Education: Part 3

In the last article, we talked about thriving in your first year of community college. If you missed that, read it here.

At the beginning of your sophomore year of junior college, you should take stock of what you’ve accomplished, and begin to map your transition out of the institution. By this time, you should have an excellent academic history, attested to by grades and recommendations from faculty. You are halfway finished, and whether you want to enter the workforce, or continue on to university, you will naturally be proud of what you’ve done.

If you plan to finish up, and start making money, it is at this time you should be reaching out to employers. There are a few things every man should do at this time.

  1. Go get fitted for a decent suit. This means dark blue or black. Buy a white shirt and a tie, preferably a “club tie” which is arty, but not loud. Don’t buy any extras at the department store, but do not get the cheapest suit on offer, either. Make sure the suit is altered and comfortable before you leave the store.
  2. Start a brand new email address at yahoo, google or outlook. The username should be some combination of your first name and your last name. The email address you use to talk to your buddies, which reads “whitepower88” or “devilschild666” shouldn’t be discarded, but you should keep professional correspondence in a separate mailbox. Serious people compartmentalize, and a professional demeanor goes a long way in the hiring process.
  3. Crank out a résumé. There are people at your school who are paid to help you with this, and you should hunt them down and make them earn their salaries. It’s OK that you don’t have much in the way of job history. Nobody expects you to.
  4. Approach a few select faculty members and ask if they’ll write you letters of recommendation. If you’ve taken Brother Boxer’s advice, and have been punctual and professional during class, they should be glad to do this.

And so we’ll leave our brothers in the trades to go make big money, and the rest of us are now ready to concentrate on getting into university. Some of the general tips for the future degree holders are similar. For instance, while the future electricians are contacting union reps and contractors about possible jobs, the future academics should be looking at big schools to transfer to. There are a few things you brothers might need for your applications, and now is the time to get these things in order.

  1. A writing sample. This should be 5-10 pages long, double spaced, with proper citations (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.) Get the best paper you wrote in your composition class, and clean it up. It will do.
  2. Letters of recommendation. Approach three instructors and ask them to write one up. Do this early, because many faculty members are notorious about forgetting to do this. Get copies for your own records.
  3. cvrricvlvm vitae. Commonly called a “cv,” this is like a résumé, and it lists your academic accomplishments. If you got a work-study job in the library, that’s listed. Make sure you include the scholarships you’ve already earned. Also, it’s helpful to list out all the original work you’ve presented in public. Remember when Dr. Boxer made you get up in front of the class and explain Cauchy’s mean value theorem, with an example? That’s a presentation. List the title and date. Put some references at the end (at least, the people who wrote your letters of recommendation.)

Your applications should go out around Christmas break, so you have three or four months in your sophomore year to get all this crap together. Many schools will charge application fees. Be smart, and ask them to waive this. Some schools have a protocol for doing such a thing, and some don’t. If you don’t see instructions, send an email to an admissions officer, politely requesting a waiver. You’re a poor community college student, after all.

Nearly every big school has a “general scholarship application.” Fill this crap out, at every school you’re applying to. You should already have experience asking for funding at community college, so it’s just more of the same. And again, don’t feel ashamed for asking for scholarships. Alumni from all the big schools donate to the scholarship funds. If you don’t use the money we send, the fags in the administration get to waste it on booze and hookers. Do us a favor, and take our money.

You will get accepted to multiple universities, but the scholarships you earn will vary widely. In nearly every case, your decision about where to go to school should be entirely based on who is giving you the most money. Ignore the supposed “prestige” of a diploma from the big Catholic or Jewish university. Nearly all baccalaureate degrees are equal, and if the local state university is giving you a cheaper ride, you ought to take it.

The only exception I can think of is perhaps an Ivy League school. If you have the means and opportunity to go to Yale, you ought to take it, because you’ll make contacts at those dopey skull and bones parties, that will leapfrog you into a gold-collar job at graduation.

At some point you will graduate from community college, and those of you who are going on to university will (if you’ve followed all my advice) be admitted as juniors, with a generous funding package that minimizes your expenses. By the time you hit the university campus, you should be self-aware enough to know exactly what you want to concentrate on, and much of my advice to you here is more-or-less identical to what I told you about junior college. Declare your major, note your program and catalog year.

Your major will, of course, depend upon your plans for a career. What sort of career you want should be based on the decision you made years earlier, when you figured out what you were good at, and what you enjoyed. Many careers have straightforward concentrations. A job as an engineer requires an engineering degree.

Some careers do not have tightly associated degrees. Young men who want to be military officers often do well with degrees in history, philosophy, and English. They also benefit from doing ROTC while they’re on campus. I know this, because I had such a young man in my office once, and I had to call up the local U.S. Air Force detachment to get a handle on what sorts of degrees he’d find useful. That specific young man got through his officer’s training, and is doing well today.

