Getting Meta on Dalrock and Roissy

Down below, someone writes…

By the way, Boxer, I’m sorry not to see your comments on Dalrock these days.

Then someone else writes…

The cognitive dissonance being shown by Dalrock is incredible to behold…..him and his right wing faggots who religiously follow him, moan and bitch about gynocracy, the evil nature of women, the nasty pitfalls of marriage, the gynocentric laws that protect women and destroy men, yet they then have the gall to preach that marriage is the best thing ever, that fornication is so wrong, that good men should get married and lead his wife blah blah blah

I generally don’t go where I’m not wanted; but, there’s another general issue that comment farms are prone to promoting, that I want to talk about.

Smart peeps like Fred Nitzke and Groucho Marx called the phenomenon ressentiment. It’s not resentment, but it’s close. It’s also not a specifically Marxist or Nietzschean term. I think Kierkegaard might have been the first guy to well-define it, but it’s a phenomenon as old as mankind.

Ressentiment is the special form of hatred which motivated Cane Caldo to chase that retired military officer around, like an obsessed wimminz, for years on end, nipping at his heels, until he finally left Dalrock. It’s rooted in a general envy, and Cane Caldo on Dalrock isn’t the only one who regularly displays it. (I only pick on him because he’s particularly mockable). It’s all over those comment sections.

What the Dalrock/Heartiste crowd doesn’t seem to understand is that us normals don’t want to hang out with folks who are stuck in this mindset. It’s incredibly negative. Ressentiment saps the will and weakens the body.

Recently, both Dalrock and Heartiste went suspiciously quiet. For a few hours, I wondered if WordPress was going Full Dorsey, and beginning to silence their controversial free accounts. When it happened, I received about two dozen new comment submissions in the span of a couple of days. I denied almost all of them, because they were bringing their Dalrockesque spew over here. A couple of normals got through (Hi Heidi!), but most of the newbies were losers, and they were consigned to the round file.

If my job entails chasing out all the negative creeps, then I suppose I’ll embrace it. I’d rather have no discussion than bad. More importantly, it’s become my job to cultivate a place where the best people can gather and be smart and funny, rather than to let the place be overrun by mediocre whiners.

In this post code, we hate feminists at least as much as Dalrock and Heartiste do, but we aren’t crying about it. We intend to laugh at our enemies in our spare time, while spending the bulk of our energy building our careers, getting married and/or not getting married, having sex or cultivating a thoughtful celibacy, raising families, building local community, and just becoming more well-rounded and better grounded people. The typical commenters on Dalrock and Heartiste can’t (won’t) do any of these things, because ressentiment is a trap which is all-consuming and all-encompassing.

Kanye West Meets The Prez

So, Kanye met the president. Over on Jack Dorsey’s echo chamber, libs and fags are screeching about “decorum.”

Last I checked, Kanye was a natural-born U.S. Citizen. The oval office, therefore, belongs to him. I’m unclear on exactly how it’s indecorous to allow him inside for a chat. Bear in mind that these are the same people who thought it was perfectly cool for Bill Clinton to face-fuck an intern in the same room.

The real issue, as I see it, is the fact that libs have created a frankenstein-type monster out of a lot of disparate special-interest groups. One of the largest is African-Americans. For better and for worse, African-Americans are tremendously disadvantaged by illegal immigration and crappy trade deals. Thus, Frankenstein’s monster is coming apart at the seams.

NAWALT, Filipina Style

Me Love You Long Time!

If I’ve been quiet of late, it’s because I decided, quite on a lark, to ditch the single life and tie the knot with my lovely Filipina bride. There we are in the photo.

Just kidding. That guy’s way more alpha than I am, and I couldn’t grow his beard to save my life.

Getting serious, I found this heartwarming tale over on heartiste. All those older fellas who tell us that SE Asia has the best women: this one is for you.

Cellular Resistance

When the word ‘terrorist’ appears in print, we generally don’t think of the British, and that’s a mistake. The first international terrorist was a British Army Officer named T. E. Lawrence. He’s popularly known as Lawrence of Arabia. While Lawrence used violence in a military application against the Turks of the Ottoman Empire, many of his tactical ideals can easily be adapted to our ends.

