Bullet Dodged

The luckiest man in California…

Quoth skank-ho Jenny Erickson, on her trashy instagram page

We were supposed to get married today, but because we’re us, it ended up being a comedy of errors and we decided last week to postpone.

I guess Smiley succeeded in escaping your next “transformation,” huh? Good for him.

Since we already had the time scheduled off work, we went to the water park instead

Who are you fooling, mommy blogger? You’ve never done a single day’s work in your life.

and splurged on Quick Queue bracelets for the big girls (hence why they’re not in the pic … they’re off having the water slide time of their lives).

You mean Leif’s two girls. My guess is that they have a much better relationship with their father now, than they would have sans divorce. It’s true they only see him on the weekends, but now he gets to do fun shit with them, rather than what would have been.

Married sluts like Jenny are masters at destroying the relationships between their kids and husbands. What would have been happening, right now, was a long list of demands, by Jenny, that Leif yell at those girls, beat them, berate them, and follow them around cleaning up for them. I have seen this play out too many times to count.

Why is divorce so expensive? Because it’s worth every penny.

From now on, we’ve decided to celebrate August 9 as our “Un-iversary.”

That’s a nice spin on failing to lock down a new sucker. The truth is now beginning to descend upon you. You will never be a good man’s honorable wife again.

We’ll get married someday. Maybe next month. Or next year.

A quick look at the relief in that guy’s face, suggests that this prediction is overly optimistic.

But for now we have each other and this ridiculously beautiful family and life, and our hearts are full. ❤️❤️

Get real, bitch. You have a brood of children by different fathers. You’re a ho’, who fucks anyone, and breeds children for everyone. I know this, and all the boys know it, and you know it better than anyone.

The lucky groom playa responds:

You are an amazing unstoppable force. Words like “inevitable” and “life in crescendo” come to mind. I am so blessed and so delighted. Happy un-iversary!

You’re blessed, all right. Credit for being smart enough to evade the set-up. You nearly became Jenny’s next victim. Even so, she’s planning her comeback as we chuckle.

You are set to be the next lucky participant who sits down in the docks of the divorce courts, where your fortune will be harvested, for her to enjoy. Don’t you ever forget this, either.

Troll Them Wherever You Find Them

Most of us realize, by now, that we live in a deeply troubled society. Human beings, meant to be producers, not only of goods via labor, but of their own historical way of life in toto, have been channeled into makework jobs, vacuous leisure activities, and thereby condemned to a meaningless existence. This is nowhere more evident than in the sphere of domestic life. Where our grandfathers had the ability to find a wife, to build a family, and to watch their children grow up, we now have to make do with a choice, consisting of banging skank-ho sluts on one hand, and marrying skank-ho sluts who soon will run us, face first, through the divorce courts, on the other.

Most of us see the problem, but we’re paralyzed when attempting to theorize a solution. We clearly need some help with tactical advice. Great old-time religions, like Christianity and Judaism, have proven to be completely worthless in the fight against feminism. Where, then, can we turn?

One obvious answer is post-marxist philosophy, specifically, critical theory. Most dudez in the manosphere don’t have any idea as to what critical theory is. Basically, it consists of applying philosophical and historical data to a materialist analysis of the world, in an attempt to solve contemporary social problems.

If natural deduction, and past experience, suggest that tactic α is ineffective, then it makes sense to abandon that tactic, and go with β instead.

Down below, Jason notes, about Sheila Gregoire, and her skank-ho daughter, Katie:

She’s not phased at all. Neither is her daughter. She pretends “shock” and “horror” but only to garner sympathy from men, pastors, publishing companies, podcasts…………

The best thing to do at this point? Is ignore her.

Jason is mostly correct. Even so, the “ignore the idiots and they will go away” tactic has been proven, over the course of 50 years, to be counterproductive. Skank-ho feminists and their dyke mothers have only grown emboldened with our silence. Good men feel dejected when they are alone in calling out the sluts. What, then, shall we do?

Jason is mostly correct, I repeat. One will note that I do not advocate going to Sheila’s blog, to try and win her over. As we all know by now, Sheila is a (loud ‘n’ proud) member of Set A. She will never (never, never) come over to our side. She will be a bitter, bulldyking, skank-ho feminist until her dying breath.

As our uncle Max will remind us, Sheila and Katie don’t really matter too much, anyhow. They are only relevant as symbols of the destructive forces they embody.