I’ve interacted with employers, and I know the local HR drones find some degrees specifically not useful for real-world jobs. Some of these include women’s studies, black studies, and sociology. Students who come out of these programs are seen, for better or worse, as potential troublemakers who have an “activist” mindset, which is not conducive to an efficient workplace.

One last piece of advice is to make yourself well-rounded. If you’re majoring in English, then it is a great idea to minor in something like chemistry or physics. If you’re majoring in physics, then a minor in history or philosophy is a good idea. Future employers will get your transcripts, and one which shows a wide breadth of competence is always preferable to a narrow focus on one specific discipline.

Foster good professional relationships with faculty members. Take only those classes you need, and do as well as you can in every class. You will likely notice the younger kids, all starry eyed, entering as freshmen. Wisely note their proclivity for time-wasting nonsense (frat parties, sex orgies, etc.) and their alcohol-fueled misbehavior. Be thankful that wasn’t you.

There is one thing that is especially important in a man’s junior and senior years. That is to use your professor’s office hours. Show up to these a couple of times a month, and let the guy know you’re actually reading and thinking about the material he’s covering in class. Doing this tends to magically inflate your grades, and will give you a much deeper understanding of what he’s talking about.

In the next article, we’ll be discussing the pros and cons of graduate and professional school.

Education: Part 2

This post is about getting what you can out of your local community college. If you haven’t already read Part 1, then you should do so here.

Above we see a list if things you can study at this particular community college. What you will study is based upon the honest self-assessment you did, with the help of various disinterested professionals, your parents, and the school’s guidance counselor.

One thing that is notable is the “VAPA Academy.” A visit to the linked page tells me that this is “Visual and Performing Arts.” If you have a specific talent in this area, then Julliard, Columbia and U.S.C. would already be making you offers. For the rest of us, who need a job, enrolling in this program would be a waste of time. Your goal is to be self-sufficient, and that means a focus on some subject that you (hopefully) find tolerable, and which you can market to employers in return for a livable wage.

If you have below-average scores on standardized tests, or if you just hate the idea of being in school, then you’re at the right place. Picking a trade program can get you into the workforce in as little as nine months.

Welding and Fabrication Technology is a degree which will likely lead to a good career, and an AAS degree in that field will take less than two years.

If you have decent or above-average scores, then you should also consider a technical degree. You can get your Master of Arts in Theoretical Physics after you’re established, at the same time Jethro is getting his MFA in Interpretive Dance. There are tons of interesting things to learn, which aren’t particularly marketable, and we all have things we’d love to know about. Our first duty, as men, is making a living.

If you think you want a 4-year degree (called a Bachelor’s Degree) then you want to study at the Liberal Arts Academy, or the STEM academy. Don’t be too concerned about what you want to concentrate on at university. Your present goal is to get the general prerequisites, that every student needs. With any luck, you’ll have a bunch of cheap hours that will transfer to the big university with you, and it’s there you can concentrate on something specific.

As far as transfer, there are legal agreements between most community colleges and larger schools nearby. Check these agreements out with the help of your guidance counselor and parents.

One of the many benefits of matriculation at community college is the lack of distraction. When you go to college, your goal is not to party, fuck random girls, play drinking games, or smoke dope. All of those indulgences will arise naturally, after you are independent, and making a good wage. Your only aim is getting to the point where you can afford to have a decent life. Most community colleges are full of serious, focused young brothers. The big universities, in contrast, have fraternities and nightclubs which compete for your attention.

When you go to community college, you should prepare to study through the summers. This will get you out of the system more rapidly, and given the impossibility of finding a decent summer job without a degree, there’s no reason not to do so. Full disclosure: Boxer taught at a community college earlier in his career. The summer courses at my school were abbreviated, had a much better teacher-to-student ratio, and were actually discounted to encourage kids to sign up. On the down side, fewer instructors meant a narrower variety of classes, which leads me to my next paragraph.

Once you enroll in a specific program, you will be faced with a list of requirements for completion. It is important to remember that once you are accepted to the program, the requirements will not change. In academic-speak, this is called a “catalog year.” If you agree to enroll in a specific program, and the school tries to change the requirements on you, then you can call the attorney general’s office. I have heard of this happening, but it’s not very common, and usually it’s the result of some moron in administration who makes a mistake with your records.

This is the 2018 catalog for an incoming freshman who is seeking a pre-engineering degree at a Florida community college. Once you matriculate, you want to stick to the program, down to the letter. Your goal is to take all the classes you need, to do as well as possible in every one, and never to take any course that’s not required.

In my experience, it is very common for schools to tier their registration dates. This allows more developed students to register for classes before new arrivals, and it may mean that the class you want is full, by the time you are able to request this. What many students don’t know is that professors generally have the ability to waive you into the course. I always did this when I knew the student was a solid guy, by previous experience. I also always did this when the student was referred by another colleague in the faculty. I never did this for burnouts, slackers, or time-wasters. It is imperative that you cultivate good relationships with your professors, in order that you can get such favors when you need them. You don’t need to be an ass kisser. You simply need to show up on time, be respectful, and hand in high quality work.

