The System’s Perverse Incentives

Feminist Parasites Keep The Worker from His Labor!

If an administrator decides that my strategy is inconsistent with his, then he will boot me from his site. Thus it is that while I can read Lori Alexander’s blog, I can not post comments to it. Posting comments is a privilege, not a right. Moreover, segregated spaces are vanishingly rare. The presence of men on a sister’s blog may easily destabilize the balance she’s cultivating.

If you decide to visit a blog in the women’s auxiliary, please mind your manners and respect your host’s requests.

Over in Sister Lori’s comment farm, Kate notes:

Lori you would be shocked at how many men do not want a stay at home wife. My mother stayed at home and although I went to college (a gift from my parents, I have no debt) I plan to stop working after I have my first child, and my husband supports this. However in college some of my male friends were appalled. They said their wife would work and that they would expect nothing less.

I think many people miss the underlying motivation for a young man, who wants his wife to work. In most cases, I’ve found that this is due to the social engineering of the divorce-related legislation, which has become progressively more perverse in the last couple of generations.

A young man intuits that when (and it’s when, not if) his wife divorces him, he will lose less if she has an established income. Specifically, the divorce courts will cripple him financially if she is a stay-at-home mother. Her status will entitle her to lifetime alimony and often most of his pension, also. That same young man sees a working wife as less expensive, overall. He intuits this through the experiences of his father, his uncles, and the male relatives of his friends.

So, while a stay-at-home wife would be a much better mother to his children, the striver wife will at least allow for a normal adulthood and retirement. He is voting with his feet, as his survival depends upon it.

Never forget the treachery of #NeverTrump Senator Jeff Flake: Dogfaced Mormon Scumbag, seen here with his brother, war criminal Johnny Mac.

The Women’s Auxiliary Takes Control

Something from our sister, Lori Alexander…

Feminism has caused women to want to be equal with men. They want to have careers and be away from their homes. Many no longer want to bear nor raise their children so why should men want to marry since they can have their sexual needs fulfilled so easily by the many available women who are choosing not to save themselves for marriage?


Women are also the ones seeking divorce so this makes marriage even more undesirable for most men. I look around me and see few young people marrying and bearing children. Men don’t want to get married and then give half of what they own to a woman who will then divorce them, raise their children away from them, and may even remarry so another man raises their children. Way too many young Christian couples are divorcing after only being married a few years and it’s tragic.

Oh no, she didn’t!

Read the entire article: Lori Alexander: Women are No Longer Marriage Material, at the subversive Transformed Wife blog.

First Thing We Do…

…is kill all the journalists.

Down below, Kentucky Headhunter writes

The media will be well represented when the time to line the traitors up against the wall.

While the dishonesty of journalists shouldn’t be minimized, there are a number of factors at play in the stories we read.

1. American society is hopelessly topheavy and needlessly complex. Part of the energy of Trump’s realignment is his astute knowledge of system dynamics, and his ability to leverage the potential energy in our unstable society for his benefit. It’s not that journalists lie more under Trump, than they did under Obama. It’s that Obama was too inept to call attention to it.

No disrespect to Obama, by the way. Bush and Clinton were also too stupid to see this golden opportunity. This was amply demonstrated in Hillary’s pandering to a hostile press, in hopes that they’d throw her softballs (they didn’t) as opposed to Trump calling them out, and becoming a people’s hero in the process.

2. There are a number of ever-shifting filters that shape the stories we read, and many of these are applied before the story ever gets delivered to the corporate press. Leakers exaggerate, PR people spin, and often sources will misunderstand what they’re telling a journalist anyway, emphasizing irrelevant points rather than laying out the details of the real story.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb has spent a large amount of time and effort criticizing supposedly “smart” folks (i.e. people in academia, big business, etc.) for knowing facts without ever understanding the machinations that bring them about. This is particularly relevant to the present, dreadful state of the fifth estate.

3. Specific to Trump, and perhaps a corollary to the first point, we have a president who is not only smarter than his critics, he is exceptionally adept at controlling and manipulating these self-important fools in the capitalist media. He has been honing his skills in this regard since the 1980s, when he was a favored guest of daytime and nighttime talk shows. The fact that he produced a television series qualifies him, by any objective standard, for a doctorate in media studies.

