Farewell (for now at least), and thank you.

I believe I first started reading Dalrock around 2009, and I’m pretty sure I started actively posting there a couple of years later. It’s been a great run, but Dalrock is retiring. I’m hoping that he doesn’t pull a Welmer, and burn the library as he wanders out of town. Friend and foe alike should post some thanks, if they are able, for the man who sharpened our arguments even as he flicked feminist ears.

29 thoughts on “Farewell (for now at least), and thank you.

  1. Huh? A little surprised. I’ll take him for his word that no one pressured him (wife, family, WordPress proper, all the cukservatives, and 99.999999999999999999999999999999 of the pastors / priests who probably disagreed with him)

    Who knows? Maybe he just figured all that needed to be said has been said (and really has for the past ten years…women evil nature, vett a good wife….but you can’t because all the remaining women are evil……Scott himself and handful of others married the last good ones?) Who knows?

    Maybe it was the chivarly thing. He kind of painted himself into a corner. chivalry wrecked christianity and every, single great man in the faith that came after 1230 or whatever was somehow “cucked” or “not really following the faith” and hence, it is hopeless. Still never saw the connection exactly. Calling yourself “anti-chivalrous” wasn’t going to fix it, if indeed this silly code wrecked everything. It all was a sham after that? Really now.

    Perhaps he just wants to do other things. Write. Be around more as a father. Maybe he just is tired. All acceptable reasons. I would not and could not fault a man for this.

    Despite him calling me on my bluff and banning me back right before I went to the UK……I really didn’t dislike him. I did end up having a vile hatred for most of the people who did comment there. These men are a huge reason why men leave the faith, and really want nothing to do with it.

    I found many of his posts interesting, some helpful and many I guess you could say inspiring.

    I have never put a man down for hanging up a hat, calling it a day and saying “done” and on to other things.
    Best of luck to him, his wife, children and family. I wish him no harm.

    Boxer, I will pummel the snot verbally out of any of his psychofanatical collection of posters that come on here and talk “Game” and play the “cocky funny” nonsense with me ..

  2. Perhaps he just wants to do other things. Write. Be around more as a father. Maybe he just is tired. All acceptable reasons. I would not and could not fault a man for this.

    If I were to speculate, I’d assume this is likely a factor. When he started his blog, he talked about a little girl in kindergarten. That woman is now a teenager, and he’s probably spending most of his free time trying to keep her away from the high school playaz, while working overtime to get her everything she is likely to need when she gets married in a few short years.

    Dalrock was best when he was focused on feminists, and he put in a lot of hard work trolling and flaming our enemies. My hat’s off, and I wish him well in his retirement… and I’m also in the process of pulling his entire site offa wordpress just in case it goes missing.

  3. Even Jesus had to eat. God in the story of Genesis took a day of rest……..doing what he did was time consuming, and I don’t care who you are…..the spotlight can be taxing. He has his reasons, and I respect that. A lot of folks in his comment section will have nothing to do now….trying to “out man” another man is easy in the pond that you are liked in. Maybe they will disappear as well.

  4. That woman is now a teenager…

    Children are the main reason why I don’t write as much as I would like and my girls are not even teenagers yet. So based on personal experience, I suspect family life is the primary reason… or at least it is the most honorable reason.

    “Dalrock was best when he was focused on feminists…

    I guess it depends when you started reading his blog (for me, only a few years) and whether or not you read his older stuff (I have not). From my late perspective, I didn’t find his work particularly useful. As Jason speculates:

    “Maybe it was the chivarly thing. He kind of painted himself into a corner. [..] Still never saw the connection exactly.”

    Of course Jason doesn’t see the connections I made in my recent writings, so I might want to seek out a mirror….

  5. From my late perspective, I didn.t find his work particularly useful.

    Ah, you missed some funny stuff, man. Dalrock used to go over to Yahoo! Answers. He was truly a master troll.

