It’s Not a Revolution, Playa

The new season of House is lit AF

A week ago, I wrote a brief rebuttal to Andrew Anglin’s multiple Daily Stormer articles, which repeatedly push the narrative that Covid-19 is “the flu,” and is no big deal. It’s now time to cover the inverse of that theory.

Like some of you, I’ve been enjoying Roosh’s long-winded videocasts. This week’s rap session, entitled Roosh Hour 42: Coronavirus is Revolution is a whopping five hours long. I didn’t listen to it in one setting, but I did get through the whole thing. I think I understand Roosh’s thesis, and I think it’s interesting enough to talk about.

Roosh has concluded that the outbreak of this new virus was likely a planned event. He posits that it was released by “globalists” in order to “transition us into a new level of globalism,” in which persecution of Christians and widespread poverty becomes the norm. He admits that he has no evidence for this, and describes coming to this conclusion after being shown a vision by his god, in dreams, after fasting and prayer.

A lot of the details Roosh cites to back up his theory are compelling. For example:

  1. Billionaires and transnational corporations are profiting, while the rest of us are thrown out of work.
  2. Christian priests and their congregants are facing punishment for holding services.
  3. Prisoners are being released early from lockup, and are committing new crimes.

All of these premises are (at least mostly) true.

Aside from the fact that I find it funny how many CONservative Christians are suddenly coming to agree with me about income inequality, it’s worth pointing out that one should never ascribe to malice what is easier explained by stupidity.

What Roosh calls “globalism” is better known to Marxists as transnational capital. One of its faults is a tendency toward inertia. Basically, capital doesn’t have any motivation to change until profits start falling. Profits didn’t start falling in the globalist west until the virus had already taken hold.

The idea that there is a cabal of international capitalists who are orchestrating everything behind the scenes is a nice ego boost for billionaires, but is otherwise laughable. None of these supposed geniuses has any idea how to respond to the historical events as they’re now unfolding.

There’s China’s new aircraft carrier, burning in the docks. Here’s America’s:

The globalists are not becoming more powerful due to the virus. In fact, they’re seeing their hold evaporate across the world. Billionaires are seeing their profits increase in the short term, while tens of thousands of Americans lose faith in Amazon, CBS, and UPS.

I don’t want to come across as too harsh toward Roosh. I think extended solitude and loneliness can lead men into a feeling of helplessness that we ought to resist. These conspiracy theories betray an unwarranted faith in the bureaucracy. The system has no idea how to handle this state of affairs, and it has become a circus in its proper historical context. The “just in time” inventory in supermarkets is breaking down now, and the employees of globohomo are getting visibly sick of working for peanuts at the expense of their own health and safety. The globalists will continue to make mistakes due to their own hubris, and the end result will be more of what we’re starting to see now: food shortages, widespread street crime, and perhaps a general strike. There is no way this can benefit the people Roosh sees as conspirators.

Before I conclude, I’ll sympathize with one bit of Roosh’s general complaint. He talks about missing prayer in a group. “I can’t listen to the choir at home, and I can’t smell incense…” The obvious answer to this is to start a home church. The home church movement in China is going strong, despite decades of the best attempts of the authorities there to clamp down on it. Home churches are antifragile, obeying all of Che Guevara’s maxims in Guerrilla Warfare. Home churches will get a Christian man out of the sort of blackpill mindset, by putting him in contact with sympathetic neighbors and friends. It’s an idea which is overdue, in a society where dyke priests rule mainstream churches, and preside over fag marriages. Start a home church today!

Life During Quarantine

I used to read comments on Dalrock and Heartiste, from married bros, who couldn’t stand their wives. Now that Dalrock and Heartiste are no more, I can read wimminz, who talk about how they made such husbands hate them. Here is one such story, sent to me in screenshot form…

When a wimminz isn’t the center of attention, she finds it “weird.” She also finds it intolerable that her husband is actually cultivating a relationship with his kid. Wimminz are hard wired by feminism to believe that the children belong to her, and that men are disposable.

A wimminz will see your denials as proof of your guilt, because wimminz are so used to denying their bad behavior when caught.

It is only when this wimminz sees her ownership of the child in doubt that she begins to question her own irrational accusations.

