They Don’t Care About Us

If you ever suspected that wimminz don’t give a shit about you, you’ll be glad to know that you were correct, all along.

From DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.87.4.494

Four experiments confirmed that women’s automatic in-group bias is remarkably stronger than men’s and investigated explanations for this sex difference, derived from potential sources of implicit attitudes (L. A. Rudman, 2004). In Experiment 1, only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem (A. G. Greenwald et al., 2002), revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic own group preference. Experiments 2 and 3 found pro-female bias to the extent that participants automatically favored their mothers over their fathers or associated male gender with violence, suggesting that maternal bonding and male intimidation influence gender attitudes. Experiment 4 showed that for sexually experienced men, the more positive their attitude was toward sex, the more they implicitly favored women. In concert, the findings help to explain sex differences in automatic in-group bias and underscore the uniqueness of gender for intergroup relations theorists.

Woe to the man who is forced to work or socialize with multiple wimminz. No matter how much they hate one another, they’ll always hate you more ferociously, and will instinctively work together to keep you in your place.

Who Can Ya Trust?

At rightPortrait of A Whore (Vincent van Gogh, 1885)

In light of the ongoing drama surrounding Lori Alexander’s shameless promotion of the truth, I thought we’d look at some of her critics and deconstruct their motivations. In the mean time, if a serious female (aside from Renee) ever does stumble into this hive of misogyny, she might find the following illumination somewhat helpful.

Most of us realize that we live in a deeply troubled society, and most people we run into are “on the make” in some way. Sister Lori has done a fair turn encouraging young women to look out for their own interests, by staying chaste, sober and debt free. Sister Lori’s critics seem to form a diverse panorama, with nothing in common save for a desire to see our young sisters fall into bad behavior. As there is a broad spectrum of different types of people screeching at the existence of good advice, it’s reasonable to assume that there will be diverse motivations behind the promotion of harlotry.

The Priest

I grew up being taught that Christians are scum. Nowhere is this truth more apparent than on twitter, where we find a Christian priest named Jarrid, who laments the fact that Sister Lori is warning the young women in his congregation, and derailing his plans to turn them out as prostitutes.

Why would a Christian priest oppose a decent woman’s warning to young girls? There are multiple possible reasons. In the first place, Christian priests are notorious for their own immoral behavior. A young sister must always beware of them. Christian priests are infamous for raping childrenembezzling money from their own congregations, and sexing up the wives and daughters of their own parishioners. I believe that part of the motivation of these Christian leaders is a desire to have strange women on offer to them sexually.

Another motivation is financial. In order to understand this, one must see the difference between types of professions. Some men, like carpenters, take raw materials and add value, through their labor, to make things of beauty and value. Other men, like doctors, provide essential services that make our lives better. And then there are society’s parasites, who live without working. Some of these men buy and sell, while producing nothing. Others beg, act, or entertain. The Christian priest tends to be of this last type.

The Christian priest gravitates to his position because he is inherently shiftless and useless. He wants to live an easy life, without doing any productive work. We can think of other professions which are similarly adaptive, can’t we? The used car salesman, the divorce attorney, the drug dealer, the Hollywood actor, the pimp, and the telephone salesman also make their living by grifting. Our uncle, Karl Marx, made a detailed study of this class, and he called such people the bourgeoisie.

As a man who lives large at the expense of the productive workers in his congregation, the Christian priest doesn’t dare say anything controversial. That might reduce the money in the donation box. Heaven forbid he might have to get a real job, and shift for himself. Thus, his goal is to tell people what they want to hear, and to sell them the idea of salvation for money. His terror at the thought of working makes him too cowardly to do what Sister Lori does. She tells you the brutal truth, and in return, the Christian priest condemns her for it. He would rather you listen to his lies, so that you keep feeding him money. He is corrupt, and can not be trusted.

The Feminist

One might wonder, at this point, about the motivations of the feminists. They tend to be women, and while many of them are bulldykes, most of them seem too damaged to have a sexual desire for anyone – male or female. Moreover, most of them can’t be said to be profiting financially from your descent into immorality.