The degree above is called an “Associate of Sciences.” There is also an “Associate of Arts” degree, on offer, which is identical, except for an added requirement to take a full year of a foreign language. I highly recommend that you take a foreign language at community college. If you decide to do this, there are finer points to consider.

Armenian is probably an interesting language, and it will satisfy the liberal arts requirement of your degree. But how useful will it be to a potential employer?

If you make the (wise) decision to complete your language requirement at community college, you should study a language that customers and co-workers are likely to speak. In North America, there are two such languages. One of these is Spanish. The other one is French.

If you have a burning desire to learn Armenian, or Ancient Greek, or Coast Salish, then you can return to community college, after you’re established in a job, and study them in your free time.

A selling point of junior college is its affordability. While school will probably not cost much, it will cost something. How should a man pay for his time in the academy?

At every school, there are people who are begging to give you their money. All you have to do is take it. Do not feel badly about applying for scholarships. Guys like me donate to scholarship funds, and we do it so that you can get an easy ride. I had an easy ride myself, so every month when I kick them my pittance, I’m just paying it back.

If you have a lackluster history in high school, and you don’t get funding, don’t be discouraged. Get the Pell Grant, and be motivated to do as well as possible during your freshman year. An application before your second year of school, showing a dramatic improvement in your GPA, will open up new opportunities.

The next article in this series describes navigating the transfer process, employment, and thriving at the big four year university you might decide to attend. Read that here.

Education: Part 1

Around his sixteenth birthday, every North American man begins to be hounded by the admissions/outreach departments of all the local universities. The con-artists who work therein are master liars, whose job it is to fill your cute little head up with big ideas about the future.

Competing with these liars are their internet counterparts. Big names in the so-called manosphere, who think they know something about the world, will encourage you to abandon your quest for self-sufficiency. Subsequently, they’ll encourage you to drop out of society and get on welfare. If you like the lifestyle of the author of these stupid books (hint: he doesn’t live well) then you’ll want to stop here.

Ya boy Boxer has been on both sides of this process. I have been all the way through graduate school as a student. I have also been employed in both faculty and administration jobs. While the best thing for you is based upon some specifics I can’t know, I am qualified to give you some general advice that nobody in the sphere has yet divulged. If you’re curious about how best to navigate the academic process, read on.

The first thing a high-school boy needs is an honest appraisal of his abilities. Do you have a specific, definable talent? Make an appointment, today, to speak to your guidance counselor, and have him review the results of those standardized tests with you. They aren’t nearly as worthless as the internet poseurs tell it.

Part of the challenge is being honest with yourself. Even as the admissions people lie to you, in order to part you from your money, you’ll be tempted to lie to yourself. Caught up in this echo chamber, you’ll be tempted to brush off your own mediocrity. A healthy masculine attitude is embracing one’s own faults, and this is the first step toward overcoming them.

It may be that you scored in the 98th percentile on the language part of the test, or on the math part. It may also be that you scored in the 50th percentile on everything. It may also be that you scored in the 30th percentile in everything. Whatever your results, your destination will be the same place.

The biggest mistake I made, in my own youth, was matriculating at a big private university. This wasn’t catastrophic, because I had funding to go to this big university, but it was still a dumb thing to do. If I’m honest, I’ll cop to the fact that I was motivated by a need to get away from my dysfunctional mother and hyper-religious stepfather, as quickly as possible.

Wherever you live, there is either a community college, or a satellite mini-campus for a public university. In almost every case, this needs to be your immediate destination after high school. Why, Boxer? It’s because of a number of different reasons…

  1. A High School diploma is worthless.
  2. The junior college is cheaper than the big university.
  3. The junior college offers a much wider variety of options than the big university.
  4. The junior college is more convenient than the big university.

Even if you’re made of money, you should still matriculate at the community college. A junior college degree (called an “associates”) or certificate is the minimum accomplishment of a self-sufficient man.

Suppose a young brother reviews his standardized test scores, and finds them all to be sub-par. He should go to community college anyway, because they have programs in things like drafting, nursing, firefighting, and auto repair. You don’t have to score well on a standardized test to get such a job, and these jobs will help him become self-sufficient.

True story: An old friend, in my cohort at graduate school, got all her documents changed, to reflect her degree. For some reason, I was with her when she needed new windshield wiper blades for her beat up old Volkswagen. We went down to an auto parts retailer, and she whipped out her checkbook to pay, with her fancy checks that read…

Doctor Jenny Michelle McDougal Ph.D.

“What’s your Ph.D. in?” The greasemonkey behind the counter asked her, with a smirk.

“Pure Mathematics!” She shouted, all proud of herself and shit.

“I’ll come and install them for you,” he laughed.

