Reading Marx (with Andrew Anglin)

Over on The Daily Stormer, Andrew Anglin admits that he doesn’t understand the concept of ideology. This isn’t entirely his fault, because the lexical range of that word is so broad, its use so varied, that it’s almost a floating signifier. I don’t know if Anglin has ever read my blog, but I do know someone from the Daily Stormer pops in here rather regularly. That’s the reason I started becoming acquainted with Anglin’s work. I followed a trail of digital breadcrumbs back to DS, several months ago. I’ll admit that I’m hooked.

While Anglin is a great writer with an accessible style and a good sense of humor, I almost always disagree with him. For example, in his latest article, he talks about black men being the natural enemy of civilization, and about how the cops are civilization’s protectors. He (naturally) lays some or all of the blame of this at the feet of “the Jews”. He then goes on to talk about how the democrats are plotting to kill white people, and he laments the fact that the republicans don’t seem to be fighting them hard enough. Anglin wraps up his talk by reminding us about how important it is that we all work hard to re-elect Donald Trump. Despite the fact that President Trump has never lifted a finger to enforce the basic first amendment protections that Anglin (and I) are regularly denied, by big tech monopolies, which operate entirely on publicly funded infrastructure that our tax dollars developed and continue to pay for. Anglin struggles to understand all these things, but I think I understand all of them fairly well.

Anglin’s inability to figure such stuff out may be partly rooted in his reactionary reading of history. Anglin describes himself (semi-sarcastically) as a neo-Nazi. I don’t know if he’s entirely serious when he does this, because his webmaster admits to being descended from Jewish people, and it seems strange to me that they would be such great friends with such diverse backgrounds. I doubt his commitment to his own ideological apparatus, but ultimately, it’s not my business. I do know that I’m able to divine what’s going on fairly well, because I went through a graduate program where I had to read Marx, and tons of post-Marxist revisionists, in an effort to get a handle on history.

Anglin writes:

Ideology is a leftist concept, invented by the Jew Karl Marx. This idea of “we can use a system” appeals to white people, but it just doesn’t work. Instead, you should have an ideal vision of the future, and use practical means to work toward that future. That’s all. Systemizing actions based on a theoretical invisible structure of ideas always necessarily leads to a discombobulated kind of mission creep, where you lose sight of what you’re even trying to accomplish.

A minor point, but Karl Marx was not Jewish. His father, Heinrich, converted to Christianity and became something of a true believer. Marx was raised as a Protestant in a (mostly) Catholic town. Sperber’s biography is a pretty good read with some interesting historical notes about his family history. Of course, Anglin would argue that Marx is Jewish simply because one or more of Marx’s grandparents might have been born Jewish, which is (as I understand things) pretty much the same situation that the Daily Stormer’s webmaster finds himself in. As a Mormon, I could sympathize with this idea if Marx had been raised in a Jewish household; but, he wasn’t. He was never circumcised. He never had a bar mitzvah. He had a Christian baptism as a kid, and as an adult he embraced a secular life and wandered away from religion entirely. Not only was Marx not a Jew, he had some pretty critical things to say about Hebrews. That’s not me being a coalburning Marx apologist, it’s just reality, based on some solid historical fact.

Karl Marx: Contributor to The Daily Stormer

While Anglin says he doesn’t understand what ideology means, he seems to be able to know it when he sees it.

I was thinking about this, an hour ago, and I decided that a great example of ideology is the story of the tooth fairy. I suppose, as a family man, Derek gives his kids a few bucks every time they lose teeth. At some point, Derek’s little girl will get wise to the fact that it’s her pa that is clumsily sneaking in and making the exchange. Maybe Derek’s kid will call her father out for lying to her, but I think she might do what I did, when I figured it out, and decide not to risk the loss of more free money, and just play along.

There are lots of little lies we tell, by convention or convenience, that don’t necessarily line up to reality. This is ideology. Derek pretends that there’s a magical sprite who exchanges money for teeth, and his kid pretends to be an idiot who believes this nonsense. Derek is a liar, and his kid is a liar, but they each play the part, and pretend that implies b, because they get something out of it.

Anglin has his own ideology, and it’s most evident in his claims that most of the rioting done at present is being done by black people.

Anglin asserts that violent riots are being done by black people, and that black people are inherently violent, simply because they’re black. I’m not a denier of racial differences, but even a casual reading of history will refute this. As a misogynist, I’ll posit that most of the violent rioting is done by the bastard children of single mothers. In the recent past, most bastard children of single mothers were black, because our society engineered that through Johnson’s great society program. (Years ago I wrote an article on that here.) Of course, in current year, there are tons of white divorce orphans and welfare bastards, hence the mugshot array above, which could almost pass for a meeting of the Daily Stormer book club.

Anglin is very worried about the abolition of the police. This is very hard for me to understand, given that Anglin has been hounded by the American legal system for years. His webmaster had to leave the United States because of frivolous actions that stole years of his life.