    To his credit, after you took him to task, he immediately quit trolling the American Heritage Girls and got back to focusing on serious social problems. I never mentioned this, but the ability to take criticism is a manly quality, and I admired him for reading and taking your articles seriously.

  6. Boxer, I will pummel the snot verbally out of any of his psychofanatical collection of posters that come on here and talk .Game. and play the .cocky funny. nonsense with me ..

    A couple of years ago, I could tell whenever there was a lull in his posting schedule, by the frequency of “new names” showing up here to shill for game and white nationalism.

  7. “Of course Jason doesn.t see the connections I made in my recent writings, so I might want to seek out a mirror..”

    Let’s not go there now on your work. It boils down that I am just stupid in most intellectual manners. Dalrock making a connection to unknown early Medieval “poets” that most educated don’t know a damn thing about, and connecting the dots back to Arthurian “LEGEND” and thus some sneaky beta-cucks brought this into Christianity and made it so called biblical, and then all was well until about 1970 when the church was taken over by feminists and only….and only a few posters are saving the whole world this onslaught and are telling the truth, and if we just ignore everything about the faith from after this “code” of chivarly (which was HARDLY practiced mind you, even it its height) all would be well, women would submit to rollo, I mean god…….all these other christian media would not exist and we all would be like Scott living on a farm and having no problems in life concerning women.

    Look, I came up with some hairbrained theories when I was high on LSD back in college……but really now. A few cucks hijacked a faith, kept it under wraps and sprung the trap with second wave feminism, and everyone….everyone was in on it except himself, cane, and a few others??????

    This makes “Coast to Coast” AM with the late Art Bell look like childs play. Sorry, I don’t buy this….yeah, I know I am stupid for not accepting this as fact

  8. I won’t miss Dalrock at all, as far as I’m concerned he is a faggot who was so super heavy with his moderation it makes SJW’s look like saints. Anyone who censors comments and bans people who disagrees with him doesn’t get my respect. ….sorry Boxer but I’m glad he’s gone, he was truly toxic

  9. In any case…it is a pretty big deal….like him or dislike him. Dalrock will be fine. There is going to be scramble by many of the posters claiming who their new god is. Will it be rollo? roosh? Maybe these men should just actually practice and implement their faith in their lives and to others……that would require work. It’s easier to rip any man apart in the comments section all in the name of ‘christian love’ and talk about how many girls they f*cuked in high school until they met their perfect, saintly, hot, amazing wife.

    The problem with the red-pilled world is that they are really convinced they are fighting back, and winning, and making the world better for men.

    Reality is that it’s just an echo chamber of how amazing they are, and they are not like 99% of the men out there. They wring their hands, lament about how much men “need” help and then they pounce, rip apart, eat alive and destroy any man that doesn’t accept their doctrinal thinking. Just as bad as the SJW crowd. I have never met so many “brilliant leaders” in one place (lol). If they want rank and file men on their side, to grow and learn they need to understand all men are not alike. Some will be smart. Others not so much. Some may have skills in other areas (every man in the sphere has every skill, and has mastered it…..their arrogance is beyond sickening)

    It’s a closed club. That’s their problem. They dislike most people and for how happy they claim to be in their marriages, they spend a lot of time on the forum shooting other men down.

    Let them have it. They’re never going to accept 99% of the men out there…..even if they did become Orthodox and the holiest of believers……you still will never be allowed to be of them. They like it that way, and they indeed set it up this way

  10. Dalrock ending is the conclusion of an era. He for sure went off the rails, and it was noticeable. Wonder what changed the past 2-3 years?
    Boxer, you seem to have been reading him from nearly the beginning. In your estimation, when did he take off or become popular? Was it a post or two, or was it just a slow build over time?

  11. Dal’ did a lot of good.

    He was probably was 1) burn-out 2) family time capacity deficit 3) ran outta matetial (or desire to post) 4) reading the tea leaves and leaving before the interwebz eats all the red-pill-ed sites.

