Just Trying to Change The World

yet another instagram slut… yet another fish-lipped photo…

The ugly skank in the mugshot was just charged with murder in Clark County, Nevada. Who did she ice? How did it happen? Let’s hear it straight from the ever reputable feminist press.

This wall-hitting former hottie iced the old simp who paid her rent. This same scenario plays out so often, it hardly even seems newsworthy. If I have any sympathy (simp-athy?) for this man, it’s only based on the fact that he was an elderly boomer, who was raised on a whole constellation of lies that paint wimminz as inherently sweet, pure, honest and moral.

Dead as dirt: Dr. Thomas Burchard

She wanted to “change the world…” yezzzzz

Note well, little brothers. This man was a psychiatrist. A professional, who spent his entire life devoted to deconstructing and treating society’s neurotics. It’s hard to imagine anyone less likely to be chumped out by a lying instagram prostitute; yet, there he is, dead as dirt.

Burchard is described as “avuncular,” which is a fancy word meaning “uncle-like.” There are men who may have had cause to pay some nasty slut’s rent, but Burchard wasn’t one of them. We must remember that if some bitch can’t get her actual uncle to act all “avuncular,” then it’s a strong tell that she doesn’t deserve such treatment.

Another thing: Burchard has a girlfriend of ~20 years named Earp. Burchard is fucking supporting Turner, with Earp’s full knowledge and apparent consent. One wonders why Ms. Earp didn’t dump this philandering old fool. A few scenarios come to mind, one or more of which may simultaneously be plausible…

  • Burchard is also paying Earp’s bills, and Earp didn’t want to upset the apple cart.
  • Burchard was one of a great many simps Earp had on her roster, and she didn’t care.
  • Earp and Turner were secretly friends, and Earp wanted Burchard dead too.

To me, it’s entirely conceivable that the “string of text messages” sent from Burchard’s phone, to Earp, were coded messages letting one bitch know that the other had snuffed the target. Earp may have pre-emptively turned Turner in to the cops, in order to shield herself from scrutiny.

All of this is idle speculation, of course. I’m just one man who has seen wimminz scheme together before instantly betraying one another, and I’ve seen such things too many times to count.

LOL! This bitch has two children. It seems that we have discussed the perils of dating a skank-ho single mom in the recent past, no?

Incidentally, Earp’s description of Turner as “evil as Manson” is actually just adding to my suspicions that she was part of the deed in the planning stages, and has possibly set up her co-conspirator to take the fall. This is just too transparently theatrical to be believable.

Here’s a tip. If you boys want to exercise some “extreme generosity,” direct that to people in your extended family or perhaps your immediate community. Your own nephews deserve your “avuncular” attention, so help them finance their first cars. There’s probably an old man three doors down who gets meals-on-wheels. Buy him some steak. The old illegal alien who cuts your lawn probably has teenage DACA kids who need tuition paid. Not only would you be more likely to “change the world” in a positive way, but you’d also be devoting your attentions to people who are likely to be worthy of them.

And I can tell you how Turner and Burchard met. She sent him a message on Instagram, on Tinder, or on Plenty of Fish.

There’s more to the story, but I want to stay within fair use guidelines, and we’ve covered all the important stuff. What do you think?

Read more at sfgate dot com

Wimminz Takes Credit For Man’s Work

A wimminz named Katie Bouman has been constantly in the news for several days, touted as the groundbreaking genius who brought us the first image of a black hole. CNN reported that Bouman “led the creation of an algorithm,” which makes it sound like it was her personal project.

It turns out that Katie didn’t “lead” anything. She was just a bit player on the team. The individual who did nearly all the development work, on the software which allowed for the imaging, was a man named Andrew Chael.

When people started talking about this strange phenomenon, Chael got on twitter, to white knight for m’lady. He must have typed his denouncement of all us misogynists stream-of-consciousness, because in his defense, he confirmed the fact that he was, in fact, the “primary developer” of the software in question.

Thanks, Andrew, for telling us what we knew already.

Jayzus Christ, there’s more.

What Am I Doing Here?

I started this blog five years ago. Being the uncreative man that I am, I simply named it after the post code I was in when I hit the ‘submit’ button on the WordPress form. For the first year (or so), I had comments turned off. I didn’t really care if anyone else commented, because the comment sections I had experienced had problems that outweighed their benefits.