BLM, ANTIFA, black men and race mixers do not enforce idiotic family court rulings. When there were snipers protecting “tranny storytime for toddlers” at the local library, the snipers weren’t random black dudes or Jews. They were police. The feminist state and its enforcers are the cause of most of the major problems in our society.

I wish that ordinary, everyday fathers and husbands would start actively defying the feminist state and its pig soldiers, but they haven’t done so yet and probably never will. Instead, we’ve got BLM and ANTIFA cursing cops out and breaking the windows of their patrol cars. For the record, I don’t encourage anyone to do such stuff, but should I oppose it? Why? Why should Anglin want to?

I don’t know why Anglin feels this way. My guess is that Anglin has some affinity for the bronze and marble monuments or the confederate flag or something. He sees BLM and ANTIFA defacing these symbols, and he takes it personally. Anglin needs to explain to me why he imagines Washington, Jefferson, and Robert E. Lee would want to be part of this disgusting society.

America officially sanctions the murder of unborn infants, and puts weird trannies in close contact with little children at public libraries. If Andrew Jackson were alive today, he would be helping BLM and ANTIFA take down his statue, and he would likely join them in trying to do all manner of other things that would get my blog shut down if I described them in detail.

If you like the Confederate battle flag, you should rejoice in the notion that the Great Satan is purging it. Now your flag gets to be a revolutionary symbol, untainted by all the degeneracy that America celebrates.

That’s what Republicans should be doing: Western civilization. They should not be doing whatever this ideological thing is, which I honestly do not even fully understand. They will say “small government” is at the core of it, but that isn’t an end in itself. When deconstructed, the ideology appears to have the singular goal of delivering cheaper consumer products.

Marcuse and Chomsky both wrote about the illusion of choice and the manufacture of consent. Republicans and Democrats are two wings of the neoliberal party, and they differ only in name. Neoliberal ideology is all about meeting the basic needs of every consumer, to the extent that they are pacified. To this end, a man is told any lie that might work to further the pacification. One such lie is that black people are subhuman savages. That lie is told to working class white men, to keep them from talking or interacting with black men. (Atomization good. Atomization keep you safe! Buy more. Buy more now!) Another lie is that Jews are somehow behind all the problems we see in society. That keeps people from digging into class differences and material conditions.

Another lie is that the police are your friends.

The police are the people who are forcing Andrew Anglin to live and work around non-white people, and around white people who disagree with him. The police are also the people who are shutting Anglin down, silencing him, censoring him, harassing him with frivolous court actions, and otherwise meddling in his life. Amazingly, the cops are not only doing this to Andrew Anglin. Hard as it is to believe, the feminist state has made lots of enemies. There are a very great number of people who are sick of the feminist state and it’s jackbooted thugs, and some of these other people are currently out giving the pigs hell. I think Anglin should sit back, relax, and let them squabble.

6 thoughts on “Reading Marx (with Andrew Anglin)

  1. My problem with the small letter “r” right today overall is this jingonistic chanting of “trump! trump! trump!” and he really hasn’t done anything better or worse than the previous presdients. Tired of hearing “greatest president since reagan” (I was in high school whne reagan was president……..I was ten when he was first elected) and he wasn’t that great. Like obama……had snippy quick answers for the press. The 1980’s will go down as one of the worst decades ever in the future. Who here will speak up about the mass de-industrialization of this country at that time? who will now ‘defend’ reagan of bailing out all those banks in 1986? who will now defend reagans HUGE amnesty in 1986……under the guise of “we have a huge labor shortage!!!!!!” and this was parroted by Bush I and Clinton mind you……who will now speak of reagans brilliance by EXPANDING “no fault divorce laws” (that Trump and his philandering son got to use in their own marriages…but are suddenly all for “wholesome family values”?)

    I witnessed the shuttering of small city America in the 1980’s when GE, Mohawk and Bigelow carpets left. All the small arms manufacturers closed up one fine early 1980’s day. The logging reagan killed with more federal protections. “Go live on werlfare” was the answer from demovrats. Go “put your nose to the grindstone, work hard and you unemployed rust belt masses will become investment bankers” was the republicans answer.

    Trump appointed a frat boy judge who could give a shit about you and me, and our rights…oh, but he’s “pro-life” so that is okay.

    The “republicans” have overall held a supermajority in congress, and the statehouses for ten to fifteen years (ive and take) and they whine and cry about how they “can’t get anything done because of the soyboys / liberals / the christian hating people, and obama, pelosi, and schumer”

    There is your “real man leadership” who stands for “masculinity” and “men”

    Effing whiners, and they have the audacity to blame my sorry ass for voting libertarian or green.

  2. “Derek is a liar, and his kid is a liar, but they each play the part, and pretend that a implies b, because they get something out of it.”

    Your strawman made me laugh. I glanced down the page, saw my name, and was expecting a rigorous takedown of my views. Phew! You’ll probably find my views more hilarious than your imaginary depiction of them.

    Before we had kids, I disagreed with my wife on imaginary creatures (Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy). Since no lie is ever okay, I said I wouldn’t participate. I don’t tell the children that imaginary creatures are real. When they ask questions, I tell them that it is like a story: we use our imagination and that it is fun. Young children are weird creatures. If I tell them that I am too old and don’t believe in Santa, they don’t see that as a huge contradiction when there are presents under the tree from Santa. They want to believe.

