Jeff Bezos’ Divorce Rape

An idiot paid 38 BILLION USD to plow this granny’s stink-hole

Jeff Bezos, the world’s wealthiest man, who takes a cut of every transaction you make on amazon dot com, and who is proud to sell David Duke’s crazy books, while censoring men like Roosh V, recently got his comeuppance.

The old bitch in the photo above is Lauren Sanchez. News broke back in January that Jeff Bezos, the multibillionaire, had been banging this old broad. Sanchez was, not coincidentally, married when they started fucking.

Sanchez’ husband, a dude named Patrick Whitesell, actually introduced this pair of degenerates. Bezos cucked Whitesell, who is described as a “family friend,” after Whitesell made the mistake of bringing his wife along to meet the Amazon billionaire and legendary parasite.

The most unbelievable part of this story is the fact that a man with a ten-figure fortune would lie with a wizened old hag like this, but there you have it…

Apparently, when you’re the world’s richest man,  you amuse yourself by sending dick pics to elderly women who are married to friends of your family.

In January of this year, after the affair was leaked in the National Enquirer, Bezos’ wife filed for divorce. Last week, Bezos’ wife of 20-plus years was granted her divorce. She was also given 38 billion dollars for her trouble. She immediately got on twitter to gloat.

It is interesting to note that MacKenzie at least took Jeff’s name, while the filthy wimminz he was fucking on the side didn’t have enough respect for her own husband to do the same. She was born, and will always remain, “Dirty Sanchez.”

What can we learn from this incident? Many things. I believe that the most important takeaway is that America’s wealthiest people are not necessarily better than you, not smarter than you, not more cultured or tasteful. They are often, in essence, white trash.

13 thoughts on “Jeff Bezos’ Divorce Rape

  1. So what do you call white. Trash Outsized bank account? celebrities
    If a billionaire why are you sleeping with anyone was born before 1998?

  2. I have long observed that the ultra uber class and the cracker class are more or less the same quality of people. The only difference is that one has, and the other has not.

  3. If it were any man other than Jeff Bozo suffering this travesty, I would be horrified and at least slightly sympathetic toward the guy. Unfortunately, in this case all I feel is mild Schadenfreude.

  4. I believe that the most important takeaway is that America.s wealthiest people are not necessarily better than you, not smarter than you, not more cultured or tasteful. They are often, in essence, white trash.

    This agrees with my assessment, and I worked with some super wealthy investors and potential investors back in the day. While most are super savvy about their own line of business, and ruthless in their pursuit of money, they were often quite one dimensional regarding their excellence, and quite lacking in other areas. But it is amazing how well a hundred million dollars can polish up or paper over your obvious flaws from the public. Plus people will overlook the most obvious flaws when you have lots of money. When a billionaire insults one of his friends, everybody laughs like he told a joke, including the friend he just dissed. When a poor man insults somebody, everybody turns the insult back around on the poor man.

    Proverbs 18:33 The poor useth entreaties, but the rich answereth roughly.

  5. “I believe that the most important takeaway is that America.s wealthiest people are not necessarily better than you, not smarter than you, not more cultured or tasteful.”

    To misquote Darth Vader, “The ability to purchase an entire planet is insignificant next to the power of the Ass.”

  6. Money is merely a force multiplier. Shitty people become more shitty with cash. Good people enact more good with cash. Bezos the Bozo, what a clown.

    As an aside, his former wife was clearly a business transaction. There was no devotion or love there, only mutual interests.. for a time.

  7. Having loads of mammon makes it much easier for these guys to fall into the bear trap.

    Sure she might not appeal to Boxer from her photo…but her 3d self certainly knew which buttons to push in this guy to have him fall into the trap.

  8. Money is merely a force multiplier. Shitty people become more shitty with cash.

    And if greedy people who love money, slave, steal, and will shank their own grandmother for a dime. Once they become rich, instead of being content with, and thankful for, their fortune, they become even more driven to steal the last pennies out of everyone’s pockets. Thus It is very hard for the idolatrous/covetous rich folk to enter heaven.

    There should be a verse about that. /S

  9. Powerful Christian leaders in the evangelical scene are no better than Bezos………in fact, we only hear about Bezos because he is rich and powerful in the retail business. Pastor Chandler made an offisde in one of his sermons awhile back saying that “so many women were attracted to him because of his ‘godly’ character”

    Nevermind he had his eye on a young girl that eventually became his wife when he was what…….20 or 21, and she was 16…….he would throw any other man under the bus for such actions out of his church for such behavior…..or thought!

    Yes, Deep Strenght, Dalrock, and the other manly men out there in the sphere……just be ‘holy’ don’t be ‘nice’ to women, lead a bible study, and be cocky-funny and the ladies will be banging on the door to be your wife and have your baby…they can’t help it! Oh…and yes…they will all be way, way, WAY above average in the looks dept ta boot! LOL!!!!

    In the USA we assume rich people are smart. Sure, some have talents that led them to where they are. Some have some common business sense. Some just had idea and went for it. SOme of it was timing…..and meeting the right people at the right time (The Beatles are prime examples of this…..yes, talented and good….but…….meeting Brian Epstein, having George Martin just taking a chance on signing them to record in 1962…….the eruption of the Baby Boom cresting on becoming of age……..)

    Most gazillionaires are really no smarter than most of us. They make bad choices, they usually have a string of failures before the appear out of nowhere……..we assume them to honest, all hard working, all brilliant and all talented.

    Bezos had an idea. A good one. That was about it.

  10. The most unbelievable part of this story is the fact that a man with a ten-figure fortune would lie with a wizened old hag like this,

    Correction, 12-figure (i.e. over $100B). He could lose 99% of his money and still technically be a billionaire.

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