Asking (about) Dr. Nerdlove

‘cuz I’m so fuck’n good, and that ain’t no shit, neither!

Our brother Jason has often chafed at the pickup artists, who claim to have all the answers, which are only available after paying big dollaz to attend their seminars. I thought it’d be fun on a slow news day to look at one such playa.

Thus I introduce Dr. Nerdlove, ladies man extraordinaire.

Whenever anyone calls himself “Doctor” I wonder where he did his residency, or under whom he defended his thesis. Nevermind that, though… Let’s stick to specifics.

Dr. Nerdlove has been around for as long as I have. He runs an online advice column called (you guessed it) Asking Dr. Nerdlove, where we can find his latest blog post. It’s a response to a poor, innocent wimminz, who somehow got seduced by a married playa she met on tinder.

As we can see, the good doctor holds this wimminz completely blameless, while excoriating the cad she eagerly hopped in the sack with. This is exactly what one might expect from a man who boasts about writing for feminist outlets like Kotaku and The Good Men Project.

The reality is that both playaz and hoez bear real responsibility for what they do. This is a skank-ho slut who recreationally fucked a skank-ho male slut she met on Tinder. She admits that she didn’t know who he actually was, for the entirety of the five full years they were casually smashing. Given that she is now pregnant, we can assume that neither of these characters exercised reasonable caution, and aside from having an unwanted pregnancy, it would surprise me if they both didn’t have at least one STD.

At best, we can paint both of these fools as willfully careless to the point of negligence. Yet, Dr. Nerdlove insists that the blame lies only with the male in this affair, and he depicts this wimminz as being the innocent victim of a “cheating piece of shit.” The reality is that if either of these individuals had read my Field Guide, available at no cost here, this nonsense would never have happened. Dr. Nerdlove also claims he has the answers, available at cost.

Bearing in mind that Doctor Nerdlove charges more for a phone call than some of the better attorneys in my town, let’s see what he can teach us.

All you autistics who feel the need to pay 500 clams for someone to hold your hand can rest easy. I can teach you how to not be stuck in the friend zone, right now. You simply ask your opposite-sex friend to fuck you. If s/he says ‘no’, you should respect this without drama; but, 90% of the time, s/he has been hanging out with you waiting for you to come out and ask, and the answer will almost certainly be an enthusiastic affirmative.

(If s/he does say ‘no,’ that means s/he was spending time with you in hopes of something else: money, time, attention, etc. You’ll finally know what the game was leading to.)

If your love life is out of your control, then be an adult and assume control over it. Tell whoever you’re fucking what you want, or tell them flatly that the fucking is over.

I honestly don’t know what the rest of this shit means. Most of us learn how to be our best, most polished self, by trial-and-error, not by paying a series of expensive coaches to hold our hands in social situations.

I send Dr. Nerdlove a message, two days ago. He has yet to respond, and he is welcome to comment here if he feels I’m judging him too harshly. Have any of you boys fallen for a scam like this? Did you learn anything useful? Sound off if you’ve got a pair.

29 thoughts on “Asking (about) Dr. Nerdlove

  1. Life Coach (e.g. Mr. NerdLove) eh?

    With the present state of FatherLess homes I can imagine a lot of youngmen need a substitute.

    Though there are cheaper and better options available.

    He’s scammed his way to other peoples money .. in his world he’s a success. But, he isn’t gonna teach ya’ everything he knows .. even if that is the quickest 6 seconds in America .. ‘cuz yenz’ gotra pay for that privilege.

    Verdict ..
    Scam Artist.

  2. *slow clap*

    I’m guilty. Many know this already. I shelled out 250.00 in 1998 to see this “amazing guy” who had all the answers to meeting, dating HOT women. Only nines and tens! It was in San Francisco at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. I went with a friend from IBM.

    Remember this is pre PUA and the “The Game” by Strauss. This is pre-Roosh. Even pre-Rollo

    His name was David DeAngelo. He’s a real bitch too. He no longer is a PUA or “Mens Dating Coach”
    He is now a “Life Coach” evidently.

    I went to his “Bootcamp” in Chicago that cost about 5000.00 in 1999 I believe of his. Not including airfare or hotel btw. He’s a first rate asshole. He was the one who told men, and the sphere still believes it 100%

    “Attraction is not a choice for women. They cannot HELP who they fall for” and “Looks don’t matter to women at all.”