    “Republicans and Democrats are two wings of the neoliberal party, and they differ only in name. Neoliberal ideology is all about meeting the basic needs of every consumer, to the extent that they are pacified. “

    Though we strongly disagree on what constitutes (neo)liberalism (and the underlying motivations), I completely agree that both parties are wings of the same ideology. It’s hard to convince people that the differences between the parties are merely superficial. They deeply want to believe that it is an epic battle between good and evil. Like Santa or the Tooth Fairy, you can’t disabuse them of the notion.

    “I.m not a denier of racial differences [..] One such lie is that black people are subhuman savages. [..] Another lie is that Jews are somehow behind all the problems we see in society. “

    I’ve discussed this here on a few occasions.

    Genetic differences between ethnic groups are among the most certain scientific findings. Modern ‘racism’ (a floating signifier) is the existence of inequality between groups and policies that acknowledge that inequality. Like feminism, it mandates equality where there reality.inequality. In doing so, it commits the fundamental mistake: conflating moral worth and equality.

    “That keeps people from digging into class differences and material conditions.”

    A rational society treats every human as having inherent worth and being able judge each individual on the content of their own character. This is the only way we can dig into these differences and deal with the material conditions.

    Did anyone notice the ‘conservative’ supreme court justices cucking on a number of cases? Jason nailed that one when he predicted this outcome. More of us need to sit back, let them squabble, and understand why we do so.

  3. In over 90% of his cases thus far on Supreme Court, Kavanaugh has tilted and voted with the more liberal wing of the Court. Why is this a surprise? Frat boy. Private schooled. Got away with being a douche as a young man, was more than likely your typical a-hole in college / university. His record before did tilt to the left. Why is Trump or anyone surprised by this? In a true fashion of the type of man he is helps the court “duck and cover” for another year or two concerning other court cases that are important (2nd Amendment for example). I would not be surprised at all if he is the guy who swings the vote against our rights.

    I went to private undergraduate with men like this. But Trump appointed him………and Trump is all about restoring “men” and “guys” to rightful place……most of these blowhards are the ones who are actually the blue-pill types.

  4. Anglin wraps up his talk by reminding us about how important it is that we all work hard to re-elect Donald Trump. Despite the fact that President Trump has never lifted a finger to enforce the basic first amendment protections that Anglin (and I) are regularly denied, by big tech monopolies, which operate entirely on publicly funded infrastructure that our tax dollars developed and continue to pay for.

    And Trump never will except symbolically (unless its by accident). This will be blamed on Trump being a con artist (which may be true in part) but the real problem is that Trump (along with many others) don’t want victory. They want eternal struggle against an enemy. We see this with all the “Russia is behind everything evil” idiots. They’re still pissed that we won the cold war, not necessarily because they wanted us to lose (although there is some of that) but because the enemy is gone.

    Anglin is very worried about the abolition of the police. This is very hard for me to understand, given that Anglin has been hounded by the American legal system for years.

    While Anglin is an idiot, and I’m sure can’t come up with a good reason to be opposed to the abolition of the police, there are reasons to be concerned about this. The current system has to maintain a facade of logically coherent principles based on freedom, justice, equality, etc. When the police are abolished, something will replace it. The police won’t simply be gone. In the best case scenario the replacement will look like a feminist version of Iran’s Guidance Patrol. Likely, it will be much worse.

    BLM, ANTIFA, black men and race mixers do not enforce idiotic family court rulings.

    That’s true for black men and race mixers, but only technically true for BLM and ANTIFA. Given that BLM and ANTIFA are run by feminist individuals and their ranks are feminist (at least in the case of ANTIFA), they would certainly be happy to enforce family court rulings if they were in the position to do so. In fact, they would do much worse to men given the opportunity.

    I wish that ordinary, everyday fathers and husbands would start actively defying the feminist state and its pig soldiers, but they haven.t done so yet and probably never will. Instead, got BLM and ANTIFA cursing cops out and breaking the windows of their patrol cars. For the record, I don.t encourage anyone to do such stuff, but should I oppose it? Why? Why should Anglin want to?

    Because BLM and ANTIFA won’t destroy the feminist state. They will just make it more feminist (or replace it with a more feminist state).

    One such lie is that black people are subhuman savages. That lie is told to working class white men, to keep them from talking or interacting with black men. (Atomization good. Atomization keep you safe! Buy more. Buy more now!) Another lie is that Jews are somehow behind all the problems we see in society. That keeps people from digging into class differences and material conditions.

    Both of those are lies, but class differences are also a lie. Class is a lie to prevent men from different classes from interacting with each other. Otherwise men might discover that even the richest and most powerful men are also under the boot of women, that this problem is fundamentally biological, and requires a solution that addresses said biology.

  5. Blackpill: You’re 100% correct on BLM. I expounded in my latest article. Thanks for posting this. It’s interesting to see how deep this feminist rabbit hole goes.

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