It’s Not a Revolution, Playa

The new season of House is lit AF

A week ago, I wrote a brief rebuttal to Andrew Anglin’s multiple Daily Stormer articles, which repeatedly push the narrative that Covid-19 is “the flu,” and is no big deal. It’s now time to cover the inverse of that theory.

Like some of you, I’ve been enjoying Roosh’s long-winded videocasts. This week’s rap session, entitled Roosh Hour 42: Coronavirus is Revolution is a whopping five hours long. I didn’t listen to it in one setting, but I did get through the whole thing. I think I understand Roosh’s thesis, and I think it’s interesting enough to talk about.

Roosh has concluded that the outbreak of this new virus was likely a planned event. He posits that it was released by “globalists” in order to “transition us into a new level of globalism,” in which persecution of Christians and widespread poverty becomes the norm. He admits that he has no evidence for this, and describes coming to this conclusion after being shown a vision by his god, in dreams, after fasting and prayer.

A lot of the details Roosh cites to back up his theory are compelling. For example:

  1. Billionaires and transnational corporations are profiting, while the rest of us are thrown out of work.
  2. Christian priests and their congregants are facing punishment for holding services.
  3. Prisoners are being released early from lockup, and are committing new crimes.

All of these premises are (at least mostly) true.

Aside from the fact that I find it funny how many CONservative Christians are suddenly coming to agree with me about income inequality, it’s worth pointing out that one should never ascribe to malice what is easier explained by stupidity.

What Roosh calls “globalism” is better known to Marxists as transnational capital. One of its faults is a tendency toward inertia. Basically, capital doesn’t have any motivation to change until profits start falling. Profits didn’t start falling in the globalist west until the virus had already taken hold.

The idea that there is a cabal of international capitalists who are orchestrating everything behind the scenes is a nice ego boost for billionaires, but is otherwise laughable. None of these supposed geniuses has any idea how to respond to the historical events as they’re now unfolding.

There’s China’s new aircraft carrier, burning in the docks. Here’s America’s:

The globalists are not becoming more powerful due to the virus. In fact, they’re seeing their hold evaporate across the world. Billionaires are seeing their profits increase in the short term, while tens of thousands of Americans lose faith in Amazon, CBS, and UPS.

I don’t want to come across as too harsh toward Roosh. I think extended solitude and loneliness can lead men into a feeling of helplessness that we ought to resist. These conspiracy theories betray an unwarranted faith in the bureaucracy. The system has no idea how to handle this state of affairs, and it has become a circus in its proper historical context. The “just in time” inventory in supermarkets is breaking down now, and the employees of globohomo are getting visibly sick of working for peanuts at the expense of their own health and safety. The globalists will continue to make mistakes due to their own hubris, and the end result will be more of what we’re starting to see now: food shortages, widespread street crime, and perhaps a general strike. There is no way this can benefit the people Roosh sees as conspirators.

Before I conclude, I’ll sympathize with one bit of Roosh’s general complaint. He talks about missing prayer in a group. “I can’t listen to the choir at home, and I can’t smell incense…” The obvious answer to this is to start a home church. The home church movement in China is going strong, despite decades of the best attempts of the authorities there to clamp down on it. Home churches are antifragile, obeying all of Che Guevara’s maxims in Guerrilla Warfare. Home churches will get a Christian man out of the sort of blackpill mindset, by putting him in contact with sympathetic neighbors and friends. It’s an idea which is overdue, in a society where dyke priests rule mainstream churches, and preside over fag marriages. Start a home church today!

53 thoughts on “It’s Not a Revolution, Playa

  1. “corporate feudalism” my man. Roosh is a quack btw……always was. I am glad he has found some of peace and a coming to terms with himself through his rebirth in Orthodoxy. Perhaps one of those painted “icons” spoke to him. Do he get elder authority to speak this vision? Did he burn incense and recite a liturgical text in a chant to get this meaning of his vision? Speaking of which…….Jesus prayed….never did he light incense and have a text to recite on certain days and feasts, and veneration of certain saints on certain days and years…………..

    Aside from that good for him. So, God released this virus then upon the masses…….to……let me guess “teach humanity a lesson”?

    Doubtful. Man created this, or unleashed it upon the world. god had nothing to do with this. So anyone who dies “just didn’t believe or pray hard enough…and wasn’t a good enough christian?”

    Poor sap. From his usual actions….he’ll blame the jews anyday now….

    Ah yes…”corporate feudalism” Boxer……..since 1974 we have been drifting towards this and now its really becoming a reality. No, I am not immune……..soon enough I will be “expendable” and probably laid off. Sure, short term gain even for my company is great but the longer term….empty office buildings are burdens, not money makers. Sell it, close it, or abandon it. Poof. All better for them. Write off on taxes…a “right sizing” or “restructuring” of the business model….the usual “stay competetative” and “new-new economic reality of business”

    Same old thing……….

    Doing well here. ASide from soul dancing…….I really didn’t have too much of a social life. Most of this lockdown is “just another day”

    I’ll let the christians, the trump supporters, the carzies and loons fight this out the streets as everything falls apart….albeit slowly….but it will fall apart. No, I am not some awesome prepper or survivalist…..but at least I know how things fall apart. Rooosh, the sphere, the people with a lower IQ than my already low one can fight it all out

  2. It.s an idea which is overdue, in a society where dyke priests rule mainstream churches, and preside over fag marriages. Start a home church today!

    It is interesting to see an atheist advise this. And you are completely correct.

  3. Anyway…to sum up my Mod sensibilities here……..Little Milton performing “We’re Gonna Make It” from early 1966 on the short lived local Chicago show “The Beat” (a precursor to Soul Train in the 1970’s). Little Milton is sure tellin’ it like it is, and he’s ready to break into a sermon at the end….but total Mod (suit cut and style gives it away). We’re gonna make it men

  4. “Roosh has concluded that the outbreak of this new virus was likely a planned event. He posits that it was released by .globalists. in order to .transition us into a new level of globalism,. in which persecution of Christians and widespread poverty becomes the norm. He admits that he has no evidence for this, and describes coming to this conclusion after being shown a vision by his god, in dreams, after fasting and prayer.”

    In the most recent post in my series, I predicted that disease and epidemic were coming and would play a key role in the collapse of society as we knew it. As you know, the one of the theses of my series was that this has been planned. It was just a matter of time. If an idiot like me could see it coming, surely the people with power could see it coming. Is that so hard to believe that they have been preparing for this opportunity, whether or not they set it off intentionally?

    It’s funny that Roosh says he has no evidence, when the evidence is right in front of everyone. It is plain and simple and can be seen with anyone who bothers to look. Here is a selected quote from the article that I linked to elsewhere.

    “It turns-out (perhaps surprisingly) that despite decades of being lied-to by politicians, lied-to by the mass media, lied-to by all the major bureaucracies – the mass of people remain convinced of the basic good intent and honesty of politicians, the media and bureaucracies – so that lies are explained-away as errors, and evil intent is explained-away as incompetence.”


    “Apparently, nothing can change this assumption of Establishment Goodness – not even a global totalitarian takeover and the police-state lockdown of billions of people.”

    Millions of Christians watched as the leadership of their churches declared themselves to be non-essential. Since then, I’ve read a number of articles from Christian leaders defending the church closures. It’s not like it is a secret, yet the sheep are deceived en masse.

    Roosh is correct, but perhaps not the way you or he have presented it.

    …The idea that there is a cabal of international capitalists who are orchestrating everything behind the scenes [..] is otherwise laughable…”

    Yes, this is laughable if you reject spiritual influence, which you obviously do. The coordination of power brokers is not merely mundane, it is spiritual. Furthermore, it is ironic that you are looking for a cabal of individuals when the nearly universal bureaucratic system has been coordinating this for decades out in the light for all to see. Most people just don’t want to accept reality.