I had a blog before that, entitled La Prensa. In those very old days, I translated (with permission) articles written by men like W.F. Price and AfOR into French and Spanish, and tried to spread manosphere memes into minority communities. That blog was taken down after a kook named Rob Fedders attempted to “out” me as a professor at Simon Fraser University. Fedders contacted various feminist organizations, and tried to get this poor fellow fired. This man, who I had never met, and who certainly didn’t author any of my articles, probably got a ton of shit, simply because an insane incel suspected he was me.

I encourage everyone here to remain anonymous for a reason.

There are other threads to those early years. If one looks at my first real article, he can draw a distinct line to all the latest ones, and he’ll find that if anything is consistent here, it is my disdain for mass culture. This could easily be typecast as an anti-celebrity blog… something like the antithesis of People or Entertainment Tonight. In this regard, I’m following in the tradition of Adorno and Horkheimer, who also hated popular culture.

Plato constructed a healthy critique of actors and comedians 2500 years ago, and I hate them for many of the reasons he did. They’re people who make their living pretending to be things that they aren’t. They’re entitled to a living at their trade, but in our society, they’ve assumed positions of unearned respect and authority. Undermining the trend of honoring the unworthy is probably the most valuable thing any of us can do.

Down below, Derek writes:

I write as a counterpoint to your articles. I’m not refuting much; more providing another perspective.

I’m glad Derek is here, and he’s welcome to refute me as much as he likes. If someone doesn’t like Derek (or me), they are welcome to decamp.

From the beginning, I saw my blog as not competing with behemoths like The Spearhead, Dalrock or Roissy. One might assume, at first, that huge communities like these are blessed with a diversity that is impossible on a small blog like mine. Spending some time in those places will disabuse one of that silly notion immediately.

Dalrock’s blog is far too large to function as an effective community of men. Most of us know that intuitively.

Comment sections are strange things. As participation in such a venue increases, the potential for true diversity is rapidly outweighed by a selection toward conformity. As Dalrock becomes more popular, he attracts more angry nutters, more social outcasts, more loony misfits, and more dullwitted parasites. All these people end up as (more-or-less) free riders, simply there to agree and amplify. Thus, a dogmatic ideology starts taking shape, and everyone begins parroting the same buzz-words, and shouting down sensible dissidents.

This is even more evident at Roissy, which is much larger than Dalrock. Roissy has a staggering number of readers who participate in his comment section. Roissy’s commenters are so numerous that they have effectively subdivided themselves into cliquish subgroups. If discussion is difficult on Dalrock, it’s absolutely impossible on Heartiste, where people are petrified into opposing camps, all shouting at one another.

From the beginning, I saw V5K 2C2 as a sort of digital neighborhood: something closer to a mailing list or a ‘zine. I always knew the dangers of getting too big, but I’m especially wary of this now, for a specific reason that I didn’t foresee back in the early days.

A couple of years ago, I noted people like Cane Caldo and SirHamster injecting white nationalism into discussions on Dalrock. The larger any forum becomes, the more prone it is to this sort of idiotic groupthink. I don’t want a petrified comment section, with hundreds of people chanting mantras in unison. If there is a motivator for a comment section to go down to destruction, white nationalism is it.

Since I’m criticizing white nationalists, I’ll quickly lay out my reasons why…

1. White nationalists are depressives. They constantly promote a defeatist attitude and immediately bring the general mood of every discussion down. According to white nationalists, society is run by a small minority of omnipotent super geniuses (known as Jews). Since these Jews control everything, white nationalists will insist that a young brother’s only recourse is to go commit suicide, preferrably immediately after some pathetic display of ultraviolence.

The problem with this thesis is obvious: it’s premises are untrue.

Dispelling the myth of Jewish superintelligence, one YouTube video at a time.

The guy who recently shot up a synagogue was surely groomed by these losers. None of the people he murdered were millionaires, or had high positions in political or social life. None of his victims seem particularly intellectually accomplished. They were just regular Americans, who went to work every day, and who had a different religious background.

2. White nationalists are anti-intellectual. Idiots like David Duke and Paul Nehlen are held up as authorities, despite the fact that they’re transparent grifters who are doing nothing but living off donations given them by their disciples. Points are argued and forwarded not on their merits, but merely on ideological grounds. White nationalists are, in this regard, very similar to feminists, in that they have a set of general grievances, and any proposition needs to fit within the script to be accepted. Any question that deviates from their narrative is rejected, and the questioner is self-righteously shouted down.