How typical of a stupid wimminz to ask “what did I do?” after telling you exactly what she did. The sad thing is that there are probably a hundred simps jumping into this reddit thread to offer her support, money and a place to stay.

Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.

Survival, Evasion and Escape

Internet blackpillers have been trying to convince men that we are all going to fall down dead, at any second, from coronavirus. With this in mind, meet Archie, a four-year old little kid who caught the disease in hospital, during his chemotherapy treatments, and then brought it home to his whole family.

Archie Wilks, four, was receiving treatment for neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer, when he contracted the virus despite his parents doing everything to protect him.

Archie developed a fever at the day unit at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge, England, after starting chemotherapy and immunotherapy, and was quickly moved to a coronavirus ward where he was diagnosed with COVID-19 after a 48 hour wait for results.

The family – who have all had coronavirus symptoms- were reunited on April 1 when doctors said Archie was well enough to be safer in isolation at home.

Archie’s experience likely helped him put this latest ordeal into context.

Archie was diagnosed with neuroblastoma in January 2019 after becoming ill and unable to stand a few weeks earlier.

Here’s Brother Archie a couple of days ago, via his instagram page

A MAN which is to say anything that is a living and not a dying body… will have to be an incarnate will to power, it will strive to grow, spread, seize, become predominant – not from any morality or immorality but because it is living, and because life simply is a will to power… (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Clownworld v Loomer

Laura Loomer, a Republican congressional candidate in Florida, was thrown out of Mark Zuckerberg’s treehouse in May of last year. When asked for details, Facebook’s corporate office claimed that Loomer was banned for being a dangerous hatemonger. Loomer responded by filing a lawsuit.

Facebook’s attorneys argued today that Loomer’s case should be dismissed. Loomer, they asserted, was clearly a dangerous hatemonger.

Usually, when people show up to assert something in court, I expect to see some sort of objective data that supports such people’s argument. What was the basis of their argument? The motion totally seems to consist of a list of other establishment web sites which have banned Laura Loomer.

If Facebook had cause to see Loomer’s lawsuit dismissed, they would have shown up with evidence of the danger she poses to the public. Instead, they showed up claiming that other outlets (including their own subsidiary, Instagram,) had banned Loomer, and this was supposed to prove their claim.

Another Canadian Hottie

So, I’m going through my e-mail this morning, and come across a link to a Canadian Youtube channel. A cursory investigation yielded a treasure trove of funny shit.

I’d like all the rest of y’all to meet Chantal Sarault, of Ottawa. She’s at least heavy enough to trigger a tank mine, and she’s in the mood to give us an Easter sermon. Take it away, bitch…

“There’s nothing wrong… Don’t let anyone shame you… If you’re being safe, and you want to have like, one hundred partners, it’s O.K. You’re allowed to do that. Don’t let people make you think it’s immoral…”


“But anyway, I was a total ho’”

[more shit about having a threesome with a desperate married couple who are into fatty fetishism]

I found a deeper bio of our friend Chantal over on Kiwi Farms.

Chantal Olive Marie Sarault, born March 28th 1984, aliases Foodie Beauty, Big Beautiful Me, Chantal Marie and others, is a Canadian YouTuber, whose channel was created in 2014. Although she was initially an attempted beauty channel, Chantal made an ostensible name for herself eating disgustingly large amounts of fast food in one sitting, usually while sitting alone in her car in an empty parking lot. Due to Chantal’s paranoia of being seen stuffing her face by some unsuspecting citizen, her eyes dart from left to right constantly. This nervous mania has yet to deter her from consuming massive amounts of food in a public setting. Her gluttony and foolishness have earned her the sobriquet “the Canadian Amberlynn Reid”.


Although at first blush she seems like a typical white trash fattie, Chantal is notable for her legitimately manic attempts to cultivate and control a glamorous image of herself as an attractive woman who is losing weight. In turn, she sabotages this confected persona by lying about diets, often while visibly gaining weight, and frequently succumbing to a seemingly pathological need to relate anecdotes about her losing bowel control or having sex with homeless men…

If you go over there, make sure to tell them Boxer says hello.

Chantal Fan Thread on K.F.

It’s Not The Flu, Dawg

I’m neither a physician nor a zoologist, and what I know about the SARS-2 has been gleaned from my own reading and talking to people who are actually qualified to give me information about it. I’ve learned a lot in the last two weeks, and I thought I’d share some of the conclusions that have been shared with me. I think this is important, because the majority of the information presently circulating is bad.

