FLA: Based and Redpilled

If you grew up in Canada — within the last forty years — you would know who this character is. His name is Bill Leeb, and he was one of the founding members of Skinny Puppy. Early on, he spun off his own side-projects, Front Line Assembly and Delerium.

The Canadian music scene in the 1980s was as dreary as the American status-quo, and not too much different. Teenagers generally listened to Loverboy or Rush, along with typical American metal bands like Cinderella and Ratt. Everything on the radio was boring, and it all sounded the same.

In the America of the mid 1980s, bands like Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, and Mudhoney started emerging in the Seattle area. Much of the allure was the authentic tone and content of the music. At about the same time, and for all the same reasons, industrial music started becoming popular in Vancouver, B.C.. While the historical phenomenon and its motivations was similar, the music kids gravitated to was very different on either side of the frontier. Canadian industrial music is nothing like earthy, stripped-down, folk-inspired grunge music. It was inspired by the European EBM and house music, exemplified by Front 242, Kraftwerk and Cabaret Voltaire.

Industrial music was a later import to the United States, though it always had a limited appeal, and American industrial artists were always pretty honest about where they got their ideas.

Skinny Puppy and Front Line Assembly still exist, and their founders still make music, despite being considerably older than I am. (At this point, I think they qualify for the senior discounts.) Being that I’m a sentimental fucker, I buy all the new releases. So it was a couple weeks ago, when I bought Front Line Assembly’s new CD, entitled Wake Up The Coma.

So I’m listening to this album today, and trying to make out the lyrics. I realize that the Bill Leeb is singing about all the same sorts of shit that I do, here on this blog.

That can’t be right, I think, this is decadent pop culture garbage… 

I always default to the position that I’m reading, listening, or sensing anything through my own ideological lens, so I try not to take things like this too seriously. Even so, the messages on this album are so explicit that I decided to take a few minutes and see if I could type out some lyrics, and run them by you brothers.

Is Bill Leeb a candidate for mayor of V5K 2C2? You tell me.

I feel your face on my skin
Depraved sleeper cell you fit right in

Faceless atomic deviants
Oppressive hysterical obedience
Autonomous swarms
Of secret drones
Skull mined warfare
Erotic zones

I feel your face on my skin
Depraved sleeper cell you fit right in
I feel your face on my skin
Perverted visions and erotic sins

I’m making love to an alien
Who’s not from this world
I’m making love to an alien
I thought you were my girl

In the wake of adversity
We gaze into the sun to see
All of our lifes imperfections
Unrequited love and rejection
The light of fools steers our path
Unseen by all and those who fall
This blackend hole
Which you made for me
Image intelligence
Won’t set us free

I’m living the lie
And I don’t know why
Its easier to pretend
When you know it has to end

This is the end

In the realm of the dying sun
No salvation surveillance begun
A state of hypocrisy
Fuck an alien and you’ll be free
Obsessive, toxic obedience

Lies, lies

Faceless atomic deviants
In the wake of adversity
Fuck an alien and you’ll be free

Living a lie, a lie.
Fuck an alien, and you’ll be free…


What did he mean by this?

If Bill Leeb is based and redpilled on the wimminz question, how did he get that way? I have a theory based on the results of a one-second google search.

Around fifteen years ago, Leeb was served divorce papers by his wife, Carylann Loeppky. I don’t know if it’s possible for any legal system to be worse than America’s, but if there is some facet of the divorce process that can be more excessively cruel to men, it’s likely that Canadian wimminz have instituted it in British Columbia. The result: Leeb had to sell a bunch of high-end hardware, to pay off his bitch ex-wife.

I guess I wondered why this guy was still cranking out music when he’s crowning seventy. Ongoing payments to his skank-ho ex are a fair assumption, in context.

About the album, Leeb not only alluded to talking about wimminz, but also taking a Francis Fukuyama-esque take on the historical imperative and technology…

Divorce has pushed this man into questioning not only the nature of contemporary gender roles, but also the more general questions (atomization, degeneracy, reification) we all discuss here on a regular basis.

In the end, I find mirth in the fact that hundreds of stupid, pink-haired Canadian wimminz are going to be stomping and dancing in their thigh-highs to this tune, all summer long.