Thus Sheila is useful in the recruitment of normies, those members of Set C who do not agree with her, but who also don’t want to stick their necks out with criticism. By criticizing Sheila indirectly, such men are emboldened, and our ranks swell.

The fact that we don’t waste our time in direct confrontations with Sheila, does not mean that we ought to pretend she does not exist, or playact as though the sociocultural problems that she works so hard to further are not a big deal. As our Uncle Herb teaches us, playing the ostrich game deprives us of our own inherent subversive power, as well as depriving others of the knowledge that there are sane men and women in the world, who care about healthy families.

Your Uncle Karl trolled the hoez. Go and do likewise, gentlemen!

The effectiveness of trolling feminists is evident in the widespread censorship which is now taking place. First they banned guys like Boxer, Milo, Nigga Tyreese, Menaquinone and Ricky Vaughan. Guys like us tormented the feminists wherever we found them. Now they’re banning inoffensive people who merely express the most mild disagreement with feminism.

Seek out the Sheilas and Katies of the world, brothers. Troll them wherever you find them. Don’t do it for them. Do it for the children of the next generation, who will otherwise be condemned to grow up in a monolithic culture, where feminism is the only arbiter of good and evil.

Shocked Sheila

Because I know my readers can’t get enough posts from a fat, horsey dyke named Sheila Gregoire, here’s some more…

An army of middle-aged men, sez the postmenopausal old sow with the 20-something thot offspring.

Interesting to note that the “sexual assault survivor” rhetoric is the typical empty appeal whores make to excuse their lack of self-control. Given that Sheila may be a career plagiarist, a lack of integrity on this front is not entirely surprising… though that’s her husband’s and father’s problem, and not ours.

Stop the presses! Someone is telling a wimminz “no”! The lèse majesté is shocking! Arrest these men!

Special thanks to Emperor Constantine for the link. If you have a twitter account, you can back your brother’s play here. Tell that faggot @jack that @herbiemarcuse sent you.

Seeing With Your Third Eye

“It’s about being able to see with your third eye…”

People send me the damnedest shit. I suppose this bitch wants you to see her through the eye of your deeyuck… and to think with your deeyuck, too.

Decline such generous offers, gentlemen. Do so in the name of your father and grandfathers. To lay with such a greedy sow would be a direct insult to all the men who came before you.

A Tale, Told By An Idiot

Alex Jones: Male Feminist and Snake-Oil Peddler

I am always in favor of free expression, of the type intended by the revolutionary theorists who founded the United States. Thanks to patriarchal heroes like James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, and Benjamin Franklin, it is perfectly legal to be a neo-Nazi, a member of ANTIFA, or to worship Satan. Granted, I think all such people are risible kooks, but I wouldn’t want them silenced. (I’d have no one to laugh at, otherwise.) Thanks to our forefathers, they can’t be.

Recently in the news is my old friend Alex Jones, of Austin Texas. Jones has made a career out of selling phony herbs-n-spices, and peddling kooky conspiracy theories. One of the things he used to tell people was that the Federal Emergency Management Agency would soon be rounding us all up, and shipping us off to crematoria, to meet our final demise. He was yapping this way some fifteen years ago, but he doesn’t spread that meme any longer, because his spook story never came to pass. Another thing he used to tell his gullible listeners was that Barack Obama was a communist. This was silly on its face. Ya boy Boxer knows actual communists, and if they ever came to power, the first thing they’d do is throw Barack Obama in prison, along with all his rich friends.

Alex Jones was just censored by Facebook, Spotify, iTunes and YouTube. Surprisingly, Twitter is allowing him to remain on their platform. (Full disclosure: Twitter banned Boxer at the IP level in 2017). Jack Dorsey is currently being lambasted in the establishment press, for respecting Jones’ right to be as goony as possible.

I don’t like Alex Jones, and I’ll get to the reasons at the end. Even so, I like censorship less. It is truly strange to see journalists rush to excuse the censorship of a man who has made himself their own canary in the coal mine.

I talked to my own lawyer this evening, and his take on this surprised me. In the first place, YouTube likely is infringing on Jones’ first amendment rights. The case of Marsh v. Alabama, which was brought to the U.S. Supreme Court by a woman named (you guessed it) Grace Marsh, affirmed the right of lunatics to use privately owned property to express themselves, if the general public was granted access to the same property.

