The Church of Simps

It’s Sunday, and as the churches in my area aren’t open for physical business, I decided to do what so many other Americans are doing, and go to a Cruxtoid church via facebook. The church I chose was entitled “The Church of Men,” and naturally, it had a wimminz named Prodita Sabarini leading the sermon.

I learned much during my worship service, including:

Poverty is taboo, but work is ‘essential’

By work, the Cruxtoid priest does not mean anything close to the Marxist definition, i.e. of gathering natural materials, and through the genius of a man’s labor, adding value to make a usable commodity which enriches the life of his family and neighbors. What the Cruxtoid means is a whole constellation of things, including:
1. going to a cubicle, and performing some meaningless function that only enriches the already wealthy,
2. buying and selling, while producing nothing of actual value,
3. scamming an actual worker out of some or all of the value of his labor,
4. serving a member of the ruling class.
There is nothing dignified or “essential” about the labor performed by most of these “essential workers.” A healthy society would have dispensed with these meaningless jobs long ago.

The threat of the virus is serious

There really is no explaining away the fact that we are now losing nearly three thousand Americans, per 24h period, to this new virus.

That’s comparable to the 9/11 death count, and it happens every day. Despite that, the “reopen” fags want you to get back to work spreading it around.

Protesters’ signs didn’t really downplay the threat of the virus, but rather compared it with potential harm from the lockdown. For instance, a sign in Denver was headed “Trading Lives” and featured a scale with virus deaths on one side, with unemployment, suicide and homelessness on the other.

No man that I know is newly homeless, as a result of the lockdown. No man that I know has committed suicide. Most of the men I know are enjoying the peace and freedom of not going to their stupid make-work jobs in an unnatural and unhealthy office, and most men that I know are devoting their free-time to self-improvement.

The men that are panicking right now are the super-rich men, who depend on the men that I know to keep funding their excesses. Those pigs have successfully strongarmed our political representatives into another bailout, entirely at the expense of the men that I know. I say let them hang.

Race is a factor

Working-class White people have to be the world’s stupidest demographic, not only because they make up the majority of people at these “reopen” protests.

One clearly visible theme in the #Reopen protests is how white the attendees are – but not just in terms of their own race. Their compassion also seemed limited to fellow white people.

Time and again, White men love their enemies and hate their friends. Examples:

1. White men love billionaires who ruthlessly exploit them,
2. White men love divorce courts that regularly kidnap their children,
3. White men love Cruxtoid wimminz priests, like the ignorant slut who wrote this insipid article,
4. White men love the cops that beat them into submission.

These same Whites who find poverty so shameful had no solidarity when it came to men with lifetime alimony bills. There are never any comparable protests about the divorce courts, which regularly strip men of their children, their right to bear arms, and their right to self-expression.

The men who are so hot to protest for billionaires are the same White men who chant “back the blue” and “you should have complied,” when the cops execute some teenage boy, who was inevitably raised by a single-mom, that their policies created.

Now the boot of the feminist state is on the neck of the so-called “Christian patriot.” Do you care? I don’t. I find it hilarious when my deadly enemies squabble among themselves.

The men who are whining about the lockdown are Cane Caldo, SirHamster, and the like. They are the men who accused us of being homosexuals, pedophiles, and trannies, simply because we didn’t want to marry their slut sisters. Now they get to get arrested by the cops they’ve cucked for; and, as a bonus, they get the Novel Coronavirus, at their super-spreader “protest”. I don’t care about them, and you shouldn’t, either.

Read more of this wimminz lecture here.

9 thoughts on “The Church of Simps

  1. Since I am working (and will continue to) perhaps I have gun in this discussion. The working poor are already letting their leases end if they did in March or April and are moving in with family, or friends. They are filing the paperwork to get unemployment if required, and are in facemasks at Walmarts all over Fresno looking for day work (and it is plentiful right now….those crops have to get harvested). I did this at one time as well (almond harvest 2009 and 2010). Tough work, but was glad it was there.

    Their wives and or girlfriends are helping watch each others kids…….or if on their own, mom or grandma is helping. These folks are making do. No protesting. It’s just another day for them…….and this circumstance is different but there they are. Surviving, working it out…….

    While the “trump all the way!” and “he’s the best president ever” crowd are protesting for the wrong reasons.

    Understand you fully here Boxer……..and I know totally NOTHING is guaranteed. WHo knows in a month I could be right back at Walmart or on Craigslist looking for that day job. The USA doesn’t owe me a thing, hence why I relate and understand the working poor. Not the welfare poor. The working poor.

  2. America .. as a whole .. is un-save-able ..

    It’s worth mentioning that I haven’t behaved any different than before the lock down (re: I’m still working and going out .. just no in person church and concerts) .. [other than avoiding contact with my parents (in their mid / late – seventies) .. as a sensible measure] .. till now. Life’s dangerous .. behave accordingly.

    As we observe what the oligarchs / government and peasants do .. let’s reflect on where this is headed ..

    Soon we will all have the choice of “a vaccine” or “detention re-education camp”.

    If not this crisis .. the next .. or the next .. it seems the door has closed on returning to the past .. um .. normal .. as fawked-up as it was .. welcome to the new normal.

    Personally .. as I’ve stated before .. this is a big nothing burger medically (e.g. this isn’t e-bowl-eye) .. and a big power grab by the elites. And they’ve managed to deternine who likes to be under the boot and who needs a “re-education camp” to conform.

    I’ll be in the later it looks like for me.

