Katie Emmerson Porn Videos!

I guess it’s too late to scare the people who read my blog with Canadian n00dz. Given that someone came looking, I figured I would open up the topic and see who would really be in the market for such mediocre porn.

Given Stormy Daniels’ rise to the top of the charts, I guess there are probably a whole lotta y’all out there who would be down for some 3-5 wimminz who try to be sexy for a living, all while moralizing in the media.

Only in America could this wimminz become a top-shelf pr0n star.

So, be honest, all you degenerates. Who is better lookin’?

Skank-ho Feminist Katie Gregoire Emmerson

Skank-ho Feminist Stormy Daniels

It’s an informal poll, but I’d be interested to know whether anyone will admit to finding either wimminz appealing.

Only You…

And so it is I sit down at your feet, dear readers, and ask, who do you owe your loyalty to?

There’s a 19th century proverb, that supposedly inspired Bela Kun:

Ha nem lopsz az államtól, akkor a családtól lopsz.

This is crass, but it illuminates a timeless truth. Family honor, duty and loyalty is usually at cross purposes with patriotism.

I guess Mueller is getting the #metoo treatment. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy, and all that. Incidentally, all the same people who claim that we should #believeallwimminz and that #wimminzneverlie are now frantic to spread the story that this wimminz is a paid shill.

Sure, it’s probably bullshit. But, if I’ve learned anything, it is that feminists are on the right side of history, and that I should believe all wimminz, and that wimminz never lie about rape. So I think I’ll believe this wimminz, and I believe we should hear her courageous and inspiring story.

Kermit (not a frog)

Now in theaters: An uplifting cinematic event, and a truly great testament to the moral uprightness of America. Has anyone seen it yet?

Full disclosure: the producer of this film hates my guts.

My parents join ol’ Nick in wondering how I could have wandered so far astray. That aside, if anyone has the time to pen a review, I’d love to host it.

The Global Realignment Continues

So, this weekend I was out in the sticks, and I returned from my holiday to nowhere to find Senhor Bolsonaro to have won the presidency of Brazil.

Naturally, the dishonest media is calling him “The Brazilian Trump,” and forecasting their own demise. It’s a shame their predictions never come true.

There is a historical cycle that capitalist societies go through. In the first stage, things get more and more decadent as people vote themselves increasing levels of privilege. Eventually, those same people who asked for the life-without-working awaken, horrified, at the danger to their children. They then create the most masculine government they can manage.

If the people are successful, then the masculine government rapidly burns out all the pillage and excess and corruption in their society. At this point, the people find all those rules boring, and go back to asking their capitalist masters to manage their lives for them again.

Case in point: UKIP, after Brexit.

Brazilian society is now at the apex of dissatisfaction with the pointlessness that is commodity capitalism. They’ll be grateful to a Bolsonaro government that imprisons the rich commodities traders and throws a few entitled pseudoleftists out of random helicopters. Eventually, these same people will have the luxury of electing more libertarian overlords, and the cycle will repeat anew.

Truly, people get what they deserve. The people of Brazil have a strongman now. History suggests that he’ll do a good job and then be cursed by the same people who begged him to serve.

A Real Halowe’en Horrorshow

Carolyn Jones: Murdering Whore

Ya boy Boxer is truly shocked by the following story of the murderous trick slut named Carolyn Jones, pictured above.

Like many young skanks, Veronica Shant’e Jones dropped a baby, father unknown, at some point this summer.

Stock Photos of Veronica Jones and Royalty Floyd

Having no prospects and not wanting to quit whoring around, she decided to pawn the child off with granny: skank-ho Carolyn Jones.

(Note: Bonus points to mom for at least giving the poor kid a surname other than “Jones.” Whether there’s a Mr. Floyd involved, or whether bitch just chose that name out of thin air, the pseudojournalists won’t say.)

In hindsight, letting granny watch the baby while Veronica was out tricking at the club turned out to be a huge mistake.

From Faux News:

A 20-month-old girl found stabbed and burned inside an oven at a home in Mississippi last week was still alive when her grandmother allegedly stuck her inside, an autopsy report revealed.

Royalty Marie Floyd died “from sharp stab wounds and inhaling the heated air in the oven,” according to the coroner’s report.

So granny decided, just for kicks, to stab the little baby with a kitchen knife, and then roast her for dinner.

It is clear that Veronica was a single-mom, and that she was raised by single-mom Carolyn, given granny’s surname. My best guess is that granny herself was raised by a single-mom. Does anyone want to argue this? I contend that if granny ever had a father around, she wouldn’t kill babies for sport.

Truly, this is the single-mother apocalypse which America has engineered. The chickens are now coming home to roost.

From New York Compost:

“Royalty Marie Floyd was the best thing that ever happened to me,” Veronica Jones wrote on Facebook “She’s my one and only daughter. My first love. The hardest thing that I ever had to go through in my life. My heart has been ripped from my chest.”

Veronica Jones said she was told by authorities that her mother “stabbed my daughter and baked her in the oven,” but insisted her mother loved her daughter.

“She always treated Royalty like royalty and everybody that knows us knows that,” Jones wrote. “To my daughter Royalty, ‘Mommy will always love you and you will live in all our hearts forever.’”

