Forming The Nauvoo Legion

The last few weeks have inaugurated a new collective phenomenology. Many Americans are now realizing that they have lost their country. I’d like to think that my readers are long past the coping phase, but I know I’m incorrect. I have something of an advantage, in that I was raised in a subculture that took it for granted that I was a member of a minuscule minority group. Today, regular Americans (at least white and black ones) need to accept that this is also their fate.

(Newsflash: The typical normie lost his country when the first divorce court handed down the first unconstitutional decree to strip the first father of the children and money that he had produced through his own sweat and genius. We realize that here, yes?)

The issue many people are dealing with is now survival, in a society which hates him, hates his family, and wants to see him enslaved. The first reactionary solution that such a man might grasp at is joining some public-facing group.

Just for fun, let’s check out the bios of some of the “leaders” of such groups.

Here’s Grandmaster Jay, who leads the NFAC (a black militia) admitting that he is a military man who is politically connected to the U.S. government.

And here’s Mike D., who the leader of the white militia “Boogaloo Boys” admitting that he is a pig cop.

For those who haven’t got the obvious yet, here it is: You aren’t going to protect yourself by collaborating with the enemy. There is a civil war on, and the U.S. Government declared it on you. Its agents are actively setting up honeypots, and the goal to land you in one of its prison sweatshops.

That’s not to say that there aren’t sincere people in such groups, but an intelligent brother ought to consider any public-facing group to be thoroughly infiltrated. Such groups have been in existence since America was founded, and they have never been effective at anything other than getting their members into trouble. History refutes them. If you’re a member of any such group (KKK, Black Panthers, Communists, etc.) then you need to get the fuck out of it, pronto.

So what can a man do to thrive in the chaos of this new order? He can take a page out of our book, and adopt some of our tactics. They work well for us. They’ll work well for you too.

On 29 June, a protest was held in Provo, Utah. During that protest, one of the protestors shot an old man who was driving his truck down the street. 24 hours later, hundreds of armed men rolled out into the street in every Mormon town in Utah, Nevada, Idaho and Arizona, to defend their communities. This was not some sort of a coincidence. It’s a rational response to threat.

Mormons grow up knowing that Christians want to genocide them, and we prepare to defend ourselves. This means we network with one another, we keep fit, and we’re ready to get active at any time. You shouldn’t be paranoid, but you should be realistic, and adopt this stance yourself. Network in your local community and be ready to defend it if trouble starts.

A few general tips…

Rule 1: Don’t talk to the establishment media.

The media was quick to try and pull a fishtown on these men, but the pseudojournalists got nowhere. I was interested in this as it was happening, and I caught three separate interviews. The attempts at vilification went like this:


Journalist 1: What group do you represent?

Militiaman 1: What’s a group?

(Rural Utah)

Journalist 2: Do you worry about the law?

Militiaman 2: Speak to our attorney, he is in the brown uniform, third from the left (pointing).

(Someplace near Phoenix)

Journalist 3: Who are you and what’s your purpose?

Militiaman 3: We’re concerned citizens. We live here. Now this interview is over. Fuck off.

Rule 2: No weird symbols/uniforms

When Mormons assembled for war with the Mexican drug cartels in Chihuahua, they flew the Mexican flag. When Mormons assembled for war with COINTELPRO agents in the U.S., they fly the American flag. There is no nazi, confederate or African-American imagery that will lend you any credibility as you’re protecting your families. Don’t dress in outfits that look like the KKK or the black panthers.

It actually surprised me to see that some of these Mormon cells had matching uniforms. When I was a kid, I was taught that those were risky. Maybe my people are getting loose, or maybe things have changed.

Ideally, you should be grouping up with men you know well, who live near you. Uniforms in a 3-10 man group are unnecessary and silly. You should know who your medic is, and who is the leader of your cell, even with your faces covered.

Rule 3: No infighting

You will have a leader. He will identify himself by his own competence. You have to do what that guy says. This is something that Mormon kids are taught, but that regular Americans aren’t. In the era to come, we are going to increasingly depend on each other for the safety of our families. That means we have to accept some limits on our own autonomy.

Rule 4: Your tribe becomes your vibe.

