Single-Mother Degeneracy: Jan 2018 Edition

Thanks to our brother Honeycomb, who brings us this inspiring story of an empowered single mother, who brutally tortured her two children to death, before having the decency to save the taxpayer the cost of a trial. From Daily Fail:

A North Carolina woman killed her two young children and then took her own life by leaping from a bridge onto an interstate highway over the weekend.


The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department says they were called at around 5.40pm on Saturday after the woman landed onto Interstate 485.


Christina Elizabeth Treadway, 34, was pronounced dead at the scene after jumping from the Old Gun Branch Road bridge.

Setting aside the obvious question, as to why we have to turn to reporters in the UK for a domestic story, (blackout, anyone?) we will note that, as is the custom among American media, the father of these children is not interviewed in the piece. He’s not even named. Why not?

Police have classified the incident as a double homicide-suicide. The father of the slain siblings has been notified and he is not considered a person of interest.

It seems to be an absolute standard never to acknowledge the surviving victims in these too-common incidents.

The fact that dad has been ruled out as a suspect so quickly can lead us to some interesting conclusions. My guess is that he has been out of the picture for quite a while. Most likely, he was told by a faggot judge at the divorce courts to get lost, after the state had divided his entire estate between itself and his violent skank of a wife. He likely lives hours away, and probably had very little contact with his own kids.

Christina Treadway: Just another proud single mom, doing her best…

5 thoughts on “Single-Mother Degeneracy: Jan 2018 Edition

  1. One thing that jumps out at me .. which is another obvious fact .. is the parternal grand-parents are also removed from the equation.

    And it is frankly an insult that we refuse to have a conversation about the number 1 abuser / killer of kids today .. Empowered Fem-Bots. Not Cars, Guns, Fathers .. etc.

    Number 1 over all of the other causes by a mile.

    The only safe space for the kids is in an intact family unit.

    But you already posted on that one.

    It’s all so very sad that they place no value on the kids unless it for a / the calculation of child-support.

  2. ‘My guess is that he has been out of the picture for quite a while. Most likely, he was told by a faggot judge at the divorce courts to get lost, after the state had divided his entire estate between itself and his violent skank of a wife. ‘

    I didn’t see anything in the piece saying she was married…just that the father was ruled out. Given the vibe she’s presenting I’d take her to be a never married single mother. Is that the type of woman that screams ‘commitment’?

    And on this site he refers to her as ‘My children’s mother decided to end her life. ‘

    In any case…with a world of abortion legalized and encouraged…we are going to continue to see plenty of single/divorced mothers somehow justifying murdering their children.

  3. Dear Earl:

    I didn.t see anything in the piece saying she was married.just that the father was ruled out. Given the vibe she.s presenting I.d take her to be a never married single mother. Is that the type of woman that screams .commitment.?

    I assumed she probably was; but, you’re right. It was conjecture on my part, based on the fact that her kids appeared to have the same daddy.

    Either way, this bitch is trashy AF. Just look at the cake job…

    And on this site he refers to her as .My children.s mother decided to end her life. .

    Well, if I were that man, that’s probably the nicest and most familiar I’d get in describing the old whore, whether I’d ever been married to her or not.

    More to the point, young men need to know the risks of getting attached to these headcases. This guy thought he was just going to have to pay child support. In one bold move, his progeny got wiped out by the woman who exploited him.

    In any case.with a world of abortion legalized and encouraged.we are going to continue to see plenty of single/divorced mothers somehow justifying murdering their children.

    Totally agree. The media blackout on crap like this is a form of implicit approval, by the so-called elite. Wimminz are definitely getting the message.



  4. Jason .. that’s funny but .. LOL .. no .. let’em jump .. before they harm their kids .. of course.

    I pray God holds it against her. Just like every female that commmits evil & calls it good (e.g. abortion; pre or post birth).

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