The Comfort of Wimminz

Robert de Niro, with skank-ho wife Grace Hightower

When I was a kid, I was taught that I would someday find a wonderful girl to marry. This girl would keep house for me, raise my children, be faithful in every way, and would eventually accompany me to the celestial kingdom, where we would spend eternity together, progressing ever closer to perfection.

At Christmas time in 2018, Grace Hightower split from her husband, Robert de Niro. For those who don’t know, de Niro is an A-List star of the international cinema. He has worked in the movies for many years, and has fostered close relationships with heavy hitters like Martin Scorsese and Brian de Palma. He has starred in Taxi DriverRaging BullGoodfellasThe Last Temptation of ChristCape Fear, and The Irishman. His impressive cv and his dedication to his craft identify him as a man who has worked very hard, for the entirety of his life, to achieve success in the real world.

de Niro met Hightower when she was a busgirl at a midscale Chinese restaurant in London. They married less than a year later, in 1997. Before landing a multimillionaire movie star, Hightower lived in poverty, and had made a career out of working odd jobs (source.) Once wed, de Niro’s influence landed Hightower a bit part in a feature film, but Hightower wasn’t used to hard work, and didn’t like it, so she instead convinced her husband to start a high-budget charity, and install her on the board. Since then, she has told people that she is a “philanthropist” and that her employer is “The Grace Hightower Foundation.” Supposedly, the charity encourages fair-trade import of agricultural products from Africa. As a strong and empowered feminist wimminz, Hightower refused to take the de Niro surname; but, she had no problem spending the de Niro fortune.

I’m sure it was just a coincidence that Hightower decided she was going to separate from her husband immediately after their twentieth wedding anniversary. Thanks to this incredible timing, their marriage was legally considered “long term.” As such, de Niro was immediately ordered to give his skank-ho wife vehicles, homes, generous child support for their two kids, and over one million dollars a year in “spending money” for “incidentals” (source.)

Comes 2020, with its SARS outbreak, civil unrest, and economic collapse. de Niro appealed to his ex-wife for a bit of grace. Did she give it to him? Of course not. She immediately went down to the anti-family courts, and here’s what she asked for:

Aside from the usual ghastly spectacle that such a wimminz naturally provides us, I find shit like this to be a very good illustration of the differences between men and women. Flash back a couple of decades, and we can try to reconstruct what was likely going on between the ears of these two chuckleheads, at the time the notion of marriage erupted.

Hey, thought de Niro, this bitch is pretty nice. She’s a great fuck and she knows how to make Beijing beef. It’s true she is a lazy skank-ho slut; but, I am sure the bitch will be suitably grateful for the amazing opportunity to be my wife, and she will express her gratitude by becoming a serious female, faithful and devoted to the wonderful life we will build together.

Jesus Christ, thought Hightower, if this guy is actually stooping to marry a shiftless cleanup girl and skank-ho slut like me, he must really be a loser with no other options. I can’t afford not to say ‘yes’ to this, but I will resent him for being such a loser, and I will resent myself for settling for such a desperate nobody, and I will make him regret being such a low-quality man for every day of our miserable marriage, until such time that the law allows me the maximum divorce payout.

Take a look at this unhappy couple, as they were photographed in the fall of 2017. While I’m sure she was attractive at some point, years of hard living and botched plastic surgery make Hightower completely unfuckable. Look at the hideous scowl on her face. Now shift your eyes left, and look at the tired, worn, haggard countenance of the unlucky man who stooped to marrying her, all those years ago.

How fortunate I was to see the truth, before this was my fate.

35 thoughts on “The Comfort of Wimminz

  1. As much as I dislike his politics .. he’s still on team MAN .. and shouldn’t be going thru this injustice (e.g. alimony / no-relief life-long support of a broken contract).

    Fella’s .. if a ,skank ho womminz ™ won’t take your last name .. run away .. she’s already on the exit plan!

  2. 1. Jason has probably observed this fact- De Niro is manly, fit, confident, and highly competent at a task, and many women want him. All things folks have thrown at Jason to achieve.
    2. Thanks Boxer for the wimmenz mindset. It makes sense and I hadn’t thought of it that way. I’ve seen the man’s side before, and the bot about expecting gratitude hits home for me, but until now, I have been not understanding a wimmenz motivation for chucking the man overboard when they are so rich and popular.