The notion of cultivating bonds with other men is alien to most of us. This is a consequence of a feminized society. The only way men are allowed to feel manly in our degenerate culture is by fucking lots of skank-ho wimminz… or serving females in some other way. If you want to survive what’s coming, you simply must become like family to the men in your set. Go to their weddings and funerals, and invite them to your weddings and funerals. Your family’s survival depends on these men. Treat them accordingly.

Rule 5: Don’t be a rat.

This is much simpler for a man who follows these rules, than for one who joins the NFAC militia. You don’t have a name, and you don’t have a group, so there’s nothing to tell the cops about. You simply get together once in a while, with some of your neighbors.

The old Sicilian code of omerta is a good framework from which we can all learn a lot. The word itself comes from the latin homo, or man. Part of manly behavior is not snitching on your brothers. If something bad happens to you, you don’t go to the pigs. You either suck it up, or you deal with it yourself. If the pigs corner you, you do the time before you snitch.

Postscript: Black Pill was right. Fuck BLM

In a previous article, I expressed some sympathy for Black Lives Matter, and encouraged an outlook of not caring when they fought the cops. Black Pill corrected me, writing…

It took very little research to prove him right. Black Lives Matter, it turns out, is exactly the sort of public-facing group that a smart man will avoid. They have a web page up, and a manifesto, and here’s a little bit of it.

In other words, all black lives matter, unless you are a black father who is trying to see his little kids after a bitter divorce. That’s “misogyny,” and your shit doesn’t matter a bit.

BLM says that black people who like the traditional family life can go fuck themselves. Black fathers are meaningless, and are to be replaced by “villages” (whatever that nonsense means.)

The fact that Black Lives Matter is a group which appears to be completely co-opted by the system shouldn’t surprise any of us. From now on, I’ll consider anyone who supports Black Lives Matter as an agent of Donald Trump’s justice department. Their job is to do to America what the State Department does in developing countries.

The system wants your children introduced to gay sex, divorce, and bastardy, and the earlier the better. Consider any groups promoting this ideology to be your enemies, and treat them accordingly.

26 thoughts on “Forming The Nauvoo Legion

  1. Exactly. Years ago when I was in Scouting started meeting with men who were fellow Scoutmasters…..fellowship……..talked about prepping. That sort of thing.

    It turned quickly into “when SHTF we’re gonna have it made….young women are gonna be offering themselves to us for protection, food and good sex…har, har, har, har!”

    I decided quickly I wanted NO MAN in a “tribe” or “group” that thought like this.
    I understand that men need to cultivate friendships, or have deeper meaningful relationships but men just want to talk about sex nonstop, how much of a hot shot they were in 1992, or how important they are in their job, and how society or the world would fail without them. Even in church.

    The last friends I did have….guy friends…..was indeed during my college and graduate school years. As life threw us out of quaint, collegiate New England and into the wide world….off the graduate school in Troy, NY,…..a dump) letters were written…..sometimes a very expensive phone call……then emails…………..then they all got married as the 1990’s ended and the 2000’s began. “Friends forever!” was the rally, and the photos from the countless weddings back then show youth, late 1990’s style and just a veneer of “we’ll never lose!!”

    Life happened. We all just drifted apart. I changed. They changed. I believe it gets harder as you get older. New groups and folks are not that accepting of people (ie church), clubs and organizations only like you if you look like them, or have the same lifestyle (divorce, children, dating, second marriage, third marriage et al).

    And that was it. I miss the 1990’s.

    Most men are isolated now….esp the single men over 35 with few options. Not that men like me have it figured out. We’re lost causes for the most part a result of bad choices we’ll never be forgiven for…..bad genetics and probably just not socialized properly from birth, or conception.

    The “lone wolf” thing in the prepper world is huge. Zero trust between men….but look at the men!

    A man who is thinking about how many young girls he is going to bang when SHTF is hardly a pillar of maturity. Kinda sicko and creepy actually.

    carry on!

  2. Solid advice, Boxer.

    The biggest obstacle we face is getting people to realize the imminent collective danger and to STICK TOGETHER. It’s been said that Americans are rather too individualistic, and this now glaringly obvious. Perhaps even more dangerous is the Pollyanna-ish “it’s never going to get THAT bad!” attitude that is so pervasive among people who really out to know better.

    The notion of cultivating bonds with other men is alien to most of us. This is a consequence of a feminized society.

    More toxic still is the weak link in our defenses that our women represent. I was talking with my neighbor the other day who has been prepping for years, even having gone so far as to create some very deadly weapons to employ in contingencies that we all now see as imminent. I told him “I guess that stuff you created several years back will come in handy soon.”

