Saturday Morning Hijinx

More fun and games, in the Dalrock insane asylum

I was bored this morning, so I wandered over to the one remaining high-traffic antifeminist blog left on wordpress’ free plan, and what did I see? The devout Christians in residence are preaching “man up and marry the hoez,” to the young brothers. Let’s see what truths these loons can teach us, shall we?

a man is obligated to the civilization he was raised in, which represent the sum efforts of all his forefathers into building up a society for their prosperity.

While SirHamster’s father probably did have some hand in promoting “drag queen story hour,” my father and grandfathers did no such thing. This society has zero resemblance to anything my people ever advocated. As such, I have no obligation to support it. More importantly, neither do any of the readers of this blog.

Religious Christians and Jews, along with other politically conservative faggots will try and put this plow around your neck. Don’t accept it.

It’s falls under honoring your father and mother (and their fathers and mothers, and their fathers and mothers, and …), by valuing the inheritance they gave you. Don’t despise your birthright.

According to Christians and other scum, this is your inheritance:

Supporting the society that made shit like this possible is a Christian obligation, but it isn’t our obligation. Young brothers should let the Christians follow their perversions (we can’t do otherwise) but warn them to leave you out of it.

A young man’s obligation is to himself. He can honor his father and mother by:

  1. getting as much useful education as he can,
  2. making as much money as he can,
  3. very carefully and judiciously choosing to marry, or not, and,
  4. being as careful and as thoughtful as possible about every decision, especially marriage.

Derek Ramsey has several excellent articles up on this blog for marriage-minded young family men. Strongly suggest anyone interested read them carefully.

It is the sum of our efforts that transforms the course of nations. No Great Man works alone, not even Jesus.

I recently saw a documentary about the murderous kook Ted Bundy. He also made endless comparisons to Jesus Christ, with about the same effect on his audience.

And that is why MGTOW attempts to demoralize individual young men into empty lives is an evil, just as feminist attempts to seduce young women into empty lives is an evil.

As for the rest of SirHamster’s bullshit, we should remember that he is best known for fabricating false rape accusations against men he is too stupid to make arguments against. This is the form of morality that is typical of Christians, and as such, it’s a simple matter to discern his underlying motivations in his latest screed. Everything he does is entirely predictable, and his internet persona is wholly self-interested.

While I don’t know who SirHamster is, it’s reasonable to assume he has a few tinderslut daughters that he’s deeply ashamed of. His impotent screeching about MGTOW bros are an entailment of his terror at the thought that he will be responsible for the continuous support of the useless hoez that his family line has brought up. His greatest hope is that he can pawn these useless whores off onto you, to support until princess decides it’s time for you to taste the pleasures of the divorce courts.

SirHamster would like you to marry his skank-ho daughter, after I and hundreds of similar men have already fucked the bitch in all her holes and tossed her back into her father’s lap when we were done. I strongly encourage you to follow our lead, and decline his generous offer.

Read the original comments here and here. Please note that Dalrock has previously objected to any commenter that also comments here, so I’d appreciate it if you were respectful and didn’t troll my poor victim’s pretend friends.

7 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Hijinx

  1. Sacrificing for the Kingdom of Heaven is noble endeavor for Christian men…sacrificing for the kingdom of globohomo clownworld is a hard pass.

  2. This is the form of morality that is typical of FAKE Christians, and as such, it.s a simple matter to discern his underlying motivations in his latest screed.


    As for his daughter(s) .. time for him to take his own advice .. man-up and support those hoez. HEH

  3. When Christians rationalized being pretty much as sexually perverse as everyone else…that’s when the churches, marriages, and having children started dying.

    I don’t know SirHamster’s daughter situation…but if any father puts them on the fast track to birth control & feminism…their man up speeches are a little too late. It’s hard for a man to continue his progeny when everyone is encouraged to have sterile sex with as many anonymous bodies as possible…or rip a marriage apart based on whims.

  4. It is Vox that started relentlessly attacking MGTOW on his Darkstream on Youtube. He called MGTOW evil disingenuous liars who were cowards. His main gripe was that older MGTOW were converting young men into on of them and preventing them from mating starting families. This caused a huge firestorm and he did three more blogpost’s attacking MGTOW. On one of Darock;s blogpost’s, a commenter linked to Vox’s last post attacking MGTOW. In came Vox’s cultists and hijacked the blogpost. I don’t go into Vox’s blog much because he has turned into an echo chamber of cultists that follow his every word. For all his criticism of MGTOW, no solutions were presented. He only said, step up to the plate, get married despite the risks and save western civilization…

  5. Dear J.G.:

    It is Vox that started relentlessly attacking MGTOW on his Darkstream on Youtube. He called MGTOW evil disingenuous liars who were cowards. His main gripe was that older MGTOW were converting young men into on of them and preventing them from mating starting families. This caused a huge firestorm and he did three more blogpost.s attacking MGTOW.

    I’m really glad that you brought this up.

    Vox Day is another asshole who still has free rein to yap across Google, Twitter, and WordPress. Intelligent men ought to ask themselves what good he could possibly be to our side, when our enemies are sponsoring him in the David Duke fashion.

    It’s becoming obvious who the real dissidents are, in contrast to the system-approved fakes and probable COINTELPRO agents.

    On one of Darock;s blogpost.s, a commenter linked to Vox.s last post attacking MGTOW. In came Vox.s cultists and hijacked the blogpost. I don.t go into Vox.s blog much because he has turned into an echo chamber of cultists that follow his every word. For all his criticism of MGTOW, no solutions were presented. He only said, step up to the plate, get married despite the risks and save western civilization.

    It might seem like a minor point, but it’s important to recognize that SirHamster and Cane Caldo are not merely Vox Day cultists. They’re Dalrock’s dedicated asslickers, and they function as people who harass his critics. He uses them as attack dogs to nip at the heels of anyone he doesn’t like. This allows him to escape any charge of silencing people, while driving traffic among the simple-minded (who always enjoy watching the endless fights and girly drama).



  6. It.s becoming obvious who the real dissidents are…
    I’ve got you linked as a dissident voice.

    Please note that Dalrock has previously objected to any commenter that also comments here…
    While I believe I was booted for repeatedly saying that men alone are in the image of God and that is fundamental to establishing men’s God given primacy, and making a lie of women’s usurping claims of equality, I don’t doubt that commenting here didn’t abet my staying in good graces there.

    Sing it with me: “I’ve got friends in low places!”

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