Down below, Deti writes a very good little mini post.
Women don’t want to get caught cheating because they don’t want to lose the benefits that come from being married, namely provision, protection, help around the house, a man around the house, help with the kids, father for the kids, an intact family, avoiding the trauma of splitting up an established family with the house and cars and money and everything else, avoiding the shame and judgment of peer women in a public divorce, and just the status of being married. It is not because they care about who will get hurt if they get caught. And it is not because they care about hurting their husbands if they get caught. They care about staying married for the benefits that come from being married.
The status that a female (be she a wimminz or a solid woman) derives from marriage comes almost exclusively from her peer group: that is, other females and possibly a couple of trannies and homos in her circle. The husband is for show.
It’s as though every day is a parade, where she marches down Broadway declaring:
Look what I managed to catch with my superior cunt/mouth/ass, and my skills at applying makeup, lying, and double-talk! My chump is at least as good as any of yours!
So, what differentiates a wimminz from a woman (i.e. a solid female)? In my experience, it is the peer-group in question. If a woman spends lots of time hanging out with other serious-minded women, then she will take on the characteristics of those women. If the same women moves to a new town (i.e. suddenly has her peer-group shorn away) and falls in with skanks, weird trannies, faggots and divorcées, then her behavior will go down the toilet almost immediately.
This is why the virginity fetishists (like social pathologist) have spent years sniping at me on Dalrock. I will take the time to tell the young bros the uncomfortable truth. Number of cocks inside a woman doesn’t really correlate with long-term marital success. A virgin at marriage means little more than princess has been surrounded by other serious women so far. Take that same sweet, virginal woman to some other locale, and watch how quickly those panties drop. Enter Jenny Erikson, Saeed Abeidini’s bitch of an ex-wife, and other examples too numerous to name here.
This is also the reason that many men on Dalrock will cop to the fact that they found a filthy lying slut that they liked, and successfully turned the whore into a housewife. If you ask any of these success-story men how they managed this feat, it always boils down to getting her away from her bitch friends, and re-inserting her into a female peer-group with some standards. Whether this was the man’s mother and sisters, or some women’s auxiliary of the Orthodox Church, it inevitably happened. The decisive factor is that on Tuesday, the bitch was running around with wimminz who didn’t mock her for being a filthy, lying slut; but on Wednesday, she was suddenly in the company of serious women who would shut her the fuck down for uttering an off-color joke. Suddenly, this trashy wimminz is wearing dresses, getting her skank-ho tattoos lasered off, and successfully raising healthy children as she takes care of husband’s needs. The men who tell these stories often credit Jesus or some religious miracle, and maybe in an abstract way perhaps that’s true, but Jesus always has help in reforming a whore, in the guise of a bunch of other women who won’t stand for a slut stinking up their sewing circle.
In another thread, Honeycomb shares a gem of an article written by “The Ambrose Girls.”
The article is quite short and direct, and the syntax/style looks like it had one single author. It’s possible that a group of wimminz wrote this dull self-justification, but I doubt it. I find it more likely that one wimminz wrote it, and pluralized the byline, for fear that she’d look like a slut. Now that she has a mythical peer group, it’s much easier for her to tell the truth about her status. She is a filthy, lying, slut; but, she has a theoretical group of other filthy, lying, sluts to flock around with, so potential judgment of her peers is less damaging to her ego.
It’s all about the flock.