Now, I don’t know what sort of car that guy drove, but I bet there’s a real theorem someplace that suggests he drove a much nicer car than she did, and a nicer car than I did. I’m absolutely positive that he made more money than we did. He probably also has a longer and thicker penis than I have, and I’m sure he’s fucking a much hotter woman than “Doctor Jenny.” I don’t know what his standardized test scores look like, but I suspect that guy went to community college. If you’re smart enough to read standard English, you can do the same thing.

If you’re interested in getting the most bang for your buck at junior college, read part two here.

Canada Day Roundup

Happy National Holiday, to all my brothers imprisoned behind the 49th parallel. In case you don’t know how bad Canadian sluts are, let the homies tell you…

There’s much more over here.

Moving right along, there’s lots of shit in the news, and here’s a bit of what I’ve been reading…

There’s an interesting movie review over on the (long neglected) EIMG blog. If you’ve ever seen the old Brad Pitt / Morgan Freeman film Se7en, it might be interesting.

Gunner Q also has a funny article (PDF) on his local cops, who are now doling out hate crime charges for talking back to them.

This is a headline from the largest newspaper in East Africa, Nairobi’s Daily Nation. There’s apparently a story about false rape and abuse claims against African schoolteachers, which have become so numerous and absurd that teachers are dropping out, and children are starting to go without instruction.

Sorry kids. This is what happens when your parents pay attention to feminist cunts. We tried to warn you.

Over on Men Factor, there’s some realtalk pointed at our incel brethren. Wear it if the shoe fits.

My brothers, don’t give these whores your money. Back to the subject at hand…

Sigma Frame is hosting a detailed article on the phenomenology of the autistic, which might be worth a read, if you’re smarter than I am.

There’s also an old article on free speech which you might have missed. Anarchist Notebook is approaching dormancy; but it’s a very valuable stash of political philosophy that I don’t mention enough.

Take it from the old geezer in the turban here. He’s telling it straight.

A Most Dangerous Role

I tell you boys that the calling of simp is a very dangerous one. Here’s an example to drive the point home.

The skanky trick ho above is one Isabel Martinez. A year ago, skanky Isabel decided to murder her family with a butcher’s knife. On the evening of 6 July, 2017, she sliced and diced her husband. She then moved on to her children, all of whom are also seen above. Police in Gwinnett County, Georgia (US) described the slaughter as “horrendous,” and accounts say that first responders found blood and body parts strewn around the house.

We now note the wording, in the official police statement, released to twitter. This is important. Isabel-ho is described as “mom/wife,” while the husband and father (who was ground into dog food) is merely “adult male.”

Such fantastic journalists and cops we have, no?

Skanky Isabel became famous for her initial court appearance, in which she openly celebrated the mass murder, laughing and dancing as her charges were being read. Here is the empowered feminist, aping for the cameras, in case you didn’t catch it the first time…

Skanky Isabel had five children, and murdered four of them. A daughter, then 9-years old, survived the attack, by going limp and playing dead. The little girl describes her mother shaking her awake, and then asking her “Do you want to meet Jesus?” before beginning the stabbing. Her siblings got similar treatment.

While the feminist media has done a stellar job erasing the memory of the victims, we can reconstruct a rough biography, and learn some important lessons from the life — and death — of our brother who is gone.

A look at the surnames suggests that our brother Martin, now dead as dirt, met Isabel after she had given birth to her eldest child, Isabela.

Martin took pity on a skank-ho single mom. He married her, took care of her daughter, as though she was his own, and started a family with her. This is his reward.

Murderous Isabel was back in the news, just a few weeks ago. Would you like to know why?

It looks like she’s getting the cunt pass.

Wimminz constitute a new “noble” class, and their status provides them a number of legal benefits which are unavailable to you common males. Wimminz have designed this system and are playing it to maximum effect. Don’t volunteer to be the next human sacrifice.

Identity Politics and You

The scroungy simp above is one of my cousins, and his dumb mug is a perfect illustration for a frank discussion about race and identity in contemporary America.

Over on some comment section, my insufficient loyalty to my fellow white people has just been pointed out, and for that crime, I am guilty. More than that: I will come right out and tell you that I give a shit about very few people. This is the case because my loyalty and allegiance is a very valuable commodity, and I don’t intend to waste it on ingrates or free-riders. I encourage all young men to adopt this posture, because it is the safest consistent pose one can take, when swimming in the hostile seas of the present.

My loyalty is not only selective. It is tiered as well, in what might be described as nested sets. I can tell you who I do care about, in descending order.

  1. Myself, and any future children (bio or adopted) I might have.
  2. My father, my sister, and my grandparents. If I ever have a wife, she’ll go here.
  3. Some of my cousins, my nieces and nephews, and close personal friends.
  4. My co-workers, my barber, my gardener, and the guy who shines my shoes.
  5. Members of my community. This means people who live in my neighborhood.

Some of you young brothers, who are less the asshole that I am, probably have different levels of charity, and different people occupying those levels. That’s O.K.. The point is that you are selectively loyal to solid people you can count on.

One will probably note that my mother isn’t included in any of these levels. That’s by design.