3. White nationalists are feminists by another name. I’ve covered this aspect for years, but it bears repeating, because this is a personal annoyance of mine. Go talk to some of these idiots and you’ll get the idea. Their precious white wimminz are to be worshipped as though they were goddesses, despite the fact that these same white wimminz are raising up a generation of white thugs and hoez, who are far more likely to steal my wallet than to get a job. Massive misbehavior like widespread divorce, chronic unemployment and welfare, single mom sluttery and drug abuse is glossed over with the flimsiest of excuses.

White nationalists have a couple of go-to responses to any question. Usually, when I criticize them even mildly, I am called a “race-traitor,” which is a meaningless term, given that my people don’t even consider the average white nationalist to be white. They’ll then admit that some of the things I’m saying are true, but immediately tell me that all their problems are the fault of a Jewish conspiracy. This is a response that is precisely similar to what I get from black nationalists and feminists, who whine about “white privilege” and “patriarchy” respectively.

Occasionally, a white nationalist will talk about a real problem, like ANTIFA. As an aside, ANTIFA is probably the only group that’s goonier and more pathetic than white nationalists, given that they’re pseudoleftists who are “protesting” on behalf of huge corporations.

I don’t want ANTIFA running roughshod through my comment section either. Even so, ANTIFA has no presence on the manosphere, so they’re not really my concern.

Every time Dalrock throws his blog into moderation, I get 10-20 new applicants. The last time this happened was last weekend. I could have approved twenty new commenters, and one of them might have fit in. Four of them would have repeatedly told Earl he’s a faggot for worshipping Mary, and five others would have told Jason he’s a faggot for not fucking random skanks, and the other ten would have started proselytizing for Stormfront, unironically talking about what a great guy Hitler was, and how the south should have won the American civil war.

So, my role here is not only as one of the authors, it’s also editorial. My goal is to maintain focus, and enforce some minimal intellectual standards. Derek will continue writing articles here for as long as it amuses him, and while everyone can read, I’ll continue to be selective about who gets to have a voice.

Image Dump: 2019.04.14

Please keep in mind that not all women have vaginas, and not all people with vaginas are women…

I have no idea how I ended up at this stupid article, but I commend the author for achieving the absolute pinnacle of humblebrag achievement.

Iranian Angelina Jolie fan reports she’s had fifty surgeries to look like her idol…

This is the most flattering photo of the bitch. There are many others. According to the Daily Fail, “Not everyone is impressed, and some followers have compared her to a ‘zombie’ and a ‘corpse’…”

There is no such thing as a good single mother.

The new normal.

Once I thought about converting to Judaism

Around the same time, I considered officially joining the L.D.S. church

You may ask yourself… “How did I get here?”

Brad Pitt Teaches Us About Wimminz

Surprise, surprise! A wimminz is having second thoughts after frivolously divorcing her man! That never happens, does it?

In August of 2014, Brad Pitt stupidly married a Hollywood skank named Angelina Jolie. That was a serious mistake on his part.

In the summer of 2016, after only two years of marriage, Angelina Jolie announced that she was dumping the sexiest man alive. She immediately started libelling her husband, Brad Pitt, in the press, even as she was getting on Tinder in order to ride playa dick.

Of course, Brad needed to keep funneling money to skank-ho princess. Just last year, Jolie went to the press and complained that Pitt was a deadbeat dad.

Pitt ponied up proof that he had paid something along the order of ten million dollars to his skank-ho slut, over the course of eighteen months.

Wouldn’t it be nice to be a uterus-American, and get paid eight figures for doing nothing?

At some point, skank-ho Angelina realized that yes, he was the best that she could pull. What was her reaction to this epiphany? Was it to humbly approach her husband, and beg forgiveness for a year of frivolous court proceedings? Did she apologize for all the trouble she caused?

Of course she didn’t. She’s using the power of the feminist state to continue torturing him, in a vain attempt to convince Pitt that “it’s cheaper to keep her…”

Marrying a wimminz has the potential to derail your life. The minute your beautiful wife finds it advantageous, she will summon all the power of the feminist state to bankrupt you and destroy your reputation. It’s imperative that every serious brother go into such a bargain knowing all the facts.

If the sexiest man alive can’t keep a wimminz happy for two short years, what chance do you have?

Surplus Value?

