The Redhead Contingency

Brother Charlie says ‘no’ to the ho’

Down below, I asked for personal submissions related to dating single mothers. A couple of you were good enough to comply.

The first man to volunteer was Earl, who breaks it down immediately, after I asked him about some crazy bitch he met. 

I met her through work. She was certainly still attractive looking (red heads are the death of me) and we had similar sense of humor so that was probably the attraction.

This sounds like she was older than you? Is that right? 


I knew she had three kids…but then eventually I started to find out they were from two different fathers and even one of the fathers I found out I was distantly related to.

How far into the courtship was it revealed that the two kids had different fathers?

A few months, though I wouldn’t call it a courtship.

For Mormons, the whole distant relatives thing isn’t that big a deal. We’re all descended from the same group of people, though we generally don’t marry immediate first or second cousins.

We would often go to similar parties where alcohol was available. She would often go full party mode when the father had the kids for the weekend. She also had flings with a few guys (at least the ones I was aware of).

Back then I was in a crazy time in my life, so I didn’t see the red flags as clearly as now…but I hung out with her. Basically, the end of it came during a drunken make out session. She told me she was ‘raped’ at 15. In that alcoholic stupor, I finally got clarity. It was then that I regreted ever getting involved. I think she sensed that, and we mutually broke whatever was going on with us. I remember to this day I said out loud… “I never felt so relieved.”

Did she get revenge on you for nexting her? Was there any drama? Did she become tearful and beg to get back into your inner circle? Did she immediately start banging your best friends, or otherwise attempt to stay within your field of vision?

No revenge, not any drama that I can think of, no back stabbery. If it helps we never engaged in sex either…which I think is a good fire extinguisher to potential drama.

What I didn’t do was ever spend a lot of money on her…meet her kids…or become her full time simp. So I did save face there.

Of course during this time too I met another red head at a party (this one single, no kids) and agreed to what I thought was a date with her. This date consisted of going to a party where I met a group of her ‘friends’ and it turned out one of the guys was her ‘make out session’ guy or something. So I made the mistake of riding to the party in her vehicle because she knew where it was at…her and this other guy disappear for like 4 hours and I’m just here at this party not knowing anybody hoping that I’m not spending the night there. Fortunately she did eventually return (after doing God knows what) and took me back to my vehicle. I don’t think I spoke one word to her because I just wanted to get back to my car. I think that was the last red head I’ve been involved with.

It’s funny. I’ve meant to talk about this phenomenon. I’ve had a couple of experiences where some slut invites me out to a public or semi-private event, and the minute we get there, I realize she’s brought me simply as a cover, or to make her intended target jealous, or for some other underhanded reason. 

Tom Leykis used to warn men not to go to concerts if their date mentioned being “on the guest list,” or having “a backstage pass,” because that implies she’ll be fucking the band, while you’re finding your own way home. It’s basically the same scenario.

And since then if I do a date…I make all the plans and I drive myself to it. I don’t give ladies that quick of trust anymore.

So yeah when ladies want to whine about real things that happen to guys and trying to warn their fellow brothers…understand a lot of this doesn’t just come out of a vacuum.

Long story short…even if she’s attractive to you, single mothers are corrosive.

Thanks to Earl for kicking off this discussion. If you have a story, please send a message here [Editor: Previously here]. I think these stories can be beneficial for the young brothers coming up, and I won’t include any personal details about anyone.

Alex Carlton on Single Mothers

For some reason, I found myself reading an opinion piece in Australia’s public media this morning. The author is one Alex Carlton. Here’s what she looks like…

hot? or not?

Mizz Carlton would like all the boys to know that she “has no time for criticism of single mums,” and she’s here specifically to take a man named Richard Cooper to task. Cooper had the audacity to produce a youtube video about some dysfunctional traits that one will find when he dates a single mom.

A few points:

  1. Children are expensive. When you date a wimminz who has little kids, you will not only be paying more money, but you’ll also be expected to part with more of your time. You can work smarter to make up for the first, but the amount of moments in your life is finite, and there’s no way to turn back the hour-hand in your life.
  2. Wimminz will put their kids before you. This is totally understandable, as one’s family ought to be more important than whatever person you are fucking.

Why this stupid wimminz is disputing these simple facts, I really don’t know. Neither of them seems controversial.