In an opinion by Justice Hugo L. Black, the majority ruled in Marsh’s favor. The Court reasoned that a company town does not have the same rights as a private homeowner in preventing unwanted religious expression. While the town was owned by a private entity, it was open for use by the public, who are entitled to the freedoms of speech and religion. The Court employed a balancing test, weighing Chickasaw’s private property rights against Marsh’s right to free speech. The Court stressed that conflicts between property rights and constitutional rights should typically be resolved in favor of the latter.

Justice Frankfurter concurred.

Justices Reed, Burton, and Stone dissented.

(oyez dot org)

The typical tired retort from anti-free speech corporate rent-boys is that people like Jones are suffering the “natural consequences” of exercising their free speech. This is but one example, from, laughably enough, the corporate media themselves.

It apparently escapes the geniuses at the New York Times that it is a very short hop from silencing kooks like Alex Jones, to silencing their own employer, the minute that newspaper falls afoul of whatever regime gets elected to power. I suppose those guys can afford to be stupid. I can’t. I spent part of my life in Canada, which has no first amendment. I like speaking my mind, and I don’t have millions of dollars to throw at a lobbyist to keep that privilege intact.

Like Black and Frankfurter, we must all realize that free expression is meaningless if it does not entail freedom from consequences. Human rights tribunals, corporate shutdowns, fines by the feminist state, and imprisonment for “hate speech” are all ways that free expression is infringed. Corporate power, which is beginning to selectively restrict access to the expressors of opinion, is an intolerable breach of the first amendment. Our own society is lapsing into a morass, where ideological apparati have the power to sanction expression. This marks the end of America as we have always known it.

Personally, I consider Alex Jones a miserable faggot. He is a man who had his children stolen by the family courts, and when he had the chance to stand up for other men, similarly railroaded, he refused to do so. Make no mistake. He was in the perfect position to lead a large protest, and mobilize thousands of people against the criminals in the divorce racket. He did nothing. Thus he has proven himself to be an agent of the same state he pretends to criticize, and in the process has shown himself to be more loyal to feminism than to his own kids. A more loathsome example of manhood is difficult to find. Even so, I like being able to run this blog, and I like to read Jason, Gunner and Dalrock. I don’t want those outlets to disappear. The clock is ticking.

Boasting About Failing

One of the most bizarro aspects of Christianity / Feminism is the tendency for the Christian to loudly boast about his failures. This is quite unlike any other social artifact I’ve ever seen, and as a non-Christian, it’s one of the most comical aspect of Christian praxis.

As a quick example, we can go to Katie Gregoire Emmerson’s youtube page, and look up her recent video, excoriating our sister (and teacher of trolling), Lori Alexander.

While Lori Alexander’s actual teachings are never discussed, Katie goes on at length about straw-men, of her own creation. For example: Lori does caution young women against taking on large amounts of debt, and she also cautions them about studying feminism at college, but Sister Lori never tells girls they shouldn’t “get an education.” In fact, her life’s work seems to be in the pursuit of educating young women. Never mind that, though. It’s safer for the Christian to bash Lori dishonestly, than it is to address the salient points she raises.

To the point, in the same comment section, comes my old friend, Katie’s mama, Sheila Gregoire, to boast, in the finest style of the hateful Christians, about never having taught Katie to cook.

The failure to teach her own daughter to be self-sufficient is a primal and fundamental failure. Sheila boasts, not about her successes, but about her failures. Moreover, Sheila boasts about the most egregious failures that anyone could possibly commit. She wears such things as a badge of pride.

Dumb animals feed and care for their young. Christians are too stupid to do this.

This bluebonnet images features two longhorns – a mother and a calf – strolling through a field of bluebonnets in the Texas Hill Country. Though I visited this ranch more than several times, only one day did I find these longhorns among the patches of these beautiful Texas wildflowers.

Christians refuse to feed and nurture their own children, which is something that even the most primitive members of the animal kingdom do, instinctively.

Sheila is a complete failure as a woman, as a mother, and as a human being. Thus, it seems far safer to take advice, especially about marriage and motherhood, from Lori Alexander, than from Sheila or Katie.

