Filthy Lying Whores

Nurse Nookie: Laughing since 1984.

Down below, Earl astutely notes that:

Sure she might not appeal to Boxer from her photo…but her 3d self certainly knew which buttons to push in this guy to have him fall into the trap.

The poor old geezer at top left was Johnnie Albritton. If you read the caption, you know only part of the story.

My nigga Johnnie was married to some woman who took ill with cancer, ’round about 1980. Soon after the diagnosis, Johnnie hired a nurse to look after his wife and little kids. The nurse is the smiling old bitch in top right of the photo.

Johnnie’s wife died, around 1983. By this time, Nurse Nookie had (in Earl’s parlance) pushed all the right buttons, and had my man Johnnie hooked on her cunt/ass/mouth. Johnnie laid his wife to rest, but skank-ho nurse stayed on in the house.

Only months after burying his spouse, Johnnie came home from work one night to meet his new wimminz, who informed him that his little girl had, for some reason, blown her own brains out with a handgun.

Must have been suicide. Kid was depressed about losing mom. Sure.

No doubt the kid was disgusted also, by the daily sight of her weak-willed father, who so easily fell into plowing the help, while dear old mom was sick in bed. Johnnie subsequently planted his daughter, next to her mom, in the family plot, down at the county boneyard.

Only a year after this, Johnnie was found dead in his home. Nurse Nookie called the sheriff, all in tears. It was a burglary gone bad. He surprised the crooks. Sure. Sure.

The sheriff became suspicious when he only found fingerprints and physical evidence from skank-ho nurse at the crime scene. He ordered bitch to come in for a polygraph, and she initially agreed, but later decided she couldn’t make it. More appointments were scheduled, and all were broken…

She had an appointment out of town.

She shot herself by accident (lots of guns going off in this bitch’s vicinity, no?)

Her own dear mother was sick.

etc. etc. ad infinitvm

Naturally, the cunt pass was in full effect down at the D.A. office. Sheriff was told to back off, and quit harassing this poor grieving widow…

Now, some three-and-a-half decades later, the sheriff’s office finally found someone to help them. It wasn’t the D.A. or the local cucked Christian priest or the lying town journalists. It was a trashy tee-vee reality show. They broke the news he had known all along. Bitch killed her man. Bitch also probably killed the little girl, and my money is on bitch killing the woman she was originally hired to care for, too.

Nurse Nookie has had a really good time, since 1985, spending all the money that rightly belonged to my man Johnnie’s little girl, his wife, and most importantly, the man who made the money, who she coldly dispatched with a shotgun.

Down below, Sue wrote:

Hey Boxer, if you honestly believe that wimminz are so terrible, you might seriously consider having no further forni-sessions with your [beeches], or any other wimminz for that matter. Seriously, dude, on the one hand yer totally spewing bile about women, and then on the other, you seem to think fornicating is okay. Uhm, yer talking out of both sides of your mouth.

Sue can not quit posting here for all the same reasons that my bitches eagerly get down on all fours to take dick on command. Contrary to what anon and Roosh V. will tell you, it has very little to do with ‘game’. I don’t offer the bitches lots of money or time or attention. A bitch might get a five dollar taco or cup of starbucks if it serves my interests, but probably not. I don’t pretend to be a thug or a playa or a zillionaire or a guy with stratospheric social status. I just tell the bitches how it is.

Every bitch I have fucked in the last two years knows exactly how I feel, including Sue.

You are a filthy, lying wimminz. You are a whore. If you are lucky, I might allow you to be my whore, on a part-time, temporary basis.

I will give you exactly nothing in material terms, in return for you falling to your knees, worshipping my cock, and agreeing to be defiled in any way which amuses me.

The one concession I will give in return is an iron-clad promise not to let your bitch friends know that I know you are exactly what you are, in word and in deed.

There are women who aren’t whores, but in the class of all women, there is the set of all wimminz, and every wimminz is a whore.

In modern society, the set of all wimminz has a countable, finite, but incredibly large cardinality.

Johnnie’s wife may not have been a wimminz, but Johnnie’s whore nurse was certainly a wimminz.

Jeff Bezos’ wife may not have been a wimminz, but the whore Bezos cheated on her with was most definitely a wimminz.

If more young brothers got woke to this simple truth, there would be no more Jeff Bezos style divorces, and there would be no more dead dumbasses, who previously buried their wives and children in short order.