Mizz Carlton includes lots of screenshots of Richard Cooper’s video in her article, as she tries to paint him in the worst possible light. I found Cooper’s video in less than a minute, and thought I’d put a link up here. It’s actually quite sensible and evenhanded. I encourage all men to listen and learn.

I’m somewhat surprised to report that I take Mizz Carlton’s side on one specific point. A man doesn’t necessarily have a zero ROI on a child he takes in. There are men we all know who have married single mothers, and other men we all know who have adopted children. These may be worthwhile pursuits for a man. All Cooper’s broad strokes aside, the general theme of his message is accurate. It is almost always easier to breed up your own kids the old-fashioned way.

Bitch has now moved into criticizing the men who are commenting on Cooper’s video. How dare these filthy men think for themselves, she asks… and further, how dare they share their lived experiences among themselves without wimminz to moderate?

Because YouTube is owned by Google, I expect the video and all its comments to disappear at some point. I went and gathered a couple of realtalk comments of my own. Let’s see what the brothers have to say…

Sounds like Anthony had a really great time running with his ho’.

Mono Lith doesn’t go into too much detail, but the experience of dating skank-ho single moms seems to have made an impression on him as well.

Kruno 45 paints a pretty bleak picture of dating skank-ho single moms.

I can hear many wimminz and simps now. What they’ll inevitably bring up are experiences like Derek’s adoptions, or Scott’s successful marriage. It’s certainly true that not every experience with single mothers or fatherless kids is a disaster, but the statistics are fairly brutal, and no educated man makes an important decision without examining common channels that lead to calamity.

Like the typical skank-ho single mom, Mizz Carlton just has to throw in selfies with her embarrassing autoencomium. I find it pretty difficult to believe that this slag was entirely self-sufficient, but even if she were, so what? That would only make her an outlier.

Single mothers aren’t “warriors,” they’re a cancer on society, and probably the greatest disaster that any society has ever faced. They may well be the end of western civilization in the next few generations, in fact.

I guess Richard Cooper isn’t going to get a chance to nail Alex or any of her skank-ho single mom friends. I’m sure he’s all broken up about it.

Have you gentlemen ever dated a single mother? How did it go? Sound if you have a minute; and, remember to say ‘no’ to the ho’, and refuse to date a single mom.

Today’s Prize Catch

Down below, Brother Earl invited us to woo the old wimminz pictured above. We all know her. Her name is Charlize Theron, and she’s been in a large number of feature films.

Skank-ho Charlize, age 44, has taken to the media, challenging us all to “man up,” and ask her out. Let’s hear her tell it…

I’ve been single for 10 years, it’s not a long shot,” Theron said. “Somebody just needs to grow a pair and step up. I’m shockingly available.

We are grateful to Earl for cluing us in to her availability. I’m sure we’re all impressed by Theron’s generous offer to get between her (well-worn) meatflaps, and I thought I’d give her a bit of a bio here, so the boys know exactly what they’re getting into when then jump in her sack.

Charlize Theron grew up in South Effrica, the daughter of a man named Charles Jacobus Theron. I have to wonder what my man Charlie would think of the daughter who has spent her entire adult life badmouthing him in global media.

As we learn in various press releases, Charlie is long dead. What he’d think about his daughter, her career as a skank-ho Hollywood actress, and her habit of dragging his name through the mud, is an open question.

Our brother Charlie learned, too late, that he made a big mistake in choosing his wife…

Skank-ho Charlize doesn’t see this man’s murder as a problem. She’s cool with it. She just complains that the slaughter inconvenienced her… somehow.

And the killer? What’s she doing?

Murderess is cooling out in the U.S., on skank-ho daughter’s dime. She has no travel restrictions and the government isn’t going to inconvenience her with a murder trial or anything… It’s the cunt pass in action, all the way.

In heartwarming news, Skank-ho Charlize adopted a little boy in 2012. In the photo above, we see skank-ho mommy with the little tot. Who else is there? You guessed it. It’s good to know he gets to spend time with his his grandfather’s killer. Anyway, let’s check in with this fine family, and see how little Jackson is doing, a few years in.

That’s right, folks. Charlize Theron adopted a little boy, and has been ritually sexually abusing him ever since.

How is it that this prize catch of a wimminz is still single? I can’t imagine. Can you?