Small-Souled Katie Emmerson

Ben the Baptist (thanks to Feminist Hater for identifying the source) does a marvelous takedown on Katie Emmerson’s whining about our Sister Lori Alexander. Check it out…

Ben apparently doesn’t recognize this Christian skank. That’s OK. All the boys know who she is.

“Katie Emmerson” is also known as “Katie Gregoire Emmerson.” Katie is the daughter of Sheila Wray Gregoire. See here if the stupid, bovine expression and hideous facial features don’t convince you.

Congratulations to my favorite bulldyking radical feminist, for raising up this shrill, angry, masculinized beast. Truly, the sour apple falls not too far away from the diseased tree.

Some fun facts about Katie Emmerson include:

Katie has recently become a military wife, getting married in February of 2018!

That’s right, some poor CF sap wifed this wimminz up. She’s already admitted to having skank-ho tatts, and while she doesn’t go into detail, her demeanor tells us about her sexual history prior to marriage. She’ll be getting knocked up soon. Her hub had better pony up for that DNA test when the kid pops out.

Katie has visited the Mulli Children’s Family in Kenya, home to over 800 abandoned, orphaned, or abused children three times.

I’m sure, unlike every single other “world traveler” wimminz I know, she didn’t become unchaste in a filthy foreign country, which is packed with exotic diseases. Hey, Katie’s husband… Hope you have fun at the STD clinic, pal.

Want more information on booking Katie for your youth event? Just Email Katie’s booking agent Tammy. She’d love to help you!

Because every modest, traditional homemaker has a press agent.

You boys wonder why I tell you to rebuke Christian whores, this is the reason. Christian wimminz are among the most useless and unmarriagable females available.

That also goes for wimminz of any ethnic or religious group, who grew up in Canada. Katie is a perfect example of that toxic intersection. I give her marriage another 24 months before she pulls the plug on it, and makes her unfortunate ex-husband the subject of her speaking tours. Stay tuned.

Superior Latinas

Long ago, there used to be an old goat who hung out at the Spearhead mag, who endlessly boasted about his hot Latina wife. He’d go on at length about how wonderful Latin women were, compared to the typical white and black hoez that us norteamericanos have to slum with. He would arrogantly boast about his exploits in Mexico and points south. He’d alternately brag like a frat-bro about fucking and sucking hundreds of superior brownies, up and down the baja peninsula as a younger man, and then switch over to talk up his wife’s superior mothering, homemaking, sex and cooking skills.

His name was “anonymous age 69.” He suddenly disappeared, at some point, and hasn’t been seen since. This might indicate that his sweet, submissive little Aztec wife stuck an icepick into the base of his skull one night; or, it might be that she decided she “was no longer happy,” and ran his ass through the divorce courts, or, it might be that he succumbed to heart failure, after too many toasted bean and cheese tacos at the corner stand in his adopted Nuevo Laredo slum neighborhood. Who knows?

One thing I do know is that he was dead wrong about Latina wimminz being inherently better than any other group of wimminz. Any differences are cosmetic, rather than fundamental. This does not mean that “Anonymous 69” didn’t meet a nice Latina, knock her up, and settle into a life of marital bliss. It means that even if that did happen, it didn’t happen because his wife was a Latina. It happened because she was a good woman.

Good women are vanishingly rare, in every ethnic group, and there is no mythical Shangri-La down Mexico way, where the valleys are full of sweet, submissive girls who want nothing more than to be a good and faithful wife to you, for the rest of their days. Au contraire. If you go looking, you are much more likely to be suckered, as a chump who isn’t entirely proficient with the language and culture, into marrying a wimminz who will pork up quickly, and who will end up taking you to the cleaners when a better deal comes along.

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I had been to a work-related meeting in Colombia. I subsequently noted how attractive Colombian women manage to keep themselves. Here is one example…

Granted, she has something of a horsey face, but her body is on point. Here she is again…

I wouldn’t throw her outta bed. More interesting: This is a 42-year old lady, which at once illustrates just how awful American women have become, contrasted with the high standards of South American women. My sojourn in Colombia included seeing specimens like this as a matter of course.

Of course, if you read my paragraph-long blurb, I also commented on the absolute amorality I saw among wimminz in Colombia. The females there are far better looking than American sluts, but they also seemed more mercenary, more money-hungry, and much more intelligent. The stupid white wimminz in America have about as much self-awareness as a cow. This is pathetic, but it also encourages a dangerous complacency, at least in me.