Despite what you’ll read on various neo-Nazi web pages, SARS-CoV-2 is not related to influenza, and the pandemic is not a conspiracy, engineered by the government and liberal media to strip us of our constitutional rights. I have read this sort of conjecture regularly in the past few weeks, and while I think it’s unfortunate, I have some amount of sympathy with the people who have spread these strange ideas, because the government and media have responded to the virus in such a heavy-handed and stupid fashion. For example:

CBS News and the U.S. Government want your grandmother to get sick

If I were the typical IQ 100 conservative, I’d have lost faith in Donald Trump and the corporate media, too. Maybe I’d respond with “It’s just the flu” denials, and maybe I’d become an “accelerationist,” but either way, I would feel betrayed by the government and its propaganda organs.

Men in this post code have always known that the government and its media hates us, so our skepticism serves us well in this new duplicitous era. Aside from reading a bunch of journal articles, I’ve had the chance to hang out with actual doctors in the past 72h, and I’d like to pass on some of the conjecture they’ve spilled to ya boy Boxer. I’d also like to clear up some misinformation I previously posted.

Unlike CBS News and the Trump administration, I own my mistakes

A couple of weeks ago, I blindly assumed some of the data out of Wuhan was, in the first place, accurate, and in the second place, applicable to the present American outbreak. I ran some of the Chinese numbers, and I got a mortality rate of around 0.009.

Whether my first assumption is justifiable is a matter of conjecture, but the second assumption I made was completely wrong. In my defense, I didn’t know how RNA virii operated when I wrote this, and while I didn’t willfully lie to anyone, I did talk out my ass. I’m fairly confident that I can do basic arithmetic, but I’m completely clueless about biology, and I shouldn’t have been so irrationally self-confident as to make some general declaration.

SARS-CoV-2 is the name of an RNA virus, not a disease. The disease caused by virii of this type is called Covid-19. The corporate media uses all of these neologisms interchangeably, but it’s important to be precise.

Coronavirii come in five different genera. SARS-CoV-2 is a betacoronavirus, and its related most closely to a common coronavirus that’s passed around in rodents and birds. Surprisingly, SARS-CoV-2 is not closely related to the betacoronavirus that caused the original SARS. It’s not nearly as deadly, which is part of the problem.

SARS-CoV-2 has a close genetic relative that is rarely fatal. This relative causes about 25% of all the typical “cold and flu” infections in America. The reason that SARS-CoV-2 is such a pain in the ass is due to a tactical quality it shares with this other relative.

About ten years ago, people were researching this relative and decided to run large tests on the general population. They found that a large majority of people had antibodies for this relative, but most people did not actually get ill with it.

SARS-CoV-2 is thought to work in this same fashion. The guy I talked to told me that he guessed that 10-30% of all the people who caught Covid-19 didn’t know they had it. Consider the consequences… I might catch it tomorrow, and not notice it. My immune system tamps down on it, I have no symptoms, and feel great. In the interim, I’ve got it holding on in my respiratory tract for the next month. During that month I shake hands with Derek, kiss Feeriker’s mother on the cheek, pick up Honeycomb’s niece when she falls on the playground, pay back Renee with cash I handled in my wallet, and do any number of other normal things that regular people do in day-to-day life. Nearly all of the people I’ve infected are likely to either show no symptoms, or maybe think they caught a cold, all while they repeat the process. In the mean-time, all our older relatives are suddenly gravely ill, and the bodies start piling up.

The actual mortality rate of Covid-19 varies by the genetic legacy of the specific virus that’s causing a localized infection. There is a reason certain areas (Iran, Italy, New York City) are seeing something like a .12 mortality rate, and others (Germany) are at .003. This is due to the structure of an RNA virus itself. An RNA virus recombines and mutates at shocking speed. Every time the virus hijacks one of your cells, it takes some of your own genetic material with it, and rolls some deterministic dice as to what features its own offspring will have.

Scuttlebutt says that the NYC strain of the virus may be particularly deadly due to the fact that it’s closely related to the Italian variety, while on the west coast, we have been largely spared, because our brand of SARS-CoV-2 came from China or Korea. This made intuitive sense to me, when I heard it. The seeds of the American virus came from different places, and have different attributes.

