Anticipating Calamity, Vol. 1

The one thing in this world you can not do enough of is covering your own behind. No one else will do it for you.

So, you’ve met some chick, and all of a sudden, sex happens. We’ve all been there. The problem, in this case, is that there has been no “memorandum of understanding” documented beforehand. This poses a problem in the #metoo era, given that you are now in a legal position which gives her the upper-hand.

Your duty, at this point, is to get her to say she had no complaints, in writing, and back this up to the cloud. Email is better than text message, but text message is better than nothing.

It should not escape anyone that currently, numerous wimminz are retroactively accusing men of harassment, rape, and lewd conduct, often years after the fact, with zero evidence, and that the male victims of these unprovable accusations are being socially and financially punished, regardless of the facts. If you are a man in North America, you need to take this seriously.

An Old-Fashioned Girl

Standards are important. This is why, early on, I decided to inaugurate my own form of “shit test” to weed out the crazy and non-compliant from the potential pool.

Her: I like this app so far. haven’t found any gross guys or catfish yet.

Me: I don’t know what you mean exactly, but happy if you’re having fun.

Her: sometimes creepy guys get a little to [sic] forward, and i’m an old fashioned girl…

If I had the inclination, I could have converted this whore into an instant bang. She initiated contact, so she was clearly down. I’d have merely reminded her of a couple of simple facts in heartiste’s cocky/funny tone. Notably: If you’re 22 or older, you aren’t a “girl” by any stretch of the imagination. Moreover, if you’re on plenty of fish, you aren’t old fashioned. So, are we going to meet and fuck, or not?

Even so, these attitudes are tiresome, and I’ve found the lackluster sex that proceeds to be entirely unworthy of the effort. So I fired off the last message, and blocked the acres of self-righteous justification that was sure to follow.

Decide what your minimum standards include, and then stick to them. There’s no reason for you to waste time on any bitch who is rude, manipulative, or otherwise unworthy of you.

Also: LOL at the cheapo jewelry on offer in the side-bar. I can believe there are simps who would buy a genuine simulated diamond tennis bracelet, for $39.99, for some PoFfer. Sad!

Murder in Brockton Massachusetts

This weekend we mourn the senseless deaths of little Edson and Lason Brito. They are merely the latest example of what happens to boys in our feminist state, and they will surely not be the last.

The prize catch of a wimminz, seen above, is one Latarsha L. Sanders. Prosecutors allege that she stabbed her 8-year-old son, young Edson Brito, some 50 times with a kitchen knife as part of a “ritual incident.” Whatever matriarchal cult goddess she was trying to appease apparently wasn’t satisfied by just one murder, so she went to work on her 5-year old boy, little Lason Brito, next. He died almost immediately thereafter.

During a series of interviews with police following the discovery of the bodies of the two boys Monday, Sanders, 43, gave varied explanations for the deaths that ranged from a claim that she was motivated by “voodoo stuff” to the claim that her daughter “wanted a little blood.”

The daughter’s name has not been released, but the fact that this woman slaughtered her two boys, while leaving the girl unharmed, is implicit evidence that she is a party-line feminist, who is committed to “sticking it to” the patriarchy (in a material sense).

Mizz Sanders has been temporarily inconvenienced with a double-murder trial, but she’s sure to be released very soon, so that she can have some more kids by some other simp, and do it all again.

Boston dot com and its parent publication, the Boston Globe, are adhering to fine feminist standards by pretending that these boys’ father does not exist. It is entirely reasonable to assume that he was told by a faggot judge in the divorce courts to beat feet, after his entire estate was divided between his lawyer, his murdering whore of a wife, and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Read their fine reporting here and here.

Bermuda Rescinds Marriage-in-Anus

Bermuda is an autonomous territory of the U.K. in the North Atlantic. It’s located about 1000 km due east of South Carolina. Last year, the high court decreed that homos had the “constitutional right” to gay-marry each other. Bermuda’s Constitution is here. I can’t seem to find mention of anything of the sort.

Naturally, the vast majority of people who live in Bermuda are vexed by these magistrates who indulge in social-engineering from the bench. The island’s parliament forwarded a bill rescinding the marriage-in-anus decree, and it was passed by a huge margin.

The UK, which has no problem meddling in the affairs of its de-facto colonies, can use a variety of tactics to overturn this law from afar. Whether the queen will intervene remains to be seen.