Groucho is here to teach you about Marxism

Capital has not invented surplus-labour. Wherever a part of society possesses the monopoly of the means of production, the laborer, free or not free, must add to the working-time necessary for his own maintenance an extra working-time in order to produce the means of subsistence for the owners of the means of production…
(Marx: Capital Vol. 1)

It occurs to me that I’m using a technical term without defining it. That’s a mark of laziness that I’ll correct immediately.

Earlier I wrote about how playaz, hoez, and single dudes are thriving at the expense of married men, and I specifically called the extra produce of such married men surplus value. In order to understand what I mean by this term, I have to delve into some boring shit, like Karl Marx’s Critique of Political Economy, and his Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. This is tedious but necessary work, and I’ll try and be as brief as I can.

Aristotle defined a human being as a “rational animal,” and Descartes defined a human being as a “thinking thing.” This became a big argument, with philosophical heavy-hitters taking either side. Marx transcended this dispute entirely, and defined human beings as homo faber. That’s a fancy latin word that means ‘man the maker.’ We are, in Marxist terms, builders of equipment. We are born with an instinctive drive to take natural products, add value to them, and derive use value from the produce.

Some of the things that human beings have developed have really cool uses.

homo faber sent this machine to Venus, simply because he could

Of course, we might make things which don’t seem to be valuable. You know the old man who carves wooden rifles for the kids in your ‘hood? Remember how your mother did those cheeseball paint-by-number things? Your homosexual uncle, who writes bad poetry… when you think about it, it becomes obvious that it’s all the same process. We’re hard wired to do shit like this. Take a look around, and you’ll find surplus value is all around you.

Whether any of us wants to admit as much, the reality is that workers who are married men produce more than workers who are playaz, monks and wimminz. Married men are far more productive than married women, in fact.

It’s well known that married men make significantly more money than wimminz, either single or married. Feminists call this the “wage gap,” and they endlessly wail about it. Married men make far more money than single men do, also. Is making money correlated with productivity? In our society, I’d argue that it is.


That entire paper is both interesting and accessible, and I’d encourage everyone here to skim through it. From its thesis, it’s easy to conclude a few things. Married men work harder than other classes of worker, for example. Married men tend to work longer hours. Married men tend to be better educated. Married men might be motivated to work a side-gig along with a regular job.

Married men tend to do these things because a skillful wife will motivate her husband to hustle for the extras. A skillful wife also keeps an efficient household, so her husband can concentrate on work, and he never has to worry about dishes or vacuuming. This is all obvious, but it doesn’t get to the root of what’s really going on, and in order to address the reasons why I don’t condemn marriage, we need a deeper look.

Nevertheless the grand structures of ancient Egypt are less due to the extent of its population than to the large proportion of it that was freely disposable. Just as the individual labourer can do more surplus-labour in proportion as his necessary labour-time is less, so with regard to the working population. The smaller the part of it which is required for the production of the necessary means of subsistence, so much the greater is the part that can be set to do other work.
(Marx: Capital Vol. 1)

When a man enters the factory and begins his workday, he creates, through his own genius, more value than his wage reflects. Some of that value is kept by his bosses (who don’t do any work themselves), and some of it is used by capital to reproduce the material conditions for the capitalist system to project itself temporally. The rest of it bleeds out into the social macrosphere.

Married men get paid more because they add more surplus value, not only to their bosses’ ledgers, but to society as a whole. Those of us who aren’t married are easy riders, who enjoy things like roads, bridges, antibiotics and cheap vegetables, without fully paying into the system which produced them. Who produced them? In large part it was married men.

Karl Marx: Husband to Jenny

If you like living in an advanced, industrial society, with good things on offer, then you ought to respect the men who get up early to go to their factory jobs every morning. They are providing all of these benefits, and they’re doing it because some semblance of social sanity still exists. A world without marriage is a global ghetto, where everyone is a bastard, no one knows who his father is, and where life is brutal, miserable, and short.

New Charges For A Feminist Cunt

The aging skank-ho in the problem specs is Lori Loughlin. She’s an actress who has made her living starring in saccharine made-for-tee-vee dramas. She was found in a 1990s after-school serial called Full House. Trailing along behind her is the green-tied fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli. Even if you don’t know his clothes and accessories, you’ve probably seen them. They’re the downscale house brand of the Target department store. This doesn’t seem like an enviable position for a fashion designer, but hype isn’t everything. Target sells a lot of clothes, and Giannulli is worth around 100M dollars.

