Google’s Discrimination… Against Men

From Carlos Slim’s disreputable blog (no link, because we hate them):

If I were to speculate, I’d guess that most S&P 500 firms were following the same pattern, their wage discrimination simply doesn’t make the news. I might also suspect that many jobs (HR, PR and the like) were partly or wholly unnecessary, created in response to regulation or legislation, merely to give career grrlz a place to work.

Masochists on Masochism

The Cruxtoid fags from Warhorn Media have released yet another (too-)long podcast, whining about someone they describe as just an anonymous internet nobody. Despite Dalrock’s supposed irrelevance, they just can’t stop talking about him. The first half hour seems to directly answer my own criticisms (welcome Ben, Jake and Nathan to our post code, boys!) They also backpedal up the bullshit river, just as rapidly as they can.

Skip to 30:30 to get to the beginning of the actual podcast.

Dalrock lied about some pastor named Wilson? Big deal. Yes, Dalrock is a liar. He lied about me. He lied about Necro. He hosts a lackwit bottom feeder (Cane Caldo) who has spent years spreading falsehoods about numerous men.

Dalrock is dishonest. As like attracts like, his comment section is filled with similar scumbags. So what? He publishes anonymously, so according to you guys he doesn’t matter.

Incidentally, you Christian fags are just as dishonest as Dalrock. You’re also just as lazy. Where does Dalrock promote BDSM and wife beating? Where does he link to the Texas Dominatrix? I read Dalrock’s blog on the regular, for something like four years, and never once saw him promote anything like that. Do any of you trashy Christian pastors have a link?

With all the lies Dalrock has actually told, you’d think that the Cruxtoid fags from Warhorn Media would discuss them. They’d rather indulge in that fine Christian sacrament of making shit up rather than deconstructing their opponent’s actual arguments. There are also more nonsensical straw-man skits, and there’s more humblebragging about their leadership positions in their scroungy Christian church, and there’s lots of grandiose talk about how “holy” they are, even as they try to make connections that don’t exist, and bear false witness about people they claim don’t matter.

Did you listen to this latest sanctimonious pretend-friend of Jesus podcast? What did you think?

Johnny Depp Can’t Keep A Woman

This week in the Hollywood gossip mags (no link, because they suck):

Johnny Depp married a wimminz. Her immediate response was to start fucking other men. When she got tired of pretending to be a dutiful wife, she hoaxed up some domestic violence complaints in order to thoroughly destroy her husband’s life.

What makes you think you can keep any of these wimminz happy, boys, when even the sexiest men alive get such treatment?

Doing Your Part to MAGA: Media Edition

Portrait of George Washington (Igor Babailov)

Yesterday I encouraged people to actually get up and do something. As my day progressed, I realized I had failed to imagine a golden opportunity. In this era of bland, corporate antijournalism, when traditional media is dying and faggy establishment clickbaiters are being fired en masse, it seems like some of us could fill the vacuum.

It strikes me that any of us could, given enough time, start our own online local newspaper. It could be started as simply and as cheaply as I started this blog. WordPress provides the format at no cost, and there are plugins for local weather and pro sports data.

If I were doing this, I’d give my paper an establishment-friendly, but non partisan name: The San Patricio Herald, or The Oakland Tribune. Those sound like typical newspaper names. Once I started up, I’d understand that I would need some new content daily, and I think this is where I could get hung up. Fortunately, writers for such a paper are fairly easy to find.

  • High school students can start padding their cv by writing about theater and sports.
  • Most community colleges have a journalism club. Go attend a meeting and meet your new part-time employees.
  • Retired old geezers often go to city council meetings and stuff. Pay these people ten bucks for a decent article.

You’ll still have to edit the hell out of most of your submissions, but much of the actual writing can be outsourced very easily, and often people will do it simply for a byline.

If I were doing this, I’d be careful, not only to provide an alternative to the dying print edition, but also, to provide an alternative coverage. I’d probably start reading my local paper, and notice the general slant. If your paper is sucking the mayor’s cock constantly, then you’ll want to focus on the garden variety city councilman or police chief who might be opposing him.

Likewise, if there’s a particular community within your town that’s underserved, I’d throw them an occasional nod. If there were a large Spanish or French speaking community in my town, I’d print some bilingual articles, just to see if I could pick up some new readers.

I’d also be careful not to editorialize (other than in the editorial page). The average consumer is sick to death of this crap, and there’s currently a huge demand for straight news. I’d probably be open about my biases up front (I’m starting a local alternative to the corporate/globalist rag in town) but otherwise I’d work hard and try to be as impartial as I possibly could.

Why Christianity?