    “The globalists are not becoming more powerful due to the virus. [..] There is no way this can benefit the people Roosh sees as conspirators.”

    No, they are not, but this isn’t the counterargument you think it is. Consider this:

    “The paradox of evil is that it depends on virtue to be effective [..] as evil succeeds and progresses, these are undermined by more evil competitors who seek shorter-term tactical and more selfish goals. [..] It is a moral version of Gresham’s Law – that in a world of evil motivations, the worse drives-out the better; until all value is destroyed. “

    The more successful evil is, the less powerful it becomes. That’s what we are seeing here. Evil, being evil, cannot be good. It can and must use good temporarily, but the end result is always evil. Of course ‘conspirators’ end up harming themselves!

    “These conspiracy theories betray an unwarranted faith in the bureaucracy. “


  5. “It is interesting to see an atheist advise this. And you are completely correct.”

    I’m glad that Boxer and I agree on something too. Sometimes these internet discussions make it seem like no one agrees on anything. One of these days I’ll finish the last article in my series.tentatively entitled “Going Our Own Way”, which coheres quite nicely with Boxer’s advice.

  6. Is that so hard to believe that they have been preparing for this opportunity, whether or not they set it off intentionally?

    It’s impossible to believe.

    Supposing it’s as you say… Whoever had the job of preparation needs to be fired. That person couldn’t keep the establishment’s favorite pets in government healthy. Aside from Rand Paul, in the heading photo, there’s…

    That Boris Asshole

    Ben McAdams, a Mormon / Hillary Clinton type democrat from Utah

    Prince Charles

    Several of the decadent layabouts in the House of Saud.

    The conspirators’ media mouthpiece (That Fredo Guy who called Bernie Sanders a Nazi) has also been crippled. The conspirators military and police apparatus is also in serious danger. Something like half of the NYC police department has been disabled by Corona Chan.

    If you want to go full kook, you have to explain who benefits from this state-of-affairs.

    In any other timeline, I’d have speculated that maybe the poorest black and white Americans got together and cooked up the virus in the ghetto, in an effort to force a single-payer health system into place. Apparently the establishment saw that possibility, and they nominated Joe Biden to block their play. With that, I can’t see anyone, anywhere, who is going to make out better than they would have.

  7. “Is that so hard to believe that they have been preparing for this opportunity, whether or not they set it off intentionally?”

    All that they did, is what they were doing before. I’d previously covered their ending cash bail in favor of catch-and-release until the last moment of sentencing. Then when C-virus hit, they released inmates “just in case the prisons get infected”. Very consistent.

    You don’t need foreknowledge to cash in on a crisis. My tinfoil-hat fantasy is that they were sitting around a table wondering how to crash the economy in order to make Trump look bad for the November election, and then Chinavirus appeared on the radar. It perfectly explains why our rulers dismissed the disease at first, just like they did swine flu and West Nile and the rest… sensibly so… and then they suddenly realized how closely a medical quarantine resembles martial law.

  8. Millions of Christians watched as the leadership of their churches declared themselves to be non-essential. Since then, read a number of articles from Christian leaders defending the church closures. It.s not like it is a secret, yet the sheep are deceived en masse.

    I’ve said it several times elsewhere around the blogosphere in recent weeks, but I don’t think I can repeat it often enough: this is the silver lining to an otherwise dark and ugly cloud, in that we are seeing the slow death of churchianity take place right before our very eyes.

    These “churches” that have shut their doors on command from Caesar with nary a whimper, a peep of protest, or pretense of resistance have just admitted the truth, although they’re too stupid to realize it or foresee the devastating consequences it will have for them: they ARE ABSOLUTELY “NON-ESSENTIAL.”

    They have declared before the World that Caesar, not Jesus, is Lord (something that anyone who has paid any attention has long known); that FEAR OF MAN is their motivating force, not faith in the Lord; and that self-preservation, not self-sacrifice for the Kingdom is their priority.

    It’s not just Christians who see this for what it is and are calling it out. The unbelieving world sees it, too, and is amping up the mockery and
    (well justified) disdain for these cowardly frauds.

    We’re seeing the beginning of the separation of the wheat from the tares. The quantity of wheat will be minuscule, but that much more precious and powerful. The “church” as it has postured itself for most of the last century won’t be missed, except by those seeking emotional validation from fake spirituality.

  9. Boxer says…

    “Supposing it.s as you say. Whoever had the job of preparation needs to be fired.”

    …missing the point. Gunner Q replies…

    “All that they did, is what they were doing before. “

    …echoing my previous comment: “… the nearly universal bureaucratic system has been coordinating this for decades out in the light for all to see.” Why do you reject this? You look for specific people and events and discrete and quantifiable costs and benefits. This misses the forest for the trees. The bureaucratic I call it.has corrupted every major institution. It is evil (more on that below), however putting that aside, even from the mundane perspective this is the culmination of an ideological dream. As Charlton notes:

    “It turns out that a global totalitarian, anti-religious, anti-human, anti-individual regime can be imposed – but nobody will notice when it is explained as being necessary for health. [..] The communist, fascist, national socialist totalitarian societies of the twentieth century have simply been redescribed in terms of medical and therapeutic necessity”

    This is astonishing. Instead of alarm bells in everyone everywhere, we see docile acceptance. What is your explanation?

    “If you want to go full kook, you have to explain who benefits from this state-of-affairs. “

    You seem to have rejected ‘the paradox of evil’, which answers the question. It is the power brokers. It is surprising that you don’t see this. The world is rapidly transformed into a totalitarian police state and you don’t see that as an end in itself? The people who benefit are the ones calling the shots. But, you say, they are not actually benefiting. Of course not!

    <blockquote"…the Gollum-like glee of the Global Establishment in contemplating this situation of mere possession of power, can see no further than more of the same."

    And that is it. It’s not more complicated than that. It’s not kooky either, it’s trivially simple. Evil is, and always has been, self-defeating. It just takes time to destroy virtue. You don’t believe in evil in the way the spiritual folk do. Gunner Q, for example, is deeply spiritual and sees the truth quite obviously, as do a host of other people. It’s not hard to see, but…

    “…to put it bluntly, the only people who see-through the deception are those who have a metaphysical assumption of the primacy of the spiritual in Life. [..] spiritual people recognise the birdemic fake – whereas those who are actually materialist cannot recognise what is really going-on; and they fail utterly to recognise what is going-on even when exposed to vast and powerful evidence of it

    I’ve tried, unsuccessfully, to find an alternative explanation for why you seek evidence for and reject that which is obvious.

    “What is really going-on is as obvious as anything can be – from the fact of (pretty much) the whole world being under house arrest (including you and me) without end-point – suspension of elections – working only as directed labour in approved activities – control of what you can buy – indefinite forbidding of all real-life church activities – prohibition of all real-life social and extended family life – prohibition of all performing arts – prohibition of travel – multiplication of coercive rules and laws – pervasive police impositions etc., etc., etc… “

    If it is correct that it requires a real spiritual sensitivity and a rejection of materialism, then there is no argument that I can make to convince you. You can view me as a kook all you wish, it is, sadly, to be expected. I will attempt to argue on terms you will accept, but I don’t expect success. And so…

    This isn’t really about the disease and it never was. The disease is the excuse, the distraction, the catalyst. Very little is known about the disease. Where did it come from? What is the mutation rate? What is the incidence rate? What is the mortality rate? Is it possible to make an effective vaccine? How long does immunity last and when can people get reinfected? Is there a way to dramatically reduce the incidence of the disease in the population (e.g. testing and tracing)? What will permanently change people’s lives the most, will it be the disease or the lockdown?