Wake Up The Coma is available from Metropolis Records. Buy it if you like it. Leeb’s ex-wife will thank you.

Still Angry, After All These Tears

Earlier I honored one of this post-code’s most dedicated critics, a wimminz who calls herself ‘sue,’ and who has posted almost daily, for several months, in a vain attempt to garner some attention from all you brothers. Such people are useful, even when they are unable to make a sound argument in support of their positions. As such, I decided to allow ‘sue’ to make an occasional rage-poast, in case one of you brothers wants to fulfill her masochistic abuse fantasies.

This week, ‘sue’ has appeared to mock and jeer the unfortunates who find themselves victims of opioid addiction.

Sue’s point, that wimminz never become junkies, is hardly credible.

Even so, I think there’s some general sentiments behind Sue’s inane babbling that I can get behind. Escapism is for the weak. If you are hooked on some substance, then getting rid of that backmonkey will be your greatest achievement. Brother Jason can probably give better advice about kicking bad habits, but in a pinch, one can also call the National Drug Helpline (+1 888 633 3239) for local assistance. For similar reasons, if you are connected (through blood or marriage) to a self-destructive junkie, then keeping him or her at arm’s length while finding outside help would also be advised.

Keep these wonderfully bright, helpful, interesting poasts coming, sue. Poast more! Poast more now!

Nicholas Cage: Hollywood Chucklehead

Nicholas cage is getting married. Again.

Nicholas Cage has been divorced three times. The last marriage was to a wimminz named Alice Kim, who surprised him by dumping his ass and chasing some new dick… but not before petitioning the divorce courts for a huge payday.

Nicolas Cage has said he was ”shocked” by the end of his marriage to Alice Kim but admits he has no hard feelings towards his estranged wife.

The 54-year-old actor parted ways from his third spouse, who is the mother of his 13-year-old son Kal-El , in 2016, and the Ghost Rider star says he wasn’t expecting their relationship to end.

Like many manosphere dullards, Cage has a serious case of “yellow fever.” Many’s the day I’ve wandered through the Heartiste and Dalrock comment sections to hear some dolt praise the orient, for producing humanity’s finest specimens of submissive, feminine wives.

Not wishing any of those brothers ill, mind you. I’m glad people enjoy their fetishes. Just pointing out the obvious, which is sufficiently illustrated here. Your Thai or Chinese bride is first a wimminz, and she’s really no different than the white and black chicks that the rest of us run with.

Speaking to The Guardian, Cage said: ”It was a shocker for me – I definitely didn’t see it coming, and those feelings had to go somewhere, so they went into the performance.”

Asked if he and Alice are still in contact, he added: ”Oh yes, I want to. She was quite young when I married her and I don’t really have any ill will towards what happened. That’s all I’ll say.

I can see this simp standing tall in the divorce courts now, groveling and scraping before the judge, promising to give his unfaithful slut of an ex-wife an endless river of money for the rest of his life.

Cage divorced Mizz Kim at the end of 2016. Eighteen months later, guess what he was accused of?

Vickie Park, Cage’s rebound fling, accused him of beating her ass. True or not, a normal man would have taken this as a wake-up call. Some men just never learn.

I suppose after three divorces and one restraining order, Cage has finally figured out the recipe for transforming a wimminz into a loving and faithful wife. It’s a shame he doesn’t get on this blog and share his wisdom.

These stories are funny, but you boys should remember that you’re not in Nicholas Cage’s position. He has a long string of million-dollar acting deals, and he’s the nephew of Francis Ford Coppola. He has the money and resources to support multiple lying whores for the rest of his life. Most men don’t have his connections and resources.

Be Like Johnny

Earlier we learned the sad story surrounding Johnny Depp’s failed marriage to Amber Heard.

Depp, widely regarded as one of the most eligible and attractive men alive, got cucked and falsely accused of all sorts of horrible shit by his skank-ho wife, the minute she got tired of pretending to be married.

Folks in this post code may have assumed that Depp was going to follow the lead of weak simps like Neil Degrasse Tyson, who apologized to the (hideously ugly) women that falsely accused him of sexual assault.

In fact, Johnny is not the sort of weak cuck that Tyson is. Johnny is going to teach Dr. Tyson, and the rest of us, the correct response to a lying wimminz who tries to ruin a man’s life for sport.

