’t want to die. I’ll do anything you want.

Vinnie: You love him…

Gloria: I’ve only known him a couple of days… We could go away…

Vinnie: Maybe we could get married, settle down…

Gloria: Sure…

Vinnie: What do you take me for? A 14-karat sucker? You and lover boy aren’t gonna put me in the hot seat!

What I love about Kubrick’s movies is the attention to detail. There’s much more to this film, including a very spooky fight in a mannequin factory, but I’ll stop here lest any of you boys want to dig it up for yourselves.

The most important lesson to be gleaned from our Uncle Stanley is not to be a chump. Say ‘no’ to the ho’, and let these bitches shift for themselves.

Gay Senators in Panic about Based Robots

In a shocking case of hate-filled anti-otherism, gay-presenting senators Cory Booker and Ron Wyden have introduced legislation to discriminate against alternative intellects.

From the New York Times (no link for those assholes):

Since our robotic brothers and sisters happen to be built and programmed by men, the homosexual senate caucus worries that these machines will be overly concerned with trivial things like efficiency, good manners, accuracy, and technical proficiency. The robots will thus have no time for the important stuff, like arguing about gender pronouns, knitting pink cunt hats, or sodomizing each other in public for pride week. Most importantly, these robots will be value neutral about sex, treating men and wimminz alike. This is clearly a problem, since wimminz deserve respect, and men deserve scorn and derision.

As this blogger at the New York Times points out, men are “garbage,” and thus there is a very real fear that men may not be treated with the disdain they deserve by our based silicon servants. This is clearly, like, a serious problem.

So glad the U.S. Senate is concentrating on all these important issues.

Skank-ho Princess Gives Birth

As we endure the wall-to-wall media coverage about this aging feminist divorcée, who somehow managed to land a bona-fide prince, we should keep a few realities in mind.

1. Prince Harry has always been a complete fuckup.

2. Skanky Meghan was groomed to become a feminist icon in childhood, in degenerate Hollywood.

3. Prince Harry has lived a completely immoral life, and he really isn’t suited for marriage or fatherhood.

4. Meghan Markle was married once before — in a traditional religious (Jewish) wedding, swearing before God and her family to be faithful to her husband. She began fucking other men almost immediately, and dumped her husband shortly after.

Why any normal person should give a damn about either of these nobodies, much less take their sham of a marriage seriously, is a really pertinent question. Unfortunately, the non-stop media coverage is serving to persuade average wimminz that they can slut it up, divorce a few times, and then land a powerful, wealthy man, who is simultaneously so degenerate that he’ll be easy for her to control and manipulate.

We’ve covered Skanky Meghan and Degenerate Harry extensively here in the past. Read the backlogs to get the picture:

The Scuzzification of Royalty
A Letter from Thomas Markle Jr.
The Skank-Ho Princess

These are the people we are supposed to look up to?

Theodor Adorno on Divorce

Theodor Adorno emigrated to the United States in the 1930s. A member of the Institute for Social Research (a/k/a the “Frankfurt School”) he’s best known for co-authoring a book entitled Dialectic of Enlightenment with Max Horkheimer. This work (frequently called simply ‘D of E’) is strangely compiled and quite difficult to understand. He spent most of his years in exile as an unapproachable snob, who would frequently write essays about how Jazz (and other savage ‘negro music’) was turning American kids into a bunch of primitive, savages.

His most accessible work is only peripherally aesthetic, and it’s titled Minima Moralia. The title is a hat-tip to Aristotle. This is the book that almost no one has read, which is a shame, because it’s one of my favorite works of contemporary philosophy.

Like any normal man, Adorno realized that we live in a very troubled society. Much of society’s troubles are, in Adorno’s thinking, the result of the social superstructure which unconsciously channels us all into an unfeeling and unthinking conformity. In Minima Moralia, he specifically singled out the inherent brutality and violence of the divorce process, as it was evolving.

Let’s read this brother’s take…

Table and bed.

“As soon as human beings divorce, even the most kind-hearted, friendly and educated ones, a cloud of dust enshrouds and daubs everything it touches. It is as if the sphere of intimacy, the inattentive trust of the common life is transformed into a poisonous substance, once the relationships are broken, in which they rested.”