Malice & The Moynihan Report

Stolen from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

In 1965, Daniel Patrick Moynihan was a qualified sociologist, who was serving as an assistant to the U.S. Secretary of Labor, in the Johnson administration. He released a report entitled “The Negro Family: The Case for National Action.” In it he described the deleterious effects that were already becoming apparent after the beginnings of the social welfare programs coined as “Great Society,” which were ostensibly sold to the public as a safety-net. In fact, what they were actually doing was discouraging fatherhood and destabilizing the American family, particularly in the African-American neighborhoods.

Moynihan’s report recommended a reversal of the social welfare policies, and the introduction of noncoercive incentives to lure fathers back into the family homes. He was arrogantly scoffed at by all right-thinking (i.e. feminist) individuals in government and media, and the administration doubled down on welfare payments and social engineering.

One of those policies was the mandate that every weekend, in many black neighborhoods, a sheriff’s deputy would drop by homes on the welfare rolls. These were called “welfare checks” and were explained as a way to make sure everyone in the home was getting their needs met. What the deputies actually did was to search for a father. Any household that had an adult black male inside would immediately lose their welfare checks and food subsidies. Sometimes, the man would be carted down to the jailhouse and charged with “abandonment.” This had an immediate and terrible effect, which exacerbated the homeless problem, even as it ripped children away from the one man in the world who could be counted on to look after them.

By this we can come to an unsurprising conclusion: The people in charge took Moynihan’s report seriously, and revealed their true intentions, which was not to “help” anyone, but to deracinate the black and working-class white children in America. Whether through malice or stupidity (and I vote for the former) they have ghettoified America on purpose.

Download Moynihan’s work in pdf here.

A Plenty of Fish Success Story

From (PoF) a/k/a Plenty of Rotten Tuna:

Love at first sight!

Eric and I met on plenty of fish after I moved back to our home town following a three year absence. I put up my profile and two hours later I had a message from him. We went to Starbucks that night. I was 7 months pregnant at the time but he was ok with that. My daughter Cordelia was born December 21st and Eric was there with me, and even cut the cord when she was born. We got engaged in January and we didn’t want to wait so we got married at a local city building on February 6th. We are now happily married and raising our daughter together, all because of Plenty of Fish!

Amanda & Eric, Married 2/2013

Bad stuff:

Him: Way too fat, fagbeard, slouchy posture, ill-fitting suit, those weird shoes that add 6 inches to a man’s height.

Her: Also somewhat overweight. May have a lazy eye. 7-months pregnant on PoF.

On the upside: 

Men and women can lose weight.

Probably still cuter than many of the fugly skank-ho wimminz on PoF that night.

They’re (at least pretending to be) monogamous.


One will note that I am not necessarily criticizing him for marrying the woman, nor am I calling him a cuck, for adopting (at least in theory) the kid.

I recognize that this has been an outlier pattern in patriarchy since the beginning of it. A man has the right to do whatever he wants in his own household, including the risking of its dissolution. This is a pre-Christian concept called paterfamilias, encoded in Table IV of the old Roman code.


I wish these people no ill, but I would be curious to see what their marriage is like, some five years on. Are they still together? I’d like to think so, but I’m a dreamer. I have never seen a scenario quite this risky play out in meatspace, however I have seen scenarios that included one or two of the pieces to this jigsaw puzzle enacted, and they always ended in a spectacular shower of drama, angst and confusion.

For America to Live, Google Must Die

This site now has its own top-level domain name ( [Editor: now]) and is still hosted on WordPress servers. There are a number of reasons that I have gone this route. Immediately, I was compelled by the increase in spammy ads that WordPress was employing against any non-account holders who came here to read the site. You should now be seeing this blog ad-free. You’re welcome. Of course, in doing this I was conceding to a sort of strong-arm tactic, but in the end it was only 50 dollars.

The conspiracy theorists will now conclude that WordPress has all my personal details: legal name, work and home addresses, telephone numbers, credit card numbers, etc. That’s true. My full legal name has been fairly well known around the sphere for years. Hell: The name of this blog denotes the (less than 1 km^2) area in which I lived, when I started it up.

I was an early financial supporter of Bill Price (I know, kick me, but I felt sorry for him.) He knew much more about me than wordpress ever will, and even after he banned me from his blog and married a feminist, he didn’t sell me out. It’s an open secret that I have met many big manosphere names in person, and have participated on the back-end in some of their projects.