    His response: “I don’t have them anymore. [His common-law wife] twisted my arm into getting rid of them. I guess I was ahead of myself in creating them.”

    This, I fear, will be all an all too typical scenario. How many of us are going to wind up treating our women as we would treat the enemy?

  3. Main body ..
    I’ve been asked by co-workers what I thought of BLM and ANTIFA ..

    My response is .. they are no different than the Klan (aka KKK). They are all TERRORISTS period.

    They don’t like that answer.

    I then ask’em if they have read their charters / beliefs?

    To which only a few have said yes. My reply then is they are in rebellion of GOD .. and are commie bastards. Bent on the destruction of the USofA.

    99% of these questions come from white male meh-lean-ee-ills.

    In conclusion ..
    Now .. in the past I’ve been slandered (for being a southerner) .. and my family has picked cotton and never owned slaves. Heck half of my family fought on the northern side (of agression). So, when I cut fence soon .. I’ll do it with no regrets. They’re commies and that ain’t freedom and liberty from where I grew-up.

    Final Verdict ..
    I have a small crew that’s ready .. to not turn the other cheek!

  4. Lastmod writes I miss the 1990.s.

    I don’t. I strongly wanted a wife. And in the entire decade, I had a grade total of 0 dates with a good candidate for marriage. Very discouraging time. And no, I most certainly was not the only one.

    To get on-topic: Being prepared to provide for yourself and your own family is wise. Easier in many respects if you have a rural acreage I think, in many respects.

  5. “We here .. where you at?”

    Whelp .. they (iii%ers) didn’t get an invite .. I’m sure.

    Also .. showing even with an invite would’ve gotten only them arrested and not you ..

    You never show up to a rigged fight .. never.

    I could nit-pick your group (maybe 4 platoons) to death .. but I’ll give yenz credit .. you got your chit together to LARP for the camera.

    85% of ya’ll had a shothun or an AR pistol .. or no sights. So yenz were a 100 yard brigade with .. no water .. no medical supplies .. no qrf .. no resupply .. no ammo .. i.e. a sitting target for an average shooter with almost no training.

    Anyway .. the fourth turned out to be a less deadly weekend than they (BLM / ANTIFA) bragged about.

  6. 85% of ya.ll had a shothun or an AR pistol .. or no sights. So yenz were a 100 yard brigade with .. no water .. no medical supplies .. no qrf .. no resupply .. no ammo .. i.e. a sitting target for an average shooter with almost no training.

    Not only that, but all participants put their names, addresses and signatures down on a piece of paper, which was delivered to a self-admitted “military man” and “presidential candidate.”

    If you’re a man in contemporary America, you should take my advice and skip this fed-infested showmanship. Network with your neighbors, worry about your family, read some books, train with your weapons in private, and skip the trip to jail which is the inevitable result of this sort of autistic faggotry.

  7. “If a member of any such group (KKK, Black Panthers, Communists, etc.) then you need to get the fuck out of it, pronto.”

    I’d go further than this. The only group I’ve ever joined is the Church of the Brethren, and that’s because it’s my ethnic group. I wouldn’t join it again. I’ve never joined any of the other church denomination that I’ve attended. Politically, I won’t join any party. As soon as I was eligible to vote, I registered independent.

    “The system wants your children…”

    But every group is part of the system.with very few varying degrees. Awareness of this is necessary to make one understand why they need to actively cultivate who they can rely on, as there is no one, no one, that you can rely on unless you made sure of it.

    The one I know I can rely matter my wife. That is more comforting than any group I could be a part of or any preparation I could do. We have always been each other’s greatest asset in times of trouble.

  8. careful Derek…..the red pilled man-o-sphere will call you a “cuck” for saying such a thing! Did you know that your wife just wants to “rule” over you and will divorce you the second you let down your Frame for a second and run off with another man!!! (lol)

  9. @lastmod

    “…will divorce you the second you let down your Frame for a second…”

    I never understood the point of Frame. When I want flowers in the house, I walk to the garden, cut them, put them in a vase full of water, and then set the vase on kitchen table. I don’t need a plan. I spent years being my authentic self in order to convince her to marry me for who I am and so she would never have any cause for regrets. I don’t need or want to frame myself as someone else.