Does he care when the media puts out coordinated hit pieces on him? It doesn’t appear so. A glorified blogger from the NYT or WaPo is due to make his thirteenth straight front-page declaration that Trump is finished, he’ll be indicted this week, and all that. The handful of credulous fools (all wimminz and male feminists) who take such stuff seriously have set themselves up to have their spirits crushed again, and it is as likely as not that Trump leaked the coming impeachment to the idiots himself. He seems to use the news cycle to fan the flames of some irrelevant nonsense in his right hand, while he’s strangling his enemies with his left, all out of sight. About half the time he wants the story to upset his base, so that he can use that energy to push through necessary legislation that the CONservative capitalist republicans of the GOP would never touch otherwise.

I used to think that Trump was Gerald Ford reborn. A savvy liberal republican of the Rockefeller mold. Now I see him as a 21st century incarnation of either Lenin or Andrew Jackson. He’s winning, for you and for me, and every rich faggot and establishment hack who doesn’t want to get burned out of his mcmansion had better go along.

The G.O.P. is dead. Good riddance.

On Becoming A Retronaut

A running theme on this blog is journalistic malfeasance. While no amount of exegesis will decipher the nonsensical output of the establishment press, I find it fun to travel backward through time, and attempt to make sense of the present through the lens of yesterday’s inhuman screeching.

Nearly sixteen months ago, Anne Applebaum at The Washington Post wrote:

It was a very strange choice for a first trip abroad. The past four American presidents, two Republicans and two Democrats, made their first trips to either Mexico and Canada, countries that are close trading partners, close allies, compatible democracies and of course neighbors. Trump chose, instead, to make his first presidential visit to an oligarchic kleptocracy which forces women to hide their faces and forbids them to travel without a male guardian’s permission.


It was a very strange place to speak out against Islamist extremism. Although Saudi Arabia is afraid of some forms of Islamist extremism, it supports others. Saudi Arabia sponsors extremist Wahabi mosques and imams all over the world; Osama bin Laden was a Saudi citizen, as were 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers.


The sword dance. Every American president has met with his Saudi counterparts, and of course the stability of Saudi Arabia, as well as its oil, is an important U.S. security concern. But until now American presidents made it clear that, while we have to deal with Saudi leaders, we don’t endorse their culture. Trump, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and others in the delegation did exactly that, by participating in this sinister all-male dance.

President Trump’s first foreign trip was to Saudi Arabia. This is apparently unusual, and Ms. Applebaum would like to blow it into a felony. In fact, it was a monumental change in American foreign policy.

If there is anything about the president’s first trip that is especially interesting, in that it has not been extensively written about. As I wasn’t there, I can only speculate as to the nature of Trump’s conversation with the Saudis, but in hindsight, I think a plausible reconstruction is possible.

From Bayoumy, Landay, et. al. at Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The Trump administration is quietly pushing ahead with a bid to create a new security and political alliance with six Gulf Arab states, Egypt and Jordan, in part to counter Iran’s expansion in the region, according to U.S. and Arab officials.

President Trump’s first mission abroad was laying the groundwork for a global reshuffling. He continues to make good on his promise to keep American boys from bleeding and dying for big oil companies. I believe his first foreign trip was delivering the message, from the American people, that the jig is up. The Saudis will no longer be able to order us around.

One will recall that it was about this time that a dozen cruise missiles slammed into various targets in Syria. Whether or not that was meant as a tangible warning to the oil sheiks, it probably served the purpose.

People may well bleed and die for transnational capital, but it won’t be American boys. If the Arabs want to bog themselves down in fratricidal wars, they’re welcome to do it, and President Trump will sell all sides American-made weapons to get the job done.

we make the best weapons… really terrific

We won’t be subsidizing people who hate us any longer, though we will take our rightful places as the global purveyor of armaments.

Another recent story has the liberal press wailing, and it’s about the same general part of the world.

From Edward Wong at the New York Times:

WASHINGTON — The United States government has decided to stop all funding it gives to a United Nations agency that provides assistance to millions of Palestinian refugees, ending a decades-long policy of supporting it, according to a former senior United States aid official.


The move was pushed hardest by Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser on the Middle East, as part of a plan to compel Palestinian politicians to drop demands for many of those refugees to return to what they call their homeland, said the former official, R. David Harden, who worked at the United States Agency for International Development until April.