What is wrong with all you boys? Why are you not down on bended knee, begging this deranged wimminz to take your money, in return for the honor and privilege of pounding her dried out snatch?

Thanks to Tiffany Fitzhenry for the screenshot above. Visit her site here. Find and follow her on facebook here. (link does not imply an endorsement)

Thirst and Fragility

This article will illustrate a couple of distinct but related truths, the first (see para 4, 5) is that when a hot chick is on Tinder, it’s because her immediate, visible dysfunction cancels out her real-world hotness, and this renders her untouchable. The next is that wimminz are not used to being passed over, and they can’t handle it, either.

So I started chatting with some skank I met on Plenty of Tinder recently. We exchanged photos. Me: looking all red-eyed and stupid after cooking some habanero dish. She, full frontal nudity, with a surprisingly hot body. I’ll hit that, I thought.

The next message I remember went something like:

I’m going to be an empowered woman and ask you on a date.

I told her I was down. She said something about family coming in from out of town, but that they just used her house as a free hotel, and assured me that she was free and unencumbered all weekend. I generally fuck at my house. We made plans for the next morning at 9 a.m..

Now, in the back of my head, I knew better; but, the power of the cunt blinded me for a moment. Let’s see how it all played out.

You will note that I was so snatchstruck by this rancid 7/10 that, at first, I broke my own rule, and was going to signal that my time was worth less than hers. Her rude, entitled reactions suggested that this would be the end of the conversation, and I switched over to my original plans, which included a drive to the coast.

Bitch decided she wasn’t quite done showing her ass, though.

As we already know, a bitch “running late” is (nine times out of ten) an attempt to illustrate her superiority. A man should never accept this.

There’s lot of blank space because I kept deleting her messages, unanswered.

As an aside, imagine the male thirst that’s out there, which gave this dopey wimminz the idea she could behave this way. Get a clue, bitch.

Two hours after the scheduled meet, she finally stoops to a real apology. I guess “we” means she’s getting some family time in, rather than fucking a strange man she only began texting back-and-forth some forty-eight hours prior. Good.

At this point, I blocked her on the instant messaging app, and figured I’d write an article about this shrike the next morning. The next morning is right now.

Serious questions for you boys:

  1. Do you think that the cunt on offer is worth this sort of nonsense?
  2. Do you think that this sort of person, who badgers an uninterested former suitor for eight hours straight, is someone you’d want to get entangled with, even on the short term?

Why or why not?

Ah, and lest I forget, a completely different illustration of the entitlement complex.

Wimminz, they’re so laughably fragile.

Marriage Mesopotamian Style

In a world of smiling grifters, a man must cling to his wife…

Earlier this week, we saw Chad Prather and Glenn Beck define marriage as the worship of a superior woman, by a groveling worm of a submissive man.

Glenn Beck and Chad Prather have a vested interest in the failure of your marriage. They are political conservatives who live at your expense. These grifting con-artists profit by the dysfunction that erupts in your home, and a society that was filled with healthy families wouldn’t need to pay such showmen to pretend to “solve” social problems.

Taking Glenn Beck’s advice is likely to cause a brother a great deal of pain.

Brother Glenn will teach you how to be a ‘real man’

It’s safe to assume that most of the men who read this blog are curious about marriage and monogamy. My interest in the topic is entirely pragmatic. Without marriage, the surplus labor in a society disappears, industry declines, and the standards-of-living crash. Those of us who live without a wife owe a great debt to the men who are keeping society afloat, and it is in everyone’s interest that the institution of marriage reproduce itself across time.

As Earl reminds us, Feminists have warped the institution to such an extent that it now bears little resemblance to the healthy structure it used to entail.

I don’t care if more than 99% are doing it the wrong way. God designed marriage so His design is the right way. The feminist method for marriage is not reality but the lie.

Earl makes his point by invoking his god. This is a useful analogy, but it’s worth remembering that Earl’s god is a relative latecomer. Human beings had existed for hundreds of thousands of years before Earl’s god was dreamt up. Marriage predates Christianity, and it predates Judaism too.

Earl was reacting to Necro, who wrote:

Your comment makes no sense whatsoever, because NO ONE is following the biblical model of marriage in the west, except perhaps less than 1%, so we’re not dealing with God’s design for marriage….we’re dealing with reality here, and the reality here is women are ruling their marriages in defiance of Christ

Marriage as defined by radical feminists, like Chad Prather and Glenn Beck, is indeed a female-supremacist institution. That aside, I honestly can’t tell what Necro and Earl are disagreeing about. My understanding is that one is a protestant, and the other one is a catholic, but other than that, they seem to worship the same god, and they seem to revere the same text, written by the same prophets.