    These two phrases have then been uploaded into the hard storage of every “mens blog” since, and even now……advice for young men about women….these two LIES come up purported as 100% truth.

    If there is a fault of GenX men like myself, we did nothing to to stop this, and he should have a gotten a richly deservered beating for such falsehoods.

  3. A few little appendices, just to give folks a taste of the sage advice this playa is paid to dispense:

    Dr. Nerdlove encourages a married man not to divorce his wife, but merely to have a series of “polyamorous” sexual encounters while remaining legally married.

    That’s the sort of great tip that I’d expect from a man who charges 150. per phone call. I’m sure it won’t lead to a humiliating run through the divorce courts, followed immediately by a judgment for lifetime alimony payments.

    Even funnier, as recorded by our friend Black Pill, Dr. Nerdlove simps for the hateful radical feminist Amanda Marcotte.

    You simply couldn’t create a funnier pretend friend of men.

  4. I.m guilty. Many know this already. I shelled out 250.00 in 1998 to see this .amazing guy. who had all the answers to meeting, dating HOT women. Only nines and tens! It was in San Francisco at the Westin St. Francis Hotel. I went with a friend from IBM.

    Remember this is pre PUA and the .The Game. by Strauss. This is pre-Roosh. Even pre-Rollo

    His name was David DeAngelo. He.s a real bitch too. He no longer is a PUA or .Mens Dating Coach.
    He is now a .Life Coach. evidently.

    Oh! David DeAngelo!

    Yet another hat tip to Black Pill, who has been putting the screws to these pathetic grifters for many years.

  5. Yeah…Spetmeber 1999 in Chicago at the big Marriott off that Miracle Mile is where this “Bootcamp” was. About 100 of us suckers signed up, and came. The hilarious thing was that we were all from California. All in high tech / industry. My fellow attendees????

    About 50% ethnic Indians, 25% white guys like myself who didn’t have a chance in hell by the time we were 18 here we were…all late 20’s (Game was already twelve years over for us) maybe 25% ethnic east-Asian men (Chinese, Korean, Viet).

    So what was wrong with us? David summed it up. We had ZERO confidence. Fashion / style sense David even admitted that all of us didn’t have a problem here (we were Californians / San Franciscans). Every single one of us did have a sense of style that indeed reflected our personalities, nunances and what we were genetically.

    Overweight, obese? Not one of us. I even still had a full head of blonde hair.

    It was confidence and just “going up to women and talking to them”

    It felt like we were at the Marharishi camp in a way (Beatle fans will know what I mean). We all would get up, go to the room reserved for us downstairs in the hotel, have breakfast. David would give us a morning lecture type of thing. No questions. He would sometime berate us.

    We would have an hour of freetime to work on a project. He then would have someone come and try to sell us his DVD set. His books. Signed pictures of himself. A one on one two hour session with him……

    I do recall one day, the last day or around that he did say something about our “low confidence” and how we were doomed to be in the “worthless” jobs we all were in….

    Dude stands up (Sandiep was his name) and says “Good sir, every man in this room on their own makes at least 150K a year (this is 1999 remember), lives in San Francisco, has a four year degree….many from prestigious universities and polytechnics….many of us have founded companies in our mid twenties. Some of us work for some of the more respected high tech companies in the world are sitting in this room. The only thing worthless we did was hand you 5,000.00 dollars for useless and worthless information.”

    There was a lot of laughter and sporadic applause. I had a sardonic grin on my face and I remember yelling “Boo-yah”

    He got all pissed and stormed off the podium and if he stayed, it would have been some cringeworthy, ball shriveling feeble retort.

    It was a TOTAL waste of money. When we all went out to “pick up women” one night at some huge nightclub (shirt and tie place) He was wearing a hot pink button down shirt with cheap looking wool gray slacks in the middle of summer. We all had snicker about that. He talked to hot women. Yup. They talked to him.

    He paid them to talk to him. We were all chumped badly by this guy. So young….so desperate for female attention. So much wanting to be that “good bro” and “good guy”

    We lost ourselves in what THEY wanted instead of what we wanted.

    PUA and GAME pedestalize women. Their self projection is just absurd.

  6. As we can see, the good doctor holds this wimminz completely blameless, while excoriating the cad she eagerly hopped in the sack with.

    It stands to reason that any guy operating under a handle like “Dr. Nerdlove” would of course be a pussy-pedestalizing cuck.