The minute I opened my mouth, every wimminz within earshot knew I was a norteamericano, and they all turned on a subtle, feminine charm that I found difficult to resist. One of the lines I heard, more than once, was that my acento was just ever so sexy. They all assumed I was from California, and they all assumed I was wealthy, and trying to dissuade them of either notion just made them convinced I had something to hide, which they all found alluring.

So, if this is typical of the wimminz one can find in South America, what else does a young man need to know?

Plenty, actually. All three of these photos depict the same 42-year old wimminz, a native of Cartagena, named Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello. She is the self-same whore who was just arrested for luring poor children from neighboring Venezuela, branding them, and forcing them into a child-prostitution ring. She rewarded her best little earners with illegal narcotics (and yes, processed cocaine and heroin is illegal, even in Colombia). She punished the little children who resisted her orders with boiling water and beatings.

Puts sort of a new spin on the idea of wifing up one of these sweet, submissive, traditional Latinas, much less giving her some of your genetic offspring to raise up.

If you read Spanish, you can learn more about this disgusting wimminz herehere and here. Be warned, it’s a pretty awful story, which is not for the sensitive.


I ran across the following interesting story, in some other place. My comments are inline. Credit to the original author, who will remain anonymous for privacy reasons, at least for the moment.

Prior to marriage I had saved myself a virgin for 33 years out of respect for God and for my future wife.

Very few brothers, outside a monastery, can make such a statement with a straight face. Most men who say such stuff are doing so as an attempt at ego defense. Being untouchable for that length of time is generally due to a combination of factors, including the poor quality of wimminz around them, combined with the stratospheric expectations of such wimminz.

She had confessed to me, after I was in love with her, that she had rode the cock carousel fucking and sucking many cocks until she had “gotten saved” a couple years earlier.

Queue the old song: Jesus is just all right with me…

She cried and begged my forgiveness, saying how she “wished she had saved all that for me” and saying how truly regretful she was.

My (gone-not-forgotten) brother AfOR used to call this “wallet-seeking mode.” When a bitch sees her spending money drying up, she suddenly becomes incredibly sweet and submissive. Once she latches onto a man with those parasite claws, and gains access to his bank account, all that good behavior goes right down the toilet.

She deserved an Oscar, because she really had me convinced that she was a changed woman. I forgave her, and expected that none of that would ever come up again, because she had “repented” of it. (pretty foolish in hindsight)

Earl brought up an interesting phenomenon, worthy of its own separate article.

Skank-ho wimminz will always reveal their flaws. One has to be especially astute to pick up on such things, as they’re usually couched in plausible deniability: usually humor, but sometimes whiny pleas for forgiveness. Young brothers need to pay special attention to catch such admissions.

In the wimminz’ mind, these revelations absolve her not only of her past, but of treating you just as shabbily as all the men that came before. After all, you were given all the information up front, and you signed on to be her next meal-ticket, when you forgave her shortcomings.

I bet the original author of this story imagined that his whore of a wife would appreciate his love, and his ability to forgive. In reality, he marked himself as a chump, the minute he overlooked such stuff.

I also was very Alpha, and am hung like a pornstar, so I didn’t figure I should not be jealous, seeing how it is a near statistical improbability that she had ever met many, much less fucked a man of my off the charts abnormal phallic girth.(being this big isn’t always ideal FWIW) Anyhoo…

Men who are unmarried and sexually inexperienced at 33 are the opposite of “alpha,” by any objective measure. Your dick size is irrelevant, and only of interest to homosexuals and skank-ho wimminz, though given the place this was originally posted, it seems apropos.

About a week into our honeymoon, after having sex 3-4 times a day, my wife announces that her period has showed up, and that we will not be having sex for 10-14 days, until it is gone.

Given that female menstruation lasts only 3-4 days, I wonder what species of non-human animal this guy is married to.

I said, that’s cool, I’ve been wanting to get the first blowjob of my life. To which she responded, Well I’m not doing that. For me to do that as your wife, would be demeaning to me as a woman.

I’ve been flamed for this before, but in theory, I could be on the woman’s side here, had she put the matter a bit more reasonably.