When an oppressed people are outnumbered by a much superior force, fighting is useless. Moreover, the hierarchical structures taught in unconventional warfare classes tend toward penetration by the enemy. This is our situation today. We live in a feminist state, and the feminists are our deadly enemies. They want to stamp out our free speech. They want to break up our families. They want our children raped and brainwashed, and they intend to laugh while it happens.

The feminist controls the judicial system. The feminist controls the police. Right wing faggots (you’ll find them in Dalrock’s comment section) who vote Trump and who think that the police are their friends… they’re idiots. The police love nothing more than killing people just like you, and the feminists who sign their paychecks have given them permission to ice you the minute you become uppity. Don’t believe me? Just question them at the door, as they arrive after your skank-ho wife calls them on.

With such overwhelming power at their disposal, it seems like the feminists have already won, and the proper response is merely to prepare to be marched away to the gas chamber. This is where Lawrence of Arabia appears, to tell you that you’re wrong. The system is overwhelmingly powerful, it’s true. The system has nearly all of the automatic weapons, tanks and artillery pieces. The system has unlimited funds. The system has an entire ideological apparatus (called the faggot divorce courts) to separate you from your life’s produce, under color of law. You’re only one man. What can you do?

The same materiel which gives the system its power also gives the system its lag. The feminists are strong but they are slow. You are weak, but you are mobile.

The feminists employ armed men. When foreign antifeminists need to be wiped out, the feminists who kill them are called “the army.” When domestic antifeminists need to be wiped out, the feminists who kill them are called “the police.” These armed feminists have weapons and body armor, but they are also corrupt and shiftless. You are ideologically pure, motivated by a love of your people, high culture, and civilization. They are motivated only so far as their paychecks keep arriving. Moreover, most of them are vulnerable to the same injustices that you intend to resist. Whether the feminist killers admit as much, they are forced to admire you.

Feminists are uncreative. They need leaders, to tell them what to do. If you needed a leader, then that leader will sell you out to save his own ass. You do not need a leader. You have superior intellect, and what Che Guevara called a “leading idea.” The ideals of the patriarchy are your leader. Thousands and thousands of winners, your ancestors, call up through time to inspire you. The words and deeds of great men are recorded in the archives, and these men appear on demand to give you your marching orders. Thousands of little children, yet unborn, count on you to do your part.

T. E. Lawrence lost most of his battles, but the Turks lost the war to his Arab forces, because his goal was to survive, and his strategy was to use all of his inherent weaknesses in an asymmetric contest to his advantage. If you want to prevail in the war, as it is, you will do the same thing.

The Christine Fair Thread

The so-called “public utility” entitled Twitter, which permanently banned me at the IP level over a year ago, and which recently suspended James Woods for making a joke, has briefly suspended a miserable old hag for her illustration of feminist hatred. They let her come back, of course, as she has a cunt, and not a cock.

As a free-speech absolutist, I deplore Twitter’s continued censorship of humor, whether the humor be skillful (as in James Woods’ case) or inadvertent (as in the nutter, above.) Said nutcase has done a great job for our side, introducing her employer (Georgetown University) into the brave new world of legal problems with her looney tirade, and serving to illustrate the depths of feminist kookery.

I truly hope that Mizz Fair will continue posting. If people like her didn’t make their presence known, all of us normals might forget that such deranged outlooks were possible.

Incidentally, it’d be truly awful if some hard brothers did some propaganda action on the campus of Georgetown U..

Another Heroic Single Mom

Our brother Honeycomb would like to introduce us to Hanna Barker, mother of the late Levi Ellerbe. Let’s read about this proud single mom…

Natchitoches, Louisiana A mother whose baby was found burning in July is in jail without bond. Hanna Barker, mother of 6 month old Levi Ellerbe, was kept in jail based on presented evidence.

Originally, Barker told police that two men came to her trailer, attacked her and took Levi from their home; however, a lieutenant with the State Fire Marshal’s Office testified that the scene appeared to be staged. Officials reported that her statements had inconsistencies.