    When we all went out to .pick up women. one night at some huge nightclub (shirt and tie place). [DeAngelo] was wearing a hot pink button down shirt with cheap looking wool gray slacks in the middle of summer. We all had snicker about that. He talked to hot women. Yup. They talked to him.

    He paid them to talk to him

    You all could have probably gone into full-fledged mockery/verbal beat-down mode on the guy right then and there and completely destroyed him- permanently.

  7. Most of the Bootcamp was so desperate, they couldn’t or wouldn’t believe this guy was a cad. By the end of the week, a good 25% to 30% of knew we had been had.

    The rest was like Dalorcks forum, and most of the ‘sphere

    “It works, he gets women all the time / you just have to practice / you just have to study / you just have to build attraction / you have to be positive and go out and just talk to them”

    Remember the times as well. It was 1999.

    This was a new burgeoning industry. Sure, it had been around before then…Ross Jefferies…….advice in Playboy on how to meet women. Maxim Magazine was growing back then…..advice columns in papers……even 1970’s introspective pop-group Supertramp did a song in 1977 called “Loverboy” and it spoofed “help books” for men on how to meet women

    The late 1990’s is when it really began to be codified into an industry and be accepted as “foolproof”

    MGTOW also immediately began to rise as well as this got popular………..something worth studying on a sociological level.

    Game and its crew, its “leaders” and “masters” and “real alpha’s” never answered the question of why it was this way. It never questioned women’s behavior. It always viewed women as AWESOME and belittled men into conforming to exactly what they wanted. It was never a game. It was a contest.

  8. Not only is this mangina a fraud…

    But even for real Game, it can be learned for free.

    But Game works. Otherwise, it would not be possible for Nigerians with bad English to scam six-and-seven digit sums of money from Western women. Again, this is an evil use of Game, but it is proof that it works.

  9. At least Jason is able to admit that he got scammed out of $5000. People like Omegavirginrevolt cannot admit that.

    As I have said, Game can be learned for free or negligible cost.

    But that is not the same as saying ‘Game does not exist’, since the permavirgins who say this have are unable to answer basic questions about which men do well with women, which do not, and are any aspects of this success learnable.

  10. Which men do well with women:

    Good looking men

    Which men do not do well with women:

    Men like myself who are “gentically” Beta, which according to all the metrics….is many now. And since they are now genetically inferior… amount of learning this will do them any good.

    Travel restrictions are lowering, you can go to Poland now and use your trained moneky routine again that is foolproof and works

  11. He says all the same things Roosh does.

    While there’s a very fine line between gaming a wimminz and pussybegging her, I argue the line does exist. Roosh always seemed to me like a very skillful playa, and I never saw him take the “wimminz good, man bad” position that this non-doctor nerd does.

    Today, of course, Roosh is all about Christianity, which means he takes the “man bad” position 100% of the time, but he is consistent in condemning wimminz too.

    The more I read of the non-doctor, the more I’m convinced that he’s just a typical male feminist, of the Hugo Schwyzer type, and he’s probably done some pretty hideous things to females (as male feminists tend to do) which he is ego-defensing away with his internet posturing.

  12. “Roosh always seemed to me like a very skillful playa, and I never saw him take the .wimminz good, man bad. position that this non-doctor nerd does.”

    Of course. The same went for Heartiste, Krauser, Blackdragon, etc. Pretty much any PUA-type vetted by the ‘sphere.

    This ‘NerdLove’ mangina has never been spoken about favorably by the ‘sphere (I have never heard of him at all). He is just another Huge Schwyzer, and will probably be busted for sexual assault, as all ‘male feminists’ eventually are.

    Remember, Jason is the other extreme. He casually lies about ‘NerdLove says the same thing Roosh does’, because he is desperate to create a false narrative of his own. Again, this is because he wants to avoid all responsibility for self-improvement.

    “Only good-looking men do well with women. The other 95% get nothing at all”.

    One simply has to step outside to see plenty of counterexamples on all sides. No one in their right mind could oversimplify the topic to this degree.

    Of course, an anti-game fanatic will never see the light. I know of no man who has been offered more help from more men on more websites, than Jason. He squandered all of it.

    What sucks is despite paying $5000, he STILL didn’t learn Game, even when, as I have said for years, it can be learned for free or nearly free.

  13. Lol! The “oversimplifcation” was always by you. Just be cocky-funny (which is what Roosh, DeAngelo, and this Nerdlove guy say).

    Step outside? Yeah. I forgot, I live in a basement. Never did anything. Yes I know…….