Not only is Johnny suing this whore, he is actively lobbying with industry execs for the cancellation of her contracts, and that is exactly as it should be.

Before I ever fuck any wimminz, and often before I meet her in person, I let her know that every interaction is being recorded and stored in the cloud, and will be used if the need ever arises. Johnny had the same policy, and it is serving him well.

Every wimminz you meet should be keenly aware of the fact that you are prepared to spend the rest of your life fighting her. That’s the only way to mitigate the existential threat of #MeToo.

I pulled the full text of the Depp v. Heard lawsuit. Read it in pdf format here: Depp v Heard.

On Jussie Smollett

As a loud-and-proud faggot, Jussie Smollett gained fame when he dramatically hoaxed up a police report. At the time, he claimed that two white supporters of Donald Trump beat his ass. That all this supposedly happened in his Chicago ‘hood, where there are very few people fitting that description, was the first clue that he was making shit up for attention. Cops subsequently debunked his story in short order. Smollett has been charged with several counts of maliciously lying to the cops.

Obviously, I support the prosecution of people who waste social services money and the time of the police this way. Smollett is currently being processed through the legal system, and that’s exactly as it should be.

Unfortunately, there is a whole class of people who lie to the cops on a regular basis. Like Smollett, these people commit their crimes for drama, for attention, and to bask in the perception that they are some sort of “victim.”

Unlike Smollett, members of this particular class are rarely prosecuted. In fact, they are more likely to be rewarded — and not merely with sympathy and attention.

When feminists make themselves such a nuisance that their crimes can not be ignored, they will occasionally be called to account for their dishonesty. Even in these rare outlier cases, the criminals almost never suffer any substantial penalty. This bitch right here knows the score. She laughs and rolls her eyes at her sentence, knowing that she’ll actually be released in a matter of weeks…

Jussie Smollett is likely to get a much more serious sentence than this ho’. He has been charged with perjury and making false police reports, but his actual crime is that of lèse-majesté.

Smollett thought, foolishly, that as a faggot he could act in the typical way that our ruling class acts. He assumed that male homosexuals had been elevated to the status of skank-ho feminists, and for that, he will be punished.

Note: Thanks to Brother Pedat for originally sharing this video. It’s excellent. If Pedat has an active blog, please post it in the comments and I’ll list it in the sidebar.

Signal Jamming

Thanks to Gunner Q, I attempted to read the latest maniac’s delusional ranting. I got about a third of the way through, before wandering off, all glassy-eyed, in search of porn.

From the beginning, I envisioned this blog as a place where all men would be welcome. That includes Muslim men, all of whom are just as henpecked and hobbled as any of the rest of us. Clearly, I don’t endorse or support a violent looney, who wanders into a place of worship, and murders men who are just doing their thing, bothering no one.

I also question this guy’s commitment to his self-described cause. I assume if someone really hated Arabs, he’d go join ISIS, where he could kill as many as he wanted, rather than icing religious men at a Friday afternoon prayer service.

All that aside, the censors have seized upon this act of extreme violence, as they are always wont to do, and are currently moving to clamp down on political speech. The censors are, in their own way, far more dangerous than the average spree shooter, and thus we hate them at least as much.

Censorship, aside from being tyrannical, doesn’t work. I would never have read this lunatic’s blathering myself, had there not been an official decree with penalties attached. While I was trying to keep myself interested, a novel idea struck me.

All the employees of New Zealand’s ministry of censorship are regular people. They have parents and cousins and nephews and nieces and kids.

Wouldn’t it suck if some enterprising first amendment activist started mailing copies of the manifesto to these people?

It would also be terrible if that same person ratted his marks out to the office of the censor, as people who were distributing the manifesto covertly.

I’m sure New Zealand is infested with radical feminist bulldykes. It’d be unfortunate if some of them had their computers confiscated during a lengthy investigation. I can think of many other classes of people, all of whom are packed with other deserving targets.

Naturally, I wouldn’t ever suggest any of you boys do something like this. I’m just thinking out loud…

How NOT To Get Banned (part 2)

Artisanal Toad is the latest to fall

If you want to avoid getting banned on someone’s blog you can follow the instructions. These include setting up your own WordPress site. However, like all WordPress bloggers, you will put yourself at the mercy of your new overlords’ Terms of Service. If you act like Artisanal Toad or Boxer, exercising your right to say whatever you want, you’ll probably get banned eventually. Or you can be like Dalrock and cave to the Terms of Service, self-censoring to keep yourself online.