    “your wife just wants to .rule. over you”

    LOL. My wife dislikes making unilateral decisions. She even insists that I choose the items to buy when we get takeout for dinner! I think I’ll be just fine, thank you very much man-o-sphere. Now, those in this situation…

    “How many of us are going to wind up treating our women as we would treat the enemy?”

    …are in serious trouble when times get tough. It doesn’t matter how many competent men you surround yourself with, or how much you prepare, if you treat your wife as the enemy. Worse, if you surround yourself with competent men and your wife is the enemy, she’ll probably end up sleeping with one of them. Who is the cuck now, hmm?

  10. careful Derek…the red pilled man-o-sphere will call you a .cuck. for saying such a thing! Did you know that your wife just wants to .rule. over you and will divorce you the second you let down your Frame for a second and run off with another man!!! (lol)

    Given how often women divorce and run off with other men with complete impunity, you can’t say the manosphere is wrong. In this case, the problem is that the manosphere won’t take their own idea to its logical conclusion so they are also cucks.


    Boxer, you asshole. Quit censoring people!

    I have no idea why WordPress likes to do that. Someone needs to put a whitelist feature on this thing. It’s ridiculous.

  12. Worse, if you surround yourself with competent men and your wife is the enemy, she.ll probably end up sleeping with one of them. Who is the cuck now, hmm?

    You’re implicitly describing a blameless playa in that scenario. This is where the manosphere goes off the rails.

    The husband in that scenario is a cuck, but the playa in that scenario is a faggot. He knowingly fucked another man’s wife, which means he was kissing the lips that sucked the husband off, just hours (moments?) before.

    The most annoying part of the manosphere is this inverted feminist gender theory, where men are always assumed to be blameless in a sexual transaction. Where the manosphere can’t escape male accountability, it tends to be abstracted away and the blame gets put on men of some other race (Jewish conspiracy etc.) This is an inherently unmasculine ideology, where a man’s honor and mastery is beyond his control.

    I’ve never unknowingly fucked anyone. I don’t think Roissy has either. It’s a sad cope.

  13. “The husband in that scenario is a cuck”

    That was my point. Most likely it is the ‘enemy wife’ who cuckolds her husband. The (hypothetical) accusation that I am a cuck for relying on my reliable wife in times of trouble is ironic for the reason Brother Castle states:

    “In this case, the problem is that the manosphere won.t take their own idea to its logical conclusion so they are also cucks.”

    I’m not sure I understand the rest of what you wrote, but I’ll take your word for it.

  14. I.m not sure I understand the rest of what you wrote, but I.ll take your word for it.

    Sorry. It’s summertime, and I’m letting my mental state and writing style go to shit.

    One of the most annoying parts of the manosphere is their tendency to immunize men from any sort of moral judgment. They’re inverted feminists, in other words.

    The ‘cuck’ designation is a great example. They will mock a blameless husband who gets cheated on, and minimally condemn the cheating wife, and then turn around and lionize the male who breaks up the family.

    They did this on Dalrock extensively, and Dalrock never (to my knowledge) even objected to it, which amazed me. This is a distinctly unmasculine worldview, as infantile as it is feminine.

  15. Mormons grow up knowing that Christians want to genocide them,

    I find that a surprising statement. I assume you’re talking about Evangelicals?

    In my 12 years of Catholic schooling, and in Catholic churches since then, I never once heard anyone say anything about Mormons, good or bad. Mormons are simply not on any Catholic’s radar, as far as I can tell.

    In my schooling, I heard criticisms of Jews (e.g., they didn’t recognize their own Messiah) and of Martin Luther (e.g., a heretic who split the church). But no one ever said anything about Mormons.

  16. I find that a surprising statement. I assume talking about Evangelicals?

    Yeah, we fought the prods in Missouri, but we hate you guys too. All Christians are polytheistic idol worshippers, in league with Satan, and you all deserve to be killed or subjugated.

    In my 12 years of Catholic schooling, and in Catholic churches since then, I never once heard anyone say anything about Mormons, good or bad. Mormons are simply not on any Catholic.s radar, as far as I can tell.

    That’s as it should be. We’re a tiny minority, but we like to tell ourselves such stories because it makes us feel important and drives our ingroup preferences.

    There are, what, a billion Catholics in the world? That means there are something like 80 Catholics to every Mormon. I’m assuming you guys could wipe us out without much trouble if you had a mind to.

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