On the other end, my boss already knows I write here. The IT department outed me weeks ago, and we’ve had conversations about shit I’ve posted. She thinks some of my articles are outrageous, and some are funny, and when I asked her recently if she had a professional problem with it, she said something along the lines of “it’s called academic freedom, dumbass…” before buying me a coffee.

If anything, I’m more hesitant to think that the manosphere authors who have met me will connect the mild-mannered proofreader they know to the asshole who has been going by “Boxer.”

I had two other options: I could try to rig something up at home (too time-consuming) or migrate to Google’s blogger, which will farm out my readers’ asses to every spammer and con-artist in existence, for next to nothing.

I learned the hard way in this regard, when I started a gmail account to handle my manosphere-related communications. Just days after I opened my google account, I left some comment on an MGTOW blog, and almost immediately started getting solicitations to buy fleshlights, real dolls, and all manner of other incel-related paraphernalia. About a week later, I posted on heartiste, and suddenly was inundated with all manner of ads for illegal viagra and penis-enhancement devices. Am I an incel or a playa? Google doesn’t know, and doesn’t care. They’ll shotgun me with so much crap that something is bound to draw me in. Why should I put any of you guys through that?

In any case, I hope the reading experience here is a little less cluttered.

qvid veritas est

38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.

(John 18; King James Version (KJV) Bible)

The notion of truth is extant in a number of different contexts. In the painting, above, we can find a measure of truth, but this truth is aesthetic. Pilate used the term to mock his position, as judge of a trial which he clearly thought was closer to farce than reality. Postmodernist faggots will often assert that no such thing exists as truth. One of the more annoying aspects of working where I do is having to deal with such goons. They’ll often excuse their devotion to orthodoxy, and my lack of enthusiasm for the same, by asserting something like “that’s your truth, but I have my own.” Such statements are meaningless in themselves, and when I hear them, I make a mental note never to take the speaker seriously, in any context, ever again.

I’d like to discuss the notion of truth in a restricted domain, motivated by logicians like Russell and Tarski, who were also fans of the correspondence theory. Bertrand Russell wrote that the logical proposition is the bearer of truth. (1) He also noted that propositions are encoded in sentences. (2) Tarski’s theory of truth (3) is the one most cited today. Like Russell’s theory, it includes a two-language composite structure. The concept of a sentence as truth-bearer is pretty straightforward. By sentence we mean a set of sounds, uttered in sequence, or a set of squiggly lines, which make up a well-formed formula. In either case, the reader or listener is able to intuitively decode the semantic content of the language, which is then metalinguistically used to get at the logical proposition beneath the words. This last part is the tricky part, because all sorts of things can go wrong in the mind of the reader, as he attempts to unconceal the truth-bearing proposition behind the metalanguage. (4)

So what is truth? I’m a fan of the correspondence theory in most contexts; though there are competitors (5) with their own merits. Aristotle was the first correspondence theorist. He wrote:

But on the other hand there cannot be an intermediate between contradictories, but of one subject we must either affirm or deny any one predicate. This is clear, in the first place, if we define what the true and the false are. To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true; so that he who says of anything that it is, or that it is not, will say either what is true or what is false; but neither what is nor what is not is said to be or not to be.


The concept of truth is pre-epistemological. This is a fancy way of saying that what we know is based partly upon the truth of the thing we claim to know. You can’t “know” something that is false, because falsehoods evade justification, which is another prerequisite to knowledge. Plato called knowledge “justified true belief,” (7), but the Gettier cases (8) suggest that justification and truth are not enough yet to define knowledge. There is some additional prerequisite, which is very difficult to pin down.

So, what does all this complicated stuff mean for us? Basically it means that, s being a well formed sentence:

s is true iff s

In other words, if I make a statement, I am prepared to back it up with a pointer to some fact, some state-of-affairs, that is verifiable. If I say:

There is a blue car in space no. 4 of the parking lot.

Then any listener who can intuit the semantic import of this well-formed sentence can appropriately check space 4, and verify the existence of the car so mentioned.

The correspondence theory and Tarski’s truth conditions have some notable contextual problems, however. Suppose I write on this blog that:

5 + 3 = 8

Can any of my readers be expected to find the numbers 5, 3 and 8 in some spatiotemporal location? It seems unlikely. Try it out.

