This Week’s Feminist Heroine

Another day, another murderous wimminz performs a series of retroactive autoabortions. More grist for my blog. More evidence of the superior morals of contemporary American feminist wimminz. What’s not to love?

Buried in the back pages is a particularly useless cunt, who recently came up for parole. Her story is interesting, only because she’s so brazen about exercising her “right to choose” as an American wimminz. A true feminist hero(ine), rat cheer…

On 22 January, 2011, skank-ho Julie Schenecker purchased a .38 revolver. Because Florida required a 5 day waiting period, she had plenty of time to plan her abortion. On 27 January, she picked up her weapon while her two children were at school. After Beau (M, 13) and Calyx (F, 16) got home for the evening, Skanky Julie loaded the boy up in the car, claiming they had to meet his football coach.

Little Beau never left the garage. He was shot in the face by his mother. She then calmly walked back into the home, and shot young Calyx twice, in the back of the head. She died doing her homework.

Following the typical feminist ploy, Skanky Julie told police that her children were being ritually raped by their dad. Unfortunately, their father was a military officer, with a high security clearance, and he had been stationed in Qatar for several months. When cops let her know that the usual script wouldn’t fly, Skanky Julie simply laughed, and said:

“I killed them because they were sassy.”

Skanky Julie maintains that she was right to murder her children, that she was simply exercising her “right to choose” as enshrined in the U.S. Constitution; and, in fact, her position is easily defended. People in this post code might wonder why she is in prison at all. Every day, hundreds (if not thousands) of filthy American wimminz murder their children with the help of Planned Parenthood. What’s two more kids, shot in the head, by their similarly deranged cunt of a mother?

Granny of Six(66)

Pulled from some random comments section, we have “Grammieof6” — a wimminz who defines herself by and about motherhood, who asks an internet lawyer how to rip off her current husband.

I have 3 children from a previous marriage. I re-married 4 years ago (but have lived with my now husband for the past 6 years). My ex-husband has not paid any child support during this time as he was in prison or only worked for cash

Let’s unpack.

“Granny of 6” shacked up and knocked boots with a complete scumbag. She chose him to be the father of three children. At some point, while the love of her heart was serving one of his prison sentences, or working the grey market (pimp? pot dealer? who knows) she started banging the current simp.

After two years of banging her present chump, she manipulated him into marriage. In the interim, he’s busted ass to support the children she appeared with, sired by the trailer-park meth-cook.

My current husband has provided 100% of my children’s support for the past 6 years. Now my current husband wants a divorce.

Gee, I wonder why he wants to dump your ass? Could it be that you’re still banging the badboy who sired your cunt droppings? Did you gain 75 lbs within a year of the wedding? Did you quit making dinner and doing dishes? Did you quit fucking him? Did you start nagging?

My money is on all of the above.

Does my current husband have any legal obligation to continue to support my children?

And there it is: The wages of being the nice, stand-up guy who does right by a lady, who helps her out, and who goes way beyond what I would ever do in pursuit of the civilized family life. This is his reward.

As Earl and Honeycomb would say: Don’t clean up another man’s mess.

Skank Arrested. SSDD

Not being widely reported today: An unscrupulous skank-ho bureaucrat has been arrested and charged with unlawful disclosure of suspicious activity reports (SARs).

The mission of FinCEN is to “safeguard the financial system from illicit use and combat money laundering and promote national security through the collection, analysis, and dissemination of financial intelligence and strategic use of financial authorities.”  Among other things, FinCEN manages the collection and maintenance of SARs regarding potentially suspicious financial transactions, which, under the Bank Secrecy Act, U.S. financial institutions and other parties are required by law to generate and deliver to FinCEN.  Under the BSA and its implementing regulations, willful disclosure of a SAR or its contents by government employees or agents except as necessary to fulfill official duties is a felony.


