On The Christians and Their Hatred for Families

Some of the first articles here detail the crimes of the feminist front organization known as Catholic Answers, a so-called religious blog which encourages divorce and abortion. Years later, we explored the sad case of Naftali H. Weisberger, who had his children kidnapped by a deranged lesbo and her child-molesting “partner,” all with the blessing and support of his rabbis. As if to prove that nothing ever changes, we are treated today to the story of Whitewater Community Church, written by our friend Sharkly.

Because of the sensitive nature of the material contained in Sharkly’s exposé, and because his divorce trial is ongoing, I’m not going to summarize anything here. I’d encourage anyone who doesn’t yet know his story to hear it straight from him. His tale is told at:


Of course, I thought it would be helpful to allow the good Cruxtoids at Whitewater Community Church to comment, so I sent them a message, with my email address and phone number attached.

I’d encourage all my readers not to rush to judgment, and to visit Whitewater Community Church web page themselves. A man can get acquainted with the priests in charge of this organization here:

Whitewater Community Church: Meet Our Elders

And of course, our friend Sharkly’s blog is located here:

Laughing at Feminism

This is not, and will never be, a religious blog. We support all our brothers, including those Christians and Jews, as they encourage a return to traditional ethical standards, guided by the ancient wisdom found in the theological texts that our ancestors have handed down to help us self-organize today.

9 thoughts on “On The Christians and Their Hatred for Families

  1. Whitewater Community “Church” is soon going to find itself in a very unwelcome spotlight. No doubt they’ll kick, scream, and do everything possible to attempt to shut the light off and shut down the discussion of their egregious transgressions.

    It’s absolutely laughable how these faux “churches” CLAIM that they are “salt and light unto the world,” and yet 1) most of them do NADA to reach out to even the people in the neighborhoods surrounding their temples of heresy, and 2) they scream like stuck pigs the first time anyone does pay any attention to them, which, through entirely their own fault, is nearly ALWAYS for negative reasons.

    May what is about to befall WCC be a painful lesson for the tens of thousands of other faux churches infesting North America.

  2. Dear Feeriker:

    I always try to be careful on this topic, because I don’t want individual religious guys to think I’m disrespectful of their thing. Please see inside text…

    Whitewater Community .Church. is soon going to find itself in a very unwelcome spotlight. No doubt they.ll kick, scream, and do everything possible to attempt to shut the light off and shut down the discussion of their egregious transgressions.

    I’ve read Sharkly’s blog intermittently today. The motivations behind all the weird insecurities and angst we enjoy about the author is revealed there. It probably took a lot for him to write it all out. I suspect he’s hoping to get some leverage in his ongoing divorce trial, and while I don’t know if it will work, I doubt it will hurt him any. I’m old enough to remember The Spearhead, which had the same effect.

    May what is about to befall WCC be a painful lesson for the tens of thousands of other faux churches infesting North America.

    These churches are a function of broader society; and, their strange behavior is just a symptom of deeper structural problems. I don’t know what the solution is, outside of the demolition of industrial society.

  3. Related :

    Check out how much the aggregate money lost to Nigerian Romance Scams is rising :


    The scammers are evil, but the women possessed money that was ill-gotten cash and prizes anyway. I only feel bad for widows, which I doubt are a significant percentage of the scammed.

    This is a reversion to market forces, plain and simple. A married couple just cannot be scammed this way. But a middle-aged woman who suddenly has control over $500K in assets seized through divorce?

  4. Thanks for bringing a spot light to this Boxer.

    Your contempt* for the “church” reminds me of Titus 2. We are instructed to act in certain ways, with part of the rationale being to avoid bringing disrespect onto God and his commands. Examples from Titus 2
    – verse 5: “that the word of God may not be reviled”
    – verse 8: “so that an opponent may be put to shame, having nothing evil to say about us”
    – verse 10: “so that in everything they may adorn the doctrine of God our Savior”

    Or Romans 2:23-24: You who boast in the law dishonor God by breaking the law. For, as it is written, .The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you..

    *I am not criticizing the contempt Boxer has for the “church”, as he sees it in our culture. We have earned his contempt, and I accept he is justified in his attitudes. The shame belongs on my side, not his.
    Actually, Boxer has provided a very rational and dispassionate post. Such as his exhortation to hear both sides before making a judgement.

    I feel a desire to start preaching, such as against those who wish to exclusively make all their money from being religious professionals, rather than following the teaching and example in 2 Thessalonians 3:10. But, as Boxer wrote, this is not a religious blog, so I’ll stop here in the hope of not aggravating our gracious host.

  5. Excellent write-up, Boxer. I greatly appreciate your assistance.
    I suspect he.s hoping to get some leverage in his ongoing divorce trial …
    No, I hadn’t planned on that, and I figure it will likely hurt me with the cunt-court, who are Feminist enforcers and reflexively against men and the truth. I was actually hoping it might do some good, for the church and for my wife to be able to have my side brought into the open for once, instead of my side always being muzzled, as my wife needlessly slanders me with her lies. I guess I’m just a hopeful idealist, giving everybody another chance to repent and do the right thing, while ratcheting up the public pressure on them to do the right thing. Also the site may serve as a warning to others of what they have done to my family, and a testimony against those false teachers. Anyhow, I appreciate your help and participation in this mission to hold these weasels accountable for what they do in secret.

  6. No, I hadn.t planned on that, and I figure it will likely hurt me with the cunt-court, who are Feminist enforcers and reflexively against men and the truth.

    It’s not likely to help you a lot, but it might help you some, and I am sure it won’t hurt. They hate exposure. A couple of things to remember:

    Publishing things that you don’t believe to be true is legally problematic everywhere. Everything I publish here is stuff I believe to be true. Of course, if more evidence comes to light, I apologize and retract, but I don’t libel anyone.

    Be a journalist, not a bitter husband with an axe to grind. That’s the best way to do things.

    Also, send your attorney a link to your site and let him or her know you have it. It’s better that your solicitor knows about it, before it comes out in trial.

  7. I don’t just believe what I’m saying to be true, I know it to be true. There is more that enough crazy crap, that I certainly don’t need to make up any stuff. I assume that some may want to contest my statements in court, so I am telling nothing but the truth, so that I can’t be found to be making stuff up. And the most damning stuff is still to come. Everybody should “follow” the site, so they will get notifications when it posts. I had an email exchange with my wife tonight, and reading between the lines, we seem to be having some of the desired effect on them.

  8. I just noticed that the Cunt-Worshippers at Whitewater Community Church have turned public comments on for the three most recent videos at their YouTube channel where these Feminists do their public outscreech. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCA92zW6tyCIbXk5BvicfnTA/videos
    If any of you are adept at leaving appropriate comments you can take to task these homewrecking servants of Satan. I’d certainly encourage you to do so, on my boys’ behalf. You can “troll” them for a great and Godly cause. A few of their congregants apparently go there based upon the “views”, while their church is shut down, but conspicuously not nearly as many as show up to be seen when that cunt-club is open and socially operational.

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