There are certain truths that can be uttered without metaphysical correspondence. I can claim this sentence is true (and I do). I can be sure it is true. Perhaps more sure of it than most other things, despite the fact that I can never tell you what the number 5 looks like, or where it’s located.

There are people who make pretty good arguments for the untruth of all mathematical statements. (9) Such epistemologists/metaphysicians generally don’t deny that mathematics is useful, but they find it inconceivable to believe that a sentence full of acausal, abstract objects can bear truth-claims.

    1. Russell, Bertrand. The Philosophy of Logical Atomism. London: Routledge, 2010. 12-13.
    2. Russell, Bertrand. “On Denoting” Mind, 1905, 14 (56): 479–493.
    3. Tarski, Alfred. “The Semantic Conception of Truth.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1944, 4 (3): 341–376.
    4. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. “Model Theory” Accessed 2018 FEB 05 (link)
    5. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. “Coherence Theory” Accessed 2018 FEB 05 (link)
    6. Aristotle. Metaphysics IV. (1011b25)
    7. Plato. Theaetetus. (201c-210b)
    8. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. “Gettier Problems” Accessed 2018 FEB 05 (link)
    9. Field, Hartry. Realism, Mathematics and Modality. New York: Basil Blackwell, 1989.

Wimminz and Women: A Comparison

There’s a heated argument down below, in some ancient thread. Brother Kryptonian wrote:

My position has and always shall be, that man NEEDS women, so please stop side tracking this issue

Despite the angry responses he got, I can’t disagree with this brother. I grew up with the sure knowledge that I needed a woman. I remember expecting to find a cute girlfriend, sometime in my late teens. I figured I would serve a Mormon mission, come home and marry her, and immediately begin cranking out hot Mormon babies. We’d grow old together, each having been each others’ first loves, and eventually be buried in the shade of the temple.

Of course, these dreams and expectations were largely ideological: a product of the pre-fab identity I was born into (see Jacques Lacan and Louis Althusser for more on this idea). They also grew up alongside a great number of other expectations and dreams, which included (but were not limited to) owning a flying car, and taking regular vacations to domed resort cities on the Planet Venus.

Men need women. This can’t be denied. Men also need antibiotics, regular dental checkups, a functional weight room, and a home with electricity and running water on tap. Everything we were created and/or evolved to need is not necessarily available in the world we find ourselves in. Getting basic: Many men starve to death in places like Africa and Asia. The fact that they were born with a need to eat food did not guarantee food to be on offer.

Thus I read Kryptonian’s arguments with Earl, Honeycomb, et. al. to be an argument of nature v. nurture. Men need women for companionship, to keep their homes, and to serve their emotional, sexual and temporal needs. Unfortunately, women are in very short supply presently. What we have instead are skank-ho wimminz.

At some point in time, between my early years of confidence that I’d end up a married father, and have a career as a radio DJ, and the present day, I found AfOR’s blog. The author lived my dream, only to see his life flushed directly into the toilet by his vindictive wife. In my earlier years (going on seven years now) he was my tutor to instruct me. The fact that I use the term “wimminz” to denote most modern females is a direct result of reading his work in those days. I can’t say for certain that his survival guide saved me for a prison sentence, but I know I’m less likely to be on the end of a false accusation because I follow most of his sound advice.

I do not agree with AfOR on everything. For example: NAWALT. I’m totally fine with the assumption that there are chaste women in the world who will keep their commitments and not screw their husbands over. I am confident of this, despite the fact that many of my friends and relatives have been screwed over, by the wives who promised to “love, honor and obey.” The screwing-over came the minute they became bored, or the screwing-over became convenient, with absolutely no thought of the future consequences, to their husbands, their children, or even themselves.

What I am most certain of is that I can not discern the women from the wimminz. This was one of the first propositions in which I ever had complete faith, and I remain absolutely confident in my own inability to pick out a woman from among the wimminz.

Moreover, it is not my burden to do the discerning. In AfOR’s own words:

Now, how do we differentiate between women and wimminz?


Simple, as Men, we don’t… IT IS NOT OUR FUCKING PROBLEM!


I am, of course, happy that Brother Derek has found a decent woman, and is currently engaged in repopulating his part of the world with his descendants. He is a better and more trusting man than I am. I do hope that Kryptonian can find a woman, rather than ending up suckered by a wimminz into giving up all his money. As for me, I find the cost-benefit ratio pretty fearsome, and I won’t be taking that particular plunge.