When I stated that the virus had a mortality rate of less than one percent, I was talking out my ass. The virus in Germany and South Korea has a mortality rate of less than one percent. The virus in New York City has a mortality rate of around ten percent.

What I’m coming to understand is that an RNA virus is not one monolithic entity, but a very wide variety of breeds which are competing to conquer your body. Nobody wants to be chased by dogs, but a pack of pit bull dogs on your ass is a different scenario than a pack of yorkies.

The worst virii in terms of body count are not those with the highest mortality rates. The original SARS has a 30-50% mortality rate, but it only killed a few thousand people, because everyone who got sick knew it immediately, and those who contracted it died relatively quickly. Millions may die from this version, which is why the whole “social distancing” thing is sensible.

At the beginning of this week, I was told that it was possible to see five percent of the population of the county I live in die this month. I’ve been prepared to help out since, and have done very little. The makeshift overflow hospital we built sits empty, and it may never see a patient. I’m thankful for this. I wish I could give all my readers more authoritative advice on what to do, but ultimately, I’m constrained by my own lack of education.

SARS-CoV-2 Mapped Out

Virus Taxonomy: coronaviridae

Mom, Refugee, Intersectional Feminist

The ideological apparatus has evolved many strategies for the desensitization of its victims to inherently abhorrent ideas. One of the most visible is placing a brainless, but  physically attractive wimminz, out front, to shill for whatever poisonous position will keep the ruling class in power.

And so we see Ilhan Omar, the feminist congresswimminz from Minnesota, pretending to be a competent mother on twitter, immediately before telling us where her actual allegiance lies.

We should not forget that this is the same skank-ho who has made it her personal mission to export the toxic stew of American feminist theory to the unfortunate peoples of Africa.

because what Africa really needs are abortion clinics and divorce courts

In this post code, we know Ilhan Omar to be the wimminz who dumped her faithful husband to fuck one of her campaign co-workers.

A month ago, I generally condemned the spinelessness of Muslim men, for not calling this brazen skank to account for her bad behavior. I am pleased to retract that claim today, and report that a few people have finally found the courage to check this ho’.

Last week, our brother Retawa Agnihotri reminded Mizz Omar that she was in no position to give moral advice to anyone. Her response was to immediately threaten him with a physical beating for telling the (already widely known) truth. If I were able to participate in twitter, I’d have posted in this thread today, but I’m not, and so I’ll post here. Fortunately, another brother cited a source.

Ilhan Omar owes a great many people an apology. The first people she should humbly beg forgiveness from are her children, of course. She pretends to be a competent mother on twitter, but in reality, she has set a dismal example for her kids. She could move on, after that, to apologize to her faithful and loving husband, who she cruelly betrayed. She owes every American an apology, for the embarrassment she has brought to all of us. Finally, she could apologize to the rest of the world, for her tireless work exporting anti-family policies to other peoples.

She won’t do this, because she’s a wimminz, but she should.

Quarantitties Vol. 1

So, on 05 Feb, at or about noon, Skank-ho Sheila appeared in my text messages, wanting a taste of my cock.

I first met Sheila last summer, and she has been a particularly volatile part of my life, always eager to dramatically disconnect, the minute I didn’t follow her orders. Before 05 Feb, I had heard from Sheila last in mid November.

Given that my rotation was full, and given my fatigue at dealing with her antics, I kept Sheila at arm’s length until 07 February, when she started blowing up my phone with messages.

07 February was a Thursday, which means it is quiz day in my classes. I teach IB Mathematics (SL and HL): which is an incredibly rigorous course. My students tend to be exceptionally well-prepared; but it’s still imperative that I concentrate on helping them, rather than wasting time texting a skank-ho slut like Sheila.

Because I chose to serve my clients (whose parents were paying me) rather than indulge her in casual banter, Sheila went radio silent for 24 hours, and then announced her departure from my life in the typical fashion.

Fast forward to this week. Guess who has reappeared? And guess why?

Sheila is apparently living with her “oldest mat” (oldest mate, is what I gather). The fact that her “oldest mat” is a male is not surprising (she’s objectively pretty hot, and there are plenty of thirsty simps in the world.)