  3. One of his first films was called Mean Streets, and his big break was Taxi Driver. He got somewhat typecast into the gangster/criminal/outlaw role, but he had a pretty great range all the same.

    I think my favorite de Niro role was when he played Satan in Angel Heart.

    Here’s my favorite de Niro scene. He’s giving a ride to his director. (Martin Scorcese ought to get an account on v5k2c2.)

  4. familiar with his movies….Taxi Driver……..a movie about an Incel or Incel like life a few decades before anyone knew about such a thing. Saw “Scent of a Woman” and it franly was one of the worst movies ever…and he gets a gazillion awards.

    His marriage was a straight up virtue signal………..fits the playbook………handsome, rugged, “amazing” and talented, famous actor meets humble minority in restaurantr in London of all places (was it Soho?). Marries her…..why, its a “real life Hollywood movie”

    Someone should write a screenplay, cast him and his wife in it….since, you know……they could play the parts so well!

    Thankfully no one did.

  5. The ratio of successful marriages to divorces in Hollywood A-listers must be significantly less than 1. Considering that significantly above-average attractiveness is pretty much a requirement (for both men and women), I’m not sure why this isn’t Exhibit A on how looks can get you in the door, but that’s about it. Boxer has had been documenting these failed marriages for a long time, but honestly, isn’t it kind of…. obvious?

    Apparently not. I realized as a fourteen year old that Hollywood was full of godless, self-worshiping individuals who make terrible role models. Even good Anabaptist the height of Purity Culture no less.were obsessed with Hollywood hunks.

  6. Considering that significantly above-average attractiveness is pretty much a requirement (for both men and women), I.m not sure why this isn.t Exhibit A on how looks can get you in the door, but that.s about it.

    I worked in Hollywood and saw celebrities up close. Most don’t look so dazzling in the flesh. Many appear much shorter than you’d expect. Almost all appear more average than you’d expect.

    It’s amazing what good lighting, a soft focus lens, professional makeup, Instagram filters, and Photoshop can achieve.

    I’ve never seen De Niro, but he’s almost 77. We don’t know what he looks like up close, under harsh lighting. Much less what he looks like naked.

    In their current trial, Amber Heard was said to have called Johnny Depp a “fat old man” :

    Once a woman marries an older Hollywood star, he’s just another “fat old man” to her. Especially if she only married him for his Provider status.

  7. Jason said :

    “Saw .Scent of a Woman. and it franly was one of the worst movies ever.and he gets a gazillion awards.”

    LOL! Jason doesn’t even know the difference between Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino.

    Not the brightest bulb, eh?

  8. These actors are all one of the same to me. My bad. Last movie I saw in the theaters was “Cowboys V Aliens” (dumb, wasn’t expecting academy material though). Before that was “American Beauty” from 2000? 1999?

    The last “current” movie I watched at home was the remake of ‘True Grit” which was actaully entertaining.
    I have no idea who “John Wick” is or what its about. I could care less about Brat Pitt, or what’s his name…or her name…..I have not seen a “Star Wars” flick since “Return of the Jedi” in the theaters. I do like the original “Star Trek” TV series but the movies were always…….er………..well…………stupid.

    I guess intelligence to men like Anon is “movie trivia” and if you are trying to attract women, I guess that’s what one has to do. Funny too, being a petty man like he is….has to pounce on this.

    Yeah….my bad. Al Pacino. Whatever. Another terrible actor.

  9. Swanny River said “1. Jason has probably observed this fact- De Niro is manly, fit, confident, and highly competent at a task, and many women want him. All things folks have thrown at Jason to achieve”

    I never said anything like this about De Niro or any actor. I liked Jimmy Stewart’s work in the 1950’s, “Vertigo” in particular. Jimmy was hardly a robust masculine beat ’em up type of guy…..but a stalwart of humility in his war service, his acting, and those dumb Campbells soup commercials in the early late 1980’s / early 1990’s.

    Steve McQueen back in the sixties was just pure cool. No man in here or anywhere in the sphere will be on tenth as cool as he ever was. I like Clint Eastwoods “westerns” from the mid-sixties as well. I did enjoy “The Big Lebowski” from 1998, and I like slap-stick comedy type of movies (Loaded Weapon, Naked Gun type of thing). I did see a few years back “Dr. Zhivago” on the big screen at small indie theater in Santa Rosa. Well done.