11 thoughts on “Filthy Lying Whores

  1. ‘Hey Boxer, if you honestly believe that wimminz are so terrible, you might seriously consider having no further forni-sessions with your [beeches], or any other wimminz for that matter. Seriously, dude, on the one hand yer totally spewing bile about women, and then on the other, you seem to think fornicating is okay. Uhm, yer talking out of both sides of your mouth.’

    My retort to Sue is that Boxer is not talking out of both sides of his mouth…he sees women as objects and treats them as objects. The far majority of them follow along because they are easily duped into it and convince themselves there’s some power (which is false) in being objectified. If Boxer spoke lovingly about women as a front to predatory behavior like many male feminists do…then you got something.

    Women REALLY hate it when men treat them like objects…but when women treat themselves or their children as objects suddenly they can rationalize it better.

    Feminism turned women into objects…feminism also convinced many men that women are objects. Feminism turned children into objects that should be aborted or given to a ‘Disney producer’ for profit. Nothing changes until both sexes agree we are co-heirs to life and not anon bodies to fornicate with.

  2. Women REALLY hate it when men treat them like objects.but when women treat themselves or their children as objects suddenly they can rationalize it better.

    Women might hate it. I wouldn’t know. I do know that wimminz LOVE to be treated like objects. They seem to be able to “let their hair down” with a man who knows exactly what they are and treats them accordingly.

    Your comment about pushing buttons was really astute, but when you described it as something conscious and intentional (Dirty sanchez “knew what button to push” to get Bezos to cheat with her) I think you’re giving both men and wimminz way too much credit. I’ll illustrate it with an analogy.

    I met a woman recently (may or may not be a wimminz, but she’s doing a good job luring me with the illusion that she is decent). Long legs, very nice figure, keeps fit, African-American, great bubble ass, hair is not weaved out, but is not butch cut either – six inch braids in her fro. She speaks nicely, dresses modestly, no skank-ho tatts, claims to be a virgin (and for once, I think I believe her), Catholic and wants Boxer to do RCIA and quit being a male skank-ho slut if he’s serious about dating her…

    She does all manner of nice things for me. For instance, one day last week, she brought me lunch at my job. She drives a great big Dodge Diesel truck (she’s sort of a cowboy chick) and she parked it in the lot 5 minutes before I got out for break. I walked out and she jumped out and gave me a hug… and then…

    I could smell her cunt.

    Not fishy, very subtle, but she just smelled “ripe” is the best way I can describe it. Pheremones and the like. Y’all know what I’m talking about.

    My cock was rock hard immediately. If she had the bad sense to invite me to her house for lunch (she doesn’t lol) I might be facing a rape charge now. The urge was almost uncontrollable.

    That night I rage fucked one of the sluts on my list for about three hours, and it didn’t help. I’m still thinking about her.

    Women push buttons without knowing it. They do it just because they’re females, and we’re males, and we were built to push each other’s buttons.

    Will I go straight and marry this woman? I doubt it, but there are such women in the world, and you marriage-minded bros will do well to find them, rather than wasting your commitment on some filthy, lying whore.

  3. Bill Hicks was on point about a lot of things. I just looked up this album. Thanks for posting it!

    He’s up there when it comes to comedic talent. Well it’s more telling the truth that makes people laugh.

  4. Women might hate it. I wouldn.t know. I do know that wimminz LOVE to be treated like objects.

    I’ll put it this way…they love it when it is implied…they hate it when you state out loud that’s what you (or men in general) are doing.

    As far as this gal that likes you…well she’s doing things that show she probably values your humanity and that’s the reaction that happened. Women who view you as an object would get off more as treating you as an object. That’s why virginity and being God fearing is a great asset for a woman to have…shows that she probably still has some shred of humanity and views men the same.

    Even a serial fornicator knows.

  5. Your comment about pushing buttons was really astute, but when you described it as something conscious and intentional (Dirty sanchez .knew what button to push. to get Bezos to cheat with her)

    Well he was sending her dick pics and cringe thirst texts to her….I’m pretty sure we know which button she was pushing.

  6. Bill Hicks performed at my college in Vermont back in 1992. Progressives and the newly minted PC Police at that time……..walked out. Check-pants Republicans at that time walked out. The soccer team and most of the ski team didn’t care and never came.

    He ended up performing to a crowd of about 20 of us who were stoned on LSD and / mushrooms…..we laughed so hard…….loved how he ripped on everybody.

    Was a tad sad when he died two years later

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