    When leaders decided to flatten the curve, they didn’t really explain to the population that the area under the curve remains more-or-less unchanged. Have you asked yourself why restrictions have not been lifted in areas where health care system capacity is far from being reached? You should.

  10. Let’s follow the rough timeline from infection to leaving the hospital. From the day of infection, a person can take up to two weeks to show symptoms, but let’s say it is five days average. Then there is a fever and a cough. Just short of two weeks later, patients experience shortness of breath. By day 16 they’ll be admitted to the ICU, where they will spend about a week before death or recovery. At this point they become statistics and to be reported a couple days later. So, from the time of infection to the time of reporting will take 2 to 4 weeks. Let’s say it is three weeks.

    Now, find a state that issued a stay-at-home order. View the graph of cumulative deaths by day. Was the exponential growth impacted by the order?

    Let us consider Colorado. Colorado closed eateries on March 1, closed schooling and crowds of 10+ people on March 18, and issued a full stay-at-home order on March 26. Adding three weeks to those would be March 22, April 8, and April 16. Looking at the graph, the critical point was April 3. Since that point, the deaths have tapered off. If you look at the graph of reported cases by day, that was also the leveling point.

    In short, the rate of growth in the number of deaths and total incidence had already started to decline before the closures and lockdown could have affected the rates. Indeed, it’s hard to see how the lockdown (specifically) had any effect at all.

    Consider the graph in this article, which said the following on March 3:

    “While it is impossible to say exactly when COVID-19’s spread will peak, it is fair to believe that it will follow a similar pattern as other respiratory viruses, including seasonal coronaviruses and flu viruses. Seasonal coronavirus (of which there are four spreading in the United States right now) have a very distinct pattern; we usually see an active spread from November to April or May, followed by very low activity from June to November. The chart below illustrates. The seasonal flu follows a similar pattern. We therefore think it is reasonable to assume that the spread of COVID-19 will start to decrease in April or May. This should prompt a return to any normal societal activities that were curtailed by the virus.”

    The data I cited supports this view. So why, exactly, did Germany just shut down until at least the end of August? Now, sure, I could be wrong and we could have tens of millions of new cases in July, but so far the data doesn’t suggest this.

  11. Derek, a funny guy. This is going to be brief, because despite pages and pages of text, you really haven.t challenged any of my premises.

    You seem to have rejected .the paradox of evil., which answers the question. It is the power brokers. It is surprising that you don.t see this. The world is rapidly transformed into a totalitarian police state and you don.t see that as an end in itself? The people who benefit are the ones calling the shots. But, you say, they are not actually benefiting. Of course not!

    So, it.s a conspiracy, effected not by anyone we can point fingers at, but by .evil.?

    What does that even mean? Was it evil space aliens? Was it a clan of sasquatch?

    Your god did this? I doubt it, but even if he did, it doesn.t back up Roosh.s point. In fact, it backs up mine.

    And that is it. It.s not more complicated than that. It.s not kooky either, it.s trivially simple. Evil is, and always has been, self-defeating. It just takes time to destroy virtue. You don.t believe in evil in the way the spiritual folk do. Gunner Q, for example, is deeply spiritual and sees the truth quite obviously, as do a host of other people. It.s not hard to see, but.

    1. I like Gunner Q, but anyone who has read him will agree that he is a superstitious character who puts stock in nonsense like phrenology (lol). I.m not going to buy any conspiracy theories just because he attests to them.
    2. Virtue isn.t being destroyed. You agreed with this yourself, just a few days ago. What happened to faggot and tranny storytime at the library? What happened to the divorce courts? Where are all the dance halls? Where are all the strip bars? How come all these families are out in daylight, walking hand in hand, with kids in tow?

    So why, exactly, did Germany just shut down until at least the end of August? Now, sure, I could be wrong and we could have tens of millions of new cases in July, but so far the data doesn.t suggest this.

    Probably because Germans have a historical hangup about “useless eaters” and are thus sentimental.

    It.s really hard to believe that so desperate to start up the wage-slaving and whoring machine that was the priority of our decadent society, until just a few weeks ago.

    Not to worry, my brother. America has the money to buy herself back into gay pride parades and skyrocketing divorce statistics. America is also not Germany, and she doesn’t give a shit about sacrificing your grandmother for stock prices. Give her a few weeks, and the world you love will be right back where you want it.

  12. “despite pages and pages of text, you really haven.t challenged any of my premises.”

    I have sufficiently challenged your premises (as far as I understand them), but not in a way you will accept[1]. It is like making a valid argument knowing that your opponent will reject your initial premises. It is unsound from the beginning, yet you do it anyway. Almost all of your premises are themselves based on false assumptions. I can’t challenge them directly because they are false. I have attempted to address your assumptions.your worldview.

    [1] You also don’t read my links, which are part of the rebuttal of your premises, so there is that.

    “So, it.s a conspiracy, effected not by anyone we can point fingers at, but by .evil.? “

    I’ve already addressed this twice. Here is a third time: .. the nearly universal bureaucratic system has been coordinating this for decades out in the light for all to see.. What about this is unclear? To wit:

    “…materialism continued to grow, with less and less opposition – into the modern form of anti-Christian, spirit-excluding, leftist bureaucracy. This consists of many national and specialised social systems (government, law, churches, education, science, health services, police, military etc) which are all linked into a single hierarchical and cross-linked System.”

    It isn’t a conspiracy, something secretly directed by a cabal. This is much larger and more general, comprehensive, and visible. You look at the wrong source and therefore draw the wrong conclusion.

    “What does that even mean?”

    You can’t see the mundane for what it really is, and now you are asking me to tell you what evil is? Well, you know what evil is and you know where it comes from. Do you need me to preach what you already know?

    “Virtue isn.t being destroyed. You agreed with this yourself, just a few days ago. [..] It.s really hard to believe that so desperate to start up the wage-slaving and whoring machine that was the priority of our decadent society, until just a few weeks ago.”

    I did agree with that and I still do. Had you read the linked article, part of the argument above on the paradox of evil, you would have realized that I already addressed this point:

    “the Global Establishment, who see no further than gratifying their own thrill at more-and-more lock-down and social-distancing for longer-and-longer; that will destroy the technological infrastructure along with ‘the economy’ and all other large-scale organised activity; and thereby save the world from something that is spiritually much worse.”

    The viral disease is real while the lockdown appears to be a scam. The data suggests that this coronavirus is going to follow a similar path to most other respiratory diseases. In other words, we are going to be fine heath-wise. Meanwhile, the system.including the inadvertently trying to destroy itself.

    I have two chief concerns: (1) the collateral damage and (2) whether this leads to spiritual renewal.

    Of the collateral damage, many poor are suffering and so are small businesses. The wealthy will be fine. Large multi-national corporations will be fine. Society might be benefiting as bureaucratic evil is temporarily shut down, but will the negative effects linger? Will the positive effects be lasting? I don’t know.

    Of spiritual renewal, it’s not at all clear that this event is going to wake people up. Perhaps this is just the first step in destroying the church and another catalyst in the future will be required to renew it. For what its worth, Christianity probably can’t be renewed until the population experiences great suffering.

  13. My take…..

    This is serious. It’s not some conspiracy to “put the world under or test a authoritarian regime” to be unleashed at a future date. Some of this is a reaction because we don’t know how serious it could be or what other complications may / could arise. Perhaps there is a bit overt caution that has gone too far……….with that said, if its “just a chest cold, no big deal” why is every doctor, nurse on TV in the hospitals (even here in Fresno) in some sort of draconian clean-room garb and protection gear? When I saw this on the Internet in late December and early January in China I said to myself “self, get some masks, stock up a bit more on supplies and look out!” Over 50 flights a day from China landing in California….no worries from the CDC or our government……..yet in China. Blocking roads, ripping out culverts to prevent escape from Wuhan…..welding people in the apartments…..a massive lockdown ordered. People being beaten in the streets for being outside……

    No, no….just the flu……….a chest cold….nothing to worry about right???????????????


