Jack Donovan on Manly Idealism

This is a pretty good speech. I watched it last night, while doing other things. Here are some quick thoughts.

Brother Jack describes buying the liber novus, a book authored by his intellectual hero (Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung). In it, Jung indulges in a bit of autoanalysis of a dream he had, in which he killed the traditional Germanic hero Siegfried. This disturbed Donovan, because Donovan thinks heroes are essential, and the killing of them is a feminist tactic to decenter the masculine. Jack makes some pretty good points, but then implicitly kills his own ideal of Jung, perhaps without even realizing what he’s done. Freud (Jung’s teacher) called this parapraxis.

I’m going to refrain from giving away absolutely everything I learned, in the hopes some of you fellas will watch and comment. There are a couple of very minor inconsistencies and mistakes in the references, but it’s generally a fantastic lecture that most men can get a lot out of.

Note: Disagreeing with the speaker is encouraged, but fallacious personal attacks won’t be published.

On The Christians and Their Hatred for Families

Some of the first articles here detail the crimes of the feminist front organization known as Catholic Answers, a so-called religious blog which encourages divorce and abortion. Years later, we explored the sad case of Naftali H. Weisberger, who had his children kidnapped by a deranged lesbo and her child-molesting “partner,” all with the blessing and support of his rabbis. As if to prove that nothing ever changes, we are treated today to the story of Whitewater Community Church, written by our friend Sharkly.

Because of the sensitive nature of the material contained in Sharkly’s exposé, and because his divorce trial is ongoing, I’m not going to summarize anything here. I’d encourage anyone who doesn’t yet know his story to hear it straight from him. His tale is told at:


Of course, I thought it would be helpful to allow the good Cruxtoids at Whitewater Community Church to comment, so I sent them a message, with my email address and phone number attached.

I’d encourage all my readers not to rush to judgment, and to visit Whitewater Community Church web page themselves. A man can get acquainted with the priests in charge of this organization here:

Whitewater Community Church: Meet Our Elders

And of course, our friend Sharkly’s blog is located here:

Laughing at Feminism

This is not, and will never be, a religious blog. We support all our brothers, including those Christians and Jews, as they encourage a return to traditional ethical standards, guided by the ancient wisdom found in the theological texts that our ancestors have handed down to help us self-organize today.

Wonders and Marvels of the Trump Era

I’m so tired of all this winning

So, last night, I replied to Donald Trump on Twitter, which is in itself ironic, because most of Donald Trump’s supporters have now been permabanned from that platform, with his blessing and approval. One of the men who has been banned from twitter took issue with my comment this morning. Here is my comment (in before Trump’s bitch Jack Dorsey bans me.)

President Impotent trolled me with a spectacularly funny series of comments about a political ad…

The ad he’s kook-farting about can be watched here:

The Donald is apparently too stupid to realize that the reason he beat those RINO idiots in 2016 is the reason he is set to lose the election in 2020.

He is due to be defeated by a senile old degenerate that almost nobody likes.

How did Donald Trump become such a weak faggot? Let’s explore the matter in detail.

In 2016, Donald Trump promised to “build a wall” on America’s southern border. Today, even his most ardent supporters admit he has done far less than Barack Obama to secure the border.

In 2016, Donald Trump promised to “repeal and replace Obamacare,” with something “so much better, so much better, you’ll be amazed…” Today, we all know he did no such thing.

In 2016, Donald Trump promised to “protect our second amendment,” and specifically, to push a federal concealed-carry reciprocity bill. The GOP in congress was dumb enough to take him seriously, and began working on the bill immediately after his re-election.

Trump himself killed the bill. Trump also pushed for sweeping bans on guns and accessories, as well as red-flag laws.

In his embarrassing public meltdown, President Trump insisted that he was a “WINNER” and that his critics were “LOSERS.” He is correct that he won in 2016, and that his critics (who were desperate to give Jeb Bush the party nomination) are “LOSERS.” He won because he circumvented the corporate media, and made empty promises to the people who voted for him. Those same people are far worse off than they were before the election. In the era of coronavirus, it’s plausible to assume that those people would have fared better with Hillary Clinton as their president.