    Yes, yes….of course….plenty of help offered: Read Rollo. Read Roosh’s “bang” series, just be funny. Just shower. Follow Dalrocks method of being anti-courtly love. Just walk up to them and talk to them….yes, yes…..plenty of help I know. Same thing over and over again since 1988…..foolproof. Works every time.

    I had a very productive past few years on the job front, traveling, and camping.

    So what have you been up to Anon, since Dalrock doesn’t post anymore you have to find someplace else to peddle your foolproof wares that are free, and done out of the enormous goodness of your heart.

    In my above comments I didn’t say anything about Dr. Love……I mentioned DeAngelo, who says the same things you do…..but is a fraud in your book.

  14. Game doesn’t exist. It was made up, marketed, and muscled up around the time I went to that Bootcamp. There was never a term called “game” before this. It’s a marketing thing, and a way for men like you to talk about how great women are…..for one thing. Great. you won. Roosh during one of his sermons now can reward you.

  15. Again, you are deep into the ear-covering ‘La la la, I can’t hear you’ zone.

    i) Game can be learned for free. Only the dumbest end up paying $5000 for a boot camp, which means they were the least likely to learn anything anyway.

    I can say it 100 times : Game can be learned for free. Yet, you will insist ‘you are trying to sell a bootcamp’.

    ii) You are actually saying basic social skills and self-improvement don’t exist. Good luck with convincing anyone of that.

    iii) You said that *I* said women are great? Are you retarded? I am one of the most famous misogynists of all time.

    Your arguments were always poorly constructed, but now you have resorted to outright lies.

    Anyway, I should take the advice of the famous ‘Gems’ article, where :

    Point 16(c) is :

    e) There are a lot of ‘Game denialists’ out there, who are often admitted permavirgins, but still insist that only the top few men who have an exceptional combination of looks and money are having sex with all women. The real reason for their denial is because they have convinced themselves, for pain-avoidance purposes, that their failure is due to not winning the genetic lottery. To now provide proof that some aspects of success are within a man’s control is something they cannot accept after all that self-deception, as it would mean they wasted the last few decades of their lives. Do not waste even one minute debating them, since that is a minute you can instead spend on your own betterment.

  16. Unbelieveable……

    Point 16(c)

    Explain in deatil points 1-15 all subsets and footnotes and references while you are at it.

    At the same time “game is easy, foolproof” ..

    Anon. You’re a prize horses ass

  17. Lies? Nonsense. On Dalrock. Now here………you only talk “game” and you love having sex with women (you did go to Poland to get some), you love trying to figure them out. You love talking about how many, how much, and refer everything bakc to game, and how awesome it is. You love women. You love playing THEIR game. You love everything about them.

  18. “Anon. a prize horses ass”

    From you, that is a compliment. Much like if a mangina calls me a ‘misogynist’.

    You didn’t answer my questions, since your logic is shambolically bad, and now you have abrogated your duty to both truth and courage. You are saying that basic social skills, self-improvement, and the concept of reading womens’ cues don’t exist. Keep trying to peddle that, and see where it gets you.

    At any rate, cowardice is one of the many reasons you don’t do well socially. You are too afraid to even read the article I linked.

    I noticed that you were the first person ever to be banned from SigmaFrame. That is a blog that no one else ever got banned from.

    Again, I have never seen anyone offered more help, on more blogs, from more generous brothers, than Jason. He squandered it all.

  19. “(you did go to Poland to get some)”

    I never went to Poland, moron. I helpfully sent YOU a book recommendation to help you, since you said YOU were Polish.

    You and I agreed that Polish men have unusual difficulty with women, which is why so many Polish women go outside their own ethnicity. But the book could have helped you. You decided to be a jerk instead.

  20. No, you said Polish men were gentically Beta. The case was closed by you, and I just agreed to shut you up. My father managed to conceive me….all my uncles managed to marry, and father children. Polish is an ethnic group now. I sense a eugenics discussion starting……when will the Jews be thrown in (since you are a Roosh worshiper)

  21. The real problem is Anon, you take “silence” as agreement. You assumed since no “real man” on Dalrock ever challenged you….they were agreeing with you. What the real story is, the men over there were just all talk and no action. Mostly cowards. I challenged you, and then you use the same “game” tactics on me like you do women. What is called “negging”? Most game worshipers use this tactic on their fellow men, with women they do anything she wants. Seen it in action as a bartender in San Francisco.