Beginning in approximately October 2017, and lasting until the present, EDWARDS unlawfully disclosed numerous SARs to a reporter (“Reporter-1”), the substance of which were published over the course of approximately 12 articles by a news organization for which Reporter-1 wrote (“News Organization-1”).  The illegally disclosed SARs pertained to, among other things, Paul Manafort, Richard Gates, the Russian Embassy, Mariia Butina, and Prevezon Alexander.  EDWARDS had access to each of the pertinent SARs and saved them – along with thousands of other files containing sensitive government information – to a flash drive provided to her by FinCEN.  She transmitted the SARs to Reporter-1 by means that included taking photographs of them and texting the photographs to Reporter-1 over an encrypted application.  In addition to disseminating SARs to Reporter-1, EDWARDS sent Reporter-1 internal FinCEN emails appearing to relate to SARs or other information protected by the BSA, and FinCEN non-public memoranda, including Investigative Memos and Intelligence Assessments published by the FinCEN Intelligence Division, which contained confidential personal, business, and/or security threat assessments.


At the time of EDWARDS’s arrest, she was in possession of a flash drive appearing to be the flash drive on which she saved the unlawfully disclosed SARs, and a cellphone containing numerous communications over an encrypted application in which she transmitted SARs and other sensitive government information to Reporter-1.


*                      *                      *


EDWARDS, 40, of Quinton, Virginia, is charged with one count of unauthorized disclosures of suspicious activity reports and one count of conspiracy to make unauthorized disclosures of suspicious activity reports, both of which carry a maximum sentence of five years in prison.  The statutory maximum penalties are prescribed by Congress and are provided here for informational purposes only, as any sentencings of the defendants would be determined by the judge.

Apparently, skanky thought that she’d aid Mueller in his investigation to “take down the orange cheeto” by publicizing confidential information. I wonder which pseudojournalist served as her handler.

Here’s a photo of the lovely career wimminz…

Natalie Mayflower Sours Edwards

The last mediocre skank arrested for similar stuff was named “Reality Winner.” I suppose “Mayflower Sours” is almost as fun a name, and it’s the same scenario. Skank is bored with her overly generous salary in her make-work job, so she flushes her career down the toilet in order to OWN DRUMPF!

One wonders why they do this. Is it merely an attempt at virtue signaling? Are they motivated by childhood trauma? It’s certainly a curious phenomenon. In the end, such people accomplish nothing other than their own ruin.

The Rise of Global Populism

The feminist-capitalist media will tell you that Trump is a flash-in-the-pan: a unique anomaly who will soon be voted out of office (if not impeached outright.) In fact, this doesn’t seem to be the case. Trump actually seems to be a local example of a global realignment.

Here’s Brazil’s Bolsonaro, who looks like he might ascend to the presidency.

Gotta respect a man who is always on thot patrol.

Here’s Rodrigo Duterte, the hard-dick brother who was elected president of The Philippine Islands.

Bezos Banishes Thots


Good Morning, Gentlemen. I’ll be reviewing your qualifications today.

Amazon worked on building an artificial-intelligence tool to help with hiring, but the plans backfired when the company discovered the system discriminated against women, Reuters reports.


Citing five sources, Reuters said Amazon set up an engineering team in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2014 to find a way to automate its recruitment.


The company created 500 computer models to trawl through past candidates’ résumés and pick up on about 50,000 key terms. The system would crawl the web to recommend candidates.


“They literally wanted it to be an engine where I’m going to give you 100 résumés, it will spit out the top five, and we’ll hire those,” one source told Reuters.

That anyone expected anything different would be news. A.I. judges on merit, not on sex-organs. All the female whining in the world won’t sway the cold analysis of the machine.

Consequently, the AI concluded that men were preferable. It reportedly downgraded résumés containing the words “women’s” and filtered out candidates who had attended two women-only colleges.


Amazon’s engineers apparently tweaked the system to remedy these particular forms of bias but couldn’t be sure the AI wouldn’t find new ways to unfairly discriminate against candidates.

Career wimminz are obsolete. The sooner we face this reality, the better off we’re all going to be.

Read more at: Business Insider

What They Hate Most

While our feminist enemies usually present a cool front in their corporate media, they occasionally slip up, unconcealing their actual motivations. So they did in this hysterical New Yorker article. Let’s go through an excerpt of it, and see what wisdom we can glean.

Conflating Donald Trump, our much maligned president, with a Chicago murderer, and subtly pinning the misconstrual on Kanye… Such clever-and-meaningless rhetoric is par for the course.

