Your General Orders

Matthew Modine – as seen on his LDS mission to Vietnam…

After criticizing the young brothers for their anonymity, Derek writes:

Consider the kids of the Covington Catholic school. They, their families, and anyone perceived to be supporting them were doxxed and attacked by the SJW mob. Now consider how valuable anonymity was for them. Worthless. Absolutely worthless.


Anonymity isn’t all that valuable. For example, the hints for who Boxer are apparently out there, and the only thing preventing that knowledge is the will to search for it. Anonymity doesn’t protect much against the truly determined.

Derek has constructed a slippery slope argument. Nevermind the fact that he’s right about me… my boss knows that I write this blog. While I doubt she’s a regular reader, and while she’s been simultaneously amused (she claims to think the content here is funny) and insulting (she claims that she’s heard worse from random men in passing, since her teenage years) she’s pretty much powerless to do anything about it.

Like Derek, I have a secure job, rooted in a tradition called “academic freedom.” The young brothers who read stuff like this have none of our advantages, and will be fired at will by their employers, the minute those ninnies find their opinions don’t fit established norms.

We have plans to survive, as should every man, whether you are an anonymous blogger or not. I worked hard for my ‘advantages’, they didn’t just drop into my lap.

Derek makes an excellent point in passing, despite the general folly of his bad advice. Men have a positive duty to attempt to survive in this world, which has always been, and shall ever be, hostile to the individual.

In the spirit of this notion, I’m going to put down some general orders that I think nature (or God) has given you, young brothers who might stumble in here, in furtherance of the examined life which Derek (and Socrates) encourage you to live.

1. Get as much education as you can.

2. Make as much money as you can.

3. Have as many options as you can.

Given that Derek’s own biography agrees (in deed) with these general orders, I doubt he’d disagree with them.

In furtherance of these general principles, would your life be easier if you were an out-and-proud antifeminist? I would argue that the answer is likely no. Of course, every man’s situation is different. There are people who have made a career out of being provocateurs, but most of us need to keep a lower profile.

11 thoughts on “Your General Orders

  1. “in furtherance of the examined life”

    An-no-nimb-uh-tee (aka anonymity) is a warm blanket .. but the courage to risk it all is impressive .. and stupid (currently).

  2. “Derek makes an excellent point in passing, despite the general folly of his bad advice.”

    In passing? It’s the central message. If everyone ignores everything else I said and fights to survive, as you noted, it will be a net gain. Indeed, if you follow my other advice without doing this, you’re an idiot.

    As for my bad advice, I agree. Following Christ is folly. We put the first last and the last first. It’s insanity. That’s why it isn’t advice that everyone should follow and those who follow it should understand the cost.

  3. “They, their families, and anyone perceived to be supporting them were doxxed and attacked by the SJW mob. Now consider how valuable anonymity was for them. Worthless. Absolutely worthless.”

    That doesn’t seem to make any sense to me. You are anonymous until you are not. Forcefield on/forcefield off.

  4. More than that, it’s proof that anonymity protected them. They were attacked immediately after being doxxed, not before being doxxed. It’s why I don’t go around in public wearing a MAGA hat. I like the sentiment but life’s too short to have my car vandalized while I’m inside the grocery store.

  5. For the young brothers who are reading this, can you write what they could be looking for when trying to find a red pill mentor if their. Father were removed or compromise by Feminism

  6. In furtherance of these general principles, would your life be easier if you were an out-and-proud antifeminist?

    LOL if the clown world of Twitter is any indication…I’d piss off at least one woman or 10 white knights a day.

  7. Besides those Covington kids were finishing a March for Life rally waiting for the school transportation. Some Black Hebrew Israelites…(which funny haven’t been doxxed and have had very little revealed about their instigation) did their thing and then the Indian came over. They had no reason to be anon.

    This wasn’t even a case like Boxer or other bloggers of instigation…it was kids waiting for a bus in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    I pick my spots in meatspace to talk like I talk…and I know whether a meltdown will occur or not.

  8. And if their diocese is any indication…I’d have greater chance being torpedoed by my own church’s corrupt leadership who is in bed with the SJWs than some secular employer.

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