Police are Your Enemies

Fishtown is a waterfront district of Philadelphia, located directly across the Delaware River from Camden, New Jersey. When trouble comes to Fishtown, the residents have no place to run.

Yesterday, as looters descended upon their neighborhood, the unarmed residents of Fishtown called police. Police told them to evacuate and run away.

The people decided not to be cowardly. They rapidly formed an impromptu citizens patrol, and they all came out of their stores and homes to confront the violence.

What happened next was sadly typical. The Philadelphia Police Department sprang into action, arriving within seconds. The cowardly pigs pointed their guns at the unarmed men who were guarding their homes, families and lives.

The media, which was out in force to cover the “peaceful protest,” also played their part, whipping up sympathy for the rioters on Twitter, and cheering the arrest and dispersal of these citizens.

Once the police had disarmed the residents, Fishtown was mercilessly looted and terrorized under the direct supervision of the police department. Journalists across Pennsylvania cheered the mob as they robbed and pillaged.

Not content merely to destroy these men’s lives and livelihoods for one evening, the press is now working overtime to label them “dangerous white supremacists,” and blame them for everything, up to and including the death of George Floyd.

She’s working up a great story!

The pig apologists who will excuse all this as an “isolated incident” will need to explain how a precisely similar scenario occurred at exactly the same time, all the way across the continent.

When looters moved into Van Nuys, California yesterday, small business owners grabbed their shotguns and dialed 911. Callers were repeatedly disconnected by the 911 dispatcher when they asked for help. Once the dispatcher learned that the people were defending themselves, the police arrived within mere seconds.

They came to arrest the owners of the business for “gun violence crime.”

The police are the deadly enemies of hardworking Americans. All these people are illustrations of that brutal truth. Learn from their mistakes.

18 thoughts on “Police are Your Enemies

  1. On May 4, Mogadishu Matt (frequent reader here and whose blog is in the sidebar) wrote an excellent piece (here) about the police. It seems prophetic now. Here is a taste:

    “I dont want you to become enemies. The police in my community are human beings. Many of them are folks that love life and want the best for us all. But their silence is what creates an opportunity for chaos. Im begging for them to take a principled stand and stop overreach. It takes not spacing out and playing ignorant like many LEO.s have. It takes not being a stereotype. Be enlightened and learning about who you work .with.. Fight against stupidity. For your safety and the safety of the public.”

    Down in the comment section, one Lexet Blog made the following ignorant.yet illustrative.comment that has aged poorly:

    “No matter what, there has to be centralization of some services, and ultimately one law giver. The debate is how much power the government has.”

    I objected to the implied notion that a government with ultimate authority is required for anything. I cited colonial America as an example of a society that mostly enforced its own rule without need for external laws or interference. Those who embrace almighty government think that people shouldn’t be allowed to defend their own, even as police explicitly won’t protect property.

  2. ALL local and federal agents are your enemy (just as brother boxer is tellin’ yenz) [1] .. and should be your first targets when we go hot!

    You’re welcome!

    [1] Of course this isn’t new .. just much more obvious now.

  3. Nothing has crossed the line yet, thankfully, because I don’t want to censor half of my regular readership; but the terms of service for my web provider has a “encouraging violence” clause.

    This blog merely reports and advises. It neither condemns nor condones violence against anyone. Thanks!

  4. Oh .. .targets. .. means for flowers!

    I do get what you mean. In such a polarized environment, I’m sure I’ll be tagged as “part of ANTIFA” or “a white supremacist” or some other nonsense, simply for expressing myself.

    I’m vowing, from here on out, to never cooperate or collaborate with any police officer, under any circumstances. I’m also working on allowing myself to feel glad, whenever the police run into some sort of “misfortune.” It’s amazing how deep the conditioning runs; but, this is the internal struggle I face. lol

  5. When looters moved into Van Nuys, California yesterday, small business owners grabbed their shotguns and dialed 911.

    Supremely stupid move.