Granted, we’re not quite at the good part yet, but I had to quote this paragraph, if only to demonstrate the endless feminist hatred for Freud.

Personally, I love Freud, partly because quoting him drives my enemies absolutely bonkers (be they the cartoonish antisemites on the Dalrock comment section, or the kooky feminist academics who hate him without understanding him).

Mostly, I love him because he was the only ardent advocate of patriarchy to come out of the decadence of the 20th century. He believed in fatherhood and intact families, and he stuck to those guns until the end.

The idiots at the New Yorker allude to Kanye being obviously nuts, simply for quoting him. You might think this was a passing indictment. In fact, the author is setting up her main argument. We’ll see it presently.

Here we have it, gentlemen. Kanye is insufficiently ashamed of being a man. Moreover, he’s meeting with a president who suffers from precisely the same pseudopathology.

Let’s go through the list of Kanye’s thoughtcrime, shall we?

  1. Kanye thought Bill Cosby should be considered innocent until proven guilty.
  2. Kanye got up on SNL wearing a red MAGA hat.
  3. Kanye alluded to having read the Moynihan report.
  4. Kanye has a history of refusing to worship skanky white sluts, as though they were goddesses.

As to the first count, well, Kanye is proving nothing more than the fact that he paid attention in civics class.

As to count two, Kanye liking an establishment politician, there’s something called the first amendment.

As to count three, everyone in this post code is guilty of that crime as well.

As to count four, that’s been a feature of this blog since the very first post.

At this point, I suspect Kanye might be an undocumented resident of V5K 2C2, himself. Even if he’s not, the third-rate hack who wrote this hit job will find little in the way of sympathy in these parts.

What our enemies hate most is a the sight of two successful, intelligent men, from very different backgrounds, coming together to express concerns for the family life in our society. These men were unchaperoned, and did not spout feminist talking points about giving more money to skank single mothers, or increasing the penalties on so-called “deadbeat dads.”

Kanye West and Donald Trump are insufficiently ashamed of their manhood. That’s the bottom line.

There is more to this article, but I don’t wanna bore you. As I’m anti-plagiarism, and all, I do want to make sure that I give proper credit to the wordsmith who penned this fantastically bright, lucid, helpful article.

The New Yorker magazine is now scraping the barrel’s bottom, recruiting staff out of MTV News. How fitting that the authoress is at least one standard-deviation beneath the people upon whom she heaps scorn and derision. Clownworld in a picture.

One thing we can learn from this nonsense, is just how shortsighted our enemies are. If you have someone who disagrees with you, is it more effective to argue your points, or will it work better if you simply libel that man as being a mentally ill pervert? Kanye does not strike me as a coward. He’s merely hardening his position in response to earlier attacks. More of the same won’t break him.

Good job, libs. Keep winning those hearts and minds.

Always Believe Wimminz!

Edit: Thanks to Earl for breaking this story for us to enjoy.

The filthy trick ho’ above is one Teresa Sue Klein, age 53, of Flatbush New York (USA). Teresa clearly felt “empowered” by her feminist sisters, who have spent the last several weeks publicizing their sordid rape fantasies about a handsome Supreme Court justice. Not wanting to miss out on the attention, Skank-ho Teresa decided to wander down to the grocery and find some unfortunate random man to falsely accuse.

Once in position, this vile wimminz started screaming and cursing, claiming someone had “grabbed [her] ass.” When asked to identify the culprit, skank-ho Teresa fingered a nine-year old little boy.

Here’s The New York Post with more on Teresa-kook’s destructive public meltdown.

(lolled hard at: “paying for two bags of cat litter…”)

When passersby did not pay proper deference to this heroic feminist, she decided to call the police. Amazingly, local police dispatchers corroborate witness reports, all of whom stated that this whore accused a nine-year old little boy of raping her in the supermarket.

When the young brother and his distraught family, who had clearly done nothing whatever to this stupid bitch, attempted to leave, Skank-ho Teresa impersonated a police officer, and told them all that they were under arrest.

If this is the new way of things, then truly, the fun is only just beginning. No man is safe in our feminist paradise, even the little ones…