You wouldn’t know it by their names, or by their demeanor, but Loughlin and Giannulli are married. I guess the photo illustrates the way typical skank-ho feminists treat their husbands: they keep them following two steps behind, like a dog or an animal. These two were married in 1997, immediately following Loughlin’s divorce from her previous husband. I doubt any of us needs to speculate about what happened there…

Loughlin and Giannulli were indicted a few weeks ago in connection with a scandal at the University of Southern California. The couple’s two daughters, Olivia and Isabella, were apparently too stupid/lazy to get admitted to the school they felt they were entitled to attend. Loughlin and Giannulli paid 500,000 dollars to a character named Rick Singer, who bribed coaches to admit the idiot thots on an athletics waiver. In return for some dough, the girls were accepted as essential to U.S.C. Crew team, even though neither had ever rowed before.

Loughlin’s behavior during her arraignment was described as “upbeat” and “bizarre.” She laughed loudly in the courtroom, and lingered around the courthouse, offering to sign autographs for strangers.

Loughlin arrogantly refused any attempt to plea-bargain out of a trial, and such idiocy is almost understandable. Hollywood feminist morons live in a strange ideological bubble, surrounded by grovelling asslickers. Anyone who dares mock a Hollywood f-lister on social media is rapidly banned by the censors. Nearly every atom of sense-data and cultural programming feeds Lori Loughlin the idea that she is a goddess.

The reality is that she is somewhere between beggar and prostitute, and the chickens are now coming home to roost. Loughlin has just been charged with some new shit. Take a look…

Lori LOUGHLIN19-mj-06087-MPK Conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and honest services mail and wire fraud; conspiracy to commit money laundering 4/09/19 – Defendant charged by Indictment with one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and honest services mail and wire fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering. An arraignment date has not yet been scheduled.


The charge of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and honest services mail and wire fraud provides for a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of $250,000 or twice the gross gain or loss, whichever is greater. The charge of conspiracy to commit money laundering provides for a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a fine of $500,000 or twice the value of the property involved in the money laundering. Sentences are imposed by a federal district court judge based upon the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.


In a healthy society, young Isabella and Olivia would not be allowed to spend five years whoring and boozing at U.S.C.. They would have been expected to have married, someplace around age 19. College would be for men, and perhaps also for ugly girls with no prospects, and the point of college would be job training, rather than rowing crew.

In a healthy society, parents like Lori and Mossimmo would share a surname, and they wouldn’t be filling their children’s heads up with ideas about living in Hollywood, at the expense of better people, while they get rich making puerile and trashy programs.

In a healthy society, 500,000 USD would have gone toward a business for Mossimmo and Lori’s sons-in-law to run, or it would have been spent on two modest houses for their daughters and sons-in-law to raise families in.

Of course, we don’t live in a healthy society. We live in feminist clownworld, where everything is upside down. Lori Loughlin has spent her entire life peddling toxic feminist propaganda. Unfortunately, she thought that she could do anything she liked on her off hours, and she probably assumed that her latest husband’s great wealth would insulate her from any consequences of her shit behavior. She probably began conflating her real life with one of the stupid characters she plays on television. The bitch got high on her own supply.

Don’t feel sorry for Lori, but take a lesson from her pathetic life, and use her bad behavior as a fair judge of all the rest of the parasites who appear in mass media.

The Obligatory Davis M. J. Aurini Post

My Fave Anton Szandor LaVey Wannabe

I get regular criticism (and not just from skank-ho wimminz) for not deconstructing male immorality. The lack of such criticism is justified, in part by the social milieu in which we all find ourselves. Male immorality is criticized and deconstructed on the regular, while female misbehavior is generally glossed over, excused and explained with reams of apologia from the highest authorities in our society. Moreover, this is a men’s blog.

Even so, there are some examples of men who behave so abominably, whose antics are so cartoonishly ridiculous, that I just can’t help but discuss them.

Omega Virgin Revolt, the blog of a dude known as Black Pill, but more formally The Man in The Orbital Castle, appears to be dormant. It’s possible that the author has been too busy to post anything for the past year, or perhaps he started a new blog about motorcycles or model rockets, and wanted to shed his old persona. Like Wimminz and Pro-Male Anti-Feminist Tech, all my teachers appear to be wandering quietly into the fog. This is, I suppose, the natural course of things. I am grateful that the content is still up, and encourage you all to go read. Whether or not I agreed with the guy, I did learn a lot from him.

