The Sad Tale of Abram

In the first place, I scoff at men who have hyphenated surnames. Either Abram has a ball-busting wimminz who won’t take his last name (as she absolutely should) or he was raised by such a wimminz, who insisted on embarrassing her son by cursing him with a feminist moniker. Which of these scenarios is closer to the truth is irrelevant, since he looks equally ridiculous in either scenario.

Brother Abram has a passion in life, and this is making cider. By all accounts, he does it very well. He started experimenting when he was growing up on a farm in rural Oregon. He eventually started his own business: a cider tavern in Portland. Even though cider-making is a tiny, niche market, Abram worked hard and built a loyal following for several years. Abram’s story is sad, because it’s the sort of narrative that would have been inspirational to the young brothers. Unfortunately, Abram scuttled a good thing, and now his business is being liquidated from beneath his feet.

How did this happen?

Like any normal man, brother Abram finds white racial nationalists tedious and depressing. I am in complete sympathy with him in that regard. Whenever they show up here, white nationalists make themselves a complete nuisance and I end up blocking them. Abram could have taken this sort of soft, reasonable approach, but that wasn’t confrontational enough for a liberal hipster with a hyphenated surname.

For some unknown reason, in late 2018, brother Abram invited ANTIFA to use his place of business to host their gatherings. He didn’t just refuse to throw them out, he actively recruited them to set up shop.

Predictably, his guests invited right wing loons to fight them in his business. As any reasonable person might assume, the right wing loons came right over, and everyone had a big squabble.

Boys in this post code don’t get themselves involved in such shenanigans, because around here we realize that the point of a masculine life is to do interesting stuff, and thereby make one’s span on Earth a work of art. Sensible men don’t waste their money on legal procedures after meaningless streetfighting, and no one has time to fight with his neighbors.

Abram’s guests made such a nuisance of themselves, that the police came around and rolled everyone up. All involved were cuffed and photographed, and the cops took them down for booking and a few nights in the clink.

Boys in this post code know about that too. For example, we know that the police pays informants and agents provocateurs to get the weak minded to commit crimes. The subsequent arrests give the inflated law-enforcement budgets increased credibility, and it also shunts the stupid and the clueless into the system, where they’ll be forced to pay the salaries of lawyers and government bureaucrats through fines and fees.

One should not be fooled into thinking that the state is on one side or another in these ANTIFA / White Nationalist brawls. The state is on its own side, and the state pays people in both camps to encourage stupid men to play the jackass, and the state laughs all the way to the courthouse after every violent skirmish.

Inviting lunatics to trash the surrounding neighborhood was a terrible business decision on Abram’s part. Did our brother Abram take a hint, and apologize to the community? No, he didn’t. He got in the media and started doubling down, with lawsuits and public pronouncements.

Brother Abram decided that patting himself on the back, and endlessly crowing about how “progressive” he was in print, was more important than doing what he was clearly born to do. He had the potential to do something really interesting, and now it’s all being flushed down the toilet, because he didn’t keep his eye on the prize.

Amazingly enough, Abram still seems completely clueless.

Brother Abram seems to feel that whoever buys his now failed bar should continue his practice of inviting ANTIFA and white nationalists to trash the neighborhood. Maybe it’s me, but if I were a businessman, I’d have more respect for my customers and my neighbors.

I admire a man who follows his dreams, who becomes the best at something, and who is able to make a living by sharing his talents with the world. Unfortunately, Abram forgot his gifts in order to boost his ego. The customers responded accordingly, and here ends his story.

8 thoughts on “The Sad Tale of Abram

  1. For example, we know that the police pays informants and agents provocateurs to get the weak minded to commit crimes. The subsequent arrests give the inflated law-enforcement budgets increased credibility, and it also shunts the stupid and the clueless into the system, where they.ll be forced to pay the salaries of lawyers and government bureaucrats through fines and fees.

    It doesn’t matter if it’s criminal or divorce court .. the government has its “provocateurs” .. they have a porsche to pay for .. so you men get married and get to fighting and divorcing .. now so few men wanted a womminz provocateur that they let’em marry each other .. now they fight (crime and divorce) from space.

    Boys in this post code don.t get themselves involved in such shenanigans, because around here we realize that the point of a masculine life is to do interesting stuff, and thereby make one.s span on Earth a work of art. Sensible men don.t waste their money on legal procedures after meaningless streetfightingWIMMINZ, and no one has time to fight with his neighbors.

    FIFY (heh) ..

