I’ve been working two full-time jobs for the past few weeks. While I’m almost done with one of them, the younger kids are still in the classroom for another month. I’m kinda exhausted, and have a new measure of respect for the prek-12 teachers in my audience. If I’ve been neglecting this blog for the past few weeks, you know the reason why.
In more relevant news, Alabama has passed a sweeping abortion reform law.
I always love talking to people about this issue, because the pro-choice saps who wail about such legislation remind me of my own solipsistic self, just a few years prior. They typically lament the poor waif who is gang raped and now must carry her attacker’s child to term, or the married mother who has Lupus, who is facing a very difficult (and possibly fatal) pregnancy.
I’m generally happy to clue them into the reality of the matter. Nearly all the filthy wimminz who have abortions are irresponsible idiots, who waste tens of thousands of dollars of public resources simply because they’re too stupid to use any form of the free birth control our society lavishes upon them. In most studies I’ve seen, the truly innocent victims of abortion laws are less than five percent of the wimminz who seek out an abortionist. In some studies, such honest women are less than one percent of the grand pool of sluts who can’t bother to keep their cunt-hole shut to every Tom, Dick and Harry who cums a calling.
The young brothers and sisters who are coming up in the world now are a great source of hope to me. For whatever reason, the children in today’s primary schools are woke, to an incredible degree, on what the establishment is doing. Here are some of the fruits of their efforts.
This propaganda is at least as effective as the photos of mangled up, aborted fetuses, that I see the old Catholic boomers holding up outside Planned Parenthood. Of course, I support and admire them, too.
What’s so interesting about these memes, which were probably completed in a matter of minutes, with nothing more complicated than MS Paint, is not merely their effectiveness, but how clearly they communicate the damage of social atomization.
Herbert Marcuse used to write articles on the power of the aesthetic to give us a picture of what’s lacking in our society. That’s why they called it critical theory, and the young brothers and sisters growing up today know how to speak that language natively.
So, hail the children, who will end up setting this diseased society aright, whether the decadent assholes in charge like it, or not. (Just wait until they’re old enough to vote, you fucks.)
And here’s to Alabama, the state where there are still some people who dare to say ‘no’ to the filthy skank-ho’.
No, you can’t murder the baby you conceived, in the public toilet of the night club, after one-too-many Appletinis.
No, bitch. We won’t help you kill your kid.