    Just have never been a “movie” person. I am an audiophile.

  10. I can see how de Niro and Pacino would be confused. They were in tons of films together: The Irishman being the most recent example. I think they were both in the Godfather movies, too.

    The one film that I’ve been meaning to watch again is Heat (1995). Val Kilmer was in it with them. Kilmer he played the stereotypical husband who was dealing with a cheating wife (played by feminist heroine Ashley Judd.)

    Al Pacino was the cop who was chasing them, who was in an exactly similar situation with a lying skank-ho wife.

    Robert de Niro was the playa who got careless once he met a wimminz and fell in love.

    One could argue that film was actually about the collapse of patriarchy, thinly veiled as a neo-noir crime drama.

  11. Boxer….its my pure ignorance of the matter. I also got Marlon Brando and DeNiro confused as well at one point. So…..if DeNiro can have any woman with a toe seperator in the state of California or the world for that matter…he chooses a woman like this who works in a chinese restaurant in London……

    I guess the vetting, the Frame, game, and exuding confidence didn’t work…had to settle for just his fame, and status

  12. I guess the vetting, the Frame, game, and exuding confidence didn.t work.had to settle for just his fame, and status

    I don’t see any of that game stuff as working for anything more than quick fun with skanks.

    Robert de Niro is a good example of the fallacy of the “alpha male.” Who has more status than a multimillionaire movie star? If Robert de Niro can’t keep a bitch happy long term, why should I imagine I’ll be able to?

  13. Who has more status than a multimillionaire movie star?

    A multimillionaire movie star — who’s young, tall, and muscled.

    Father Time has a way of cutting an Alpha Male down a few notches.

  14. “It.s amazing what good lighting, a soft focus lens, professional makeup, Instagram filters, and Photoshop can achieve.”

    This is an excellent point. As a photographer, I really should have considered this. It really is hard to judge just how attractive celebs really are, especially when all the makeup and clothing comes off (and I’m not inclined to find out either).

    So when Boxer says…

    “Robert de Niro is a good example of the fallacy of the .alpha male.. Who has more status than a multimillionaire movie star? If Robert de Niro can.t keep a bitch happy long term, why should I imagine I.ll be able to?”

    …he’s illustrating that wealth won’t help you keep a woman. I’ll remind everyone that the more expensive the engagement ring, the higher the risk of divorce. As I understand, you don’t want to be too poor or too rich.

  15. What I was trying to communicate Jason, was that you were right to complain at general advice you were getting. DeNiro did most of what others said you needed to do to get a wife, but look how it turned out gor him.
    I don’t watch movies anymore either, my last two were the Bond movie that Adele sung in, and a Japanese cartoon, Spirited Away. I usually didn’t like DeNiro, but I did like Ronin.

  16. Swanny. Thanks for making your point clear. Appreciated. Understood now ..

    “Vertigo” (1958) was voted one of the “best films ever made” of late……..its a very slow burn. You gotta *watch* and I have seen it several times, and it still frustrates me at times……..but the acting, the blocking, style and schema of the film are astouding. The story is deep and its not a typical “suspence” flick. The backdrop of dreamlike San Francisco in the late 1950’s is superb and understated. It could *only* take place in a city like San Francisco. Jimmy Stewart exceeded all expectations here as an actor. Like I said above….not a macho, or even *hot* actor or muscular, or even young in this movie. It just worked. Opening credits. I will look into DeNiro’s catalog a bit more in the future when / if I decide to watch a movie ..

  17. Jason said,

    I guess intelligence to men like Anon is .movie trivia. and if you are trying to attract women, I guess that.s what one has to do.

    Oh, I know what intelligence really is. As far as mastery of hard, objective subjects that improve the human condition or even better, the ability to produce new knowledge of value, you definitely don’t possess it. That was true long before this comment thread.

    But it is funny how anything that *might* help a man do well with women (a subject which no one was talking about until you brought it up) is now something you oppose.

  18. “But it is funny how anything that *might* help a man do well with women (a subject which no one was talking about until you brought it up) is now something you oppose”

    It’s getting real *deep* in here.
    I don’t oppose movies, its just a medium that is very hard for me to enjoy. Besides, a “real man” doesn’t take women out anywhere, to a movie or otherwise. He just cracks jokes and negs her right?