There is an alternative: get a domain name (quite cheap) and self-host. This requires a bit more work, but no one can take it away from you.* It costs more money, but if you are financially stable, it’s not all that much.

Perhaps, you think, you’ll be fine. You don’t believe in status, marrying multiple Ninja wives, that sex=marriage, or that spanking your wives is a good thing. Please don’t be so naive. Just like working hard by getting good education and a good job prepares you to absorb hard times, self-hosting is the best way to fight censorship of your blog.

If you are not willing to do this, at least take backups of your site. This way when you do get banned, it will be easy to setup your own replacement site. Just make sure you setup WordPress with your own domain so your links don’t break. This is easy, but it does cost money, meaning you’ll have to financially support your censoring overlords. Consider the consequences of this. Alternatively, you can get something like this for free using domain and path forwarding with SSL.

* You’ll really have to tick off some very important and powerful people before you’ll lose your site. It’s possible that your hosting service could kick you off. You just find another. If you get your domain name taken, you probably did something amazingly illegal or ticked off the President or members of Congress. Don’t do that.

I do not use a hosting service. I have a mini-Linux server that cost me around $200. It has no moving parts and costs about $6/year in electricity, so it will last nearly forever. It’s my equipment and no one can take it from me. It can be hosted anywhere: I can move it from one server co-location to another. I can even setup redundant servers in multiple locations if I want.

More Fun in The Austin Insane Asylum

So, I’m over in the cesspool which is twitter, when suddenly someone shares a video of Alex Jones, squabbling with a bunch of college students in some bar someplace in Austin. Jones, behind the camera, runs from table to table, getting into people’s faces, telling them they’re assholes, and generally doing what everyone who knows Jones is familiar with.

Long time participants in this post code will remember, back in 2017, when Alex Jones went into family court. A Texas divorce court judge subsequently stripped him of his children. When I wrote those old articles, two years ago, I held out some hope that Jones would turn some attention to the faggots in the divorce courts.

Did Jones lead protests against the family courts in Texas? Did he mobilize his thousands of supporters to raise awareness about the abuses of the feminist divorce courts? No, he did not. He kept his mouth shut, and took his punishment like a bitch. For two full years, Jones has been completely silent about the matter.

Jones put an edited video of his latest squabble up on his web page. I’m linking to it (link does not imply an endorsement) here.

The most interesting part of my visit to infowars is highlighted in the screenshot above. Alex Jones was at the aforementioned tavern with his wife. It caused me to wonder, this afternoon, if he had reconciled with the kidnapper. Did Jones roll over and kiss the ass of his ex-wife, in order to continue to see his children? Did he give her a lavish second marriage? What’s the story? I had to google around to get the info.

Jones’ three kids, who once lived under his roof, are now limited to going on vacations with their father. Furthermore, Jones has played the simp, by marrying a new woman, and giving the new bitch a subsequent hostage to kidnap away from him.

This whole article (at the Austin American-Statesman) is humorous. Jones, who bends over to take it in the ass from his first wife, met Bernie Sanders in an airport. He subsequently chased the old geezer around with a camera, exactly as he did with the college students in the bar.

Jones chases and squabbles publicly with random college students, presidential candidates, and almost everyone else. This must be a terrible embarrassment to Jones’ ex-wife, his current wife, and his four kids by these two wimminz.

There is one notable exception. While Jones has no problem screeching at almost anyone else, he sits down, shuts up, and does what he is told, when the orders come down from the feminists at the divorce courts.

If anyone deserves to be harassed and abused by Alex Jones, it is the faggots and dykes at the divorce courts, who have taken his three eldest children from him. Moreover, if there were anything Jones could do, which would have a meaningful impact on the life and health of his average listener, it would be criticizing the family courts publicly. Jones is not doing this. He has never done this. I don’t believe he ever will. When examining Jones’ behavior, it is impossible not to conclude that he is a feminist and an enemy of men everywhere.

Alex Jones is the controlled opposition that he pretends to rail against. Don’t buy his overpriced vitamins, and don’t give him any of your money.