    This is killing people. On the news its made like a roll from a video game “500 died today in NYC hospitals from Covad-19” Each onr of those deaths is a real person. A person who had a family, siblings, friends, hobbies…….a LIFE

    It doesn’t matter if it was from bat soup, a scenario like “The Stand” or god’s wrath…….it’s here. It’s not going away, and even with a vaccine…….we are going to have future outbreaks of this….or areas, regions where travel will be restricted. Life is never going to return to pre-December 2019 for a long time…..if ever.

    The economy is going to change. The American church isn’t going to suffer a bit from this. It has not been a force of defining the culture or times since the Victorian era. This isn’t and won’t be an excuse to persecute christians (they are convinced they are persecuted daily here in the USA……………..go to Pakistan……..see what christians THERE endure. That is REAL persecution). Some real man” preacher will blame this on the gays, the jews or our ungodly culture but that same preacher will never admit he’s part of the problem why the pews are empty, or are graying.

    What will bring people back to the faith is if people actually just did what Jesus said instead of doing what “paul said” Jesus didn’t have a bible…..nor did he have an army….nor did he have a collection plate, a building program, a youth program, a youth pastor, a meal program, ushers, nursery, a praise band, a PAID pastor, a church, a big parking lot, a sinners prayer, a women’s ministry………….it goes on.

    Early Christians met in homes. Early Christians could not even do business in many places because they would not offer to the local diety of said cities marketplace………they were prayful. Mindful of their OWN actions before telling everyone how to live and actually BELIEVING what he taught….and they turned the world upside down! They didn’t need tax breaks, janitors, a full staff, an HR or press department.

    WHen christians return to this instead of a sunday fashion show or social club and actually believe it…..people will come back quickly. Wishful thinking

  14. Jason said:

    “No, no..just the flu….a chest cold..nothing to worry about right???????????????”

    More accurately, it is not just the flu, it is something to worry about, and lockdown is ineffective.

  15. Dear Fellas:

    I have sufficiently challenged your premises (as far as I understand them).

    I asked you to define the conspirators, you ignored me, and instead constructed metaphysical bogeymen and grand metanarratives… then ended your diatribe referring to “conspirators” which you never defined in the first place.

    I don’t like these games, and I won’t play them any longer. If you want to back up your own argument, start there.

    More accurately, it is not just the flu, it is something to worry about, and lockdown is ineffective.

    The Swedes followed Derek’s advice. They have ten times the deaths of all their neighbors.

  16. China knew from day one how contagious this was. Hence their draconian lockdowns. It wasn’t a conspiracy to hid it from the West and Japan……….it was because it was indeed highly contagious

  17. “China knew from day one how contagious this was. Hence their draconian lockdowns. It wasn.t a conspiracy to hid it from the West and Japan….it was because it was indeed highly contagious”

    Jason, don’t trust China. China utilizes propaganda to maintain its image. The official narratives cannot be trusted and any deductions you make from them can’t be trusted.

    They recently reopened the wet markets which allegedly caused the outbreak in the first place! Not only have they not reformed the markets, but they kicked off the propaganda machine to extol its benefits (discussed in this video from 6:00 to 11:20). As a cultural part of Chinese life, I love the wet markets. I’ve shopped at them many times. I enjoy photographing them. They are one of my favorite places to go in China, but they are not sanitary. Not only has China not taken disease propagation as seriously as you think, but if you watch that video further you’ll see how China has used propaganda to imply that the virus comes from foreigners (especially blacks) and uses the FUD and lockdown to further force social cohesion.

  18. Derek…I don’t deny what you are saying is true….but initially, their lockdown was severe because they knew that this was pretty serious. In January the clips on the news here in the USA and West (and I watched BBC news in Welsh) “No big deal” and “An outbreak, China has it under control”

    The nature of the lockdown was frightening. 56 million people locked down in that province. They could say all they wanted about how its no big deal, but the high ups in the CCP KNEW it was serious. Deadly serious. Their action spoke way differently.

  19. “Deadly serious. Their action spoke way differently.”

    My point is their actions now (e.g. wet markets; published statistics) speak the opposite. That has long been China’s operating procedure. They say many contradictory things. Why assume that this particular explanation is the correct one? Perhaps because attributing “The nature of the lockdown was frightening” to intentional FUD naturally leads to “conspiracy theory” territory, and that makes people feel bad.

    “56 million people locked down in that province.”

    That’s nothing. China was already equipped to lock down provinces. It already controlled travel to and from provinces. It already controlled travel to and from major cities. It is completely plausible that they would use a disease as cover for additional social controls. It’s not even a conspiracy, as they did it openly with the police-enforced “optional” DNA, fingerprint, iris, and blood type registration of the Uyghurs in 2017.

  20. “…then ended your diatribe referring to .conspirators. which you never defined in the first place.”

    In all, I said “conspirators” once (excluding a quote).

    In my first comment, I concluded with “Of course .conspirators. end up harming themselves!”. Scare quotes refer to the questionable use of conspirators. That’s it. Indeed, I found your comment on conspiracy funny and ironic: “.These conspiracy theories betray an unwarranted faith in the bureaucracy. . LOL!”

    I didn’t mention ‘conspiracy’ or ‘conspirators’ in my second, third, and fourth comments.

    On the fourth, you saw a conspiracy where I didn’t claim one: “So, it.s a conspiracy, effected not by anyone we can point fingers at, but by .evil.?”, so in my fifth comment I replied “It isn.t a conspiracy”.

    “I asked you to define the conspirators, you ignored me, and instead constructed metaphysical bogeymen and grand metanarratives”

    I defined ‘conspiracy’ as ‘something secretly directed by a cabal’.using ‘cabal’ instead of ‘conspirators’. I said “it isn.t a conspiracy” because it isn’t secret. So, for the fourth (!!) time: there are no conspirators, there is no conspiracy, there is only .. the nearly universal bureaucratic system has been coordinating this for decades out in the light for all to see.. What is so difficult to understand?

    Is it because you find systems of government, social services, law, religion, education, science, health, police, military, and so forth to be vaguely and generally incompetent and error-prone with no notable unifying systemic influence, rather than being intently evil? You don’t have to accept the complete meta-narrative (e.g. evil) in order to see how these systems are interconnected, but it helps.

    This is roughly analogous to the concept of “convergence.” It is ironic that you use the term “feminist state”. You know how this convergence works in that context, yet deny it in other contexts. But I’m a kook for suggesting it!

    “The Swedes followed Derek.s advice.”

    My speculative advice (which, critically, assumes the mainstream narrative) is here.

    “They have ten times the deaths of all their neighbors.”

    Per this link:

    “As of Sunday, Sweden had reported 1,540 deaths tied to Covid-19, an increase of 29 from Saturday. That.s considerably more than in the rest of Scandinavia, but much less than in Italy, Spain and the U.K., both in absolute and relative terms.”

    This supports the previous evidence of the noncorrelation between lockdown and total deaths. The shape of the incidence graph of Sweden (such as it is) resembles other locations with lockdowns.

    It would be absurd to say that Sweden’s death rate is higher than its neighbors because it avoided lockdown. Lockdown can’t make a virus biologically less potent. Therefore, we assume Sweden has more total deaths than neighbors due to either a cause unrelated to lockdown (making Sweden a lousy citation) or else they have more total infections and thus more deaths.

    Worldwide leaders agree that the disease will run unchecked without indefinite significant impediments (cancelling events, wearing masks, social distancing, testing/tracing/movement control) and a universal vaccine by 2022. Flattening the curve is not intended to change the area under the curve. Given the assumptions by world leaders, Sweden’s method appears to flatten more optimally. Of course if these assumptions are wrong, then the reasoning and conclusions change. We will probably find out come June.