    You can take them out to movies Anon, I mean………you don’t anything a woman likes since you are the real player here, so maybe you should take your own advice ..

  19. What? Your comment isn’t even coherent, and goes off on irrelevant tangents.

    You said that being knowledgeable about movies from 28 years ago is bad, because ‘it might impress women’. That has nothing to do with taking a woman to movies.

    More importantly, your view that any knowledge that might help a man succeed with women is bad, is in direct contradiction with your assertion that ‘Game does not work’. The two beliefs are mutually exclusive.

  20. I can concur with not being very interested in movies. Lots of people my age seemed to be looking forward to the next movie from marvel or Disney or whatever nametag they decide to slap on their product.

    Huh, maybe I should say something on-topic. Here goes: I could be wrong, but it seems like many celebrities get married insanely late, and choose some of the strangest spouses possible. They treat it like an afterthought; the last box on the social checklist.
    “Well I’m old and fading. I’ve spent my prime years sleeping around and getting rich. Suppose I ought to be getting married now. Yes, that’s the proper thing to do.”

  21. Anon. Nothing I have ever said makes sense to you.

    You just dont like me. You pounced on me bc I didn’t know the diffetence between DeNiro and Pacino.

    You have relentlessly over the years tried to mock, belittle and bully me here on forums. You appear the second you can do a “gotcha” on me. You do this not in a constructive way but in a vile, nasty hatred of me.

    Boxer mentioned even how one may or could confuse the two above mentioned actors.

    Many in the sphere have (that you like) have called game “a trained monkey routine” a term that I have been using since 2012. The shift in the sphere of “looks dont matter to women” to “they do matter” is something I am surprised many have finally ageed to

    You just dont like me. The feeling is mutual and you’re really making yourself look silly amd trite in front of these men when you appear out of nowhere…..and your opening salvos are always trying to make me look stupid.

  22. I.ll remind everyone that the more expensive the engagement ring, the higher the risk of divorce.

    Excellent point. I would go further and say the same about the wedding party / ceremony.

    I was surprised that my wife did not want a diamond in the wedding rings. She just wanted a simple band. Her desire was for the marriage, not the “bling”. Wonderful to have two people focused on a committed life-long marriage, rather than on the fun/toys/$$$. Praise God for his commands, and for those people that strive to obey.

  23. Derek. Everyone knew that was coming. It wasn’t for his christianity……it was for his crazy theories about how Jews are out to ruin the world or whatever. It wasn’t for his books. It wasn’t for his “game” or lack thereof (living at home with mom…..what a man!!!). Like Alex Jones, he was a nut…….and no, I don’t think he should be banned despite his nonsense over the years.

    As for the “mens rights activist” really a sad thing. I don’t think he was killed for his activism….though the Roosh’s of the world will “accept it as so, and it was the only reason”

    We’ll probably never know considering police homicide work in California today.

  24. Jason, the best part about being ethically in favor of free speech and opposed to censorship is that I don’t actually need to care what his views are or why he was banned. He could literally be Hitler and I’d still oppose his censorship from YouTube (while simultaneously pushing for his prosecution for murder).

    As a reminder, here are the list of highly specific legal exceptions to free speech that society has determined balance the scales in favor of censorship:

    “Categories of speech that are given lesser or no protection by the First Amendment (and therefore may be restricted) include obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, and commercial speech such as advertising. “

    Of course private companies and individuals can legally censor for any reason they see fit, but they can’t ethically censor for any reason they see fit. I wrote this the other day:

    “Moral relativism (i.e. zeitgeist) is a reason why “free speech has consequences” right up until they face consequences. If your moral framework isn’t absolute, but rather subject to shifting social norms, then your ethics will be also. Subjective ethics are why many free speech advocates are hypocritical. Put another way, everyone censors eventually, but how they do it depends on their moral and ethical standards. Unless we agree on the framework to apply to free speech, censorship will be arbitrary and subjective.”

  25. .Categories of speech that are given lesser or no protection by the First Amendment (and therefore may be restricted) include obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, and commercial speech such as advertising. .