The one claim that President Trump can support is his insistence that he “delivered” some “Tax and Regulation cuts” for the GOP. This, in itself, shows why his case to be re-elected is so pathetic. He was elected the first time to do a job, which he has not only refused to do, but has willfully opposed once the election was won.

Not only did Donald Trump “say anything,” to be elected, only to “forget” after the votes were in… Donald Trump has delivered exactly what the voters did not want.

One of Donald Trump’s greatest achievements is an expansion of the refugee resettlement program. In fact, while we were locked down in our homes, the Trump administration was importing 1000 hostile foreigners per week, and funding their insertion into our communities.


Another one of President Trump’s great accomplishments was raising fuel prices, during the same month that tens of millions of Americans were newly unemployed.

Just this morning, he took to twitter, to congratulate himself for such “America first” market manipulation…

Full disclosure: my portfolio is heavily weighted with energy shares. Certainly I’ve noticed the uptick in my personal value thanks to President Trump’s shenanigans; but I’m not representative of all Americans. The typical family of four doesn’t care about the stock market. They get to enjoy skyrocketing prices at the pump, so that Donald Trump and his billionaire friends can continue living large while America goes bankrupt.

There is nothing about Donald Trump that has proven to be “America first.” Nothing. His voters will not forget his betrayal in November, and I expect them to vote accordingly.

Who Is The Real Asshole, Here?

Rosalie Needs A (Scumbag Con)Man

Last fall, Australia’s state run media (similar to CBC or PBS) re-ran a news story from a few years ago, entitled Scumbag Conman. Dated as it is, I’m glad I caught it. The truths that are illuminated are only becoming more apparent.

I find it worth discussing here for a number of different reasons, not least as an example of the selective outrage that is promoted by the feminist state and its media.

Rosalie, pictured above, is described as

fifty-three, divorced, and terribly lonely.

What is not explored is the reasons behind Rosalie’s divorce, which leads me to assume that Rosalie is one of the vast majority of wimminz who has divorced her husband for no reason whatever. Very well. Let’s hear her story.

Rosalie is fifty-three, divorced and terribly lonely… looking for love online, she met “Ben”. 

Ben looks like a catch!

Never pictured is Rosalie’s ex-husband. Rosalie dumped a man before she met Ben, and while the feminist state and its media apparatus would like you to forget that, I think it’s pertinent.

While we don’t know much about Rosalie’s ex-husband, we do know he was a man, and thus we can reconstruct some reasonable assumptions.

Karl Marx described man by the term homo faber. He is a creature that derives his genius from building and creating wealth. It is his raison d’être, his reason for existing. Unfortunately, our enemies know this, and (like the demons they are) they use our own strengths against us.

Rosalie believed she had finally found true love. And when the man she loved asked for loans, she happily gave away her entire life savings.

Blogs like WimminzDalrock and The Spearhead spent years spilling ink about our enemies and their typical modvs operandi. By now we all know how it works. The feminist state (through its media) convinces everyday females that they’d be much happier working in a cubicle than being a faithful wife and mother. They encourage those women to go down to the anti-family courts, and file for divorce.

Those wimminz stupid enough to fall for this ruse have been regularly titilated with visions of castles in the sky. They have been promised, for years, that all manner of hot men will want to fuck and marry them, once they divorce their faithful and loving husbands. They have been told that once they divorce they will have the “freedom” to “find themselves” and achieve “happiness.

Thus are peanut-brained wimminz like Rosalie chumped into divorcing good men. And here we find the dumb bitch today. She has already liquidated the lifetime produce of one such homo faber, and that produce was divided, between the wimminz, various scumbag lawyers, and the feminist state.

What has Rosalie done with the loot that she stole from her industrious husband? She has given it to Ben, a man she has never met.

Here is what Rosalie imagines Ben to look like:

Here is what Ben actually looks like:

How much money did Rosalie give Ben?

ninety thousand dollars, plus phone calls, and I have a debt of fifteen thousand dollars.

I don’t know what Australia’s dollar is worth. Probably close to what Canada’s dollar is. That’s a year’s salary at a comfortable middle-class job.

What ABC’s 60 Minutes will not expound upon is that every dime of that money was created not by Rosalie, but by her husband. Rosalie stole that money from a man who worked a lifetime to earn it, and Ben stole it from her. The feminist state and its media wants you to be mad at scumbag Ben, but it wants you to have sympathy for scumbag Rosalie.