Felicia Smith, Barker’s girlfriend, told investigators that it was Barker who asked her to help get rid of Levi. She said there is video evidence of the two meeting at IHOP, including phone recordings and text messages that support her claims.

Three whole paragraphs to obscure the truth. Skank-ho single mom and bulldyking bitch sex-partner tortured a baby to death. No word in the press from Mr. Ellerbe, the unfortunate father of this corpse. Our journalists don’t want to go there, and he’s just the dead kid’s dad. Nothing to see here. Move along…

These are two of the ugliest bulldykers I’ve ever seen.

Barker is charged with principal to first-degree murder; Smith is charged with first-degree murder.

6 month old Levi Cole Ellerbe was rushed to hospital in a critical condition after he was found with severe burns on the night of July 17th.

It was claimed he had been kidnapped less than 90 minutes earlier when two people turned up at his mother Hanna Barker’s trailer door. She told officers the pair ‘beat’ on the door, before she was sprayed in the face with a chemical substance she believed to be mace, and claimed she immediately fled her home to escape from the alleged attackers, but when she returned, she discovered Levi missing.

Officers received a 911 call at around 9:10pm, sparking a massive search for the baby boy in the Natchitoches area.

Just over an hour later, at about 10.20pm, police received a report of a fire near railroad tracks. Arriving at the scene, they discovered Levi with “obvious burns”.

The ‘smiley’ youngster was taken to Natchitoches Regional Medical Center, fighting for life, before being airlifted to another hospital. He passed away from his injuries on July 18th.

Single mothers are the most destructive force to ever plague our unfortunate society. They’re far more dangerous than the combination of radical islamists, neo-nazis, antifa, and influenza. When are we going to have a national conversation about single moms?

Don’t worry, dear. In the land of the cunt pass, I’m sure you’ll get probation.

Wimminz and My Epiphany

There is no group of subhuman scum that I hate worse than establishment politicians. In this regard, feminist wimminz have done the unthinkable. I actually feel some sympathy for these vultures. From the phony #metoo accusations against Chuck Schumer, to the unhinged ranting at Mitch McConnel as he’s trying to catch a plane. I’m actually starting to identify these cretins as human.

Only the feminist is so loathsome, so disgusting, that she could stand next to a soulless parasite, and make him look accessible, identifiable, and worthy of my concern. In that regard, perhaps the screeching wimminz do serve a purpose, however ignoble.

Epicureanism For The MGTOW

Down below, our brother honeycomb found the following homosexample of fag entitlement on the grauniad…

tl/dr: Asian homo gets on the swingers sites, looking for some strange. Someone tells him that he won’t bang gooks. Somehow, this is news.

I have never been on Grindr, but only because I don’t prefer gay dick. I have been on Tinder, PoF, Stumble, OK Stupid, and Snatch dot com, for years. As a dude who is down with brown, I often get declines from hot black chicks, who prefer black dudes.

Guess what? I don’t cry about it. I definitely wouldn’t go public, with my real name, whining in the press… especially if my name was Sinakhone.

I have also been approached by Asian chickies. Like the unnamed white queer this whining nancy is crying over, I don’t have yellow fever. Now, I’m never as rude as that guy, but that’s beside the point. When my short little slant-eyed sister asks to get down, I always politely say no. There are millions of men (including dudes as white and as tall as I am) that will jump at the chance to bang a chinawoman. They’re but one swipe past my profile. She can choose from among them.

The next thing I expect to see is mainstream press articles, castigating guys like me, for not having gay sex on demand. How dare we straight men not suck dick? That’s, like, discriminatory.

I don’t need an excuse. The dick knows what it likes. My dick likes wimminz, not fags, and my dick sees in black-and-white. That’s just how it always has been, and there isn’t a damned thing in the world that is going to change it. I was “born this way,” as Lady Gaga might say.

The wealth required by nature is limited and is easy to procure; but the wealth required by vain ideals extends to infinity.

My man Epicurus knew what was what. History suggests that he never married, and he had no children. Wimminz and fags: full of vain ideals, and never happy with what they’ve got. Be like Epicurus. Stay away from them.