    If you are armed for your own defense and are in league with others for the same purpose, you DO.NOT.EVER. call the cops. There have been more than enough examples in recent years of just how much your enemy they are, especially the enemy of armed citizens organization in their own defense.

    What Boxer has shared with us here, dear brothers and sisters, is a PERFECT illustration of how “The Police” (a.k.a. “The Fat Blue Line Gang”) are merely another criminal cartel, no different from the Bloods, Crips, Latin Kings, Disciples, or any other non-state-sponsored crime syndicate. IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEIR OWN, THEN YOU ARE THEIR ENEMY, AND THEY WILL TREAT YOU ACCORDINGLY!

  6. Following up my previous post, I invite “Shug,” the (supposed) cop who dropped in and commented the other day on a previous thread, to drop by again and comment on this post. Somehow I doubt that will happen, as the type of bilge Shug spewed in his previous post (“it’s only a few bad apples, guys”) has now been CONCLUSIVELY proven to be pure, utter, 100 percent BULLSHIT that even a mental retard knows is absolutely indefensible.

  7. the type of bilge Shug spewed in his previous post (.it.s only a few bad apples, guys.) has now been CONCLUSIVELY proven to be pure, utter, 100 percent BULLSHIT that even a mental retard knows is absolutely indefensible.

    Right. This is why I documented two scenarios, happening in disparate places, within an hour of each other. People who make these “honest mistakes” excuses have to explain how such “mistakes” can happen consistently, all across the U.S.. .

    Every man (of any race or political background) should begin to see the average cop as his enemy. The last image I posted was a woman who had been involved in Black Lives Matter and the dem party for decades. That didn’t save her when the pigs descended and carted her husband off in handcuffs, so the criminals could rob her blind.

  8. Even more to the point, an entire collection of court decisions, state and subsequent legal precedents, both state and federal, dating all the way back to the middle of the 19th Century have made it abundantly clear that the swine are NOT obligated to take any action whatsoever to “Protect and Serve” the citizenry or their property. It is impossible to sympathize with anyone who still believes that they are. If it hasn’t been made PAINFULLY clear by now, in the wake of current events, that the only people the swine “Protect and Serve” are the Reigning Elite, then such people probably are too stupid to be living by themselves as independent adults.

  9. AAAAARGH!!! Pay attention to your edits before you post, douchebag!!

    The last post should read: “collection of court decisions and subsequent legal precedents, both state and federal, dating all the way back to the middle of the 19th Century …”

  10. *Looks up Fishtown* It’s part of Philadelphia… and their police commissioner… is recent Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw?!? What a small world North America is, for those who aid & abet Antifa.

    She took the commissioner job on February 10, less than four months ago, giving up her Portland gig without any scandal or overt politics forcing the move. I smell a rat.

  11. *Looks up Fishtown* It.s part of Philadelphia. and their police commissioner. is recent Portland Police Chief Danielle Outlaw?!? What a small world North America is, for those who aid & abet Antifa.

    She took the commissioner job on February 10, less than four months ago, giving up her Portland gig without any scandal or overt politics forcing the move. I smell a rat.

    I feel a rant coming on over at my blog about wimminz being placed in charge of cities, or in charge of “protecting” them.

  12. Enemies feels too strong, but based on two personal experiences, they have been abusive and harmful to my family.
    Took my disabled niece away from her Dad based on unfounded allegations the week of my brother’s wife’s death. You read that right.
    Last week, they wouldn’t bust my Mother’s window to enter the house under my direction because they couldn’t verify who I was. I was an hour out. Not only that, they threatened to arrest my Mother’s neighbor if he busted the window. Thankfully, during this argument, my Mom came to the door. I was told full of vomit on her, which was why the porch lights were still on and shades drawn. Turned out only to be her first time with Vertigo., but at the time, we didn’t know what it was. The police would’ve let her die for the sake of a $20 window and there exultation of protecting and serving their liability fears.

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