Biological relatives can be disowned for grievous misbehavior. My mother has been disowned because she divorced my father, and spent years alienating me from him. Some of my cousins are also not listed. Murderers, car thieves, feminists and troublemakers get cut out. That’s what that fag at the top of this post represents.

The threshold for ostracizing a biological/adopted relative might be higher than the one that’s applied to a stranger, but it still ought to exist. A man’s time is valuable, and he shouldn’t waste his energy on the undeserving.

One will note that in my list, there is no national category. If a random Canadian came to my neighborhood, in the United States, and started stealing cars, I’d rat him out to the cops. If he stole my gardener’s truck, I’d help my gardener hunt him down and join in the ass kicking. Like most lawn-cutters, mine is a Mexican mestizo. That’s peripheral to the real issue. My loyalty is to the solid people I know and trust, and not to troublemaking strangers.

The world is full of scam artists, who prey upon the naïve and the unsuspecting. People who promote identity politics are among them. What these types want you to do is to leapfrog a bunch of strangers over the people you know and trust, and give them your allegiance, simply based on physical characteristics. It really doesn’t matter if the identity is “white” or “black” or “la raza,” because the scam is precisely similar at the level of structure.

White nationalists are, right now, claiming that they deserve to be in tier one or tier two on my list, when they’ve done nothing at all to earn my trust and loyalty. Not only this, but they claim that the bitch above ought to be catapulted ahead of the people in tier three, because she is of my particular ethnic group, and some of the people in tier three are not.

The people who belong in tier three are quite diverse. They’re people I’ve known and worked with for years. Some are white, and some are not. Some are Christians, and some are Mormons, and some are atheists. There are a couple of Jews in there. They’ve all earned their places in tier three, because at some point, I was in need, and for no discernible reason, they all helped me out, when there was nothing in it for them to do so (and sometimes, at considerable risk to themselves.)

Not only have the people pictured in this post never helped me out; but they’ve made destroying my society their life’s work. Everyone in the set of all the people I care about suffers, whether they know it or not, because that simp and that stupid bitch have helped promote corrosive ideas that make the world an uglier place. It’s true they’re related to me. It’s also true that they’re my deadly enemies. I look forward to the day when they’re properly brought to heel.

Feminist Journalism, Illustrated

Invalidating the cherished images of transcendence by incorporating them into its omnipresent daily reality, this society testifies to the extent to which insoluble conflicts are becoming manageable–to which tragedy and romance, archetypal dreams and anxieties are being made susceptible to technical solution and dissolution. The psychiatrist takes care of the Don Juans, Romeos, Hamlets, Fausts, as he takes care of Oedipus — he cures them. The rulers of the world are losing their metaphysical features. Their appearance on television, at press conferences, in parliament, and at public hearings is hardly suitable for drama, beyond that of the advertisement, while the consequences of their actions surpass the scope of the drama.

(Herbert Marcuse, One Dimensional Man, New York: Routledge, 2002. p. 74)

Bang British Columbia

This is Christina Lake, in the West Kootenays. The photo is low-res, because it’s a blown-up shot which (mostly) excludes one of the bitches mentioned here.

Down below, Caspar writes…

Caspar is making fun of me. The title of this article is also a joke, at Roosh V.’s expense.

Caveat: The young playa who reads this crap is advised to steer clear of B.C.’s boxy looking feminists. They’re overwhelmingly shapeless, and whether they’re the white or asiatic variety, they’re incredible bitches. The one thing the province did give me was confidence. Those of us who were stuck there, a decade ago, had to hustle to get our needs met. Sadly, even a seasoned pro wouldn’t tour B.C. to get cunt. The quality of the wimminz on offer there is so dismal that it makes the effort wasted. The beauty of British Columbia is truly offset by the inelegance of its wimminz.

Caspar alludes to scripts. People aren’t computers, and the memorization of a script isn’t useful, outside of telephone sales or the theatre. If you want to learn to be more socially fluent, then the script is only a guidepost. It works if it is internalized, and tweaked, so that it is only a prop, and the words you say are authentic to you.

What I’m about to talk about in this poast may approach the phenomenon known as “day game.” Day game is an industry. There are plenty of scripts and scenarios which are available, for a fee, from men like Roosh and Heartiste. I have never bought any of the books, and I won’t ever write one, because (as Cane Caldo will tell you) I’m a Marxist-Leninist bolshevik, and I don’t believe this sort of knowledge ought to be commercialized. If you’re desperate enough to pay big dollaz for a seminar and texts and personal consulting, then you’re throwing your money away. Moreover, “game” implies meeting immoral sluts for no-strings sex, and the knowledge I’m about to impart is much more general. This is a poast about being a man without Aspergers or social anxiety, and it will work just as well for shy Christian dudes as it will for aspiring playaz.

