Skank-ho Princess Gives Birth

As we endure the wall-to-wall media coverage about this aging feminist divorcée, who somehow managed to land a bona-fide prince, we should keep a few realities in mind.

1. Prince Harry has always been a complete fuckup.

2. Skanky Meghan was groomed to become a feminist icon in childhood, in degenerate Hollywood.

3. Prince Harry has lived a completely immoral life, and he really isn’t suited for marriage or fatherhood.

4. Meghan Markle was married once before — in a traditional religious (Jewish) wedding, swearing before God and her family to be faithful to her husband. She began fucking other men almost immediately, and dumped her husband shortly after.

Why any normal person should give a damn about either of these nobodies, much less take their sham of a marriage seriously, is a really pertinent question. Unfortunately, the non-stop media coverage is serving to persuade average wimminz that they can slut it up, divorce a few times, and then land a powerful, wealthy man, who is simultaneously so degenerate that he’ll be easy for her to control and manipulate.

We’ve covered Skanky Meghan and Degenerate Harry extensively here in the past. Read the backlogs to get the picture:

The Scuzzification of Royalty
A Letter from Thomas Markle Jr.
The Skank-Ho Princess

These are the people we are supposed to look up to?

10 thoughts on “Skank-ho Princess Gives Birth

  1. Unfortunately, the non-stop media coverage is serving to persuade average wimminz that they can slut it up, divorce a few times, and then land a powerful, wealthy man, who is simultaneously so degenerate that he.ll be easy for her to control and manipulate.

    Amazingly for the longest time I was blind to the feminist narrative in the mainstream news media until you brought it to my attention, Boxer. Now I pretty much see it everywhere. The media is mainly a haven of feminists and emasculated/homosexual men for a reason.

  2. Amazingly for the longest time I was blind to the feminist narrative in the mainstream news media until you brought it to my attention, Boxer. Now I pretty much see it everywhere. The media is mainly a haven of feminists and emasculated/homosexual men for a reason.

    Marcuse wrote (in ODM) that marriage is inherently subversive to capital. It creates a system in which the sum is more valuable than the addends. It’s thus in capital’s interest to promote marital instability. Despite hating his guts, Adorno agreed with him.

    Late stage capitalism creates culture which is inherently affirmative. That’s why they called it a ‘culture industry’. These two buffoons (Meghan and Harry) are being utilized in furtherance of those ends.

    More generally, lots of seemingly crazy things suddenly make sense when viewed through this lens. It’s only clown-world for us. For our masters, it’s perfectly understandable programming that we’re usually quite responsive to.

  3. Unfortunately, the non-stop media coverage is serving to persuade average wimminz that they can slut it up, divorce a few times, and then land a powerful, wealthy man, who is simultaneously so degenerate that he.ll be easy for her to control and manipulate.

    If a majority, or even a sizable minority of women believe that they can pull this off, despite real life having shown them that it’s almost impossible, then men are definitely better off for not having such women in their lives.

    Having a conniving slore embedded in your life is awful enough; having a stupid conniving slore embedded in your life is absolutely intolerable.

  4. I have no personal animosity toward Vox Day. I just think he’s an insecure clown.

    Imagine the scenario playing out the next time Derek or Sharkly make fun of me on the internet. Rather than mock them back, I do the Vox Day method: banning them, denouncing them for all sorts of shit they never did, and filing frivolous lawsuits against them. Would anyone take me seriously thereafter? I don’t think so.

  5. It.s only clown-world for us. For our masters, it.s perfectly understandable programming that usually quite responsive to.

    Gotta be honest…whomever came up with the term ‘clownworld’…got it right.

    Back in the day I think it was called the ‘new world order’…but really it’s just the inversion of the actual order. Hence we go from patriarchs to clowns.

  6. feeriker,
    Maybe this link will work:

    Boxer says:
    the next time Derek or Sharkly make fun of me on the internet . filing frivolous lawsuits against them.
    Dude! I’m already paying half the lawyers in my state, and the other half are conflicted, representing my adversaries.

    Many of the comments on Vox’s site reference the fact that the baby will be half Ginger, and half negroid. That kind of reminded me of this:

  7. Even as a teenager, Markle already had that 1000 cock stare. Either that’s biological or maybe Cory Feldman was right about grooming in Hollywood

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