  21. “It is completely plausible that they would use a disease as cover for additional social controls. It.s not even a conspiracy, as they did it openly with the police-enforced .optional. DNA, fingerprint, iris, and blood type registration of the Uyghurs in 2017.”

    Ouch, this is poorly worded. Correction: It is not a conspiracy to say that China uses cover stories (not disease specifically!) to obfuscate implementation of additional social controls. This applies whether or not the spread of the virus was intentional, accidental, or incidental.

  22. Derek. 56 million people is more than the state of California. Locking 56 million people down IS a big deal. Even a country of China’s size population wise. Even when the world noticed in blurbs on the news and went back to the “orange man bad” nightly narrative.

  23. 56 million people is more than the state of California. Locking 56 million people down IS a big deal. Even a country of China.s size population wise. Even when the world noticed in blurbs on the news and went back to the .orange man bad. nightly narrative.

    Orange man is bad. Senile man is just as bad. It’s a big club, and we ain’t in it. Maybe I’ll vote Libertarian or Green or something.

  24. Boxer……I was in a MGTOW Dischord chat earlier this evening. So…..a year ago they were all “Let the whole world crash….the whole system we live under needs a reset……feminisim will finally be destroyed……men can then be men again…..”

    and tonite…ahhhhhhhhhhhh the tune has changed!!!!

    “the government needs to open up right now. this self isolating is a violation of our basic rights……..I can’t get this, I can’t get that….it’s not fair, I can’t go here or there…….I had plans to vacation in Hawaii, now I can’t go……….there is no threat from this virus….it’s a conspiracy by jews / bankers / agenda 21 / the UN to put us under marial law”

    So there you have it….men are gonna go their own way, want a “new” society and now……..road meet the rubber? Bitch on on Dischord and now wanting things to return to normal…..

    And these men are the “real men” btw. I reminded them of their change of tune….and of course “i’m bitter” and “a simp because I am keeping score, and real men don’t do that”

    I find it hilarious Boxer

  25. Boxer..I was in a MGTOW Dischord chat earlier this evening. So…a year ago they were all .Let the whole world crash..the whole system we live under needs a reset..feminisim will finally be can then be men again….

    and tonite.ahhhhhhhhhhhh the tune has changed!!!!

    Isn’t this nonsense hilarious? I especially love the supposed bible believers, who used to constantly preach about “not of this world,” and are now crying their Christian tears about having to homeschool their own kids. (Funny, I thought you faggots wanted to do that… now that you get to do it with government support it’s a terrible burden…)

    .the government needs to open up right now. this self isolating is a violation of our basic rights….I can.t get this, I can.t get not fair, I can.t go here or there…I had plans to vacation in Hawaii, now I can.t go….there is no threat from this a conspiracy by jews / bankers / agenda 21 / the UN to put us under marial law.

    In many cases, they’re really just whining about not being able to run game on loose wimminz down at the usual haunt.

    I’ve always considered myself something of an introvert, but I’m surprised at how much I’ve enjoyed the past few weeks away from the hassle of skank-ho wimminz.

  26. “Let the whole world crash..the whole system we live under needs a reset…and tonite.ahhhhhhhhhhhh the tune has changed!!!!”

    It was easy for MGTOW types to bluster about, but people with skin in the game (e.g. those with families) can’t just float by in a cabin in the woods while the world crashes. And, it turns out, neither can the tough MGTOW types. Go figure.

    “I find it hilarious Boxer”

    A couple days ago I mentioned that I was most concerned about collateral damage. Then today the price of oil goes to negative $40/barrel. Oil sales are the primary tax revenue of a number of countries (e.g. Russia and Saudi Arabia) and the U.S. is the world’s largest producer of oil. Are we screwed? I don’t know, but it isn’t funny.

    “Isn.t this nonsense hilarious? I especially love the supposed bible believers, who used to constantly preach about .not of this world,. and are now crying their Christian tears about having to homeschool their own kids.”

    I don’t worry about homeschooling, I worry about putting food on the table. In the event of a reset, I don’t own enough land to be self-sufficient. I lack both fuel and cropland. I suppose that it is my fault for moving out of the proverbial homestead. Is now a good time to buy a farm?

    Out of curiosity are you guys eager for the lockdown to end and just mocking those idealists who thought the end of the world would be great, or do you really want the lockdown to last the rest of the year, taking society down with it? I know you find it hilarious, but I can’t quite pinpoint what your motivation is.

  27. During the research for my series, I summarized some of the information I was reading. These are from my notes from December 23:

    “Trust is a correlate of IQ, which is falling. Losing democracy (free speech in decline). But NOT ON THE LEVEL OF STANDARD OF LIVING. Our economic system has a lot of momentum keeping our standard of living high.”

    Depending on when lockdown ends, we may quickly find out if the thesis is true that the momentum behind our standard of living was propping us up and preventing our decline due to the decline in IQ (and trust, and democracy, and freedom of speech, etc.). Strap in.

  28. I especially love the supposed bible believers, who used to constantly preach about .not of this world,. and are now crying their Christian tears about having to homeschool their own kids. (Funny, I thought you faggots wanted to do that. now that you get to do it with government support it.s a terrible burden.)

    True Bible believers are not only not complaining about this, but are reveling in being literally compelled by events to do it.

    Churchian loudmouthed frauds, on the other hand…

  29. Derek most of this lockdown is “just another day” for me. Many nights and weekends I am home. I never needed to go to the gym to have my Ego wrecked further. I do my situps and chinups at home. I soul dance / practice at home… workout.

    When i order pick up from Walmart. I go. I get. I come home. Aside from my vacation to the UK…..which was a super rare exception…..most vacation time for me is camping in a tent…..miles from nowhere….cooking over a fire.

    My barber comes to my apt to cut my hair. I dont have a bunker…..nor am I prepared to live years and years hunkered down. I am probably prepared mentally and supply wise better than the average American…..and MGTOW evidently.

    People need to go back to work. But Derek all these low intellect folks are useless anyway right? Economy??? Who cares….the whole system is evil (sarcasm)

  30. Remember too. This is pretty much the whole world. 8 billion people now going to farm, get some land and some mules???? Lol.

    Christians in these American protests are making the biggest stink about the lockdown….and whackjob NRA types.

    Boxer…not of this world types. Know them well 99% of American believers suddenly now want the world to function again…….

  31. “crying their Christian tears about having to homeschool their own kids. (Funny, I thought you faggots wanted to do that. now that you get to do it with government support it.s a terrible burden.)”

    The reality is a nearly complete lack of government support. Parents are expected to be teachers without the freedom of homeschooling. It is more-or-less an independent study utilizing a government provided digital checklist consisting of worksheets, videos, websites, and quizzes. There is little opportunity to run own curriculum.

    Support from teachers is nearly non-existent. Primary teachers are not running virtual classrooms. They meet for a 45 minute zoom chat once per week to discuss non-educational emotional support (e.g. pets). We asked one of the teachers to give our daughter attention to teach her some core math and ELA concepts that she wasn’t getting. We were told that her work would be checked every two weeks. Our communications were forwarded to the principal of the school so the teacher wouldn’t have to deal with us.

    I’ve heard from parents in other school districts who have had similar problems.

  32. Derek writes:

    I don.t worry about homeschooling, I worry about putting food on the table. In the event of a reset, I don.t own enough land to be self-sufficient.

    Then he contradicts himself by writing:

    The reality is a nearly complete lack of government support. Parents are expected to be teachers without the freedom of homeschooling. It is more-or-less an independent study utilizing a government provided digital checklist consisting of worksheets, videos, websites, and quizzes. There is little opportunity to run own curriculum.