Many men operate under the delusion that women only seek after the top 20 percent, in looks, height, character, wealth… and these men believe this despite counterexamples, which constantly pop up on the horizon. Walk down any street and you’ll see a decent looking woman holding hands with a guy with missing teeth, with acne scars, and with pants that sag down to his ass. Read the paper, and you’ll find wimminz writing unsolicited love letters to prisoners. Violent neo-nazis, crips gang members, men arrested for mass murder — these scum can get wimminz to pay attention to them.  If these losers can find a girl to like them, then it’s really no great accomplishment for you to do so.

Women are not magic, and they’re not royalty, and they’re not goddesses, and the more women you meet personally, the more obvious this becomes. Women fart. Women fuck. Women suck dick. Women curse. Women shoplift. All the shameful things men do, are done by women. Many is the young brother I see, who averts his eyes from women, who mumbles when approached by them, and who scurries off like a rat when an attractive woman enters the room. This not only debases our brother, but it gives the sluts he’s afraid of an unearned ego boost.

Don’t be afraid. I believe, in most cases, the fear of women is actually a fear of rejection by attractive women. The young brother who is so timid around hot girls is never that cowed around his little sister, or the fat girl behind the counter at the taco shack, or the old lady down the street, because these women aren’t potential mates.

Once we appreciate that potential mates are animals, even as we are, we can begin to overcome our fear of them. How do we do this? I am not a psychologist, and don’t pretend to be one, but there’s a lot of material available. One way of overcoming irrational fear is systematic desensitization. A man will have to be honest about the steps he takes to overcome his irrational fear, but we can reconstruct a general pattern to look something like:

Spend week one, for at least half an hour per day, on the street. Hold eye contact with every woman you find attractive.

Spend week two, for at least half an hour per day, speaking to women you find attractive. You don’t need to talk the bitches ears off. Just say “hello,” as you pass them. You’re already comfortable smiling at them, so this shouldn’t be an issue.

Incorporation is your goal, and once a man practices these tricks for a while, he’ll naturally find the confidence to switch things up. I almost never say “hello,” to women. I always open with “how are you…” This puts the onus on her to respond, rather than just smile and walk away. Of course, that’s what works for me. What works best for you will likely be different — suited to your unique style. That’s as it should be.

The Coming Obsolescence of Wimminz

For the last couple of decades, a device popularly known as an “artificial placenta” has been in development. Last time I checked, LG (maker of cheapo cellular telephones) was a part of the development, and Bayer (the aspirin company) was also involved. There are other players, and those are just the two I remember.

It turns out that the placenta is a very complicated organ, and given its nature, spontaneously appearing with a fetus, and turning quickly into a piece of meat after birth, it is very difficult to study. All logistical problems aside, technical solutions are continuing to develop.

In the Spring of 2017, a lamb fetus was brought to maturity in such an artificial placenta.

Not being a biologist or physician, I don’t pretend to know all the finer details, but the procedure is broken down into simple terms in a recent paper. There are a few veins and arteries attaching the fetus to the placenta, and a rapid transfer to a filtration and oxygenation system is the basic idea.

Time-dated pregnant ewes were used at gestational ages of 104 to 135 days (term is ∼145 days). Animals were treated according to approved protocols by the institutional animal care and use committee of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Research Institute.


Ewes were anaesthetized with 15 mg kg−1 of intramuscular ketamine, with maintenance of general anaesthesia with inhaled isoflurane (2–4% in O2) and propofol (0.2–1.0 mg kg−1 min−1). Intraoperative haemodynamic monitoring included pulse oximetry, with a constant infusion of isotonic saline administered via a central venous line placed in a jugular vein to maintain maternal fluid balance. A lower midline laparotomy was created to expose the uterus, with a small hysterotomy performed to expose the fetal sheep head and neck (CA/JV) or umbilical cord (UA/UV). Experimental lambs undergoing cannulation of the neck vessels (CA/JV and CA/UV) underwent creation of a small right neck incision to expose the jugular vein and/or carotid artery. Fetuses received one intramuscular dose of buprenorphine (0.005 mg kg−1). After determination of the maximal cannula size accommodated by each vessel, ECMO cannulae were placed (8–12 Fr, Medtronic, Minneapolis, MN, USA), with stabilizing sutures placed along the external length of cannulae at the neck. Cannulas were customized with a silicone sleeve over the external portion of the cannulas to permit increased tension of the stabilizing sutures in CA/JV and CA/UV experiments. Experimental lambs undergoing cannulation of the umbilical vessels were positioned to expose the umbilical cord, with connective tissue sharply dissected to expose the umbilical arteries and veins. Umbilical cannulae were placed in one umbilical vein (CA/UV) as well as two umbilical arteries (UA/UV) (12 Fr, Medtronic, or modified 8–12 Fr custom-made cannulas), with stabilizing sutures placed at the insertion sites.

(nature dot com)

The article is interesting, and despite its overly-technical language, it’s already beginning to spin the benefits to wimminz themselves. The same wimminz who have run roughshod over our culture will likely be the first to embrace their own redundancy, by adopting this technology to help their wrinkly, 50-year old selves conceive the baby they were too stupid to have before graduate school.