When I think about it, I can find many more reasons to hate Rosalie than I can find to hate Ben. Ben is from a desperately poor country, and he is stealing money from a stupid foreigner; but, Rosalie lived a comfortable life, with a man who she promised to obey, and she turned on that man one day, and stole from him.

Ben had immigrated from Nigeria, to Malaysia, where he was employed by a master con-artist. When he was arrested, police found that he had the telephone numbers of eighty-one Australian wimminz in his mobile directory.

It is safe to assume that each and every one of those eighty-one wimminz had a fat bankroll, which she had previously stolen from a loving husband.

Here’s one…

Here’s another…

I don’t know what the alimony laws are in Australia, but I doubt they’re much different than the laws we have on the books in the U.S. and Canada. I assume that all these skanks are continuing to swindle the productive men who promised to love and care for them, even after they have divorced them to fuck strange Africans.

So who is the Scumbag Conman, again?

As a postscript (I swear, I couldn’t make this shit up if I tried) Rosalie is confronted by the reporters about the fact that even after Ben’s arrest, she is back on Tinder.

Even after all we told her, Rosalie had been back at the computer being wooed by a new man, who isn’t who he says he is…

She’s getting scammed by other men, before her story even goes to press.

When asked how she feels about Ben, the man who fleeced her for tens of thousands of dollars, she breaks down in tears…

I don’t hate him. I just feel sorry for him (boo hoo hoo) … I don’t know how that a person can do that to someone who is just trying to help… and that’s all I wanted was to help him to get out of Malaysia, and he promised me, absolutely, a new life…

She didn’t want to help her loving husband. She wanted to help a strange dude she didn’t know, with loving husband’s money.

In a healthy, patriarchal culture, the money Ben stole would be looked after by Rosalie’s husband, because such wimminz would not have the opportunity to divorce without cause. In those cases where there was cause, a windfall would have been managed by Rosalie’s son, father, brother or another male relative. Only in our feminist state are there fortunes available for Ben to steal.

Watch the whole hilarious video at invidio.us and let me know what you think.

The Church of Simps

It’s Sunday, and as the churches in my area aren’t open for physical business, I decided to do what so many other Americans are doing, and go to a Cruxtoid church via facebook. The church I chose was entitled “The Church of Men,” and naturally, it had a wimminz named Prodita Sabarini leading the sermon.

I learned much during my worship service, including:

Poverty is taboo, but work is ‘essential’

By work, the Cruxtoid priest does not mean anything close to the Marxist definition, i.e. of gathering natural materials, and through the genius of a man’s labor, adding value to make a usable commodity which enriches the life of his family and neighbors. What the Cruxtoid means is a whole constellation of things, including:
1. going to a cubicle, and performing some meaningless function that only enriches the already wealthy,
2. buying and selling, while producing nothing of actual value,
3. scamming an actual worker out of some or all of the value of his labor,
4. serving a member of the ruling class.
There is nothing dignified or “essential” about the labor performed by most of these “essential workers.” A healthy society would have dispensed with these meaningless jobs long ago.

The threat of the virus is serious

There really is no explaining away the fact that we are now losing nearly three thousand Americans, per 24h period, to this new virus.

That’s comparable to the 9/11 death count, and it happens every day. Despite that, the “reopen” fags want you to get back to work spreading it around.

Protesters’ signs didn’t really downplay the threat of the virus, but rather compared it with potential harm from the lockdown. For instance, a sign in Denver was headed “Trading Lives” and featured a scale with virus deaths on one side, with unemployment, suicide and homelessness on the other.

No man that I know is newly homeless, as a result of the lockdown. No man that I know has committed suicide. Most of the men I know are enjoying the peace and freedom of not going to their stupid make-work jobs in an unnatural and unhealthy office, and most men that I know are devoting their free-time to self-improvement.

The men that are panicking right now are the super-rich men, who depend on the men that I know to keep funding their excesses. Those pigs have successfully strongarmed our political representatives into another bailout, entirely at the expense of the men that I know. I say let them hang.

Race is a factor

Working-class White people have to be the world’s stupidest demographic, not only because they make up the majority of people at these “reopen” protests.