The propagandists are understating the case quite considerably. President Trump caused the Palestinian Authority to go broke, almost overnight. Suddenly, we aren’t providing 90 percent of the budget to a government that hates America, and celebrates when her people are slaughtered.

Naturally, all the usual whiners are hand-wringing

From Isabel Kershner in New York Times:

“This administration is dismantling decades of U.S. vision and engagement in Palestine,” Husam Zomlot, the head of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s general delegation to the United States, said in a statement.

Whatever those decades of “vision” and “engagement” have returned to the American people, who subsidized them, isn’t clear.

The Trump presidency has reoriented the politics of heartland America (whites and most blacks) toward visions of trade and immigration, and away from the old CONservative talking points around tax-cuts for wealthy scumbags and cutting budgets to screw over everyday workers. He has also separated a huge number of that same population from the typical republican establishment. Whether or not the Trump presidency lasts a second term, he has succeeded in making “America First” a viable slogan, for the first time in over a century. It started in Saudi Arabia.

Enter The Mystery Wimminz

Last week, in the early morning hours (of Wednesday, 28 August 2018), a Houston area homeowner was awakened by frantic pounding on his front door. When he answered, finding no one in sight, he probably assumed it was assholes, doing what assholes will. (Boxer was exactly such an asshole, ’round about age 13.)

Thinking he’d get a bit of payback by identifying the culprits and waking their parents, he immediately scrolled through surveillance video of the door-ditcher. What he saw was considerably more concerning than teenage pranksters.

The video, which has now gone viral on social media, depicts a strange wimminz, wearing only a t-shirt, who can be seen running to the poor guy’s door, knocking and ringing, then looking around, frightened, before she quickly scoots back into the darkness. Both wrists trail chains and shackles, and she doesn’t appear to have any pants on.

I’ll let the “fair and balanced” conservative faggot media take the story from here:

Authorities in Texas said Wednesday that they have identified the woman whose appearance in a bizarre video led to speculation about who she was and what she may have been running from.


Officials launched a search for the woman after she was videoed ringing a stranger’s doorbell early Friday in a Sunrise Ranch subdivision north of Houston. The woman, clad in only a T-shirt, ran away before the homeowner could answer the door.


The sheriff’s office released the video on social media earlier this week, prompting a flood of tips suggesting the woman was a missing person from as far away as Canada.


However, on Wednesday, Sheriff’s Lt. Scott Spencer said the 32-year-old woman was originally from the Dallas area and had not been reported missing at any point. Spencer added that the woman’s name would not be made public because she was a victim of domestic violence.

mmmm… yesss… domestic violence. Some man must be at fault.

A day later, some new developments. Here’s Faux News, again with the fair, balanced, totally not pro-feminist interpretation of events:

A woman, who was seen in surveillance video ringing doorbells in Texas, told police she was a victim of sexual assault and had broken free from bondage handcuffs used to restrain her.


Officials launched a search for the woman earlier this week after she was captured on video ringing doorbells in the Sunrise Ranch, a Montgomery subdivision located 50 miles north of Houston.


The woman, clad in only a T-shirt and with restraints hanging from her wrists, left before the homeowner could answer the door.


On Wednesday, police announced they found the woman. Her boyfriend, Dennis Ray Collins, 49, was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot wound at his home in the same subdivision.


The Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office released more details about the case Thursday.

Of course, it’s “a boyfriend” who did this. Men do this shit all the time, and no one should trust her “boyfriend.”

“The female described the restraints seen on the previously released video as restraints commonly used in private intimate encounters,” Lt. Scott Spencer told reporters.


It was not immediately clear if she was held against her will.

Well, well. Isn’t this interesting. We had to dig through dozens of stories, pages and pages long, to get to the real truth of the matter, buried on the last page.

As an aside, I can’t imagine why so many people hate journalists, either.

Spencer said she was able to “break free” from the restraints and flee the home. The woman rang the doorbells of two neighbors that night. When no one answered, she returned back to Collins’ home. She then got a car and drove to the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

I wonder if she told her “family” where she’d been in the interim? I’m guessing no.

“Due to the allegations made by the female of sexual assault we will not be naming the victim in this case,” he continued.


The woman was described as a 32-year-old female from the Dallas area and is safe with her family.

Now we’re getting the picture, no thanks to the dishonest feminist media.

