Seekers Of The Ring

I’ve taken to playing a game which is simultaneously fun and effective with the holiday hoez on the internet dating sites.

Her: 26, one kid, recently divorced after a 2 year marriage.

Me: y’r pal Boxer, hardcore misogynist.

Setting: text messaging, after matching on one of the silly phone apps.

I always ask the question what are you actually looking for within the first five minutes.

What she says she’s looking for is someone who could “start as friends” and “see where things go…” She lied. She says that she wants an LJBFrather than the regular sexual encounter that she pretended to want on the banging site.

What she’s actually looking for are a large group of men who endlessly chase her, in hopes that she will choose one or more of them. The manosphere will clue you in to this, and it’s true. Unfortunately, the manosphere will then immediately lie to you, and tell you that if you accept this lowly position, you will never, ever get that ass.

Back when I was a young and naïve lad, I took the offer to become a slut’s LJBF quite frequently. I almost always got some mediocre sex, but only after an endless series of encounters punctuated by lies, flaking, demands, wasting money, etc.

When I got clued in (thanks to AfOR and Roosh V.) I began nexting wimminz like this immediately. That changed recently, as you can see above.

What I’ve started doing is reflexively messing with these bitches, by calling their hand and telling them I’m looking for someone to marry. I could excuse this descent into dishonesty with a series of good for the goose rationalizations, but I won’t. I’ll just tell you that it amuses me to do so. It has the effect of flipping the script, as I see the thirsty bitch immediately take the bait and begin kissing my ass in an attempt to take her seriously.

Of course, as she drops ever more frequent and transparent hints about meeting in the real world, I drop ever more ambiguous hints about looking for a wife, and not a friend, and wishing her well in her search for a celibate groveler.

10 thoughts on “Seekers Of The Ring

  1. Do you think you.ll ever get married?

    My position has softened to it in the past year or two; but, no. The conditions on the ground make it too risky for me.

    If I did, I’d find a nice religious girl who loves god and respects her father. Most men will get married, and for those men, I hope they at least consider the importance of the above. It’s objectively more important than being a virgin with no tattoos (though, those are good qualities, too.)

  2. She’s a hoe yo!

    She has no idea how easy a mark she is .. and has no idea she’ll do worse than her ex-husband when it’s all said and done.

    That hoez response rate (by other dudes) is her odometer career dissipation light hitting over-drive.

    Hit-it .. quit-it .. return-it to section 8 housing where you found-it. Be sure to run-it thru all its gears and test the accelerator (and breaks) for sticky spots!

    Fella’s .. please .. don’t marry a filthy-ho-bag (i.e. any womminz but especially an .. allegedly .. divorced womminz).

  3. If I did, I.d find a nice religious girl who loves god and respects her father. Most men will get married, and for those men, I hope they at least consider the importance of the above.

    Yup, once you go hardcore misogynist you realize that’s what you are looking for.

  4. Telling a divorced chick you are into monogamy and openness to marriage (when she obviously has shown she’s not). That’s actually quite funny.

  5. She has no idea how easy a mark she is .. and has no idea she.ll do worse than her ex-husband when it.s all said and done.

    If wimminz really knew just what happens when they decide to frivorce or run out the man who is her lawful authority because some silver tongued serpent whispered in her ear she’d get empowered…they’d never do it.

    Nonetheless it does make them an easy mark.

  6. Well the chump seems happy .. and she’s so happy she avoids showing her face (of shame) ..

    She’s to much (used-up fat ugly tatted mouthy) wommimz for me.

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