    Either way he moderated me, regularly, for 24 hrs per post .. thus making or rendering my post invisible .. I just stopped posting .. it was his site after all.

  12. “To his credit, after you took him to task, he immediately quit trolling the American Heritage Girls and got back to focusing on serious social problems. I never mentioned this, but the ability to take criticism is a manly quality, and I admired him for reading and taking your articles seriously.”

    I wonder if he really did read my articles. Regardless, I do remember when you and I criticized him for doxxing someone’s kids. He didn’t think it was doxxing, but he accepted the rebuke and removed the references anyway. Not everyone would have done that.

    “Either way he moderated me, regularly, for 24 hrs per post .. thus making or rendering my post invisible .. I just stopped posting .. it was his site after all.”

    Same. I acknowledge the right of a man to moderate his forum, but his moderation was effectively a shadow ban. As far as I know, you and I were in moderation because of our ideas, not because we were trolling or irrational. I’ll never feel positive about a male leader who engages in that kind of censorship, as I’ve “>previously written. That said, he always posted my pingbacks when I authored criticisms of him on my blog or on this blog.

  13. I still laugh at the reply he gave me once a few years back. Telling me that in order to get a wife, I would have to move to a third world country. He also stated in that reply that in order to “get” a wife, I would have to be provider, have a really good job…you know….give a wife a decent middle to upper middle class standard of living.

    The whole peanut gallery commented on his brilliance in their replies. “Yeah, just move overseas, learn the language, the culture, get a really good high paying job….and voila! No problem. Easy. People do it all the time.”

    When I would try to parry with “You know, its not that easy to move to a foreign land….learn the language and culture and do this.” I was scoffed for being defeatist, and not accepting the “great advice” I was given. Was told I wanted a pity party, and piled on “you must be happy being miserable”

    None of them did this mind you. You know, move to Sri Lanka, or the former Soviet Union, studied code, got a great job, learned Russian ina few weeks….and met a perfect ten, devout, hot, biblical woman….no, all the men telling me this great advice were married to American women. Including Dalrock. The one poster who did actually do this (moved overseas) did “try” to defend my point albeit small “Umm…it isn’t easy, but if you want a wife today, American men have to do this”

    Yet, in the same breath the commenters would cite Dalrock’s work about “vetting a wife” but at the same time would tell me, or anyone else that “nope. no left. American women are useless. Church women are all feminists. Nope. No hope, they will just try upsur your authority, divorce you, rebel………make you into a cuckservative.”

    The wind shifted frequently in the comments on Dal’s site over stuff like this. They…..the “real men” in the room couldn’t even agree on anything really….yet they had the solutions to “fixing” the world. I heard ROllo cited there more than the bible, Jesus or anything of value from any christian thinker over my five / six years there. The comments section again ruined more of what Dalrock really did do well.

  14. I only started reading Dalrock about a year ago, maybe even less than that. Still learned a lot from him.

    That being said, I didn’t really read him critically, just accepting what he wrote without thinking about it much. In my naive mind’s eye, he was “the” Christian redpill blogger (what a strange label), and I viewed him as somehow “superior” to the other ones.

    After reading around on this blog, and a few other ones not related to Dalrock, I realized some of his flaws. Probably for the best.

    It was still a good run, though.

  15. Well this is annoying:

    Looks like Dalrock has either intentionally disabled the archiving of his site or he has been suppressed. If we take him at his word, it is the former. It is very strange that he is going to delete it all. Wanting to spend more time focusing on your family is not a complete explanation.

  16. Like I said Dalrock is a despicable coward who loves censorship, so it would not surprise me if he’s going to retroactively delete his entire blog before anyone else gets to read it.
    I’m surmising the “real” reason Dalrock quit, was because his wife issued him an ultimatum/ and or threatened divorce if he didn’t take down his blog.
    Whatever the reason, in my eyes the guy will always be a coward who employs the same censorship tactics as those on the extreme left. He is a snowflake personified

  17. Reconsidering now??? Is this some form of “male shit test” to see if the men cared enough? What more work is there really to do? His slavish followers are the ones crying for him not to go.