The New Testament, like any book of practical wisdom, contains a healthy concern for teleology. That’s a fancy word, I suppose. Here’s the definition:

The authors encourage us to judge a process, at least partly, by its results. With this in mind, we can look at Christianity itself, and wonder what good it does the world, what purpose it serves, and thereby answer the question: Why Christianity?

Our first exhibit is the “fruits” of the exemplary Christians over at Warhorn Media. I went to their public twitter feed today, and was greeted by this…

Immediately my readers should note the contradiction: fragility is derided, even as these stalwart Christian soldiers whine and gripe about an anonymous critic on the internet. Setting this aside for a moment, we see the insane hatred of the Christians, directed explicitly against men.

Men: Christians hate you. They hate your families. Their hatred knows no bounds.

Of course, we can go back to sample the hatred of the supposed opponents of Warhorn Media, already documented here. For example:

Dalrock, Cane Caldo, and their asslickers try to ruin the reputation of a U.S. Army veteran, simply for disagreeing with them.

It’s interesting to note that Dalrock et. al. were making up fanciful stories about this man being a sex pervert, while ignoring the actual sex perverts that infest Christian churches.

I used to analogize Christians as a bundle of snakes, tied tightly around the middle, all hissing and striking each other. This latest interaction only bolsters that observation.

In theory, Dalrock and Warhorn disagree on much, and they spend weeks sniping at one another. In practice, Dalrock and Warhorn agree that men should be crushed. They both follow the Christian pattern of paying shallow lip service to real problems, while spreading hatred toward men.

Christians hate healthy masculinity. Christians hate fatherhood.

If you are a young man today, your very worst enemies are people like Dalrock and Warhorn media. They get paid (be it money or ego stroking) by tickling your ears, while stabbing you in the back.

Christians hate you. They hate everything about you. They want you dead. They want your kids raped and brainwashed, and they will laugh while it happens.

Edit: Dalrock, who earlier claimed he was done discussing this matter, has yet another long article about Warhorn Media.

I am beginning to think that this entire exchange may have been staged.

Little Black Pill


Following some link I found at the cryptofeminist Warhorn media page, I ended up back on the no-account social network known as Gab. I realize that a lot of the regs ’round here like that place, and I have to wonder why.

This is representative of what I saw, repeated over, and over, and over. Such people are depressing to the point of nausea.

The day after I became eligible, I went down to my county offices to register to vote. I filled in the DEM box, so I get to go to Democratic party meetings, and vote in their primaries. That means I get to agitate for things in an arena where my presence actually means something. My guess is that among my readers, most don’t even vote, and none of you have actually become politically active (and it doesn’t matter if its DEM, GOP, LIB or GRN). My question is, why haven’t you done this?

People bash my president, and many of them whine because he hasn’t yet circumnavigated America with a 100m wall, and he hasn’t built a domed resort city on Ganymede, with daily spaceship flights, and he hasn’t yet thrown Hillary and Bill into the alligator pen at the D.C. Zoo. If things suck here so badly, I’d gladly send you my old passport, which will entitle you to go spend your life with Monsieur Trudeau.

How we all got to this point is interesting. Some of the self-promoting “thought leaders” of the MGTOW movement are partly responsible for this faggoty state of affairs. I’m thinking of Aaron “Captain Capitalism” Clarey, who wrote a book encouraging men to move back in with their parents, quit working, and go on welfare.

Maybe President Trump hasn’t hired all the people that this guy thinks he should be hiring, because there’s almost no one worth hiring. His response is not to become part of the solution, but rather to cry tears like a bitch, while refusing to do any meaningful work.

For those of you who have yet to receive the memo, here it is:

  1. That civil war you’re awaiting isn’t coming.
  2. That sweeping law criminalizing feminism will never be here either.
  3. In case you haven’t figured it out, Donald Trump doesn’t have the power to solve all of America’s problems by edict.

It’s incumbent upon all men to take a long-term view of historical events. One should ask himself what he’s done to improve or restore the level of sanity in his hometown.

How are you helping?

Have you joined political and community groups, to lend a sane voice to public affairs?

Are you starting a business?

Are you becoming a paralegal or attorney?

Are you running or applying for a position in the local government?

Nearly all of us would agree that the people in power today tend to be the lowest form of human scum imaginable. Young men need to quit taking that black pill, and work on taking the trash out themselves.

The time is now to gather what power and influence you can, and online bitching doesn’t help in that regard.

The Wit and Wisdom of Sue

In spite of being censored under articles one and five, a woman nymmed “sue” remains my most dedicated fan, often posting multiple comments per day – with the knowledge that every entry will be routed directly into the trash pile. It is simply amazing that she devotes so much energy to lambasting me, when she knows that her nutty rants will never be reproduced.

Taking criticism from Derek and Necro to heart, I realize that I may have been simultaneously unfair to Sue, as well as cruel to my regular readers. Today I honor “sue” for never giving up. Her blog is entitled No Wonder People Walk.