    And this is why we have MGTOW .. or in my day confirmed bachelors that never marry.

  2. Good riddance. He filed a civil lawsuit against Proud Boys for their “attack” on his business in the aftermath of the fight you referred to. Surprising that a Leftoid was even able to start a business, although not surprising that he wasn’t able to keep it up.

    Maybe he was hoping the Proud Boys would arson the place so he could cash the insurance policy.

  3. Dear Gunner:

    It’s often strange to see a self-proclaimed Christian conservative take your positions.

    Good riddance. He filed a civil lawsuit against Proud Boys for their .attack. on his business in the aftermath of the fight you referred to.

    The proud-boys did attack his business. It was pathetic. If I were him, I’d have taken the same steps.

    Of course, I wouldn’t have invited the anti-proud boys to come terrorize my customers in the first place. That’s the only difference between me and Abram.

    Surprising that a Leftoid was even able to start a business, although not surprising that he wasn.t able to keep it up.

    American entrepreneurs vastly skew politically to what you’re insulting as “leftoid” here. I can’t believe you don’t realize this. Amazing that you are this clueless, living in California.

    People who start businesses in our society do so because they’re not comfortable in the heirarchy of an established corporation. Those personality types are not natural political conservatives.

    Maybe he was hoping the Proud Boys would arson the place so he could cash the insurance policy.

    He actually reminds me of you: someone so chained to his ideals that he can’t see the big picture.


  4. Dear Honeycomb:

    Sensible men don.t waste their money on legal procedures after meaningless WIMMINZ, and no one has time to fight with his neighbors.

    That’s a very astute observation, and one that I didn’t consider.

  5. One thing. Puerto Ricans and bluebloods often have appellated names naturally. Not due to feminist mothers. (But I hate hypenates anyway; there was a time that people didnt need last names or your last name was a descriptor like “Schumaker” or your last name was a location).

  6. I double-checked my memory of the event and reviewed a little video, too. Correction, it was Patriot Prayer that showed up not Proud Boys as I’d thought. PB have been less militant thus far.

    But I still didn’t see any property damage to Cider Riot. The fights took place in the street and outdoor seating. If you can show otherwise then I’ll keep walking my words back, but AFAIK he suffered no riot damages worth filing a lawsuit over. Thus, he went out of business because he was a bad businessman… consistent with his antifascist beliefs. And if his bar was going down anyway then he had significant motivation to leverage the riot for all it was (literally) worth.

    “American entrepreneurs vastly skew politically to what insulting as .leftoid. here. I can.t believe you don.t realize this. Amazing that you are this clueless, living in California.”

    American entrepreneurs meaning Silicon Valley? They’re sharks and slave traders. Or, how about solar panel installation start-ups? In California, they’re State-subsidized with brand-new State mandates to guarantee them business. Or those new marijuana dispensaries? I hope they ban that junk again.

    Or Abram here? His bar can’t turn a profit but he wants the next owner to change nothing about it? Like his political awareness, his economic awareness is all ego and no reality.

  7. I double-checked my memory of the event and reviewed a little video, too. Correction, it was Patriot Prayer that showed up not Proud Boys as I.d thought. PB have been less militant thus far.

    Both groups have had pathetic public “chimpouts” which were so embarrassing that Donald Trump even denounced them, so I don’t blame you for conflating the two.

    But I still didn.t see any property damage to Cider Riot. The fights took place in the street and outdoor seating. If you can show otherwise then I.ll keep walking my words back, but AFAIK he suffered no riot damages worth filing a lawsuit over.

    Business owners take great exception to organized threats against the safety of their patrons on premises. Like you, I’ve never owned a business myself, but keeping people safe while they’re spending their money in your bar seems like a common sense precondition to success.

    Thus, he went out of business because he was a bad businessman.

    He was a great businessman. He built a business in a tiny market in one of the most competitive environments on earth. Have you ever done anything even remotely similar? I didn’t think so. (For the record, me either.)

    consistent with his antifascist beliefs.

    No doubt it’ll shock you to realize that fascism is not a traditional political system which is grounded in American values. What you call “antifascist beliefs” have always been the status quo in North America. Free clue: No one here has ever liked Hitler. Even the goons that dress up as nazis and march around know this, which is why they do it (cheap theatrics are their sole avenue for attention, since none of them has ever done anything noteworthy).

    And if his bar was going down anyway then he had significant motivation to leverage the riot for all it was (literally) worth.

    He virtue signaled for the same reason you do. The difference between him and you is that he had something to lose, and he lost it.

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