All About Virology

Before I begin this article, I should anticipate my critics, who hang on my every word, and always draw the most ridiculous conclusions from whatever I write.

I think everyone should take the present situation very seriously. If you can stay home safely and look after your family right now, you should do so. If there are temporary legal restrictions on your movement, you should respect them. This is especially true for those of you, brothers and sisters, who have little children or elderly relatives in your care. If you, or some member of your family falls ill, then you should seek out competent medical care, and know that your brothers are constantly thinking of you, praying for you, and hoping for the health and safety of those who may be afflicted.

Given that I have lots of free time lately, I decided to do some reading on virii in general, and the coronavirus in particular. I thought some of you brothers might enjoy learning about this stuff, too.

F.M. Burnet. Viruses (1951)

T. Estola. Coronaviruses (1970)

Luis Villarreal. Are Viruses Alive? (2004)

John Barry. The Next Pandemic (2010)

Edward Holmes and Andrew Rambaut. Viral Evolution & SARS Coronavirus (2004)

And then for my literary brothers:

Albert Camus. The Plague (1948)

Aside from reading, I’m doing a lot of contemplation. The constant pressures of life in our late-capitalist, postmodern, cosmopolitan sewer haven’t allowed for much self-criticism, and I’m finding the peace and the pace of the enforced quarantine to be beneficial. If you are a bachelor, you are likely noticing (as I am) the sheer number of Tinder sluts who are suddenly hitting you up, newly desperate for a serious relationship, and willing to do any number of depraved acts to prove it. (A few days away from the nightclub have left me less interested than ever.)

There are other historical trends afoot. Apparently, people are buying firearms at levels never before seen in American history. Other things I’m noticing are the amounts of people out for walks. I see couples, hand-in-hand, with children in tow. This is something I haven’t seen since I was very young.

The news reports suggest that Tranny Storytime for Toddlers is no longer a thing. Neither are abortions. The degenerate Hollywood movie industry is in financial trouble, and so are lying feminist journalists.

All these historical trends lead me to wonder how our fake society is going to survive so many people coming to self-consciousness in the next few weeks. It should be interesting to watch it all unfold.

Lastly, I send major respect to Honeycomb, RamMan, LastMod, and all the rest of you men who are working hard to keep America alive, while the rest of us slack around on the dole. Stay healthy. I  love y’all.

9 thoughts on “All About Virology

  1. “I.m noticing the amounts of people out for walks. I see couples, hand-in-hand, with children in tow. This is something I haven.t seen since I was very young.”

    I’ve noticed the same thing. Not only are they holding hands, but they are smiling, happy, alive. That families everywhere are spending meaningful quality time with each other can only be a net benefit to society. Internet harpy Brigid Delaney (senior writer for the Guardian) is so disturbed about this that she wrote a column entitled:

    “Parents with their children, home haircuts and no affairs: the virus has forced us to live in a weirdly moralistic way”

    It is apparently ‘weird’ to such people that marital affairs are not occurring (and by extension, families are thriving). I for one welcome the benefits of this new ‘moralistic’ life.

    Another factor not discussed much is how this is affecting the role of the Christian church as an institution. As governments across the world banned anything that wasn’t essential or life-sustaining, almost every Christian denomination went right ahead and agreed with the government that they are neither essential nor life-sustaining. The virus has shown how unimportant the church is, despite disasters and the like being times when the church should be most available. Churches are empty and no one has noticed. Institutional Christianity seems to be well and truly dead. What, I wonder, if anything, will rise from its ashes?

    “All these things lead me to wonder how our fake society is going to survive so many people coming to self-consciousness in the next few weeks. It should be interesting to watch it all unfold.”

    Agreed. It’s certainly a wake up call, now we need to wait and see how many answer it. Previously we’ve discussed those cultural moments when ‘the spirit of the age’ has the potential to dramatically shift. I proposed a number of demographic issues and predicted the consequences would unfold gradually over the next 20 to 60 years. I did not expect that such a major event might happen within months. It will be fascinating to see what the long-term impact will be, good or bad.

  2. It is apparently .weird. to such people that marital affairs are not occurring (and by extension, families are thriving). I for one welcome the benefits of this new .moralistic. life.

    I spent years predicting this on Dalrock.

    Christians in particular are fond of the delusion that people’s natural state is Tinder and Ashley Madison, and that only Christ can save them. This is ridiculous. People are hard-wired to pair bond in monogamous relationships, and it takes a tremendous amount of wealth and energy to subvert the formation of the family.

    Suddenly, people are not out at the latest (disgusting) Hollywood feature (openly promoting homosexual cuckoldry and sex with non-human animals). Suddenly, people are not out every night having sex with random strangers in the nightclub’s public toilet. Suddenly, people aren’t getting called by their boss who wants them to work a double shift. The world has receded, and so people are reverting to what comes naturally to human beings.

    Previously discussed those cultural moments when .the spirit of the age. has the potential to dramatically shift. I proposed a number of demographic issues and predicted the consequences would unfold gradually over the next 20 to 60 years. I did not expect that such a major event might happen within months. It will be fascinating to see what the long-term impact will be, good or bad.