Imagine you got married, as this guy did, as a man who was formerly completely untouchable. Now suppose on your wedding night, your new wife told you she expected you to suck her toes, or lick her smelly anus, or let her fuck you in the ass with a strap-on dildo. After all, that’s what really excites her…

Sex is where you put your dick in your woman’s cunt. There’s no requirement that your spouse get anal fissures or stretch-marks around her mouth, just because you want to get freaky. This other weird shit, that you people are into, is fine, but only if your partner approves.

I said, that’s not fair, what about all the other dudes you sucked? To which she responded that she respected them all more than me.(an intentional distancing behavior) I was just floored, insulted, suddenly I felt cucked by her newfound respect for all her past lovers, and felt trapped by my Christianity.

If it’s any consolation, she never had any respect for me or my friends, either. She’s just saying as much, to fuck with you. That aside, I did hit all her holes, multiple times, and I remember when your ho’ wife was down on her knees, breathlessly begging me to choke her with my abnormally small, ugly, pinky-sized peen.

Nietzsche said it was a slave’s religion, and given the behavior I see here, I’d say he wasn’t far off.

The proper response to such declarations is simple. You look at the bitch and say, with a totally flat affect:

“Cool. I’m already bored of fucking you, anway.”

At which point you hop in the car, and get the fuck out of the area. The next person you talk to is a qualified divorce attorney. If you’re lucky, you might get out cheaply because of the brevity of the whole affair, but don’t count on it.

Her, “I wish I had saved that all for you” was just an unrepentant lie. I’m still hesitant to share it even today. For many years I was even too ashamed to share that in counselling.

From all the horror stories I’ve heard, this is not as unusual as anyone imagines. Remember the old AfORism about wallet-seeking mode? A wimminz will do anything, say anything, play any role, to get access to your resources. Once that wealth is locked down, you become completely superfluous.

I submitted. I felt I had to, to preserve our marriage.

“Our marriage…” What a laugh!

I can remember her saying it, initially even with a bit of an evil smirk on her face. I didn’t feel it would be right to divorce her one week into our marriage, or even to threaten that, but in hindsight, What she did was godless and inexcusable, and I should have corrected her immediately.

This man made a huge mistake on that day, and he is still paying for it. Young brothers, you had best read and understand.

I tried to reason with her, but she knew she had me by my Christian balls. In hindsight I wish I had thrown the bitch and her suitcases out of the honeymoon suite. It would have been far better to have made her choose to respect me then and there, or to leave me then and there, than to be a cuck for the next 16 years, hoping and praying that she would change, taking her to pastor after pastor, trying to get a fucking cuck pastor to tell her to do right to no avail.(which we were going to often, as she was constantly bitching at me, and having online affairs ‘to console herself’)

Christianity is completely feminized, because Christian priests recognize and respect the status-quo. The wimminz controls the resources. You are merely a slave. He will always err on the side of the wimminz, because he wants the collection plate to be filled on Sunday morning.

Read up to “wallet-seeking mode” if you somehow missed the underlying lesson.

Try getting a Feminist pastor to tell your wife to suck your dick.

She doesn’t have to give you digestive-tract sex. She just has to be sweet, offer to let you fuck her stinking, bleeding hole if that’s what you really need to do, and make you breakfast.

I haven’t met one man-of-God-enough to say that to her yet. Fuck them all to Hell, those worthless hirelings! I’ll praise the holiness of God when those false teachers burn, sizzling like bacon, their smoke rising up eternally.

Where does your God say you get to sodomize your spouse during menstruation? Probably in the same verse He allows her to bang other men, while you’re on your business trip.

They all let that root of bitterness fester and grow never lifting a finger even after divorce, destroying my kids home, and instead they bashed me for wanting the same respect she showed other guys, something my wife claims might have made her unhaaaaaapy. In short I, perhaps wrongly, felt It was not Christian to do the things I should have done, to use the game techniques I should have used. And so I was a f**king church-cuck instead.

Seeking a scapegoat in your Christian priest is something a weak man would fall upon. You did this to yourself. Don’t forget it.

Now, I was still Alpha with other women, but, even there, I didn’t do that in front of my wife, and I probably should have. So I have been stuck in a situation where a lot of women have been interested in me, just not my wife.(Our sex life quickly slowed to a trickle, before she eventually cut that off entirely) And I believe if I was not as Alpha as I am, my situation would only have been worse.

More ego-defense. Keep telling yourself this. You’re well on your way to repeating all the same mistakes you made the first time, learning nothing in the process.