I thought it’d be fun this weekend to transcend the god and the prophets of Earl and Necro, and get way back to the beginning of healthy patriarchal civilization, to see how the truly old-school brothers ordered their societies.

The first thing I ran across was a Sumerian wedding ceremony, written at least five-hundred years before any Hebrews ever existed. Let’s see what we can learn from these old men who had a successful society, in an era when our own ancestors were living caves, doing the Glenn Beck thing.

The impious are approaching.
They place their hands on his hands,
They place their feet next to his.

The bride places her neck in the chest of the groom.
It is through the groom’s will,
That the couple is brought together.

The symbolism here is transparent. In a world where everyone is on the make, where meddlers and troublemakers seek to separate individuals from their labor and happiness, a person’s spouse is the one individual who is (or ought to be) his safe harbor. The husband and wife face the world’s grifters and shysters as a single unit, legally, socially and spiritually, and they work together to succeed in a hostile world.

He says to her:
I am the son of a prince.
You will be my wife.

The groom announces:
This woman is the fruit of a plantation.
As she is abundant to me,
So shall I be a river to her…
(Petrie 159, 160)

In the first place, we note a familiar theme. The marriage is likened to an agricultural project. The fruit of a successful coupling is children, and when such children are properly raised, by two responsible parents who participate in their society, the children are rightly analogized to material wealth.

We also note that the husband’s attitude is the exact opposite of Glenn Beck and Chad Prather’s advice. There is no meek, submissive beggary in Classical Sumeria. This brother encourages all contemporary kings to know their own worth, and to assume their right place as the head of their house.

Finally, we contrast a Sumerian marriage to a contemporary American marriage. In the modern example, a marriage is done by the power of a judge, a priest, a rabbi, or some similar faggot who has turned his collar around. In fact, an actual marriage is done by the man who has a willing bride. It is through his own masculine authority that a marriage is declared. No meddling third-party is necessary.

In the early 1950s, a bunch of texts were found near Nimrud, in modern day Iraq. Dated around 800 BCE, these Nimrud letters (as they’re called) give us a picture of Sumeria’s daughter civilizations in the same territory. At this point in time, the Assyrians (a/k/a the Akkadians) had a very high culture and Earth’s most advanced civilization. The Assyrians mastered astronomy, and their cities boasted very accomplished and efficient farms and sanitation practices.

In contrast, what would become Israel was then known as Philistia. The original authors of the bible were descended from this bunch of illiterate stone-age barbarians, who were living in caves and regularly eating each other. (My own ancestors, in NW Europe, were doing the same thing, so there’s that.)

Many of the letters in this dig were penned by a scribe who wrote a bit of his own family history. Here’s a bit of a synopsis.

Qurdi-Ashur-lamur’s mother had been the only wife of his father, monogamy being the normal form of marriage in Assyria at this time. She was assisted at Qurdi-Ashur-lamur’s birth by a midwife, who to ease the pains mother’s labour by practical measures magical rituals, such as one which told of two good spirits descending from heaven with holy water and oil. In the rituals the may have been assisted by a priest. After the necessary steps and magical hocus-pocus had been completed, he was admitted to the bedroom, where he held his son, thereby accepting his legitimacy. The mother suckled her son for the best of two years; perhaps this was the reason that during that she had no further children. (Saggs V:6) (emphasis mine)

While I had always assumed that the Romans were the first to institute monogamy by law, it makes sense that earlier civilizations harnessed the practice in the pursuit of maximizing surplus value and instituting high degrees of order and discipline throughout the citizenry.

Our society would do well to learn from the Romans and the Hebrews, who adopted healthy structures of marriage and monogamy from successful neighbors. Until we destroy feminism, this will never happen.

Works Consulted

Saggs, H.W.F.. Everyday Life in Babylonia and Assyria. (link)

The Victoria Institute: Philosophical Society of Great Britain.
Journal of Transactions, Vol. XXVI. Edited by Francis W. H. Petrie (link)

The Good Men: Where They’ve Gone…

The old lady in the photo above isn’t too terrible looking. She has a decent figure and a seemingly genuine smile. If I were to see her on the street, I would probably assume she was happily married.