  3. No man that I know is newly homeless, as a result of the lockdown. No man that I know has committed suicide.

    I’ll agree with that. I also know no one who actually got sick from this flu. But I do know people that have lost work.
    Is the death of an 80-year old relative worse than the loss of a job? In the short term, of course. But how many families have to lose work, for the sake of extending the life of the 80-year old by two more years? That is the question that should be debated. It is dishonest to talk about “100 deaths” without also mentioning that 99 of them were either already sick/compromised or close to dying of old age.
    I do not mean that the person close to dying is worthless; I mean only that we should admit this was not a person in the prime of life who would otherwise have lived for 10 or 20 years

    Those pigs have successfully strongarmed our political representatives into another bailout, entirely at the expense of the men that I know.

    Agree with this sentiment. Having tax payers pay the consequences of a huge business that would otherwise fail is stupid. Let the business fail. In a capitalist society, another man will rise up to fill the void.
    I wonder what are the motivations of the individual policitians who votes to give banks money from the taxpayers. Do the policitians think that they will be voted out if people lose their jobs? That can’t be it, since many politicians have forced people to lose their jobs with this shutdown.
    Do the policitians fear losing campaign contributions from the current bank owners/management? This would make sense, although I suspect not all banks or large companies give money to politicians.
    Maybe the politicians simply fear change…

    If you accept that short-term pain is better than long-term pain, why would you want to rescue a poorly-run business? And businesses that have no reserves seem to deserve a label of “poorly-run”. Or at least, they deserve it far more than the businesses that hoard/keep a little cash on hand for emergencies, and who are responsive enough to deal with a changing situation before the change bankrupts them.

    There are never any comparable protests about the divorce courts, which regularly strip men of their children, their right to bear arms, and their right to self-expression.

    This is puzzling to me as well. Kidnapping a man’s children, and then forcing him to pay the one holding his children, is obviously evil…. except to (likely) most women, lawyers and judges… and even to many pre-divorce men.

  4. “There really is no explaining away the fact that we are now losing nearly three thousand Americans, per 24h period, to this new virus.”

    Looking at the chart of Daily New Deaths [can you die more than once?], it appears that the number exceeded 2,500 no more than 4 days at its peak. Methinks “nearly three thousand’ is rather an exaggeration, the type of “fact” I expect to be stated by the mainstream media and then parroted by liberals without question.

  5. No big…it’s just the flu…people die everyday…….Sept 11th had 3,000 in one day and we ended up in a war we’re still not out of because of that…… big deal……it’s a hoax, no worse than anything else…….open everything up……….old people, who cares, they’re almost dead anyway…..but its a hoax…….infection rate? It’s not as bad as you think, just get everything back to normal……we all know this is a UN conspiracy……..was done to make the rich richer……its a test to see if we will comply to martial law (because Trump / Pelosi / Biden / whoever is going to suspend the constitution and make themselves dicator for life). No one is really dying…..just like Sept 11th….that plane never, never, never crashed into the Pentagon, Bush paid off the families to keep quiet about all those missing people from that flight……….this flu is being used as an excuse to persecute christians / gun owners.

    Three thousand is accurate, many deaths are not being counted as Covad related. Even if it is off…………it soon won’t be.

    These protesters are the ones who will cry the loudest when THEY get it…..sudden;y it won’t be a hoax it will be “that libural governors fault”

  6. Methinks .nearly three thousand. is rather an exaggeration, the type of .fact. I expect to be stated by the mainstream media and then parroted by liberals without question.

    No just the flu.people die everyday…Sept 11th had 3,000 in one day and we ended up in a war still not out of because of that….no big a hoax, no worse than anything else…open everything up….old people, who cares, almost dead anyway…but its a hoax…infection rate? It.s not as bad as you think, just get everything back to normal..we all know this is a UN conspiracy….

    Of course. It’s “the liberal media” which is in bed with “Chinese communists” and “globalists.” Now Russia is in on the scam…


    For so much made-up carnage, there certainly are a lot of puppet masters pulling the strings.

    While I doubt that OKRickety will slink back in here to defend this looney claim, I’m curious as to what the actual numbers are. The kooks like to claim that everyone is lying (for what reason, they never say), but they can never pony up any alternatives to the well-documented statistics that the rest of us pull from.

    Three thousand is accurate, many deaths are not being counted as Covad related. Even if it is off….it soon won.t be.

    I don’t think it’s quite 3000 yet (hence the ‘nearly’), but it doesn’t matter. Their minds are made up. They’ll call you a “liberal” (never mind that neither of us is anything close to being one… we’re lying about that, too) and when you ask for verification, they’ll pull a “Certainly you noticed the obviously sarcastic tone before you flipped out about nothing? Apparently not!” and claim they were ‘just kidding around’ and etc.

    I suppose these non-arguments are the price of a free-speech blog, but I’m finding them increasingly tedious. I’m inviting people to disagree with me, and instead, they’re just pissing on the rug.

  7. As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, a 70 percent increase from the current number of about 1,750.

    Trump, the Russians, the liberal media, and globalists are all colluding to push a false narrative, in order to do, well… something. Reopen now!

  8. My “looney claim” was simply pointing out that “nearly three thousand” was not in line with the chart you provided. Now it seems you wish to suppose the chart doesn’t reflect the actual numbers. Maybe it doesn’t. And maybe, just maybe, those numbers are inflated. I don’t know the true numbers. But, nevertheless, I stand by my “looney claim”.

  9. There are people (Honeycomb) who vigorously disagree with me while listing facts and being funny…

    And then there are people like OKRickety.

    I don.t know the true numbers.

    OKRickety doesn’t have any data at all, but he insists that .nearly three thousand. is rather an exaggeration, the type of .fact. I expect to be stated by the mainstream media and then parroted by liberals without question.

    In other words, he’s not here to disagree, or to entertain, but merely to piss on the rug.

    Fans of OKRickety can find him at Sigma Frame. He’ll be in good company there.

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