Her first couple of comments this week took me to task for my promotion of #thotaudit. Sue would like you all to note my cruelty and lack of compassion for amateur sex-workers, who (she feels) ought to be entitled to live at the expense of the rest of us.

Sue would also like you all to know that one of my current flings is way too good for me (probably true) and that it is only a matter of time before she seeks out some novelty with another swinging dick (an absolute certainty – as any of my readers would intuitively grasp.)

Sue’s selected kook-rants may become a regular feature in this post code. In the interim, show her some appreciation at her blog.

Poast more, sue. Poast more now!

Antiphilosophy and Strategic Thinking

Stefan Molyneux, a self-proclaimed “philosopher” (with no training in that field), whose greatest real-world achievement is an almost unlistenable podcast (that few pay attention to), is currently advising brothers to disown those family members who disagree with them.

Should you do this? I would strongly advise against it. Why, Boxer? I argue you shouldn’t disown someone over politics because you’d be furthering the cycle of atomization that has led to most of the social problems I’ve been railing against on this blog.

I also argue that Molyneux displays the typical complex which afflicts the atomized individual. According to his own bio, he was deracinated early, moved from his home and family (in Ireland) to the most atomized area on Earth (that’d be Toronto). He has lived a life which is, in every respect, uprooted. Hence he may not even realize the gravity of what he suggests.

If your family bonds are not your most important possession, then I’d argue that your priorities are skewed. People can (and should) be disowned, but meaningless political differences don’t approach the threshold of misbehavior that warrants such a severance.

If you want to look at a healthy, non-atomized family, study Susan Rice.

Edit: Roissy / Heartiste also has a post up on Molyneux. He seems to (mostly) agree with me.

Deconstructing Dalrock

Earlier we saw the boys from Warhorn media take apart Cane Caldo. As I subsequently noted: the fact that Cane Caldo is an idiot, doesn’t make his critics worthwhile, nor does it make their arguments against him sound. As promised, the boys from Warhorn have now released their podcast, in which they soundly kick Dalrock’s ass. Before they get ’round to this, however, they made the following specious claims:

  • Rollo (author of The Rational Male) is a homosexual, based upon his mannerisms at some public appearance.
  • PUA types are also closeted gay homosexuals, based upon Rollo’s supposed queerness, and the fact that he is somehow the global leader of all PUA brothers.
  • MGTOW types are divided into incel losers or crass libertines who habitually use prostitutes. (There are no gray areas, apparently.)
  • Manosphere readers and authors tend to be into weird paraphilia and degenerate sexual fetish lifestyles, specifically sado-masochism, rough sex, wife-beating, bondage, and other such lunacy.

None of these sweeping indictments are particularly credible. I doubt that Derek beats his wife, for example. Given that I’ve never hired a pro before, and given that I’m typing this from the bed in which I’ve screwed a hot brunette since last Friday (I’m waiting for her to get off work right now) I don’t seem to be the MGTOW brother they’re blathering about. All this aside, the boys do raise some interesting points as they take Dalrock apart. They make the following claims:

  • Dalrock is a cowardly loser for using a pseudonym.
  • Dalrock cultivates a toxic atmosphere on his blog.
  • Dalrock argues dishonestly.

We have argued here over the first point at length. Most of us agree upon the second point. The third is also common knowledge.

Personally, I don’t care about Dalrock’s unscrupulous rhetoric, provided it is directed at my enemies. When Dalrock quits fighting feminists, and starts yapping at decent men (a few of which comment here) he becomes a problem. He has directed his hatred toward my brothers, almost exclusively, for about a year now.

The men at Warhorn then pivot into something which is actually worth talking to: Dalrock’s neverending dishonesty. The podcast is actually worth listening to (protip: skip about halfway through to get to the worthwhile stuff.) If you don’t have time for the podcast, you can get a little tidbit of Dalrock’s cheap rhetorical tricks at:

Sex and the Straw-Man: An Exercise in Logic

Dalrock has lied about Tim Bayly, with the same ease that he lies about a great number of other people. For the first time, a few antifeminists have called him to account for his dishonest behavior. In response, Dalrock doubles down.

Did you listen to the podcast? What do you think? Shout in the comments below…

Skank-ho Wimminz Left to Rot

I am traveling this weekend, so I had time to look at the news today. My verdict: peak clownworld.

Laughably, this filthy wimminz (who, by her own admission, rode at least three ISIS dicks in rapid succession) is now angling to become the poster child for a birthright citizenship “clarification” in the supreme court. Bitch please do. I’m sure Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh haven’t forgotten their treatment by your handlers.

Do any of my Asian brothers want to “take one for the team” and become wage slave to this fat, tattooed, lazy white skank? I certainly hope not.