    What more can he really say? Christian media bad, bad, bad!!!! Cuckervatives are ruining the church….yet no one seems to be doing anything about it……brilliant “leaders” they all supposedly are.

    Something is not catching with the masses of men……what could it be?????

    Ah, yes. Hypocrites. All about Jesus, faith, livng a Godly life as a real man…..and shitting on anyone who isn’t like them.

    That will stop a faith in its tracks, as it should….and them blaming some feudal code, feminism, and cuckservatives…….about as flimsy a defense as women screaming “bad, mean men kept me from achieving”

  18. Looks like Dalrock has either intentionally disabled the archiving of his site or he has been suppressed. If we take him at his word, it is the former. It is very strange that he is going to delete it all. Wanting to spend more time focusing on your family is not a complete explanation.

    The family time explanation was my conjecture. Dalrock never explained his retirement, and, really, he doesn’t owe anyone an explanation.

    Men adopt projects, and men change projects, as they see fit.

  19. Brother FeministDestroyer:

    Welcome back, my man. You have been missed.

    Like I said Dalrock is a despicable coward who loves censorship, so it would not surprise me if he.s going to retroactively delete his entire blog before anyone else gets to read it.
    I.m surmising the .real. reason Dalrock quit, was because his wife issued him an ultimatum/ and or threatened divorce if he didn.t take down his blog.
    Whatever the reason, in my eyes the guy will always be a coward who employs the same censorship tactics as those on the extreme left. He is a snowflake personified

  20. Haha .. thanks man
    Its good to be back……I still read all of your threads, I’ve just been too lazy to comment until now….now don’t do a Dalrock on us and quit shop lol

  21. now don.t do a Dalrock on us and quit shop lol

    I have no plans to delete my content, but I’m sure this blog will disappear at some point, regardless. Our histrionic feminist enemies aren’t known for tolerating dissent, ya know?

  22. I just realized I am not 25, or 30, or even 40 now………went to see “The English Beat” perform last night in nearby Petaluma. I skanked and danced hard. Real hard. I was the oldest guy there, but I still represented and owned that front skank pit. My dress shirt and slacks were stuck to my body from the sweat. My tie was even soaked. Doc martens need a good buffing and polishing….scuff marks all over. Got home well after 1 am. That alarm went off way too soon. Ready for work…….but man oh man, am I sore. So sore. Thank goodness I am not a drinking man anymore, probably would have woke up late too work, or would have called in sick to work. I was once a very irresponsible man. The opening act was a ska band from the LA area, and they were pretty decent.

    I need someone with a school age child to come over and walk on my back after work today.

    The frustrations all came out on the floor. No violence…real ska shows are not about purposely hurting people on the floor…but I did have to check a few people who were getting a little annoying (standing in the skank pit and filming the show with their iphones, and getting ‘mad’ at people who bumped into them……)

    Dalrock can do as he pleases. He owes nobody a thing, and from many of the comments on his blog…..many seem to think he still owes them something. Good luck to him.

  23. “Dalrock never explained his retirement, and, really, he doesn.t owe anyone an explanation. Men adopt projects, and men change projects, as they see fit.”


    “Dalrock can do as he pleases. He owes nobody a thing, and from many of the comments on his blog…many seem to think he still owes them something.”

    It isn’t really about whether he has a right to do it.he clearly does.but whether he should.

    America once understood that copyright should be limited. A limited selection of works could be controlled for 14 or 28 years, but ultimately everything would eventually fall into the public domain. It was recognized that these things should not be allowed to die, but should benefit the public. When someone destroys a cultural work, be it literature, a work of art, or other creative production, everyone loses.

    Ultimately, I think it is right to consider it a collective work owned by all men, even if Dalrock has the final legal say in whether or not to delete it. Make your copies.

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