    The district I work for is giving families:

    *Two meals per school day for each student, at no charge, at the family’s convenience (Mom just drives up and the lunch ladies toss sack lunches at her)
    *Weekly emails clearly stating the goals of that weeks lessons
    *That week’s lessons, in pdf form
    *Recorded lectures, in English and Spanish
    *PRN tutoring, one on one or in a group

    I live and work in what is almost certainly the bluest of all blue areas. If someone wants to homeschool here, all they have to do is sign a form and drop the kid out. Once they do that, my district is required to let the drop-out participate voluntarily in any way mom and dad want him or her to, and we can’t grade them or restrict them.

    I doubt we are doing anything special. If your district is falling short, why not run for a seat on the school board?

    People need to go back to work. But Derek all these low intellect folks are useless anyway right? Economy??? Who cares..the whole system is evil (sarcasm)

    I am old enough to remember Americans jeering and scoffing at all the people who lost farms during the Bill Clinton years. White conservatives would mock these people as hillbillies. “That’s just how capitalism works, faggot! It’s survival of the fittest! You just weren’t successful enough to compete, loser! You should have gone and earned a B.S. in basketweaving, and then you’d have a condo! Learn to code!” All while their neighbors were turned out into the streets, their kids became homeless bastards after divorce, and the farms that had been in their families for five and six generations were broken up and gobbled by transnational capital.

    I am glad and grateful to see the children of these same arrogant dentists and lawyers suddenly fearful of their own positions. I wish that the same thing would happen to them, but the mainstream political types won’t let it. We’ll just go into more debt so that they can keep their townhouses.

  33. “If your district is falling short, why not run for a seat on the school board?”

    It is a good question.

    A few years back I served a term on the board of directors for the local library. Compared to the school board, it was a minor position, but I’ve always been inclined to advocate for universal information (e.g. Wikipedia), anti-censorship, and education for all. Running for school board would be a natural extension of that, for sure. Well, that was back when I only had two kids. Though they wanted me to, I declined to renew my term because we were adopting our first child. I simply couldn’t in good conscience sign up for something if I couldn’t fulfill the time commitment. In addition to having five kids now, I am also on call 24/7 for work. While I have some flexibility to set my own hours, I can’t add hours to the day.

    I can only imagine the reaction if I was suddenly on the school board. I may be an unknown in my town of 17,000, but I’m a well-known thorn in the side of the district. A few months ago I got myself subpoenaed in a due process case against the district on behalf of another parent. They must have panicked when they saw my name on that order. The legal filings were… amusing. They tried to argue (unsuccessfully) that my testimony was irrelevant and rapidly settled the case within a couple days. It would have been a real victory (and a bit of schadenfreude) if it wasn’t for the lockdown. But the point is that I have a well-known conflict of interest. Even if state and local law allowed me (which I highly doubt), my own ethics would probably forbid me from doing so. Regardless, I can’t take the risk that it would negatively impact my ability to petition the courts in due process actions that may occur in the next few years.

    “I doubt we are doing anything special.”

    I have multiple kids with IEPs. Four out of five have gone at least as far as having evaluations authorized (with psych testing). While my high-IQ son could succeed in school if his teacher was a frog, my low-IQ kids can barely function in the current environment. I have a family of exceptional children (to both extremes). While school was passably effective prior to the lockdown, it is incapable of dealing with anything but either high-functioning independent children or else cookie-cutter children.

    As adoptive parents of kids with special needs, we have contact with quite a few adoptive families across the country. That gives us a decent picture of how other school districts across the country address special needs. I’ve heard similar stories to what we’ve gone through. Indeed, we often act as mentors to other families going through the same problems.

    No doubt our district is below-average in its response to the lockdown. Due to reasons I legally can’t get into details, our family is going to have to decide whether or not to move out of the district (or state) in about 12-18 months from now. A lot depends on what happens at that point, whether or not things go our way. Moving now is not possible.

  34. I can only imagine the reaction if I was suddenly on the school board. I may be an unknown in my town of 17,000, but I.m a well-known thorn in the side of the district.

    Oh LOLOLOL! Why have you not done this yet? If it’s a question of the filing fees, I’m sure we could take up a collection here.

    More generally, this is what has always been most frustrating about interacting with the manosphere, be it married dudes or playaz. There are endless free hours to bee-yatch about society on the internet, but when it comes time to actually…

    Start a home church?
    Run for local office?
    Volunteer at a charitable organization?

    Nope… too busy!

    I’ve barely been able to get SOME of the men who do this stuff to start their own blogs. I mean, sheeyat: You’re already bitching on the internet for seven hours per day. Why not register a domain name and then you can control your own content?

    When I moved here, I immediately started going to local party gatherings and sometimes would show up in council meetings. The most fun I had was watching execs from Wal-Mart stumble around as I blocked them from building yet another warehouse in my area.

    There is no limit to the fun a brother can have if he steps outside his house and starts talking to his neighbors.

  35. “There is no limit to the fun…”

    You have a very different perspective. We’ve been battling the school district for, what? At least two years now. We’ve been fighting insurance companies for longer. At some point it’s just super exhausting and you just want to go do something else or blow off steam.

    I’m also apolitical, avoiding political participation. I generally oppose activism. That doesn’t mean I don’t do anything useful. My wife and I do things locally in the community, but I just don’t discuss most of them on the internet because they are rarely relevant and honestly people just resent you for ‘virtue signaling’ anyway.

    “There are endless free hours to bee-yatch about society on the internet [..] barely been able to get SOME of the men who do this stuff to start their own blogs.”

    I post, what? A dozen or two posts on my blog a year? It’s infrequent and usually comes in bursts because free time usually comes in chunks, rather than a consistent free-time slots. One of the reasons is because at any point something will come up. My daughter will want to play Xbox and that’s an hour and a half spent. My wife and I also split the cooking, and when I cook it is usually an involved affair. My cooking sessions typically go from 45-90 minutes, sometimes longer (e.g. lasagna or pho). I’m not giving up family time for those other things.

    Many of my blog comments sit in a open tabs for 12-24 hours and I write a sentence here, a sentence there, a paragraph here and there. I rarely have time for serious articles and researched rebuttals. My series here was my most serious bit of writing that I’ve published since I gave up serious Wikipedia editing over a decade ago. I probably invested something like 40 hours into that project. I also have a bunch of unfinished unpublished works.

  36. Any success I have ever had with volunteering, street ministry, the Scouts was immediately flushed down the toilet by men who “knew” more than me, could do it “better” than me and of course “knew how to make decisions” better than me.

    The Scouts. A bunch of know-it-all men who are not cucks, feminists or soy-boys had young daughters. They decided it wasn’t fair for girls to be left out of Scouting and they pushed to admit girls. Scouts going “co-ed” came straight from the top-down. It wasn’t “feminism” it again the “real men” who know everything, and what’s best for the world.

    Any man who complained was “on the wrong side of history” and “just was close minded”. Mind you, these men didn’t have to worry about finding female volunteers for their camping trips because they as the “dad” was going with their daughter…..and it was of course a “showing up” thing “look at my daughter, she’s one of the guys…she isn’t a feminist!”

    Homelessness. The complex problems of this terrible scourge on humanity in this country cannot be solved with money and men. It can be solved with a deep commitment to help people who indeed want help. It can be solved with creative ways that don’t involve a department, a head of some ministry or some soci-political speech.

    If a man cannot have some basic material needs met and dedicated people to help him up……all the programs, feeding ministry and the like just enable the problem and don’t fix it. I built a rapport with them in Fresno in the one shanty-town….and eventually trust. That trust then came to action of “Look, let me meet you in the morning. I’ll come with you to county social services, let me help you navigate this to get help.”