Her name is Hagar Sides. She’s a sabra who now lives in the Atlanta, Georgia, area. She has a popular (and surprisingly thoughtful) blog, which often gets into relationship territory. Not surprisingly, she writes from the perspective of a radical feminist.

About a year ago, Mizz Sides wrote:

I’m a 38-year-old woman and I don’t want to be single anymore. I’m ready for a relationship, though I’m having a hard time figuring out the right way to go about it.

Wimminz always write nonsense like this, in a lame attempt to lie to themselves. In fact, Hagar knows exactly how to go about it. She just doesn’t want to go about it in the way every other cool female has done it up: by becoming the feminine subordinate that a quality man would select, based upon her ability to add value to his life.

Hagar is actually “having a hard time figuring out the right way” to become appealing wife material, while remaining a sarcastic, loud, immoral, feminist shrike. This is understandable, because those types of arrogant wimminz never attract or keep quality men.

I know that not all guys are jerks, just like I know that the sun will rise in the morning. However, not only is it difficult to put yourself out there, if a guy like this comes your way, all you want to do is give up on dating and crawl back into your comfort zone.

Mizz Sides is castigating a man she matched with on Tinder, who sent her a vulgar text. I have news for her, (and any other person who gets on Tinder, male or female,) and thinks that they’re going to have largely sensible conversations with normal people.

Tinder is the modern equivalent to the whorehouse, way out in the middle of nowhere, on the Alberta prairie, that my grandfather occasionally slipped away to. There was surely a place like this in Israel someplace, that Hagar’s own grandfather disappeared to on the occasional weekend. Then as now, expecting normal behavior in the whorehouse is unrealistic.

It’s not like my happiness depends on having or not having a man in my life.

And there we have it. This is an extremely common and ridiculous lie that wimminz tell themselves.

Bitch, if you’re happy being single, why do you spend hour after hour writing about how you wish you had a man? Why not get on with enjoying the single life?

The one thing wimminz hate more than becoming attractive mates is the fact that men don’t find them worth their time. This is a completely superfluous dillemma, and yet every feminist wimminz I have ever met has been trapped between its horns.

What happened to this old wimminz to bring her to this state? A visit to her earlier articles might give us a hint.

Admittedly, the title is both humorous and sensational. I’m making a note to use this as a pick-up line… because it’ll probably work. Let’s see what Mizz Sides can tell us…

People keep asking me, “How come you are still single?”

If only I had a penny every time I have been asked this question; I could buy a lot of things I want and don’t need.

A few years ago I didn’t want any relationship, and it took me a while to realize it and admit it, mostly to myself. I was dubious after a relationship that lasted several months but was full with emptiness, pain, betrayal (his), and I became my own shadow.

So, her man betrayed her. She doesn’t say how. Maybe he fucked some other wimminz, or maybe he just didn’t kiss her ass.

“Hagar!!! what’s wrong with you, I don’t know you like that. Down, lonely, not talking to your friends, ignoring all the warning signs. You have to get rid of him…” my best friend said.

Two days later, I kicked him out from my apartment and started a new journey.

Those of us who have been around divorced people know that wimminz often divorce in groups. First one wimminz will divorce her man, and then several of her friends, like magic, will somehow find a reason to divorce also. For those of you boys who have wondered about this phenomenon, Mizz Sides is giving you a candid look into the back end of it.

I just finished Master’s Degree, found the dream job, and moved to Tel Aviv.

I had a blast in Tel Aviv; I worked hard, I traveled, I went out, drank, danced, laughed a lot. I met new people, and new guys. I had casual sex. I enjoyed every minute.

Now that she’s crowning forty, Mizz Sides is desperate to find a man (even though she doesn’t want to change anything about her degenerate lifestyle, and even though finding a man won’t make her any happier than she already is, etc.) Back in the day, when she was young and hot, finding a man wasn’t much of a priority.

I wonder what changed?

After a crazy year in Tel Aviv, I went back to my parents’ house in the suburbs.
When I left Tel Aviv I thought the world would end. Looking back, leaving Tel Aviv was one of the best thing that ever happened to me.

“I think it’s time to meet someone” I said to my friend.
“Get inside Tinder, sure you’ll find someone” he said.
“Tinder?” I replied with question mark on my face.