Kaylyn Whitley is a loud and proud skank-ho feminist, who has spent several days defaming Sister Lori on twitter. Kaylyn earlier claimed to be in a faculty position at a large Christian university, which ought to give context to Sister Lori’s warning about attending such places.

I see two interrelated motivations, for people like Kaylyn, who want you to fail. In the first place, misery loves company. Kaylyn is known only for her ugly demeanor, her embrace of radical feminism, and her garish, skank-ho tattoos. She is a completely useless individual, by anyone’s standards. Such people feel incredibly threatened by a pretty young sister, who is coming into her own, and who will maintain discipline. If you follow Sister Lori’s advice, you will be a visible reminder of Kaylyn’s failures. She hates you simply for existing.

Our uncle, Fred Nietzsche, called this phenomenon ressentiment. The weak hate the strong. The parasites hate the productive. The ugly hate the beautiful. Skank-ho feminists hate chaste, sensible sisters. This is the way of the world, and there is no force on earth that will ever change it.

Even more dangerous than creeps like Kaylyn, are feminists who keep their hatred and their bigotry under-the-radar. These women can often be quite attractive – at least on the surface. They hate you for a similar reason, but it’s distinct enough to mention separately.

To those women, you are competition.

Think about it. If you were a good earner, and you had two choices, which would you choose?

Choice No. 1 is a skank-ho feminist, who was filled with diseases, after years of riding strange dick and doing illegal drugs.

Choice No. 2 is a chaste, quiet, sweet girl who wants to be a good wife and mother.

The choice is obvious, and the feminist knows this. This is her motivation for getting you involved with drugs, alcohol, sex with playaz, and and a misdemeanor conviction for drunk-in-public. She wants your value on the market to be lower than hers.

(Nearly) All The Rest

Sad to say, but pretty much everyone else is on the make too. Here’s a quick rundown of all the other people you shouldn’t trust.

Your uncles and male cousins don’t give a shit about you. Your uncle will be glad if you turn into a tattooed skank, because he hates his brother (your pops) and because he has daughters of his own, and he’s on their side. You’re their competition for good earners.

Your brothers will like you turning into a ho’. They’re looking forward to fucking all your ho’ friends you meet at the frat parties. Make sure to bring them around.

Your neighbors all either want to fuck you or they want to land a better man than you. They’ll be glad you fail.

Your mother wants to live out all her ho’ fantasies through you. She feels “repressed” by your dad, and all. She’ll give you tips on which boys you should chase, and she might fuck some of them herself, when you’re not looking.

Men like me don’t give a shit about you. We might fuck you, but we’ll never commit to you.

So Who Can Ya Trust?

There are a worldwide maximum of three people you might be able to trust. Those include, and are limited to, your father, and your two grandfathers.

You are their direct descendant. You’re their financial liability. Your bad behavior reflects on them. For all these reasons, it is in their interest that you succeed in locking down a good earner, and become a competent wife and mother.

Now you know why the feminists have worked so tirelessly to strip these men from the lives of girls like you, through their punitive divorce laws and their embrace of harlotry.

If you don’t know your father well (and thanks to the skank-ho feminists, this is a common problem) then you should approach him, respectfully, and ask for his help. He is the only man in the world who you can trust.

And Finally…

If you’re reading this close to the publication date, make sure you go to Sister Lori’s blog or her facebook page, and thank her for her good work trolling the lunatics. Truly, she is a master troll, and her handiwork ought to be widely appreciated.

Advice For The Sisters

I’m no one to give advice to women, but I know sound advice when I see it. This is a salute to a cool female, who is doing her best to steer her sisters the right way, while providing the rest of us with mirth and laughter.

The meme at left is the work of a woman who calls herself Lori Alexander. Aspiring performance artists are encouraged to study it carefully. Note the photo of the woman, happy and smiling. Check that wide grin out. Is the model willfully mocking her feminist targets? Doesn’t her pose and expression simultaneously indicate both glee and superiority?

Look not only at the caption, but at the font style. What do you boys think about this?

Lori Alexander is clearly a master troll.

Sister Lori has kooky feminists (and their male auxiliary) crazed with rage, right now. The moans and cries of the feminists are, as always, a great pleasure to men such as we.