    The big shots don’t like helps. They just like to be the one with the answer. That’s in church especially…….how dare you help the poor on your own and not give this church credit. How dare you use a “gift” without us “leaders” and “hot shots” allowing you to. Who do you think you are…….you should be this…..should be that.

    It got tiresome. I decided to let these “brilliant men” do it. Guess what? They didn’t. They were too busy telling other men how saved / amazing / gifted and what they had mattered or was more important to god than what I had.

    That’s okay though……Jesus loves them, and blesses them everyday. They’ll be the first to tell you.

    Drug counseling. As a former addict I had a little more insight than some….but that didn’t matter. I didn’t have certificates, degrees, and papers, and classes stating that I could talk about this with a street person or anyone else for that matter.

    When a man did have a gift of “service” like I did, and strived to utilize this…….a beating down from everyone above me….church, elders, angry church mom’s…..the popular guys, the married guys of I wasn’t doing it right…or how I should be doing it…….and always….always a put down or some verse in the bible to make me feel terrible for anything I was accomplishing, or trying to……..

    “let someone else do it”

    No one has, and no one cares to. They are important. They are leaders. They have looks. They have game. They have a better job than me. They have it all figured out…………

    and if I would just do what they say…it would be great.

  37. I don’t know who said it…..but “Everyone following this jesus wants to be ‘not of this world’ but no one wants to be the one who does the dishes so to speak”

  38. I post, what? A dozen or two posts on my blog a year?

    No matter what sort of general observation I make, Derek will interpret it as a personal insult, against his mother, I sweartagawd.

    Now, about you running for school board… What sort of organization do you think you could put together? This might be the most worthy project that has ever appeared here.

  39. When a man did have a gift of .service. like I did, and strived to utilize this…a beating down from everyone above, elders, angry church mom.s…the popular guys, the married guys of I wasn.t doing it right.or how I should be doing it…and always..always a put down or some verse in the bible to make me feel terrible for anything I was accomplishing, or trying to….

    That isn’t specific to Cruxtoids. It’s just human nature.

    Mediocre men hate to see anyone succeeding. This goes double for the men in suits with any sort of “leadership” chair. Any work you do will illuminate the paucity of their actual contributions.

    The problem with the other origin of the .good,. of the good man, as the person of ressentiment has thought it out for himself, demands some conclusion. It is not surprising that the lambs should bear a grudge against the great birds of prey, but that is no reason for blaming the great birds of prey for taking the little lambs. And when the lambs say among themselves, “These birds of prey are evil, and he who least resembles a bird of prey, who is rather its opposite, a lamb,.should he not be good?” then there is nothing to carp with in this ideal’s establishment, though the birds of prey may regard it a little mockingly, and maybe say to themselves, “We bear no grudge against them, these good lambs, we even love them: nothing is tastier than a tender lamb.” (Nietzsche)

    Your religious leaders will accept you only so long as you play the proper role of helpless supplicant. I honestly think this is the wisdom contained in the Jesus character’s advice, telling folks to do good things in secret, and to work privately. Nothing reveals the impotence of your local parasite priest or rabbi like a decent man who does good work simply for the joy of doing it, and nothing will make them hate you so viciously.

  40. .I doubt we are doing anything special..

    In lieu of actually teaching the kids, Seattle has voted to give all the students As for this term. Are you surprised that this same mindset is found in a district 2,800 miles apart? I’m not. Remember when California voted to eliminate suspensions? Pennsylvania made online learning activities optional when it cancelled school for the rest of the year, told the districts that they don’t have to make up any time missed, and said there would be no standardized testing performed. The main difference between districts is the implementations. Not all districts can get away with the same tricks, but they try.

    “The district I work for is giving families: Two meals per school day for each student, at no charge, at the family.s convenience”

    Oh, yes, school lunches. This is happening across the state for students that qualify for free or reduced-fee lunches, including my district. But here is the thing, they can figure out how to safely distribute school lunches, but they can’t figure out a way to return kids’ musical instruments that were left at school prior to lockdown. Want to practice your music with that expensive instrument? Too bad! It’s for the kids, you know?

    “Weekly emails clearly stating the goals of that weeks lessons; That week.s lessons, in pdf form;

    We have that too. Lot of good it is doing.

    “Recorded lectures, in English and Spanish”

    Nope. The state doesn’t require it, so they won’t do it.[*] The slides they receive are sometimes narrated by a teacher (who is just reading out loud the words on an info-dump slide). Lots of YouTube videos with audio, but not from teachers.

    [*] The superintendent is always telling us how the district is diligently seeking and responding to state guidance, as if this is a good thing.

    “PRN tutoring, one on one or in a group”

    Yes, officially they offer this too, but they won’t actually do it. They told us that our daughter should work with our other daughter because they are in the same grade and working on the same materials, as if that’s a replacement for tutoring and one-on-one instruction.


    “why not run for a seat on the school board? [..] The most fun I had was watching execs from Wal-Mart stumble around as I blocked them from building yet another warehouse in my area. “

    No. Absolutely not. You obviously don’t understand me if you think this ‘fun’ has appeal (and I’ve already done the blocking a builder from building thing in my last board position). The last thing I want to do is join the bureaucratic machine. Now if I had the opportunity to help start a home church, I’d absolutely help with that. But get into politics? No way. I don’t even vote!

  41. “Roosh has concluded that the outbreak of this new virus was likely a planned event. [..] A lot of the details Roosh cites to back up his theory are compelling. For example: Christian priests and their congregants are facing punishment for holding services.”

    See Gunner Q: “Jesus Bans Christianity

    “…it.s worth pointing out that one should never ascribe to malice what is easier explained by stupidity.”

    Are you agreeing with the thesis of my series that a key reason for societal decline is the average decline in intelligence?

    The key flaw in Hanlon’s Razor is that stupidity and malice are not mutually exclusive. This is why I don’t argue exclusively for IQ as a casual factor, but also cite evidence that the abandonment of Christianity plays a pivotal role. Indeed, not only are they not mutually exclusive, but they are interdependent.

  42. I doubt the people who “really run the world” unleashed this virus so “Christians cannot hold services” and besides….they are all “lukewarm” churches, pastorbators, cucks, all are feminized…..the man-o-sphere has been telling us this for years….butr “now” these churches are suddenly “preaching the real gospel” and its a big conspiracy to stop christians from meeting?

    I have a deed to the Golden Gate Bridge and some excellent farmland in the Yukon as well….

    I have no idea how this virus got out……and it really doesn’t matter now…….the problem is fixing it, and Christians again claim to be “not of this world”

    So meet at home in small groups. Use skype…….have elders run the holy supper……and heaven forbid…………….the Jews were exiled many times and could not “go to the temple” to perform certain rituals , feasts, celebrations, dedications, the Passover………and yet Daniel and countless others “kept god’s favor” even with the lack of this.

    How about this? Christians could actually read the bible?

  43. “I doubt the people who .really run the world. unleashed this virus so .Christians cannot hold services. “

    Correct. Whether the virus was passed to humans accidentally, intentionally, or incidentally, this could not immediately and directly cause a middleman like U.S. District Judge Jesus Bernal to ban churches. But that’s not the argument.

    With a global, interconnected bureaucratic machine full of cogs, everyone will inevitably and eventually do their job. For comparison, the ‘sphere often notes how organizations converge towards feminist dictates. When Moldbug stated…

    “Cthulhu may swim slowly. But he only swims left.”

    …he was highlighting how bureaucratic systems always eventually converge, though the methods and speeds may vary. There is no leader, no cabal, no conspiracy. Critically, the system can’t be destroyed by taking down specific individuals, groups, or organizations.

    “.now. these churches are suddenly .preaching the real gospel.”