He downloads the app to my phone, explained to me how it works, and sent me on my way.

Tinder is not the place to find a spouse. It’s a place to find a prostitute. Most of the men on Tinder are men like me. No matter how attractive or feminine you are, we won’t marry you anyway.

So, how has all of this worked out?

In one sense, it’s fun to make fun, and Mizz Sides is perfectly mockable; but there’s a lot to learn from her article. Wimminz excuse their poor choices by repainting them as shit that “just happened,” or stuff they were compelled to do by fate or circumstance.

Mizz Sides is now forty years old, and has never managed to attract or keep a man. My guess is that she was very attractive as a 20-year old girl. I also must assume that she mocked and dumped all the eligible boys that came calling, choosing instead to waste time chasing academic degrees and short term flings with unfaithful thugs.

The good news for Hagar is that it’s not too late. She’s still better looking than ~90% of all the 40-year old skanks in Atlanta. She can probably land a decent man, in his fifties, with little trouble.

She just has to shitcan the feminist entitlement complex, humble herself, and convincingly pretend she has never, ever been on Tinder. And that’s the bad news, because she won’t.

Read her articles in full, and let me know what you think in the comments:

Let’s Have Jew Sex

Where Have All The Good Men Gone?

The Week I Froze My Eggs

Self-Deception in Microcosm

As we have already seen, wimminz have made themselves so repellent that even young brothers are giving them the brush, en masse, and the feminist media is desperate to obfuscate about it.

The Daily Star (UK) (no link on purpose) is featuring “experts” to “explain” the disparity to the panicked young sluts, who are now realizing that the jig is up.

In the first place, Mizz Dr. Twenge seems to be assuming a few things. Namely:

  • all the young men who aren’t having sex live at home with their parents.
  • before permanent cohabitation with a wimminz was common, no one ever had sex.

In fact, what happened before permanent cohabitation (exclusive of the bounds of wedlock) was common, was that people got married so that they could have sex. Today, the wimminz on offer tend to be so revolting that young men are not pursuing them.

Like Mizz Dr. Twenge, I tend to believe that the surveyed kids were fudging a bit. What I think is happening is that young men are occasionally having sex with wimminz who are so disgusting that they don’t want to report such things. Self-deception is not a trait exclusive to females, after all. And, who among us hasn’t had drunken sex with some dog ugly, crude skank? Would you admit to doing such things? Me neither.

Mizz Dr. Twenge has written several books on social atomism and scale, and has been widely criticized for methodological shortcomings. From her Wikipedia page:

Whether we should take this aging feminist seriously in the yellow media remains an open question, but I certainly wouldn’t take her assumptions as conclusive.

If the movers and shakers were actually interested in reversing this trend, there are several things they could do, namely:

  1. Abolish the divorce courts.
  2. Defund all “wimminz studies” departments, establish old school “home economics” programs in secondary schools instead.
  3. Incentivize marriage and family with tax breaks, simultaneously taxing single parents.
  4. Make repeatedly having children out of wedlock a criminal offense, punishable by several months in a work camp. Fatherless children to be removed for adoption by a normal couple at birth.

Options 1-3 were the status quo in America, just a few generations ago. Option 4 was instituted by Stalin in the Soviet Union, right after World War II. It may seem alien to our sensibilities, but a serious society would penalize those who abuse its social services programs.

Note that these steps will not, in themselves, make wimminz more attractive to men. They will merely force wimminz to have some “skin in the game” when they couple up. Taking the extra steps of becoming attractive and marriageable will remain a personal decision.

Clownworld News (3 April 2019)

This poor judge is being made out to be a rape apologist by feminists (big surprise there).

In fact, the social services department in the UK is trying to get an order blocking her lawful husband from ever having sex with his wife, because she is “incapable of consent.” The reason? She has recently been diagnosed with a learning disability.

I cannot think of any more obviously fundamental human right than the right of a man to have sex with his wife… I think he is entitled to have it properly argued…

In this context, the judge’s ruling is perfectly sane. I mean, married women like to fuck, too. Assuming the ruling holds, the government is basically saying that this woman can fuck any man except her husband, given that they’re seeking to bar him specifically.

Why should this married lady have to get on Tinder to get her needs met? Isn’t that what her husband’s cock is for?