Example: A goony Christian priest named Jarrid Wilson responds by whining:

In case you wondered what Father Jarrid looked like, here’s the photo on his web page.

Do any serious women want a nu-male like this? Never mind the mullet, check out the earrings…

Sister Lori penned an article which paints in broad strokes, without nuance. I thought it’d be interesting to review the original work, and will do so now. My purpose here is clarification and disambiguation, rather than rebuttal.

Lori sez:

Do you know how much more attractive debt-free virgins (without tattoos) are to young men? Unfortunately, there are so few of these types of young women anymore because of the high costs of college (debt) and sexual promiscuity even within those in the church. As believers in Jesus Christ, we need to live in a way that is pleasing to Him because His ways are the best. He calls debt a burden and urges us to live lives of sexual purity.

As Earl reminds us, it is only some men who prefer debt free virgins. Ya boy Boxer, for example, shuns virgins wherever he finds them, and for good reason. Fucking them ruins one’s sheets. They get all attached and clingy. Nexting them tends to bring their male relatives out to beat your ass. It’s so much cleaner, nicer, and easier to fuck sluts.

Implicit in Lori’s article are two basic claims, and each is easily substantiated.

  1. Serious women are in very short supply.
  2. Serious women attract serious men.

If a sister cares about the good life, then she needs to make herself attractive to the types of men who will give her a good life. That sister will make an effort to be a good woman. She’ll work on being a competent mother and wife. She’ll also steer well clear of Boxer and his boys.

I suppose such a woman would be allowed to have premarital sex, but only after the man she couples with announces, in public, the date of their wedding. Such a man would already have bought her a ring, and he’d already have impressed her father and grandfathers. Granted, that man won’t “marry a virgin,” but I doubt he’ll complain too much.

Lori also encourages women to not attend college, and while I think it is generally good advice to stay away from the dopey queer-theory class at the state university, I don’t think college ought to be forbidden.

A sister who isn’t married at 20 might want to go to college, but she should always choose to go to a community college, while living at home, under the supervision of her father.

The best things to study at community college are nursing, accounting and pre-engineering. Despite what Lori says, a junior college is entirely doable without debt.

Community college is a sound choice, not only for its affordability, but also for the lack of whorish parties and other time-wasting nonsense on campus. Moreover, at a community college, a serious woman is quite likely to find a good man who will shortly wife her up.

Back to the meta-analysis…

Lori reminds us that as there are two types of men on offer, there are also two types of females. Serious women seek out serious men, and shun those who are just looking for short-term action. The other type of female, which we call skank-ho wimminz, are now so numerous that girls who want the good life have a tremendous advantage.

Where once a nice girl was competing against hundreds of women for a good earner, she’s now in demand, simply by existing. It’s entirely possible for a girl to launch herself into an upper-middle class life, simply by refusing to make the awful choices that the wimminz make. Such things include:

  • tattoos
  • drug use
  • alcohol
  • extramarital sex
  • debt
  • criminal nonsense

These are distinctly low-effort demands. All you really have to do is not offend your parents. Leapfrogging your way into a very good life is much more doable than it used to be.

As they have no salient points, nor any cogent rebuttal, the Christians, kooks and twitter feminists are currently mocking Sister Lori’s appearance. Here she is, in case you were wondering…

To me, she looks like a nice older lady. Her smile radiates modesty and femininity, and she poses proudly with her grandbaby, which suggests she has led a decent and disciplined life. In contrast, the Christian scumbags who are denouncing Lori as unattractive are themselves disgusting. There’s a Christian whore who has shaved her head, another Christian skank who is morbidly obese, and another Christian slut who sports garish skank-ho tattoos. Then there are the nu-males, most of them look more girly than their feminist sisters. Even with my low standards, I wouldn’t associate with any of them.

Young sisters should ask themselves which is the more productive path. If yours is the path of the tattooed Christian skank, who makes herself a laughingstock on the internet, then you have my pity. If you want to grow old with a man who adores you, enjoying grandchildren and a happy life, then you should follow Lori’s advice.

You Have Been Trolled…

…by Herbie Marcuse, bitch!