    Marx talked about contradictions inherent in the superstructure in Capital Vol. 1, and the Frankfurters talked about the culture industry in Dialectic of Enlightenment. It appears that the system can no longer enforce the illusion of a clothed emperor.

    Little wonder that trash like this Delaney wimminz feels threatened. Her role is only possible in a fake society, where everyone is controlled by their baser instincts.

    Fuck that whore. Let her rot.

  3. Another factor not discussed much is how this is affecting the role of the Christian church as an institution. As governments across the world banned anything that wasn.t essential or life-sustaining, almost every Christian denomination went right ahead and agreed with the government that they are neither essential nor life-sustaining. The virus has shown how unimportant the church is, despite disasters and the like being times when the church should be most available. Churches are empty and no one has noticed. Institutional Christianity seems to be well and truly dead. What, I wonder, if anything, will rise from its ashes?

    As others elsewhere have observed, we’re seeing the wheat being separated from the tares. What is most disturbing to the believer (although it shouldn’t be surprising) is the ratio of tares to wheat. The current capitulation of the corporate church to the will of Caesar represents the beginning of the end of “churchianity,” that false facade of a church that seeks to accommodate the temporal world while pretending to faith and that has supplanted the real thing throughout much of recent Western history.

    As to your last sentence in the citation, the answer is that the REAL church shall emerge from the ashes, much smaller in size and very much persecuted, but a more powerful force for the Kingdom than ever seen in modern times. For this reason alone I see the current false church’s ongoing implosion as a good thing, even a blessing in disguise.

  4. @ferriker

    I largely agree with you, except that it is possible that everyone will just go back to sleep and ‘business as usual’ when this ends. It depends how truly disruptive this event turns out to be. Will jobs come back quickly or will there be a long-term depression? Will people wake up and notice that the church has dropped the ball? Who knows. Reading the signs and possibilities is one thing, while predicting specific outcomes is usually a fool’s errand.

  5. The property I manage is closed. My property is not charging rent for April or May for all clients. I decided this we have reserves to cover operational costs. The City of Fresno and State of California health departments were looking for additional office space in a central location in Fresno about two weeks ago. Guess who got on the phone immediately? Me. They are the only clients who will be allowed on the property during this emergency aside from myself. They are renting 20% of the empty office space. I worked hard to get them a month to month lease. Charged normal, market rate rent. They are go use this space as a testing area and basic depot for supplies. I even got a security guard. I had to furlough half the property staff but the money will hold the property solvent…..even if this goes into May, or June……or through the summer.

    I am very busy finding contractors with them to get it ready. My supervisors are a bit impressed.

    I am applying for a state “tax break” for historical purposes of my propety. The building was designed by famous modernist Del Webb. The tax break will enable me to use the funds to help restore the property to its 1961 condition.

    A bit nervous. I am an armchair prepper and former Scoutmaster. This CCP virus is going to be a mess. The empty streets downtown of this city of a million people is a little too quiet. I believe a storm is coming.

    Life after this virus in the USA will never be the same for sure

  6. My company is paying all furloughed workers full pay for April and May. After that they may use sick time as vacation pay on top of the vacation hours accrued. After that they will be givin glowing referenced fir unemployment. When / if things return normal their jobs are protected

  7. Boxer wrote People are hard-wired to pair bond in monogamous relationships, and it takes a tremendous amount of wealth and energy to subvert the formation of the family. …

    The world has receded, and so people are reverting to what comes naturally to human beings.

    You lost me on these comments.
    When women are constrained, such as not being given the option to go clubbing each night, or the option to go out for a secret tryst, then they are more family-oriented. This constriction does not show people are hard-wired for monogamous relationships however — it just shows they act (in a way I think is) better when constrained.

    I can see your point if you are trying to say that being constrained at home is normal, and it is only through massive spending on harlots that we are able to enable our people to go away from the normal, monogamous scenario. I think this is very defensible. But, at least for some women, this proper behaviour is being imposed by the natural society on the individuals who would like to rebel against it.

    But, I admit that I really want to believe that you are right. It is difficult to believe, at least for women, given the frequency with which they:
    a) squander their youthful years — the years that would be most valuable to marriage/family/children
    b) file for divorce
    c) return to work within a few months of the birth of their child – this one is especially disturbing to me, as they see their child, understand it needs care, and she still chooses her personal freedom/money over her own child

    It is interesting that young girls (in my long-ago childhood) wanted to have families when they grew up. Being a doctor that would work 50 hours a week and keep them away from family never was suggested. Having a family home, where the husband spends his evening after work, and with children, was.
    So maybe if we were not poisoning the minds of our women, then I’d see more proof that Boxer’s assertion is correct?

    Jason wrote They are renting 20% of the empty office space… My supervisors are a bit impressed.

    Well done Jason. I am glad to see you are doing well, even in this difficult environment.

  8. Well done Jason. I am glad to see you are doing well, even in this difficult environment.

    Heartily seconded! Being able to rent out commercial office space at a time when literally EVERYONE is telecommuting is no small feat, and current conditions make it even more impressive.

    Nicely done, brother!

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