Granny didn’t give a shit about anyone but herself. Neither did Veronica. If mother loved that baby, she would have married the father, and spent the rest of her life working to build a decent home for it.

Single mothers are truly a supernatural scourge on this society. How many more children need to be tortured to death, before America pulls its collective head from its ass, and deals with this problem?

Incidentally, where is Mr. Floyd? He is the surviving victim in this hellish drama. Why are these so-called journalists not tracking him down for a quote? My guess is that if he knew he had a daughter, he was probably warned by a faggot divorce-court judge to steer clear of his own kid. What a total waste.

Royalty Floyd: RIP

Great Argument for Blood Atonement

Of course, according to the Prophet Brigham, I’d be in line for a righteous beheading too, as I’m not too interested in religion. Even so, if it’d clean up people like this, I’d be tempted to take one for the collective and do my part.

From time dot com (no link, because it’s mostly fake news):

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A U.S. Navy veteran in Utah was arrested Wednesday in connection with suspicious envelopes that were sent to President Donald Trump and top military chiefs.

William Clyde Allen III, 39, was taken into custody in in the small northern Utah city of Logan, said Melodie Rydalch, a spokeswoman for the state’s U.S. attorney’s office.

People have asked me why Mormons hate Donald Trump. The quick and simple answer is that it’s because they hate America and its people. Mormons don’t want America to be “Great Again,” because America tried to genocide us, and when we escaped to form our own country, it sent Albert Sidney Johnston to chase us down for extermination. It was only through the wisdom of this Southern general, who was sympathetic to the victims of a federal invasion, that the civil war didn’t pop off early.

Fast-forward to today, and we find that Mormons are too blinded by their own hatred to see the obvious. The descendants of all those people who lost the war in Missouri have lost their future. They’re dumbed down and now half-black. They tried to genocide us 150 years ago. They’ve already been genocided in return, and they’ll never be coming back.

We won. “Heritage America” is dead. The whole country belongs to us now. Let’s quit fucking it up, already.

Two years after his Navy tenure ended, he was charged in a child sex-abuse case involving two girls he had an unspecified “relationship of trust” with, court documents state. He later pleaded guilty to lesser neglect and abuse charges and did not have to register as a sex offender.

Typical LDS nepotism. I’d guess he raped non-members (probably non-white altogether). It’s also possible he raped the daughters of converts. Either way, it’s a sad case of the typical dysfunction endemic to Deseret, where the descendants of the pioneers are free to act like complete assholes without any punishment.

It’s high time we started policing our own, and taking out our own garbage. Jeff Sessions shouldn’t have to do it.

Pastor Dowell Tells It Straight

NEW YORK, NY – JANUARY 28: Protestors rally during a protest against the Muslim immigration ban at John F. Kennedy International Airport on January 28, 2017 in New York City. President Trump singed the controversial executive order that halted refugees and residents from predominantly Muslim countries from entering the United States. (Photo by Stephanie Keith/Getty Images)

Old-School HatePoaster Squirrel reappears to take issue with yesterday’s observation, that Christians hate us. No, brothers, I wasn’t trolling. It’s a flat fact that Christians hate America, Christians hate healthy families, and Christians are generally immoral and untrustworthy in every context. There are endless examples of Christian evil, and I’ve been posting them constantly for nearly a year.

Squirrel points out that there is apparently a pastor named Dowell, who speaks truth on YouTube.

Pastor Dowell sez:

You don’t have to beg for permission to get married. Getting a marriage license gives the state power over your children. George Washington never had a marriage license.

Guess what? The Pastor is correct.

Pastor Dowell sez:

If you were going to go skydiving, and I gave you a chute, with a 50/50 chance of it working properly, would you jump out of the plane?

I don’t want to get married with those odds, either.

(Note: Start the magic countdown until all his videos disappear. Google hates the truth so much that it could double as a Christian church.)

While the O.P. posted Dowell’s video as a counterexample to my claim that Christians Hate America, Pastor Dowell in fact agrees with the atheist, Boxer. He isn’t a Christian, either.

I can’t blame him. When I go looking for Christians, I find feminists like Beth Moore, and con-artists like Benny Hinn.

I might think there are “alt-Christians” on the internet, but extended study reveals them to be liars, like Dalrock, and slanderers, like Cane Caldo. It seems every dishonest man makes a lot of noise about how he represents the “true” version of Christianity, and that all other Christians are “communists…” or some such nonsense.

It is true that Christians critique each other, but their arguments always turn out to be unsound, and driven by emotion. Moreover, they all act in precisely the same dishonorable fashion; so, it becomes basically impossible to spot any meaningful difference between one Christian and another, and each will bury the questioner in McCarthyesque ranting about how he is the genuine article, and all his competitors are communistic frauds.

In the end, Christians most resemble a bundle of hateful, poisonous snakes, tied tightly around the middle, all hissing and biting each other. Sorta entertaining to watch their raging and spitting from the cheap seats, but it’s thoroughly undignified, and nothing I want to be a part of.

I’m glad to see Christianity continue to wither, and I hope it’ll be replaced by Israelites like Dowell.