For those of you brothers who are slow on the uptake, here is the best possible interpretation I can come up with…

1. Wimminz leaves her “family” (I’m guessing a husband) in the Great Plains, and drives four hours south, to the tropics, to have kinky sex with a man she hardly knew.

2. After wimminz arrives and goes to her “boyfriend” house (who she probably had never met before,) she gets chained up, and lets him do all manner of nasty shit to her.

3. So-called “boyfriend” (in-reality, he’s just an anonymous hookup) is likely cheating on his own wife with this skank. He feels guilty, probably for this reason, and pens a suicide note, then eats a bullet, because he knows he’s just fucked over his wife and kids.

4. OOPS! The swinging dick forgot to unlock the handcuffs. While the twisted bitch probably got off on seeing him kill himself, the wife will be home in a few hours. Bitch frantically breaks free, busts a window, and leaves, pretending she is being followed and chased.

Now, I mentioned that this is the best possible interpretation. I don’t think it’s very likely, however. A more probable interpretation involves a suicide pact that she backed out of, or, possibly, her murdering this guy, and concocting a story (thanks to the nice folks who penned VAWA) which will immunize her from prosecution for the mayhem she caused.

No matter what the truth really is, the poor schlub she’s now back with really ought to head on down to the divorce courts, and get those papers filed.

Field Guide To Smashtown


1. In the tradition of Zen King, who wrote the field guide to single mothers, I’ve decided to put down a tried-and-true way of getting snatch from desperate internet hoez. Part 1 will cover theoretical differences between cyberspace and meatspace pickup. Part 2 will outline some general tactics that are currently proving successful.


2. It should be noted, right at the outset, that most of this information did not originate with me. AfOR was a huge influence on me in my misspent youth. He is gone now, and while he used to have a post that somewhat resembles what this one might become, I don’t know where it is today, and moreover, it was written circa 2008 or some shit. The hominid mating-dance is a dynamic system. New tricks and tactics constantly evolve, and these pointers may be obsolete months hence, for all the same reasons.

Meatspace versus Online Dating

3. While I could go into detail, Roosh V. and Heartiste have already done so better than I could. The basics are as follows:

4. Internet dating has one, and only one, advantage over meeting wimminz in meatspace. That is quantity. You will meet a few HB 7-9.999… wimminz online, and they are more dangerous than the 3-6 wimminz who are your targets.

Hotties are Undesirable. Here’s Why…

5. Extremely attractive’ wimminz are safely assumed to be using fake/outdated/altered photos. If this isn’t the case, then they’re safely assumed to be so riddled with peripheral problems (Herpes, AIDS, kids by different fathers, married-and-cheating) that you won’t want to go near them.

6. Objectively attractive wimminz do not go online for sex, because they do not need to.

Don’t Become an Addict

7. Internet dating should never be allowed to become your primary sexual outlet. A great number of internet playaz will scoff at wimminz for becoming addicted to the hormones and adrenaline and attention and easy sex available on the internet, while lying (to other men, and to themselves) about the lure of this to the brothers.

8. I have seen men slip into a profound lethargy after becoming successful with online dating, and in every case, these men immediately start slouching into the male equivalent of the tattooed skank, with kids by different fathers, who lives online. Talking to wimminz in meatspace has benefits, and the most obvious is the fact that one has to keep fit, and remain pleasant in demeanor and appearance to pull this off. The online dating site is the contemporary equivalent of yesterday’s whorehouse, out on the prairie. Your grandfather visited that place occasionally and discreetly. He didn’t live there. By the same token, PoF/Tinder/etc. is a backup plan, not a way-of-life.

Ring-Worthy Women Don’t Use Tinder

9. If you assume that you will use online dating to meet a quality woman, you must quit reading this article, and go to a professional psychoanalyst. Such a grievous misconception is rooted in a severely distorted phenomenology, and it will likely be dangerous for you to continue doing anything without professional guidance.

10. Decent women do not get online for relationships. Mediocre and ugly wimminz get online for sex. This field guide takes that as the first axiom, and intends to show you how to effectively use online dating to supplement your existing rotation, in the most efficient way possible.