Twitter has done a passable job of shutting down my low-effort trolling, but Facebook is still good for a few laughs.

Does anyone know who the model is? If she actually authors erotica, I’d like to have her as a guest lecturer sometime.

Tamara and Rachel are both quality wimminz, worthy of your commitment. Wife them up pronto.

Practice your mad skillz here, and tell them Herbie sent you!

[Facebook link]

The Superiority of Russian Women

The fat wimminz at right is one Nataliia Karia, a skank-ho single mom, lately of Minnesota.

Karia is one of those Slavic beauties, who are lauded in places like Dalrock’s comment section, as being superior wife material. A young brother who makes that perilous journey, to bring back a wimminz from the orient, will someday have a boxy, moustachioed old fruitbat like this to come home to. That’s not a worry for Nataliia’s husband. She apparently divorced him years earlier, and gained custody of her son, Denys, thanks to the feminist divorce courts.

Not only is our blubbery Russic queen unattractive for physical and moral reasons, she is also seen above in her criminal trial. It seems that our heroine had some behavioral issues, which led to legal problems.

What did she do? It started out with her opening a daycare center. After aggressively advertising her competence at mothering nice American kids, she had a fairly profitable business underway.

In November of 2016, one of her clients arrived at the daycare to pick up his child. He was shocked and horrified to see that Nataliia had hung a sixteen-month old baby, by the neck, from a noose, and left the rest of the kids unsupervised.

The parent quickly phoned police and cut down the baby. Meanwhile, skank-ho single mom Nataliia drove away in her minivan. She apparently decided to play “carmageddon” as she drove through town. She was finally arrested after driving into at least three pedestrians, and was captured on a bridge, where she was theatrically threatening to kill herself.

As an aside, it’s almost comical to predict the inevitable attempted suicide of a wimminz, which is the feminist go-to tactic, after she is caught doing something heinous. These skanks are nothing if not predictable. In every case, these suicide attempts consist of taking harmless pills (benadryl is a favorite) or shouting from an observation deck.

In a healthier country (like Russia) this bitch would have likely been taken to jail, and after a quick trial, sentenced to life in a labor camp. Not so, in the United States. Here we have the cunt pass, and the cunt pass guarantees a light sentence for wimminz who try to kill folks, be it with a noose or with a car.

Nataliia was taken to the mental hospital, and treated with kid gloves. When she was finally certified to stand trial, over a year after her crimes, she made a big production about how the strangulation and the vehicular bashings were all her ex-husband’s fault. Her husband, who lives in Russia, and hasn’t seen Nataliia in many years, was unavailable for comment. Even so, the press ran with her version of a motive.

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Karia, who fought back tears and low sobs throughout the hearing, read a statement in Russian spelling out in great detail the abuses she alleges her husband inflicted upon her and her children since they arrived to the United States from Ukraine in 2006. She said he hit and threatened to kill her, drove the family into financial ruin, forced her to work despite her psychological struggles and prevented her from getting medical attention.


“I don’t want to push this terrible crime onto my husband. I just want to explain what happened,” she said, her words interpreted to English. “Your Honor, my children need me … Give me a chance to resume a normal life.”


Upon learning she was pregnant with another daughter, she told the court, her husband punched her in the stomach for not giving him a son.


She closed with a promise to follow probation and added, “I thank God nobody died.”

Of course, it’s all her ex-husband’s fault! Thanks to a simp judge named Jay M Quam, our heroine will get no jailtime. It is the cunt pass to the rescue, once again.

Wouldn’t you like to marry a lovely Russian wimminz, boys? I didn’t think so. Look for Nataliia to string up some more babies in the future, and never forget the feminists and their simps, who are responsible for this lunacy.

Read More herehere, and finally here.


Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump, Friday, October 6, 2017. (Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead)

Most of our enemies were raised by single mothers. While this is a disaster for society at large, it’s great for us, as it makes them easy to beat in any confrontation. I consider the nature of my enemies to be one of the great blessings of Elohim. They’re emotionally unstable, they’re hormonal, they’re confused, and they’re easily controlled.