    This is not a black-and-white, either-or, binary choice. Even corrupted or weak churches still utilize the Bible and most speak the Word of God on a regular basis. As long as they do that, they will be a threat. It’s the same reason why bad translations of the Bible can change lives. God’s Word can’t be stopped by unbelief, apostasy, or manipulation. Even if there are only a few faithful.perhaps even especially.the group is a threat.

    Those churches that defy the government dictates in order to worship show by their actions that they are doing what the Bible commands. The cucked versions of Christianity that don’t defy the government is not being persecuted. That’s the point.

    “its a big conspiracy to stop christians from meeting”

    Not a conspiracy, no. The intent of evil is to destroy good. Under Christianity, God is the source off all good, therefore sources of evil their very nature.oppose God and see his destruction. Those who don’t believe in this concept of evil are unable to accept this. This is why Boxer counters with Hanlon’s Razor.[*]

    None of this is new. I literally live in a state founded because of persecution of Christianity. The freedom of religion in the Constitution was placed there precisely to prevent what is happening today. The religious persecution behind the settling of this country was not largely based on stupidity, it was primarily based on malice. Today’s persecution is also based on malice, but unlike the persecution in our history, it is also based on stupidity.

    [*] Boxer and you claim (correctly) that there is no conspiracy. So if there is no conspiracy, then what is the explanation for the persecution? Is it part of a plan or is it just chance? If it is a plan, whose plan, given there is no conspiracy? If it is chance, how do you explain the universal collective response as chance? Stupidity is an inadequate explanation. So then, how can you explain the widespread existence of malice if there is no conspiracy, plan, or chance? I’m not buying it.

  44. What persecution? The whole planet is shut down, christians cannot go to church…and now this means “the world is out to persecute christians”

    I can’t go dancing to classic soul music….so is this a conspiracy to shut down “black expression and culture” in the USA?

    The local Indian restaurant is closed because they don’t deliver their food……now is this a conspiracy against ethnic indians in the USA to keep them “down” and since Dominos pizza does deliver……its a conspiracy against Indian food????

    Who is going to church anyway? I keep hearing about our ‘godless culture’ daily and if the church was actually doing its job maybe there would be more of an outcry from the general populace.

    Persecution. Go to rural Pakistan where christians are dragged from their homes, beaten with rods, disfigured forever and their children and wives watch……and then their wives are raped later by members of the religion of peace. then their children herded into the local mosque.

    A pastor or run of the mill church goer in the USA thinks if their latte was made poorly at Starbucks they consider themselves persecuted because “starbucks hates christians”

    There were no “churches” in the early AD times. They met in homes…usually with the threat of persecution looming. It didn’t stop them. Here, Caesar has banned “gatherings” and christians losing their minds over this.

    lose you mind over the lost. lose your mind over the broken that walk these streets daily before this virus………and for goodness sake……….nowhere did jesus command a church and its hierarchy, nor did he say “thou must never foresake the gathering or you cannot be in my kingdom”

    maybe when this passes, just maybe christians will be a bit more grateful for what they DO have in this country. Persecution. Nonsense.

  45. “What persecution?”

    A fair question. Let’s consider it. Persecution is defined as “hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs” To not qualify as persecution, the closure of churches must not be by reason of religious belief.

    The first thing you’ll have to show is that it purely because of health and safety reasons and not because of religion. This is impossible. Official government documents listing religious observance as non-essential are easy to find. Read the one for Pennsylvania here. Candy stores selling Easter candy were allowed to be open, but churches were closed on Easter. On this basis alone, it is persecution.

    However, it doesn’t end there. Unlike dancing and restaurants, you have an explicitly enumerated Constitutional right of religious assembly that forbids government regulation against that assembly. The cited case is a rather explicit case of the government (executive and judicial branches) rejecting the Constitutional right of religious assembly. That is unambiguous proof that religious belief is being selectively targeted.

    Lastly, we can pragmatically prove that churches are not closed for health and safety reasons because churches are not allowed to be open even if they are safer than a grocery store. If it isn’t for health and safety reasons, then you’ll have to explain what the real reason is. That just takes us back to my questions and challenges regarding stupidity/malice above. Thus, claiming the persecution doesn’t exist is an interesting strategy to avoid addressing the above arguments, but it doesn’t work.

    Obviously, this is a case of persecution.

    “Persecution. Go to rural Pakistan….”

    Rural Pakistan is a red-herring. Read about the Sorites paradox if you want something to challenge this viewpoint.

    If you think the first amendment is not important and that flagrant violations of it are fine, then you are just wrong. The first amendment is the one thing preventing ever more serious persecution from taking place. As John C. Wright notes:

    “…there is no room for an open debate on whether to allow for open debate . the argument in favor of abolishing free speech, in effect, abolishes itself.”

  46. okay Derek, you and millions more like you in the USA are being “persecuted” from attending the Sunday morning nightclub, gossip, and fellowship in a group where the bible even states “when two are gathered I am there”

    Not “when you have the praise leader, the gossipy pastors wife, Karens by the score, the teen group, the youth pastor, the womens ministry secretary, and weak praise music…….you are being persecuted.

    You could argue one is being saved from this.

  47. Roosh has concluded that the outbreak of this new virus was likely a planned event. He posits that it was released by .globalists. in order to .transition us into a new level of globalism,. in which persecution of Christians and widespread poverty becomes the norm.

    Predictions of future doom are a cent a billion.

    I don’t say I know what the future brings. I say I don’t know, and neither does Roosh. But, I say that there is a significant chance for radical change that can occur without the lifestyle of the average man being significantly effected.

    Losing some of our consumerist tendencies will have both good and bad effects, but I doubt we’re there, yet, despite all the fear porn on the nightly news.

  48. @Tardy Bee

    “I should have figured.”

    Should you? Those who embrace the genetic fallacy are trapped in a prison of their own making.

    I read a lot from a wide range of people, almost all of which I disagree with. It’s why I post here. One of the reasons I cite many sources from my ‘enemies’ in my writings is because it makes my arguments stronger. It avoids charges of bias. As a real centrist (not a moderate!), I draw my own conclusions on a wide range of topics. I am beholden to no left/right ideology.

    “Predictions of future doom are a cent a billion. “

    Depends what you mean by prediction. You can read my well-cited series here. I did not predict when a severe and permanent decline would occur (my guess was 30-60 years). I did predict, but only in very general terms, what the nature of that decline would look like if it occurred:

    “If recovery or stagnation do not occur, as society declines and economic momentum wanes over the next century, a collapse of society and mass death.war, starvation, genocide, criminalization and execution, and disease and epidemic.become more likely. Darwinian selection will return and most people will die. [..] A society that crushes excellence is a society that will be mediocre. As this series has shown, it is also a society that will experience inevitable decline.”

    The outcome is not predetermined. I predicted that recovery (as I defined it) was highly unlikely (perhaps a 5% chance), but if it occurs it will occur after one of these inflection points. I thought that stagnation would probably be the norm in the intermediate. Economic growth would stall. Declines would correspond with a slow decline is overall standard of living. People would more-or-less have to get by with less than they were used to as the innovations behind rapid economic progress would stall (what you call “Losing some of our consumerist tendencies”). Lastly, at some point the demographic crisis would hit (by 60 years at the latest), and that governments would intervene at some point to alter the trajectory, because they can see it coming.

    For what its worth, a disease that kills double digit percentages of the sickly and elderly is exactly the kind of thing I predicted would occur. It is absolutely restore the proper shape of the population pyramid. Though I don’t believe it was engineered by China and released intentionally, I wouldn’t put it past them.

    “there is a significant chance for radical change that can occur without the lifestyle of the average man being significantly effected”

    What is the evidence that makes you say this?

  49. “Though I don.t believe it was engineered by China and released intentionally, I wouldn.t put it past them.”

    This one was surely an accident. The next five hundred, probably not, if our leaders keep self-destructing the country as a preventative measure against Baby Boomer mortality.

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