One of the few assets women objectively have is the ability to conceive and bear children. This is about to be taken away from them… forever. How attractive do these shrieking feminists think they’ll be, when men have a functional alternative?

Given that we are interested in ethics, we should be somewhat concerned with the future ramifications of these developments. Human beings have always come to maturity with the help of a human mother. Some of our mothers are better than others, but our existence is predicated upon theirs. At some point in the future, this will change. We will have two populations: one grown in garbage bags, and the heirloom variety, carried to term in the traditional fashion. It’s easy to project a class-based divide between the two, and I honestly don’t know who will be considered the elite, in this scenario. The technical human will be born out of a labor-intensive, financially expensive procedure, and he’ll probably be the genetic offspring of wealthy individuals. These will likely be Asperger type incels who want a baby without a wimminz, and elderly feminist career girls who froze their eggs.

Consequences be damned, the artificial placenta appears to be the manifestation of the Heideggerian “saving power” of technology, appearing to shake shit up for we, who blindly stumble into the future, all unconcerned.

The Good Woman

I always try to be forthright about what I’m not qualified to write about. For example, I’m not an attorney, who practices in whatever town you live in. Laws vary from city to city. If you have a legal problem, then you need to go see a local pro. I do often comment on general legal trends, but I do so as an outside observer.

Other things I’m not qualified to give advice on include psychoanalysis, furry fandom, and having a happy marriage. I will often mention such stuff, but I have no training or professional experience in these disciplines, and if you need advice on any of it, you can wander off to make an appointment to talk to Jordan Peterson, or Derek, or some other qualified man, who can give you sound advice.

The advice I attempt to leave here is for America’s most underserved demographic: young men. I tell them the truth about the women they are after. One general truth is that women aren’t magic. The pouty-eyed brunette you’ve been obsessing over, who posts high angle selfies to instagram all day… she’s the female equivalent of the fat guy who spends all his free time playing World of Warcraft. Also, me and the boys have all fucked that bitch. She may have appeared sorta charming to me at first, too; but after I had sprayed her full of my cum, she seemed a lot less magical.

The story above is an example of sour grapes, and it’s also a serious epistemology thought experiment. Unlike most of the other shit I’m wont to write about, I actually am familiar with this sort of thing.

The woman in this story married a man without disclosing a couple of important details. The first was her history as a professional prostitute. The second is the fact that she has crushing levels of financial debt. We see our brother approach a wimminz named “Ellie” for advice, in the feminist media. Ellie doles out the typical wimminz’ obfuscation, which turns out to be absolutely true… just not for the reasons “Ellie” thinks.

In the first place, we must note (with some amusement) that our subject rapidly went from being “on cloud nine” (at time t_0) to “angry and troubled” (at time t_1). What happened to make him that way was not any environmental factor. He blames his wife; but, between t_0 and t_1, his wife has not changed in any way. The only difference in the environment was the addition of a couple of pieces of information, in our brother’s head, which were as true at t_0, when he was ignorant of them, as they were at t_1, after he verified their correspondence to facts in the world, as such.

There are plenty of facts in the world which would make us uncomfortable if we knew them. Suppose the hiking trail I like to run up and down on is prone to flash-flooding. Suppose a couple of runners were just randomly killed there a few months back. Maybe I’d still go there every Saturday morning, in my futile attempt to keep from being a fatass, or maybe I wouldn’t. The issue isn’t how I’d respond. The issue is the knowledge of those facts, that would creep into my head. That knowledge allows me to make a rational choice, about what I want to do with my life.

Such is the knowledge of wimminz, that I try to impart here.

Let’s return to the story of our brother, above, who married a prostitute. He seems to feel he has ethical grounds to divorce this woman, despite the fact that nothing has changed about this wimminz, between t_0 and t_1. Does he?

The feminists would never discourage this man from frivolously filing for divorce. Neither would the Mormons, the Jews, or the Protestants. For all of those status groups, divorce is just fine. A serious Catholic might be critical of such a thing, which is why I would take advice from the old priest that I see a couple of times a month, before I’d ever listen to one of my own clergymen. To put it more plainly, the priest might give me good advice, which I don’t want to hear, whereas the typical Mormon bishop would tell me whatever he thinks might make me feel good, at that particular moment, in the hopes that I’ll return to the fold, start paying tithing, and commence obeying his orders.

The brother who is whining in the feminist media, about his choice, has said himself that his wife has not misbehaved during his marriage. It’s true she had debts he didn’t know about. Guess what? He had a responsibility to  due diligence before he entered into a legal and moral contract.

Every time I buy $1000 USD worth of new stock, I spend hours reading the prospectus. This man gambled his entire life’s produce on an investment, which has yet to turn sour for him, so I have a hard time crying tears on his behalf.

Just for fun, I went and looked up some traditional protestant wedding vows. Here’s a typical example:

“In the name of God, I, ______, take you, ______, to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow.”