I’ve been in bar fights, and I’ve been in ideological squabbles. The bar fights are more dangerous, with legal problems and physical injury a real possibility. The debates may not be life threatening, but I argue they are just as important. It is through expression that we have the power to shape public opinion, in a small but notable way. We do this by appealing not to our ideological opponent, but to all the observers, who look to us for entertainment. That’s the first rule, and I’ll explain immediately…

In any ideological argument, there are going to be three general factions.

SET A is a small minority, ~15% of the general public, who will never take your side. These are the skank-ho single moms, the radical bulldyke feminists, the simps who submissively supplicate to filthy wimminz, and all their hangers on. We can speculate about the motivations behind this atypical dysfunctional behavior, but it doesn’t matter. They don’t matter themselves. They are life’s failures, and none of our energy should be spent trying to reason with them. They are to be crushed and utterly humiliated.

SET B is another small minority, ~15% of the general public, who will always take your side. These are the men who have emotional problems, men who have an unhealthy hatred or obsession with wimminz, men with mother issues, men who had a bad divorce, etc. These men may agree with you, but they’re too damaged (at least temporarily) to be reliable. They’re also prone to make you look ridiculous. We don’t want to associate with them if we can help it.

SET C is the vast majority of onlookers. The kids on 4Chan call them “normies,” and while that’s pejorative, it’s not a bad term for the sake of its etymology. These are the men and women who are interested, but decidedly disinterested in the arguments.

Your target is any and all the members of SET A. Your goal is to convince any and all of the members of SET C to join your side.

SET A and SET C have no intersect space. No one is a member of both C and A.

You do not appeal to any member of A, you humiliate her. Through the spectacle, you appeal to members of C.

Members of C are not convinced by reason, logic or proof. Members of C are swayed by humor, charisma and mastery.

Recently, a disaffected Marxist (of the Frankfurt School variety) decided to troll whining liberals. He put a colorful sticker into an elevator on the campus of a large university, just in time for a scheduled Anti-Trump rally. The shitlibs kooked out, and I imagine that fellow had a few laughs, as he watched the meltdown from the sidelines. Whoever he was, he must have had inside knowledge of the placement of the elevator’s camera, because defacing an elevator with a sticker might be construed as vandalism.

Check out the design and syntax of the message.

Our man successfully hijacked the terms that are usually mangled by the neoliberal left, and made a number of salient points, all while he robbed the protestors of their ability to use Marxist terms to forward their capitalist agenda. He wrapped it all up in a colorful 1960s retro package, to shiv the boomers who remember campus protests from that era. When the usual suspects started crying and whining, they revealed themselves for who they were, to all the observers in C. The whole amusing spectacle cost our brother about a dollar, and ten seconds for installation.

Never aim to get our enemies in A on our side. They’re not worth the effort, and they’ll never join, anyway. Always aim to convince passersby in C, by using our enemies in A as an example of stupidity, dishonesty and incompetence.

Our Enemy, The Simp

Justin T. Layne, seen at right, is now sitting in jail, accused of murdering a baby.

To be clear, Justin isn’t an abortionist. In our society, those types of baby-murderers don’t get arrested. They are celebrated heroes. The baby Justin killed was born, alive and healthy, to a skank-ho single mom.

Justin’s journey through the criminal justice system began when he started dating a woman, Valerie, who was already pregnant by another man. After childbirth, Valerie needed a babysitter, and Justin was the natural choice.

On 25 November of last year, Valerie got home from work to find her baby’s skull crushed. She took the baby to the hospital. After four days of agony, the child finally passed away. In the interim, hospital staff found the injuries suspicious, and they phoned the cops.

The state ordered an autopsy, and began investigating the surrounding circumstances. Justin and Valerie weren’t shook, though. They applied for a marriage license, only five days after the baby kacked it. Justin subsequently got on social media, presenting himself as the grieving father of the child.

Sister Cassie tells it straight.

The simp also has a public instagram account. It’s more of the same.

I have to be somewhat careful here, and I begin my deconstruction by noting that Valerie Perry-Layne has not been charged with a crime.

In reading the media hype, we note that while the feminist pseudojournalists have not overtly labeled Justin as the baby’s father, they also have been very careful to write the actual father out of the story.