Even though OVR is inactive, the usual incel malcontents and violent pornographers are still leaving comments on the old articles. I came across something new. Davis Aurini, who recently got his YouTube account deleted (fuck you, Google) has apparently assumed the occupation of marriage and relationship counselor. Gargoyle Virgin left this comment, which is worth reading…

Gargoyle Virgin writes:

According to him, Davis slept with his neighbor’s wife and collapsed their marriage, which had a few kids.

I can immediately confirm Aurini’s immoral antics, based on his own testimony, which I witnessed in early 2013. Unfortunately, his cringeworthy confession has been censored by our deadly enemies at Google, so I can’t share it here. That’s truly a shame, because no matter how unfavorably Davis has impressed my regular readers, the video would have remained a shocking display of just how unmanly this pathetic loser actually is.

Then Gargoyle Virgin writes:

I’m not surprised, since I recall… Davis Aurini defending Aaron Clarey’s book on how to sleep with students…

I never had the pleasure to read Aaron Clarey’s book on how to sleep with students. I have wasted an hour reading his stupid work on how a man ought to drop out of society, get on welfare, and kill himself. I also wasted an hour reading his idiotic book on how men should only study hard science. News for that dipshit: I have advanced degrees in exactly the fields he suggests, and I would have made exponentially more money had I got a liberal arts degree and a J.D.. Realtalk.

The fact that these two dorks hang out together is not at all surprising.

Attached to the comment was this video.

Aurini, who styles himself as some sort of cross between a member of the Church of Satan and Saturday Night Live’s Church Lady, has made a good living on the backs of the most gullible by pretending to have a moralizing streak.

Not only has Aurini supported himself by begging for cutter on his blog and via YouTube, he apparently crowdsourced a documentary film at some point. Rather than delivering, he allegedly took the money and disappeared. One of the people who called him out for this is a man (full disclosure) I’ve met in the real world.

For the record, I don’t know Thunderf00t well, and I’m not taking his side in this internet squabble because I’ve shaken his hand. I can say that the man behind the Thunderf00t persona is (unlike Aurini) an accomplished guy with a real career. While Thunderf00t is acting sorta silly, I tend to believe everything he’s reporting about Aurini.

A lot of young brothers find the manosphere and are immediately stunned, as I was, by the fact that people are discussing arcane and occult knowledge like how to pick up wimminz. They dive in and often simply accept the authority of hucksters like this at face value. That’s clearly a problem.

Aurini is a goon who pretends to be a patriarch while not having any children (that he knows about.) Apparently a degree at McGill McMaster didn’t give him a clue about the definition of that word. He pretends to smoke in every photo and video, and he always palms what he claims is scotch (my guess: iced tea). Everything he does evokes a cartoonish simulacrum of masculinity. Don’t take his advice without deliberation, and don’t give him any of your money.

Edit: Apologies to McGill University for inaccurately reporting that Aurini was an alumnus. He’s not.

The Church Girl Cometh

I think that this series is valuable for many reasons. Of course, if you married a single mother who turned out to be decent, and you’re happy, it’s all good… but if that’s the case, you are the exception that proves the rule. 

Down below, our brother Anonymous from the Big Apple shares his story dating — and almost marrying — a single mom of another sort. It definitely merits a place on the front page. Let’s hear him tell it…

When I was wrapping up undergrad, I got entangled with 28 year old gold digger I met through the singles group at church… she initially got me with alot of one-on-one attention (i used to flirt alot back then, but never had a girlfriend) and things just escalated on their own.

She got to me with blowjobs, titty fucks, hand jobs… pretty much everything except full penis in vagina sex. In our hypocrisy, that was a line we did not want to cross given that we met at church and were going to enormous lengths to rationalize all the lines that we were crossing.

Anyway, the BJs had me hooked, and there were all sorts of red flags such as gas lighting and shit tests. I didn’t even know what to call them, but I knew that it was all shitty.

When I was on the verge of letting her go, about 6 months in (the BJs were good, but didnt justify the shit tests), she dumped on me that she had an abortion, and felt worthless, and couldnt lose a prize catch like me, and she would stop the shit tests etc etc etc. I should’ve cut ties right then and there… but i was a naive early 20 something, and she was clearly an experienced capital H, HO. Fast forward 2 years later, and the shit tests havent stopped, she’s made me become estranged from my family… she is a full out flirt with any cute, cut up masculine man that stops by church, and i am committed to be married to her (i was very beta, and was shit-tested into putting a ring on it).