“What is intimate between human beings is compassion, patience, refuge for personal characteristics. If it is distorted, then the moment of weakness therein hoves into view, and during divorces such a turn towards the outside is unavoidable.”

“Things which were once signs of loving care, pictures of reconciliation, make themselves suddenly self-standing as values and show their evil, cold and pernicious side. After separations, professors break into the dwellings of their wives, in order to carry off objects from the desk, and well-appointed ladies denounce their men for tax-evasion. If marriage afforded one of the last possibilities of constructing humane cells in the inhuman generality, then the generality revenges itself in its disassembly [Zerfall], by taking control of that which was apparently an exception, the alienated social orders of justice and property which underlies it and which pours scorn on those who thought themselves secure from it.”

“Precisely that which is safeguarded turns into the cruel requisite of being sacrificed. The more “generously” the lovebirds originally behaved with each other, the less they thought of ownership and obligation, the more horrid the humiliation. For it is even in the realm of the juridically undefined, in quarrel, defamation, in the endless conflict of interests flourishes.”

“Everything shadowy, on whose ground the institution of marriage is raised, the barbaric access of the man to the property and labor of the woman, the not less barbaric sexual oppression, which tendentially compels the man to take lifelong responsibility for someone with whom he once took pleasure in sleeping with – this crawls out of the cellars and fundaments into the open, when the house is demolished.”

“Those who once experienced the good generality in the restricted belonging to each other, are now compelled by the society to consider themselves scoundrels and to learn, that they are the same as the generality of unrestricted nastiness outside. The generality proves itself in divorce as the mark of shame of the particular, because the particular, marriage, is not capable of realizing the true generality in this society.”

(Theodor Adorno: Minima Moralia, I:11)

Sharkly Deals With Feminists

Occasionally, I hear heartwarming stories about real-life antifeminist praxis. So it was a few days ago, when our brother Sharkly talked about his latest interaction with the meddling faggots down at his feminist Christian coven.

Let’s let him tell it…

I went down to confront the elder board at my wife’s church for being worthless pussies who are ashamed of God’s word and refuse to address my wife’s frivolous divorce.

The Christian’s love for divorce, and their meddling into the marriages of normal families, has already been well established. Needless to say, by refusing to address the depressing antics of Sharkly’s immoral wife, the Christians give tacit approval of all her misbehavior.

They called off the meeting, which was to be a part of their elder’s meeting, the day I was to meet them.

Of course they did. How dare a husband show up to this public meeting and speak his mind? The nerve!

Well, I decided I’d go confront those cunt-worshippers anyhow, since I knew they’d be there. They had the building all locked up, and I went around checking all the doors, until I happened to find the window to the room they were meeting in. They saw me and tried to ignore me, however I knocked on the window a few times, until they must have figured out that I wasn’t going to just leave.

This is exactly what a decent man should do. The church grounds are protected under Marsh v. Alabama, and a man has the right to speak his mind there. It should also be noted that the church has been the direct financial recipient of Sharkly’s gifts and offerings, as well as being supported by the rest of us via their 501c3 status.

The Christians live as parasites, on all of our backs. We who pay their bills ought to see them as they are, and treat them accordingly.

Then in what seemed really like something out of a comedy, they came over to one of the glass doors in a glass wall, and they had the strongest one of them pop the door open stick his head out and brace himself in the doorway, as the others all stood cowering inside listening through the partially open doorway. They seemed frightened and had no good answers as I called them all cowards, who didn’t give a shit my son’s were being robbed of their father.

It’s more than cowardice. These men are guilty of furthering the breakup of a marriage. 

The guy in the doorway kept whining because I’d told him “you’re fucking worthless” over the phone when they’d even chickened out of meeting with me. He kept brining it up like I was supposed to apologize. Usually in those types of situations I would just explain more clearly why I believe they’re fucking worthless as a Christians, elders, and false teachers, but I didn’t get the chance to. The dude claimed they’d get back with me, and popped back inside the building.

Sharkly’s only mistake is letting things go. Perhaps this was a strategic move, on his part, but I’d encourage any man in the same situation to force the issue, and keep disrupting the meeting until the Christian faggots are forced to call the sheriff. Provided you’re not armed or indulging in vandalism, the cops are just going to ask you to leave, and take your report. At that point, you can get the media involved.