The baby’s surname (Perry) is identical to the surname of his mother. This suggests that the baby was sired by a man with an unknown surname. Where is that man? No one seems interested enough to ask.

Multiple scenarios seem reasonable.

  • Valerie had anonymous, no-strings sex with so many men that she didn’t know who the baby’s father could be.
  • Valerie had a sexual relationship with one or more candidates, despite never knowing their names.
  • Valerie made the life of the father such a hell that he committed suicide, or absconded from the area.
  • Valerie consciously decided to deprive her baby of a relationship with his father, and obscured his existence.

While we don’t know exactly where the father is, we do sympathize with him. We also won’t forget that it was feminists, in media and government, who separated the baby from this, the only man who would have selflessly looked after the baby’s interests. They are largely responsible for this baby’s death, in that their official policies evicted the father, and enabled and encouraged the child’s mother to move violent killers into the baby’s proximity.

What can we learn from this tragedy? There are multiple lessons.

The single mother views marriage quite differently than the simps who chase after them, and this is an excellent illustration of that disparity.

Marriage, to such a woman, is not about creating a healthy environment, in which she might bear and raise her children. It’s mainly about an ego boost. Once married, the single mother can boast that she has finally attracted and captured a man. Secondarily, it is about obtaining a piece of paper, which legally entitles her to a man’s resources, despite her bad behavior.

A single mom has proven, by her history and her actions, that she doesn’t care about her own children. The simp will conclude that, for some reason, she will care about him. This is his first mistake. The single mom will never care about her simp. A simp is merely a tool — a hybrid farm-animal and piece-of-furniture — that the single mother will use and discard.

The simp will often assume that the single mom will be grateful to him for saving her. He probably gets his own ego boost, as he mounts his white horse, and tips his hat to his lady. This assumption is also baseless. The single mother will resent her simp, as his foolishness is a daily reminder of her own inadequacy.

Valerie’s choice to have a baby out of wedlock, and the lack of a father’s name on the child’s birth record, paints her as exactly the sort of conniving, scheming, mercenary wimminz that we enjoy scoffing at. Such females are regularly celebrated by mass media, and fêted by social services agencies. They are used as object lessons, to suggest that fathers are inherently dangerous.

Right now, some idiot in a wimminz studies department is citing the story of Justin and Valerie in a pseudointellectual paper. Justin is being dishonestly portrayed as the baby’s father, when he is merely a simp. These sorts of slanted articles will be used to cover for irresponsible hucksters, like Valerie, as the victims of bad men. They’ll also be used to pass more laws against fathers, and garner more monies for the purposes of breaking up families.

Without the help of their simps, the feminists would be unable to achieve much of anything. The simp is an essential part of the status quo, which is why you (and I) need to put an end to this nonsense.

Chaos: Mother of Order

Being the slacker that I am, I didn’t get around to the mailbox until today, and I found a month’s worth of messages. Ya boy Boxer loves each and every one of you, and if he doesn’t reply, it’s not that he was busy, it’s that he was lazy.

Last month, a reader was good enough to write in and warn us all about the dangers of dating a single mother. I figured it was worth discussing, long after receipt.

besser spät als nie

Our brother, we’ll call him Jim, hails from an American town on the southern border with Mexico. Jim’s kin are native to the area, and the troublemaking skank-ho is a recent arrival, from way out east. Here’s the story, in all its gruesome glory.

So, what are the high points of Jim’s interaction with this wimminz? Here’s how I see it…

  1. Jim did not beg or cry when the slut ghosted out.
  2. Jim did not take the wandering slut back when she reappeared.
  3. Jim must have called the slut out for disappearing, since…
  4. Jim correctly deconstructed the slut’s flimsy excuse for disappearing.

These are the hallmarks of excellent gamesmanship. It’s not absolutely imperative that a brother reject a returning ho’, but allowing a skank to re-enter orbit without penalty will mark him as a chump. The wimminz will correctly perceive him as someone she can cat around on without consequence.

If you do decide to resume banging a wayward slut, always make sure she knows that her potential for commitment went from low to zero, the minute she decided to chase another man’s dick.

Now, lets go through the mistakes Jim clearly made, that we might all become better playaz.