There is no possible way that a sane man would argue these vows to be retroactive. That’s what “from this day forward” means. This is why the young brothers need to approach the institution of marriage with a measure of gravity. A sensible, patriarchal society wouldn’t give a shit if your wife was a former prostitute. They wouldn’t care that your wife had bills. All those issues became yours, the minute you stood up and volunteered to be her husband. If he wanted a divorce in the good old days, he’d have to pony up evidence that she pulled that train after the vows were said.

Now, if you want some more painful realtalk about that girl you think is perfect, you can remember that she is part of a pool of women that I have some experience with. I have spent the last ten years on the carousel, and I can estimate some anecdotal figures (with a fairly large sample size) about the wimminz I have cycled through.

By the age of 25, about half of all wimminz have admitted being passed around at least once, in a group-sex orgy.

By the age of 25, about one third of all wimminz have admitted to having public sex.

By the age of 25, about one quarter of all wimminz have admitted to fucking a minor, under the age of consent.

Note that these are the things that wimminz boast about, and I don’t expect all the wimminz I bang to tell me all the details, so the figures are probably much higher. The first figure isn’t technically illegal. The next two would get any man a jail sentence, and a lifetime on the pervert’s registry. Let’s keep going, though…

By the age of 25, about half of all wimminz are on some form of psychiatric medication, either for depression, insomnia, or general craziness.

By the age of 25, over half of all wimminz have very large amounts of debt. This is especially true of wimminz I have fucked who have gone to law/business/medical/dental school. Those wimminz regularly admit to having over 100,000 USD worth of debt.

So, if you’re a young man, and you want to get married, you need to think carefully about the ramifications. It is quite possible that your wife will get you into trouble, break you financially, or otherwise make your life unpleasant. If you’re reading this blog, then it’s a safe assumption that you’re not a feminist. This entails accepting the responsibility of marriage for better and for worse, as the saying goes.

I titled this post The Good Woman for a reason. People have always criticized me for my bitterness and my generalities. It’s important to remember that there are good women in the world. In fact, as Derek has pointed out, despite all the incentives to divorce, over half the women who get married, stay married.

The woman at the top of this post, posing with her husband, is one such woman. Her name was Vivian Liberto. She had the misfortune to fall in love with one Johnny Cash. They married in St. Ann’s Cathedral, right off Fredericksburg Road, in San Antonio Texas, where Johnny was stationed in the U.S. Air Force, and where Vivian grew up.

Vivian was an African-American woman. You wouldn’t know that from the pop-culture portrayals, where she is depicted looking like this:

Vivian is also depicted as being a raging bitch. There is zero historical evidence of that, also. As we have already seen, the feminist state likes to use its media to blacken the character of people who speak out against feminism and degeneracy. Michael Jackson was oneVivian Liberto is another. Ya boy Boxer isn’t nearly as savvy as he thinks he is, because he swallowed the portrayal of both of these people, without any critical analysis, until just this summer.

Our sister Vivian made the mistake many young men fall into, by marrying someone without doing her own due diligence. Soon after the vows were said, Johnny told Vivian he was going on tour. He told her to keep her mouth shut about the fact that she was his wife. What he told her was that she needed to keep the secret because his fans wouldn’t buy his records if they knew he was married to a black chick.

I find it much more plausible to believe he was motivated by the desire to fuck other women when he was out on the road. Whatever his original reason, that’s exactly what he did.

Despite the fact that he was a drug addict, who fucked hundreds of sluts, his wife stuck by him. She was faithful, obedient, and doting. She gave him four children, and did most of the work of raising them, never saying a bad word about him, even when he was convicted of a string of ridiculous crimes, including starting forest fires, and smuggling drugs.

Imagine how embarrassing this must have been for her. If ever there was a case where a run through the divorce courts was excusable, this has to be it. Yet, there she is, holding her husband’s hand, even as he publicly humiliates her entire family, for the umpteenth time.

Johnny eventually frivolously divorced Vivian, and only in our feminist utopia would such a thing be possible. He filed the papers after he’d run through all their money (how convenient) and she got no payout whatever. Despite this, she has never badmouthed him.

Oh, and this is the horsey wimminz Johnny dumped his good woman to chase…

She’s no Reese Witherspoon. She was also a two time divorcée, who spent her own life “on the road.” As Anton LaVey might say, it’s a case of “water seeking its own level.”

In conclusion, there are a few basics we can learn from all this. The first is to be careful what you agree to. The second is to not pay any heed to the feminists or their media. The most important is to keep your promises, even if they turn out to be inconvenient.

There is a sucker born every minute, and the desire to take advantage of you isn’t restricted to wimminz; but in the current climate, they have the advantage. Ripping you off isn’t a conspiracy of wimminz, it’s a general conspiracy of people. Yes, I think getting married is foolish. No, I won’t tell you not to get married. I just hope you boys go into such a thing with both eyes open.