People’s Commissar of Hottness

Kim Yo Jong, eternal mayor of Youryang

A bit of pr0n from North Korea for my yellow-feverish brothers. Unnamed sources are rumor-mongering that Dear Leader of DPRK has rode his donkey to that worker’s paradise in the sky, and his hot sister is the new chairwimminz of the local communist party.

Will she incinerate our degenerate west coast cities like Portland and San Francisco (as many hope), or is she just another wimminz, who will destroy yet another country?

3 thoughts on “People’s Commissar of Hottness

  1. Will she incinerate our degenerate west coast cities like Portland and San Francisco (as many hope), or is she just another wimminz, who will destroy yet another country?

    I hope so
    very much hope so ..
    yes ..
    without a doubt.

    Co-Men-Cis meltdown in tee minus 10 .. 9 .. 8 .. 7 ..

  2. Co-Men-Cis meltdown in tee minus 10 .. 9 .. 8 .. 7 ..

    If she is installed, best case scenario for everybody is NK becoming a Russian or Chinese vassal state. Worst case is famine after brief but terrible war with Japan.

  3. A wamminz in charge of the world’s most isolated nuclear power. This ain’t gonna end well for anybody, on any level.

    Should she take (or be handed) power, the most likely outcome is the collapse of the PDRNK. probably accompanied by purges, civil war, and another famine. Even in the midst of all that, I have a hard time imaging that even an emtion-driven wamminz would be truly stupid enough to pull the nuclear trigger (not that the military would probably let her do it anyway), knowing that it would certainly result in the immediate obliteration of both her and her country.

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