11. The author of this article is a heterosexual male, and these tactics will likely not work for people who don’t share both of those two qualities. While I usually discourage random female commenters, if you are female or a gay man, and you have observations of your own, I would welcome your polite comments about the differences and similarities. You may also submit a guest article for review, and so long as it’s not a complete piece of shit, I will probably publish it. See the sidebar for details.

General Online Dating Tactics

12. I have profiles up on a number of different sites, and the same tactics work equally well on PlentyOfRottenTuna, OKStupid, SnatchDotCom, Tinder, Stumble, etc. Wimminz are wimminz, and all the sites have similar layouts.

13. Open up an account with a cryptic sounding username. Inducing confusion in wimminz is the first step toward getting laid. Obviously, also, you should never use any variation of your legal name on one of these dumb sites.

14. Put two to four photos of yourself up on your profile. No more, and no less.

15. The first of the photos should be a semi-profile, and illustrate you working in your trade. Doesn’t matter whether you’re a welder or accountant, have one of your mates snap some shots of you while you’re busy. This should be the photo a bitch sees immediately when she hits your page.

16. The second photo should be a full on face-and-chest photo with you cleaned up and looking presentable, but casual. Don’t be hiring a professional, and don’t alter this either. Don’t make it an obvious “selfie.” If your brother has a quality camera, have him take a photo of you when you’re out someplace having fun.

17. The optional third photo will show you with a dog, cat or some other sort of  domestic animal. If you don’t have a pet, take a photo with a friend’s pet. Bitches like pets.

18. The optional fourth photo will show you in some faraway locale. I live now in a humid, tropical part of the U.S., where it never freezes. I always use ski trip photos from Whistler. If the site you’re on allows captions, I never put the actual place. I title it something like “where I come from.” Bitches like exotic men, and they’ll excuse their approach by being curious as to where you’re from.

Enforce Your Own ‘Fitness Tests’

19. The moment your profile goes live, the messages will likely pour in. You will almost immediately get dozens (if not hundreds) of messages from thirsty skanks. There are two general types of wimminz that I block immediately.

20. The first type is the huge, fat human-walrus hybrids, the bitches with neon-colored hair, the disgustingly ugly skanks, and the skanks with tons of skanky tatts and weird piercings. You will have your own limits, which may differ from mine, but you should know what they are and stick to them.

21. The second type is the married-and-cheating bitch. Delete these cunts with extreme prejudice, as life is too short to get pulled into some poor schlub’s divorce.

“All Wimminz Lie, All The Time” -AfOR

22. Get it through your head that these wimminz are, first and foremost, liars. They have no conscience. You are merely a walking dildo with American Express attached, and they will say and do anything to get access to your money, dick and attention – in that order.

23. If a wimminz mentions a “roommate” or if she tells you, in passing, that she is “staying with the ex,” then assume she is married to said roommate, and eject immediately. If you are on Tinder, and the slut tells you she’s visiting from out of town, then eject immediately. Tinder is location based via GPS, and wimminz who are “visiting” from out of town have come to play where locals can see them, but their lawful husband can not.

24. If a bitch has photos which are obviously 5+ years old, then assume she is x≥30 kg more massive and dog ugly also, and block her. If she was single and available, she’d live alone; and, if she looked passable now, she’d put a current photo up.

Work The System

25. As mentioned in para 19, once your profile goes live, you will get an avalanche of messages. This is the result of dating site’s algorithm, which puts new profiles up on the front page. The dating site does this to mess with your head. Try not to let it effect your psychological state.

26. Of the hundred messages that flood your inbox, about 50% will be immediately disqualified for being fat, obviously fucking around on a husband, or not meeting another one of your own personal standards.

27. Of the 50% who remain, about 50% of those will disqualify themselves through some obvious character flaws. If a bitch trash talks her ex, if she makes vulgar hand gestures in photos, etc., go ahead and block that whore.

28. Note that wimminz will often divulge their flaws up-front, but they will do so in a dishonest or subtle way, characterized as a joke or a gag. Wimminz lie better than you or I ever will, and the clever ones will tell the truth in such a way as to induce deniability.

29. Of the 25% who remain undeleted, you have the makings of a harem. On an average day, in my town, there will be 20-30 prospects in this pile. New applicants will appear for several hours, as the site promotes you.

30. If you are on PoF, you should “hide” (not delete) your profile, in 24 hours. PoF plays a game with its male users, by getting them “hooked” on the female attention with the first flood of messages, and then making its users pay for promotion later. The way you game their system is to hide your profile for about a week, and then “unhide” the profile, at which point their system will again promote you, for free.