In the first place, Brother Jim admits he met this ho’ online, and that he set up a date with her in his dusty little border town, where everyone knows everyone, and nobody can keep her mouth shut. This is a recipe for disaster.

Within a day’s ride of my grandfather’s little Mormon town, out in the middle of nowhere, there was, way back in the day, a house of prostitution. None of the old boys in Mormonville would ever admit to having gone there, but the cathouse seemed to prosper nonetheless, and the wimminz inside seemed to magically produce an income that kept them in fine clothes and accoutrements.

My grandfather may have had occasion to sample the wares there, but if he did so, no one ever talked about it. Distance, discretion, and the gentleman’s pact kept such visits secret.

Your online dating app is the contemporary equivalent of the low-price whorehouse of yesteryear. If you are going to patronize the hoez therein, do so out of sight of those friends and neighbors, upon whom your reputation depends.

In the next place, Jim caught feelings for this skank, after banging her a couple of times. He also bought her dinner on the first date.

None of this is inexcusable, but all of it is dangerous.

Feelings of affection are a mark of commitment, and they are properly meted out to the deserving. Your mother, grandmother, sister, daughter and wife deserve such feelings, provided they are not overtly unworthy. Skank-ho sluts you meet on Tinder merit nothing.

You can buy a skank dinner if you want; but doing so tends to place you in the role of worshipful supplicant, and gives her an unearned ego-boost.

I would argue that single mothers are especially undeserving of any sort of gift. Free meals, flowers, and favors are misspent on such wimminz.

The typical single mom is a wimminz who is not to be trusted. She ran a man through the divorce courts, and stole all his money. In reality, she should be buying you dinner.

Third is the issue of her leeching off her daughter and son-in-law, who is depicted as being in some sort of military or law-enforcement job. That is the man to whom this woman rightly belongs. Under the old rules of patriarchy, you should probably approach her son-in-law for permission to date her.

Under those old rules, her being in his house would necessitate her doing something to earn her keep. She’d be required to mend his socks, make his bed, and cook his meals. The fact that she’s skanking around on Tinder, when she should be supporting the man’s house, shows you just how serious a woman she is.

Fourth and most serious is the fact that this wimminz has been asked to leave her son-in-law’s house. We can easily come up with a plausible reason, given what we already know. She was on Tinder, when she should have been tending house. She probably brought some strange men to her son-in-law’s home to fuck. Even if she didn’t, it sounds like she now has a reputation. No doubt the mechanics of the small-town gossip machine suitably embarrassed this man, and he no longer feels like paying her way, while she lives without working.

Given what we know, I’d say that skanky ought to be thanking her son-in-law for his hospitality, rather than whining and playing the victim to strangers like Jim. Moreover, Jim should be grateful that he didn’t get entangled with this filthy wimminz. The mother-in-law joke is not for nothing. It’s not inconceivable for her to be such a meddlesome cunt that a career soldier wouldn’t go out to the garage, get his AK-47, and solve the troublemaker’s problem in a permanent fashion. Anyone connected to her might also vanish.


While I’m the whitest mofo you’ve ever seen, this blog is not directed at people of any race, religion or ethnicity. This is a survival guide for men, and all men are welcome here.

On this same topic, one can detect an air of worship of the white wimminz, emanating from our brother’s darkly visage. There is an inversion of this in white dudes who idealize Latinas and Asian chicks.

I have fucked plenty of bronze colored Latina chicks, of Jim’s basic hue, and I can attest to the fact that white wimminz are not any better than his own. The brutal truth is that all wimminz are the same. The black wimminz might want fancy weave and nails, while the white wimminz will likely want Gucci and Prada clothes. The common denominator is that they want you to open up your wallet, and foot the bill for all this shit. They want you to pay, despite the fact that they have endlessly agitated for rights to vote, rights to social services that are unavailable to men, and preferences in employment. They want you to pay despite the fact that they do nothing to earn such rewards.

After living as a parasite on the back of her son-in-law, this wimminz wants to move in with Jim, and make his life hell. Jim is right in declining this wimminz’ generous offer. We should follow his lead, and remember to always say “no” to the ho’.