Dont fear, my friends, there is a happy ending to this tale. I finally grew a pair and cut her off the morning of the wedding. YES – i am that guy who hit the lottery by walking away and avoiding a lifetime of ruin.

NEXTING a Ho can be expensive the longer you wait. So the lesson for the young guys is to cut bait quick. Since i waited until the BIG WEDDING DAY, i ended up having to write checks for all the vendors that had already been booked… it was a super cheap wedding, by NYC standards, but i still ended up writing checks for close to $9k…. in retrospect, cutting it at the 6 month mark like i wanted to would have been way cheaper. but 9k is a small price to pay to avoid getting divorce raped a few years later anyway…

Had to wait a while, but eventually found a normal (not claiming she’s a nawalt) woman and she is a faithful stay at home / home-schooling mom to the children she bore me.

What a story! Respect to this brother and the cool female he ended up marrying. 

Do you have a story about falling into a single mom’s fishtrap? Tell all in the comments, or submit an effortpoast by email.

The Redhead Contingency

Brother Charlie says ‘no’ to the ho’

Down below, I asked for personal submissions related to dating single mothers. A couple of you were good enough to comply.

The first man to volunteer was Earl, who breaks it down immediately, after I asked him about some crazy bitch he met. 

I met her through work. She was certainly still attractive looking (red heads are the death of me) and we had similar sense of humor so that was probably the attraction.

This sounds like she was older than you? Is that right? 


I knew she had three kids…but then eventually I started to find out they were from two different fathers and even one of the fathers I found out I was distantly related to.

How far into the courtship was it revealed that the two kids had different fathers?

A few months, though I wouldn’t call it a courtship.

For Mormons, the whole distant relatives thing isn’t that big a deal. We’re all descended from the same group of people, though we generally don’t marry immediate first or second cousins.

We would often go to similar parties where alcohol was available. She would often go full party mode when the father had the kids for the weekend. She also had flings with a few guys (at least the ones I was aware of).

Back then I was in a crazy time in my life, so I didn’t see the red flags as clearly as now…but I hung out with her. Basically, the end of it came during a drunken make out session. She told me she was ‘raped’ at 15. In that alcoholic stupor, I finally got clarity. It was then that I regreted ever getting involved. I think she sensed that, and we mutually broke whatever was going on with us. I remember to this day I said out loud… “I never felt so relieved.”

Did she get revenge on you for nexting her? Was there any drama? Did she become tearful and beg to get back into your inner circle? Did she immediately start banging your best friends, or otherwise attempt to stay within your field of vision?

No revenge, not any drama that I can think of, no back stabbery. If it helps we never engaged in sex either…which I think is a good fire extinguisher to potential drama.

What I didn’t do was ever spend a lot of money on her…meet her kids…or become her full time simp. So I did save face there.

Of course during this time too I met another red head at a party (this one single, no kids) and agreed to what I thought was a date with her. This date consisted of going to a party where I met a group of her ‘friends’ and it turned out one of the guys was her ‘make out session’ guy or something. So I made the mistake of riding to the party in her vehicle because she knew where it was at…her and this other guy disappear for like 4 hours and I’m just here at this party not knowing anybody hoping that I’m not spending the night there. Fortunately she did eventually return (after doing God knows what) and took me back to my vehicle. I don’t think I spoke one word to her because I just wanted to get back to my car. I think that was the last red head I’ve been involved with.

It’s funny. I’ve meant to talk about this phenomenon. I’ve had a couple of experiences where some slut invites me out to a public or semi-private event, and the minute we get there, I realize she’s brought me simply as a cover, or to make her intended target jealous, or for some other underhanded reason. 

Tom Leykis used to warn men not to go to concerts if their date mentioned being “on the guest list,” or having “a backstage pass,” because that implies she’ll be fucking the band, while you’re finding your own way home. It’s basically the same scenario.

And since then if I do a date…I make all the plans and I drive myself to it. I don’t give ladies that quick of trust anymore.

So yeah when ladies want to whine about real things that happen to guys and trying to warn their fellow brothers…understand a lot of this doesn’t just come out of a vacuum.

Long story short…even if she’s attractive to you, single mothers are corrosive.

Thanks to Earl for kicking off this discussion. If you have a story, please send a message here [Editor: Previously here]. I think these stories can be beneficial for the young brothers coming up, and I won’t include any personal details about anyone.