Don’t Be Needy

31. Each of your prospects should receive a polite but noncommittal response. Make these sluts work for your attention.

32. Telling a woman “bitch let’s fuck” does not work. All wimminz lie, all the time; and bitches lie to themselves most frequently. While “bitch let’s fuck” is exactly what you mean, when you interact with any bitch on the dating site, and while the slut knows that’s what you mean, she can’t hack the dent in her ego that results from an open declaration that you know she knows what you mean.

33. Finding sex via the internet may be legal, and it may be socially acceptable, it is still prostitution. You will end up paying for sex, one way or another, and the way you pay for sex on the internet is with your time. Your goal, therefore, is to get the best possible “bang” for your buck.

Don’t Get Upset

34. Never bother insulting a slut. Doing so suggests you care what they say or think, and this is a grievous mistake.

35. Remember that while your primary goal is to have sex, your secondary goal is to impress upon any bitch the reality of her situation. You must lessen that bitch’s expectations, and you must keep her jumping through your own hoops for as long as possible, that she doesn’t have the opportunity to exploit a less experienced brother.

36. Do not divulge your precise place of employment to a bitch. Ever. She might be able to find it online. Don’t confirm it if she asks. Give her nothing more than the general part-of-town or neighborhood where your home is located.

37. Before your fourth message you will ideally demand an in-person meeting. Of your current potential clients, about half of these women will refuse or ghost out. This is fine – block/delete and move on.

38. Never feel guilty about blocking/deleting a slut. You have your own “shit tests,” and if they fail, it’s their problem.

Spend No More Than Ten Dollars

39. Meet either at a coffee house or at a cheap restaurant. Your goal in meeting is twofold: to see if their actual appearance meets your standards (it will differ from the posted photos, every single time, but some of them will still be bangable,) and to smoke out if they have behavior or psychological problems.

40. When meeting the slut you may spend no more than ten American dollars, and you should only spend that much if more time is needed to screen the potential client. Buying them a coffee or a taco will accomplish this.

41. The moment a bitch pulls an attitude, the moment she is rude to the wait staff, the moment she trash-talks any family member or her ex-boyfriend, the moment she displays an attitude of entitlement, the moment she confesses to an STD or a prescription for psychiatric medication, you get up and tell the slut you have to go to the men’s room, then scoot on out the door. Leave her with the bill if possible.

42. If the bitch is two minutes late, go ahead and scoot out the door. Your time is valuable. Five minutes early is on time. One minute late is barely acceptable. Two is not.

43. Repeat regularly. Every week, “unhide” your profiles and let the new fish swim into your net. Screen them as rigorously as before.

44. Be aware of trannies and crossdressers.

The Structure of Your Stable

45. The third tier of your stable will consist of potentials. There should ideally be at least ten of these. These are all the wimminz who are in a holding pattern, who you have yet to meet, but who have also met your standards to be worthy of a meet.

46. The second tier of your stable will consist of better quality online conquests who you have already met and fucked, and who are down to be fucked at your convenience. There should be five or six of these wimminz available, for those nights when the tier one girls are occupied riding Chad’s cock.

47. Your stable should always consist of three to four high quality wimminz. These will almost always be “day game” conquests in the 6-8 range. This is tier one, and it is almost never justifiable to move a bitch from lower tiers into tier one. If you do this, you’re being lazy.

48. Every single wimminz in every tier will eventually attempt to manipulate or cajole you into a “commitment.” That commitment will be one-sided, and thus is not a commitment at all. Every single wimminz wants multiple cocks and wallets, and she wants them all to herself, with no competition. Once you commit, you take a seat next to several other schlubs, all of whom are in the same position.

Reject Ultimata

49. In the event of an ultimatum, politely decline her generous offer to be one of her exclusive servants. An ultimatum can arise at any time, and with better looking sluts, it often arises sooner than later. The bitch will often throw a fit. Let her do so, and enjoy the entertainment.

50. Two to six months later, this tier one slut will likely reappear, with a message reading “I miss you,” or some such. I may let her re-enter orbit, provided she is sufficiently humbled, but…

51. Prior rejections never re-enter in their earlier tier. A tier one bitch who gets dumped is only allowed tier two status, from that day forward. A tier two slut who gets dumped, is gone for good.