Now she is playing on my sympathies, hoping I will help support her and her “oldest mat.” And thus we see the end result of feminism. All the “girlz rock,” and “wimminz rule the world” propaganda evaporates, once the money runs dry.

Site Update: 06 April 2020

Two weeks ago I became aware of a possible unpaid volunteer opportunity in my area, which involved caring for sick people in an improvised field hospital. I immediately forwarded my own name for consideration. I did so for a number of reasons, including:

  1. I am under 55, do not have lung cancer, heart disease or diabetes, and thus am “low risk” according to the profile of the current pandemic.
  2. I love my neighbors, and I love the area I live in.
  3. I don’t have a wife, nor any young children who depend on me.
  4. I have spent years proclaiming myself various things on the internet, including M.G.T.O.W., a communist, an epicurean, etc. Volunteering coheres with the propositional values of all those labels.
  5. I’m a freakin’ schoolteacher, so I’ve probably already got antibodies for every mutation of coronavirus already.
  6. I predicted (correctly) that by the time such an opportunity materialized, I would be bored stiff.

This morning, I got a phone call asking if I was still willing to volunteer in such a capacity. I answered in the affirmative. I was then told that it was likely that I would be called for a 12-hour shift this week, and the caller disconnected without giving me any further details.

I constitute a member of a standing reserve, which serves its useful purpose in labor, particularly when married family men are busy. I’ve lived a very fun and indulgent life, largely at the expense of the surplus created by family men, and it’s an honor to allow one such man to tend to the welfare of the next generation. Nothing is going to happen to me; but, if it did, I’d be proud to join my grandfathers in Valhalla.

I am not going to delete this blog, but I am anticipating a lot of time away from it. For this reason, I am closing comments, and I am putting all new articles from the other authors into moderation. I encourage all of you gentlemen to continue the bantz over at Derek’s blog, or Jason’s blog, which are linked in the sidebar. I’ll try and post interesting stuff as time allows, and I’ll be back in a couple of weeks, eager to get back to making fun of feminists.

All About Virology

Before I begin this article, I should anticipate my critics, who hang on my every word, and always draw the most ridiculous conclusions from whatever I write.

I think everyone should take the present situation very seriously. If you can stay home safely and look after your family right now, you should do so. If there are temporary legal restrictions on your movement, you should respect them. This is especially true for those of you, brothers and sisters, who have little children or elderly relatives in your care. If you, or some member of your family falls ill, then you should seek out competent medical care, and know that your brothers are constantly thinking of you, praying for you, and hoping for the health and safety of those who may be afflicted.

Given that I have lots of free time lately, I decided to do some reading on virii in general, and the coronavirus in particular. I thought some of you brothers might enjoy learning about this stuff, too.

F.M. Burnet. Viruses (1951)

T. Estola. Coronaviruses (1970)

Luis Villarreal. Are Viruses Alive? (2004)

John Barry. The Next Pandemic (2010)

Edward Holmes and Andrew Rambaut. Viral Evolution & SARS Coronavirus (2004)

And then for my literary brothers:

Albert Camus. The Plague (1948)

Aside from reading, I’m doing a lot of contemplation. The constant pressures of life in our late-capitalist, postmodern, cosmopolitan sewer haven’t allowed for much self-criticism, and I’m finding the peace and the pace of the enforced quarantine to be beneficial. If you are a bachelor, you are likely noticing (as I am) the sheer number of Tinder sluts who are suddenly hitting you up, newly desperate for a serious relationship, and willing to do any number of depraved acts to prove it. (A few days away from the nightclub have left me less interested than ever.)

There are other historical trends afoot. Apparently, people are buying firearms at levels never before seen in American history. Other things I’m noticing are the amounts of people out for walks. I see couples, hand-in-hand, with children in tow. This is something I haven’t seen since I was very young.

The news reports suggest that Tranny Storytime for Toddlers is no longer a thing. Neither are abortions. The degenerate Hollywood movie industry is in financial trouble, and so are lying feminist journalists.

All these historical trends lead me to wonder how our fake society is going to survive so many people coming to self-consciousness in the next few weeks. It should be interesting to watch it all unfold.

Lastly, I send major respect to Honeycomb, RamMan, LastMod, and all the rest of you men who are working hard to keep America alive, while the rest of us slack around on the dole. Stay healthy. I  love y’all.