They still haven’t, but I found our brief meeting satisfying. I asked them in the name of Jesus Christ to quit being ashamed of God’s word and preach submission to my wife, for the sake of my children. I called them all cowards to their faces and watched through the tinted glass wall, they were cowering behind, trying to make eye contact, as they all just stared at their feet, and the guy wedged in the doorway kept watching me like he was ready to shit his pants, if I had lunged towards him.

Sharkly did the right thing by being assertive without being threatening. It’s one thing to disrupt these useless cucks as they gather to plan the dissolving of more marriages, and another to give them an excuse to whine and play the victim, as Christians all love to do.

Anyhow, I left feeling good. I’m not sure how the five of them dusted off their manhoods after I left. I don’t believe I ever got as far down the cunt-worshipping rabbit hole as they are, but it seems somehow that my blue-pill past from a little over a year ago, now seems a lifetime ago.

If some man or group of men conspire to destroy your marriage, that man or group of men has become your deadly enemy. In a healthy patriarchal society, such people would be run out of town. In clown world, they’re celebrated and given positions of authority. Calling attention to their motives and actions is right and just.

Something For Which To Aspire…

Over on quora, some stupid, lazy bitch writes:

She doesn’t like working, but needs money to get her through to retirement.

Fortunately, Becca Bankston is here to help…

Becca writes:

You’re 27. Good (not too old). If you’re not in shape, get yourself in shape. Get a boob job and your teeth whitened and some braces if you need them. Get your hair and nails done and a fake tan. Corset train. Learn to be a good conversationalist. (basically ask questions and listen and really listen and make good comments on the answers)


Also take a class in finance and managing money.


Then, start going to places where you will meet men with money. Go out with whoever asks you out if you are attracted to him. (the better you make yourself look, the more men you will have to pick from).

I like this article, if only for its brute forthrightness. In the first place, it allows the brothers to see the historical inflation of female hotness.

Twenty-seven is certainly past the point of peak attractiveness for a wimminz. In the old days, this bitch would already be old news, and she’d have long ago been shunted aside in favor of the hot girls in the 22-24 range.

Today, she still has an opportunity to exploit a man. What happened? An epidemic of disgusting obesity, combined with a prevailing trend toward body-piercing and tattoos, which makes the average wimminz look like a circus freak or a human-walrus hybrid.

Do not sleep with any of them immediately. Wait at least three months. If some drop off, they were not serious marriage material anyway. You will also have more leverage if you are willing to marry an older man.

My advice, to demand sex on the first date, is something that I stole from Tom Leykis, and it has a practical purpose. By denying you sex, that hot slut is hoping that you’ll get thirsty enough to pop the question she’s dying to hear. Don’t fall for this. Cut ties the minute she starts fronting, because there are hundreds of other skanks who are ready to get it on.

Suppose you do get so thirsty that you’ll consider marriage, simply to get that ass? At that point, as Becca is about to illustrate, the game is over.

Once you get married. Have at least one child as soon as possible. So estimating that you get married at 28, and get pregnant soon after, and even if you get divorced right then, you should be set with alimony and child support and you will have the child support til you are 46 and the alimony til you get married again.

That’s right, kings. That hot woman, who seems so into you, has an ulterior motive. She is playing the long con, and you are the mark.

Only marry again if the next guy has more money than the guy who is paying you alimony. If you can, manage to get a house out of the deal. Also use that financial acumen you acquired from your finance classes to be able to live off of the interest of your capital and maybe rent out rooms in the house you have acquired.

This is what you get for toiling over that expensive, rigorous degree in finance, engineering, English, or mathematics. You worked hard, landed a decent job, and now you have enough income to be exploited by a disgusting skank-ho wimminz.

And as long as you are frugal and manage your money well, you might not have to actually ever work again. Also maybe not have the child, because if you marry high up enough, you will not need the child support, and children are a good bit like a full time job with a 24/7 work week. An older man who might already have children from a previous marriage might not care if you choose to remain childless. In fact, he might welcome it. If you do not have much energy, I highly recommend that you do remain childless. Children take up a lot of energy for as long as you are alive.