One clearly visible theme in the #Reopen protests is how white the attendees are – but not just in terms of their own race. Their compassion also seemed limited to fellow white people.

Time and again, White men love their enemies and hate their friends. Examples:

1. White men love billionaires who ruthlessly exploit them,
2. White men love divorce courts that regularly kidnap their children,
3. White men love Cruxtoid wimminz priests, like the ignorant slut who wrote this insipid article,
4. White men love the cops that beat them into submission.

These same Whites who find poverty so shameful had no solidarity when it came to men with lifetime alimony bills. There are never any comparable protests about the divorce courts, which regularly strip men of their children, their right to bear arms, and their right to self-expression.

The men who are so hot to protest for billionaires are the same White men who chant “back the blue” and “you should have complied,” when the cops execute some teenage boy, who was inevitably raised by a single-mom, that their policies created.

Now the boot of the feminist state is on the neck of the so-called “Christian patriot.” Do you care? I don’t. I find it hilarious when my deadly enemies squabble among themselves.

The men who are whining about the lockdown are Cane Caldo, SirHamster, and the like. They are the men who accused us of being homosexuals, pedophiles, and trannies, simply because we didn’t want to marry their slut sisters. Now they get to get arrested by the cops they’ve cucked for; and, as a bonus, they get the Novel Coronavirus, at their super-spreader “protest”. I don’t care about them, and you shouldn’t, either.

Read more of this wimminz lecture here.

Cheap Fun on Twitter

In what I assume will be an extremely limited engagement, I am back on twitter. The following (low-effort nonsense) is a warm-up, after getting over the shock of finding a loophole.

Twitter claims to be a “public utility,” while it bans people for making fun of millionaires and celebrities. Join me in poking fun at society’s most privileged crybabies.

Some Random Thoughts on Protest Culture

Jason from Aging Mod sent me this youtube video, which I found surprisingly thoughtful.

Jason has a post of his own on this topic, which is equally worthy.

One of the most disheartening aspects of the lockdown protest are the reactions that typically erupt on my side of the American political fence.

When I see the “white” protestors that Bernie voters describe as “imbeciles,” I see a bunch of working people worried about things like mortgage and healthcare costs. The imbeciles on the American left could go down to this protest and start talking to these men about things that matter, but they’re too comfortable being smug and self-important, so we will continue to lose, and the billionaire class will continue to reap a record bailout harvest, that we will have to pay for.

It’s also worth noting that these “imbeciles” have been successful at shaking up their governor, who gets airtime when these things happen and looks closer to a nervous breakdown every time. This same stupid wimminz successfully rigged our democratic primary in favor of a senile old degenerate. In doing so, she disenfranchised tens of millions of people, like me. If we had some of these “imbeciles” on our side, maybe she would have second thoughts about doing so again, but we don’t, and so she won’t. She fucked us over without breaking a sweat, and laughs in our faces.

I cast my meaningless vote today, which in my area, is as difficult as putting my ballot into a prepaid envelope and walking to a blue mailbox. It won’t change anything, but I have nothing better to do.

Begone THOT!

If you’re like me, you had no idea what OnlyFans is until recently. For those of you still out of the loop, it’s a social networking site, based in the U.K.. It’s implicit telos is to turn young girls into amateur porn stars, and the premise is simple. The young skank signs up, sets her price, and begins putting out content that thirsty simps must subscribe to. My understanding is that the money is split between skank and her digital pimp at a ratio of 4/1.

Since its inception, only three years ago, OnlyFans has become one of the largest purveyors of child pornography in the world, and since the Covid-19 shutdowns, its U.S. membership has jumped a whopping 75%.

All those waitresses and baristas you used to know? They’re not merely sitting around the house, collecting their 600/week.

And so we come to today’s story. It is the tale of one THOT who was dumb enough to market her cunt to her co-workers, and who now feigns surprise that her boss decided to toss her out on the ass she’s been peddling.

Take it away, slut…

Here’s a free clue for all the young hoez, straight from Uncle Boxer. You can either be a prostitute, or you can be a serious person. There is no intersect space between the two.

Car dealerships are heavily dependent upon economic factors, and in a world where tens of millions of people are now looking for a job, you won’t have much bargaining power if you bring your baggage to the shop floor.

You can read the whole predictable article at BuzzFeed, if you so choose.