Worry About Yourself. No One Else Is Gonna

52. Always wear a condom. No exceptions.

53. Never believe anything that you hear, whether it be “you’re an asshole and I deserve so much better than you,” or whether it be “Oh Boxer your cock is so big and you’re so wonderful you’re just the best man in da world.” Remember AfOR’s first Axiom:

54. All wimminz lie, all the time.

55. If it quits being fun, quit doing it. Re-emerge when you’re ready, and not before.

An Open Letter To The People Of Kenya

Over on my favorite Christian blog, skank-ho Sheila Gregoire announces that our critique of her “work” has driven her into despair.

In order to get her revenge on mean ol’ Boxer and the boys, she has decamped to Kenya, in a lame attempt to wreck that unfortunate nation.

Sheila is now “helping” Kenyans, not by humbly volunteering her labor power, but by teaching Kenyan women and girls about sodomy, radical feminism, immodesty and hubris.

In the first place, Sheila’s credentials are questionable. It is true she has a graduate degree, but her training had nothing to do with medicine or biology. Thus, she has no authority to teach anyone about sex, which is her stated intention.

I have known a great number of Kenyans in my life, and they’ve all been wonderful, bright people. One of the best qualities of the people of Kenya is the tight extended family structure that still exists there. The wholesome fabric of the Kenyan family is anchored in the lives of Kenyan mothers and grandmothers, who are modest, patriarchal, and respectful. This is a universal aspect of East African life, and it seems to transcend religion, being found in Christians, Muslims, Atheists and others. Kenyans should be extremely proud of their sensible females, and should work to keep their traditional customs intact.

By the same measure, the horrible dysfunction endemic to Canada should be seen as a grave threat to any society, and no sensible government official, with a knowledge of the facts, would permit foreigners to enter his country for the purposes of subverting the people’s way of life. Allowing this unqualified woman to influence the next generation of Kenyans is a very serious mistake.

My Kenyan friends who would like to express their reasonable concern about this “loud and proud” Canadian feminist, who has entered their country to teach impressionable children about sex, should contact:

The Minister of The Interior | Reliance Center | Third Floor | Nairobi

A respectful letter alerting your government officials about this woman will go a long way toward keeping your children and society whole.

Those of us outside Kenya might pen a quick letter to:

His Excellency John Lepi Lanyasunya | Kenya High Commission to Canada and Cuba | 415 Laurier Ave East | Ottawa K1N 6R4

As a Canadian, I apologize for the damage this malicious meddler is attempting to do to your society. Remember that she does not represent our country, and that all sensible people in North America stand with you in the struggle to maintain a high level of civilized life.

Ee Mungu nguvu yetu
Ilete baraka kwetu
Haki iwe ngao na mlinzi
Natukae na undugu
Amani na uhuru
Raha tupate na ustawi

Why I Love Feminists

Daniel, the poor fucker in the photo, seeks a divorce from his skank-ho wife, Waiki. Apparently skanky princess has so many exes he can’t keep track of them. No doubt she still fucks them all behind Daniel’s back, and gives them his money, and otherwise disrespects the decent man who made her a wife, in favor of the cads who treat her like the whore that she is.

A trip to your local so-called “family” courts will convince you that Daniel is not in the least bit unique. There are tens of thousands of men like Daniel, all across North America, and with very few exceptions, they all meet the same fate.

The faggot judge will shortly give Waiki the kids, the car, the house, all the furnishings, except for Daniel’s shaving kit and drawers. The judge gives Daniel a few parting gifts also. These include a bill for lifetime alimony, child support, and two-thirds of his pension.

If you compare Daniel’s expression, as he is sweating under the hot lights, with the guy behind him, who clearly finds the whole spectacle entertaining, you see the contemporary dichotomy in one frame. The next thing you should do is to ask yourself which of these men you would rather be.

Would you like to be in Daniel’s shoes? Or would you like to be laughing in the audience, as Daniel is sentenced to a lifetime of servitude. If this is the penalty for being a stand-up, civilization-bearing guy, who “did the right thing,” then I know which choice I’d rather make.

The greatest thing feminists ever did was to strip away the gilded veneer of decency from the average wimminz, and allow all of us normal men to see the skanks as they truly are.