It is worth noting that Becca’s scam is very attainable. Unlike child support, which eventually ends, alimony is often a life sentence. In California, for instance, alimony is mandatory, and after only a few years of marriage, the alimony is permanent. There are men in this world who spend a relatively short time as a skank-ho wimminz’ wedded slave, thereafter to be forced to pay her weekly for the rest of their natural lives.

Before you even consider marrying, you should take Becca’s sage advice. Consult a licensed attorney in your area for the finer details.

You should also go sit in on a session of the divorce courts. They’re free and open to the public, in every state and province in North America. Quite a spectacle it is, too.

Becca, who apparently works as a “massage therapist,” has given you boys a far more valuable gift than the standard “sucky sucky” happy ending she gives her usual clients. She has been absolutely candid about the grift that millions of wimminz are running. Take her seriously, and don’t be a chump.

Definitions and Misconceptions

Nick Griffin, a well-known British politician and kook, has released a free book in PDF format on the so-called “alt right” movement. Anyone can download the book here.

While Griffin gets a lot of things right, he paints in broad strokes, and he goes out of his way to lambaste those of us in the broader MGTOW community as the source of all sorts of social problems, including homosexual pedophilia and satanism.

Nick Griffin: Alt Right Not Right, p. 39

If you ever wondered where white nationalist kooks and loons like SirHamster and Cane Caldo learned to cook up false allegations, I’d posit guys like this as a first cause.

Griffin writes:

“But while some of the male victims of the liberal feminisation of society have responded with active protests, others have reacted by withdrawing from female company altogether. This is taken to extremes by the largely online ‘community’ known as MGTOW, pronounced ‘mɪɡtaʊ’.

This uses websites and social media to urge young men against romantic relationships with women, especially marriage” (Griffin, 40).

It is, of course, nice that Griffin has his position, with tenure in the parliament of the European Union, and a well paid career as a holocaust-denying kook. I am curious as to what Griffin suggests regular men do, in a world dominated by policemen eager to enforce laws like the Violence Against Women Act, and the Child Support Responsibility Act of 1994.

Since he hasn’t heard, here’s the news: due process has been suspended in most western countries (including his,) and regular men are responding to the (very real) threats of having their kids kidnapped, their property stolen, and their freedoms curtailed, on nothing more than the baseless whining of some wimminz who his “unhappy.”

I use my web page to encourage men to be very careful in all their dealings, (not only with wimminz, but also with scroungy politicians like the author) because our toxic cultural milieu never forgives or forgets men who trip through life’s wires. We are going to keep doing this, whether Griffin likes it or not. Our message is important, and men will continue to respond to it, because it is a very powerful message.

According to columnist Martin Daubney, followers of MGTOW believe that legal and romantic entanglements with women fail a cost–benefit analysis and risk–benefit analysis. Jeremy Nicholson, writing for Psychology Today, similarly described MGTOW as “guys who have been frustrated and punished to the point that they see no further incentive to relate [to dating] […], they focus on making themselves happy” (Griffin).

Nick is here repeating the feminist mantra about how we’re all a bunch of bitter losers who deserved our run through divorce court. Nothing could be further from reality. I’ve sent hundreds of young brothers off with credentials which will enable them to support a family, if they choose to do so. Many of them are intuitive MGTOW men, who have never bothered to visit our web pages. They’ve learned well from their fathers, their uncles, their neighbors and friends, and they won’t be making the same mistakes. If some of these men do marry, it will be after a long process of deliberation, coupled with rigorous scrutiny on any potential wife. That is exactly how it should be, in this world.

…most – if not all – older MGTOW devotees have a very strong personal interest in turning impressionable adolescent boys off girls. They use MGTOW in the way rural Spaniards still use sticky birdlime to catch song thrushes as edible delicacies. (Griffin).

While it is true that homosexuals hate women, (See Reuben, 1982) almost no MGTOW that I’ve run across are openly homosexual. Moreover, most MGTOW brothers who have any sense eschew real-world contact. MGTOW is not a mass movement for furthering gay sex. It’s an individual reaction to material conditions in the real world.

There is more, and it only gets less credible, but I’ll stop here.

What’s your definition of MGTOW? Shout at me in the comments.