Her mom is much worse to her father, and they’re from an older generation, which makes that all the more shocking to me. That was Probably TMI. But, hopefully you can see that I didn’t practice what I now preach in my own marriage, and it has been truly without intimacy, just how my wife wants it, the entire time, until she decided to further punish me for becoming a cuck. She didn’t like what I let her turn me into. Foolish women will tear their own homes down with their own hands, I’ve seen that before. The church needs to stand up against that foolishness, not aid and abet them.

Blaming outside institutions is pathetic. It’s not the church’s job to demand respect from your wife — though they clearly do a better job than you did, given that she managed to get the church to support her while she made you a cuckold.

Why didn’t you address these issues before you put your own neck in the noose?

Whether this guy learns from his mistakes or not, it is incumbent upon every young man who stumbles in here to read and understand this scenario.

Today I am being divorce raped and stand falsely accused of being a Sex/Porn addict, and a danger to my kids which I consequently did not get to see this weekend. Exactly 8 months later I have still not had a day in court to even address the charges. Be thankful you’re on your own, some of you, without a government attached disrespectful soul-sucking leach. I briefly got to talk with my kids on monitored speakerphone tonight, but I was warned by my wife, before being allowed to talk to them, that my oldest son had been asking why he hadn’t seen me, and that if I told him anything, I would not get to talk to them or see them again. That’s my life today. I’ve still got a bunch of “sex addict” questionnaire to fill out and turn in tomorrow, before going to work so that my wife Who is off work for the summer form her part-time job, can afford to live in a sperate house with my kids and tell them “daddy doesn’t want to see you”, like she did the last time she ran off with them.

Your kids don’t belong to you. They never did. They belong to the feminist state.

It’s a sad story, but an instructive one. He who has ears, let him hear the consequences of signing that marriage certificate…

Roundup: 05 August 2018

We all know that wimminz are inherently moral beings, natural caregivers, and guardians of civilization. We also hear, around various parts of the manosphere, that Latina wimminz are much more traditional and reserved than white and black sluts. Thus the following story comes as something of a shock. Apparently a filthy wimminz in Colombia was running a prostitution ring, composed entirely of little girls. The kids were branded, beaten, and punished with boiling water.

I’ve read some fucked-up shit, and this is revolting as anything I’ve come across before.

Read more here.

Everyone’s fave skank-ho princess is back in the news, after she skipped out on her own father’s birthday. We met this filthy divorcée earlier, when Prince Harry (already a fuckup of incredible proportions) gave a pass to billions of more suitable females, in order to wed this disgusting radical feminist, who spits on her own dad.

Marrying someone who hates her own father is incredibly stupid. Jesus can afford to forgive this piece of shit, and Prince Harry can afford to pay her off and get rid of her. The young brothers reading this blog are neither Jesus nor Prince Harry, so you’re all strongly advised to leave the forgiveness and the whore-marriage to more audacious men.

Full disclosure: Upon marrying this royal halfwit, Meghan Markle became a government official that I’m compelled to bow and scrape to.

I live in the revolutionary U.S. now, so I think I’ll piss in her face, instead.

Markle’s father’s birthday was 18 July. You can find his ass on twitter, and belatedly wish him well. His daughter won’t.

Read more here.

Sugar Shane Mosley is one of my favorite fighters. He’s an incredible athlete, a perfect gentleman, and very well-spoken. Tyson is more entertaining, in and out of the ring, but Mosley is more dignified, and generally a more interesting man.

Unfortunately, Mosley fell for a woman who turned out to be a former stripper and escort — and ended up marrying her. In his defense, she very shrewdly hid her past and changed her identity. This is just one more example of a brother failing to do his own due diligence, and getting the shaft down the road. After squeezing out a couple of kids, and living as a parasite on this decent man’s back, skank-ho wimminz decided she “wasn’t happy,” and rolled on down to the courthouse, to get those papers filed.

The belt of a champion is an incredible piece of art, which is just as meaningful to the individual as a diploma or a professional award. No matter, though. Some fag judge down at the divorce courts decided Mosley’s belts belonged to this cunning whore, rather than the man who earned them with countless hours of training and practice.

This has been an ongoing story for a year, and for whatever reason, I’ve lost track of it. It’s truly the most insane divorce horrorshow I’ve ever heard of.

Read more herehere and here.