    *Obscenity. Allowed today pretty much everywhere
    *Fraud, you don’t even go to jail for writing hot checks today
    *Speech integral to illegal conduct, Twitter with ISIS / BLM / ANITFA advertise where they are going to meet and cause havoc
    *IP laws in the high tech world are hardly enforced or deemed illegal. Too costly to go to court. Dealt with this at IBM when SUN Microsystems copied tons of our internal work (white papers)
    *Child porn is allowed to thrive, and its slowly becoming normalized.

    What happened to the rule of “free speech. Yes. However that does not give one the right to yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater”

    The words you used “arbitrary” and “moral framework” (how is that defined and by whom?) ethics v subjective ethics…lost me. Will lose most people.

    The framework will never be agreed upon. Perhaps we had one at one time….but since the 1960’s or thereabouts all is open, and today its more about the narrative which has been cornered by most on the far left

  26. Jason, you’ve illustrated my point. Those categories I listed are the only ones that may possibly be restricted, but as you’ve adequately demonstrated, they often are not. The courts have found that even though those categories may be restricted, actually doing so is extremely difficult. Thus, in practice, government censorship of speech is (in theory) very limited in scope and rare in frequency. With rare exception, free speech is otherwise unlimited.

    “The words you used .arbitrary. and .moral framework. (how is that defined and by whom?) ethics v subjective ethics.lost me. Will lose most people.”

    That’s correct. Most people cannot even come to the table of that discussion, let alone argue it cogently. In one Twitter argument, he brought up a Karl Popper censorship meme that he didn’t realize refuted his own position because he had no idea what Popper’s actually arguments were. He just knew how to post a meme.

    “The framework will never be agreed upon. Perhaps we had one at one time..but since the 1960.s or thereabouts all is open, and today its more about the narrative which has been cornered by most on the far left”

    An agreed-upon framework is impossible, but we aim for an approximation. At one time men could reason about these things and determine what was right and proper. The aforementioned Popper, for example. But those days are gone.

    We are now in a situation where government censorship is rare, but individual censorship is common. Popper himself reserved the strongest criticism for those who censored, arguing that censorship (by force!) should be reserved for those who attempt to censor in place of argument. As I understand Popper’s arguments, all those calling for censorship now would be the only ones in need of censoring, because they are allowing the force of argument and debate to determine right thought.

    Notice how, like the legal concept, this ethical concept is limited. You only get censored if you try to censor. Don’t want to be censored, then don’t censor anyone else. This concept works well for all public and private situations where individual speech rights do not conflict.

  27. A Constitutional Law professor told me (back in the 1980s), that Unpopular Political Speech is the Core of the First Amendment. Its very reason for being.

    The Founders believed that a properly functioning, democratic republic requires unfettered political speech. How can candidates run for office, how can citizens decide how to vote, unless political free speech is sacrosanct?

    And as the Supreme Court has stated, it is unpopular speech that requires protection. Popular speech needs no protection.

    Thus, Unpopular Political Speech is entitled to the greatest First Amendment Protection.

    It’s a neat trick that lawyers and judges have pushed for these past 50 years. They want hardcore porn to be recategorized as Free Speech, and Unpopular Political Speech recategorized as Hate Speech — something they’re trying to ban.

  28. “so she instead convinced her husband to start a high-budget charity, and install her on the board. Since then, she has told people that she is a .philanthropist. and that her employer is .The Grace Hightower Foundation.. Supposedly, the charity encourages fair-trade import of agricultural products from Africa. As a strong and empowered feminist wimminz, Hightower refused to take the de Niro surname; but, she had no problem spending the de Niro fortune.”

    de Niro, the wealthy husband helps her accomplish her dream. It is an unhealthy inversion, he helps her instead of her helping him. Even though he helps her, it does not result in a good marriage.

    Several other wealthy men this has happened to;
    1. Wealthy doctor marries figure skater Dorothy Hamil, sinks his money into buying the Ice Capades show so she can own and star in it. Show goes bankrupt in 1994 and a year later they divorce.
    2. One of Rush Limbaugh’s many wives has a dream of educating teenagers to embrace conservatism, he helps her start a teen free market newsletter, later they divorce.

  29. Didn’t she have a part in The Planet Of The Apes movie? Not a fan of DiNiro’s politics, but I wonder how he will feel about lefty laws after this.

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