    Another thing, the second a post that trashes or “makes fun” of game…out you appear. Amway Salesmen did the same thing years ago.

  22. But Game works. Otherwise, it would not be possible for Nigerians with bad English to scam six-and-seven digit sums of money from Western women.

    Are those scams conducted on a face-to-face basis? In general it seems like the scammers get the goods by pretending to be more attractive than they actually are over the internet/phone (which doesn’t work in meatspace).

    Also, aren’t their victims elderly women? At best this means game works on grandmas — not the young hot babes most guys want.

    I’d like to see a Nigerian scammer try to swindle an OnlyFans thot out of some cash. If game is real, *any* man should be able to learn how to do that.

    “Just be Nigerian bro! Chicks’ll dig ya!”

  23. “My father managed to conceive me..all my uncles managed to marry”

    Yes. Some countries even have arranged marriages.

    But by your logic, ALL of them, your father and all your uncles, were very good looking. So why aren’t you (as per your own account)?

    Hey, I am just holding you to your own logic.

  24. Also, aren.t their victims elderly women? At best this means game works on grandmas . not the young hot babes most guys want.

    Yeah… ‘game’ works on everyone. You use it every day, and so does Jason. He had many years at a white-collar job at IBM, so he is better at ‘game’ than I am; he just doesn’t use it on chicks.

    One will note that anon has not well-defined ‘game’ to any extent. When he uses the word, I think I know what he means, but it’s still a floating signifier.

    I define ‘game’ as social fluency. That’s incredibly broad, but that’s what it is. There are aspects of ‘game’ that I think I’ve mastered at least as well as “Dr. Nerdlove,” in that I seem to get my needs met with any number of women. Even so, what I rely on isn’t any secret, occult knowledge, that you need to pay me 500 leaves for (plus 150 per phone call, &c.) Most of the tips I know are on this blog.

    One of the best ‘game’ books I’ve run across is not authored by Roosh, Heartiste or Dalrock. It’s How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Sigmund Freud’s Introduction to Psychoanalysis is also useful. Another great book is Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. A fella can get all three of these books on Amazon for twenty bucks, and no high-priced “guru” who calls himself “Doctor” is required to interpret the content for you.

    Anon and Jason seem to agree on the important things, namely that you don’t need to give anyone a bunch of money to teach you how to navigate social situations. You should also ignore the morons who throw in greek letters to denigrate men (Vox Day is the most perfect example). People in my profession do that too, and we do it for the same reasons: to put on airs so that we can seem scholarly.

    Carnegie and Hill wrote their works before the advent of mass media and the internet. If you want to know how to get lots of low-effort sex on the dating sites, you can read my field guide (linked above). Even so, I’m not really telling anyone anything new. I just slightly modified the work of the masters to adapt to the new epoch.

    I.d like to see a Nigerian scammer try to swindle an OnlyFans thot out of some cash. If game is real, *any* man should be able to learn how to do that.

    Anyone can be bought. One needs only find the right coin. Every skank-ho has psychological hangups and unfulfilled wishes. If you are the unscrupulous type and you want to try to con one of these dolts, feel free to write about it. I’ll be proud to publish it here.


  25. “I define .game. as social fluency. ”

    I agree. I would refine it specifically as geared towards romantic success with women. This is because a guy could be very good at sales or be a charismatic politician, but still blue-pill with women.

    Aspects like reading non-verbal signals that women throw out, passing ‘tests’, and being able to judge how quickly to escalate, or whether a venue change is needed for escalation, are specific to men seducing women.

  26. Disagree. Social fluency is a very subjective thing.

    Anon as always agrees woth his host and then proceeds to say and act very differently.

    If game exists. And the term game itself implies there are rules. When rules change on a dime by the people with the chips and many of these rules indeed are heavily made / setup by women for men to follow to have “romantic success” with them. Thats not game. That’s complex psychology combined with sociology. So how do you win “game”? Sex with a woman? She must be deemed a nine or ten?

    Who defines that subjective scale?

    In a game there are winner’s and losers. Who is the loser? When a man beds a woman? Men like myself? Men like this David DeAngelo or DrNerdlove? They say many or most of the same things as Anon says…..but they are not representative of game. Accordong to him.

    People wont play a game. Any game if there is a very very very good chance they cannot win or ever win when rules are never clearly defined and winning never really happens.

    Hence us supposed “game denyers”.

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