Wimminz Get What They Deserve

A month ago, I updated this blog on my old friend LaQuan’da. I first met this beauty back in the late spring of this year, and by July I had devolved into becoming something of an orbiter. As I earlier reported, LaQuan’da made contact with a generic “I miss youuu” message which is typical of bed-hopping skanks, and which surprised me, since she did a great job convincing my dumb ass that she was the one-in-a-billion NAWALT “not that kinda gurllll” who might actually make someone a competent wife.

So, I went to dinner, and the predictable story unfolded. LaQuan’da copped to the fact that when she ghosted out on me, back in August, she had already been dating multiple men, of which I was the only one. She ended up settling in to fuck a gent who was:

  • married (but separated, really, fo’ sho’, and truly, ya right)
  • fired from his job as a school bus driver for being…
  • addicted to prescription painkillers
  • fucking any number of other hoez on the side.

I found her final complaint about this guy to be sorta silly, given that she’s been doing the same things, so I interrupted my date to chuckle and point out that

“this is the man you rejected me for, is that not so?”

at which point the poor dear began to shed tears and pose a scene in the restaurant, so I quit making jokes, and just sat and listened to her spill her tales of woe.

While all wimminz are more skillful liars and manipulators than we can ever be, this particular wimminz is such a cunning actress that she strikes me as downright dangerous. Her theatrics are imbued with a wonderful authenticity, and woe be it to the brother who marries her, only to find himself at the end of a divorce action, complete with all manner of phony allegations of marital misconduct, delivered to the courts in such a convincing manner.

Now the reasons I took a month to post this article are varied, but mostly because I wanted to keep waxing that ass for a while. In the interim, I wanted to see and study all the various ways in which I was fooled by this bitch. I’ve learned a great deal, but there are a number of observations I can make many of which I’ve probably made before, but which bear repeating:

  • Roissy’s tired maxim that orbiters never get the ass is not true, and this is a great example. The spirit of Roissy’s maxim, may be valuable all the same. It took me a great deal of effort to pluck this ripe fruit, and while I’ve had a very good time, the overall profit isn’t very large.
  • Wimminz do not love evil men, but they do love weak men, who they can control and manipulate. Who is more easily controlled than a jobless drug addict whose wife is on this wimminz’ speed dial? This is the reason a wimminz will ignore a decent fella, in favor of writing erotica and sending it to death-row prisoners.
  • The simp tendency is very powerful in a man, and it should never be underestimated. I have been regularly at war with myself for the past five weeks, resisting the temptation to let this unrepentant skank-ho bitch move in, just because the sex is so good, and because she says so many of the right things.

There are three things that help me keep things in context. The first is the fact that I’m presently fucking two other females. The second is the absolute knowledge that to her, I am a rebound, and this will end the minute she finds another weak man she can toy with. The last is the spectre of this blog, and the notion that I might have to be held accountable to all of you, my readers, for getting sucked beyond this woman’s fantastic, deplorable event-horizon, and going down to destruction.

I’ve fucked her, and the sex is absolutely as good as I ever dreamed it would be. I’ve kissed her thighs and sucked her nipples. I’ve licked her cunt and asshole. I can even say that I love her… in a way. She has that magical ability to morph into whatever I’ve always wished for in a lifelong mate, and to play the part to perfection. The red sun of desire (and decision) burns brightly, but it won’t burn forever.

13 thoughts on “Wimminz Get What They Deserve

  1. Well .. that was weird .. I started typing and it sent itself .. heh!

    Anywayz .. (let’s try this again)

    Welcome back .. from the (LUST) abyss brother.

    You’re not an orbiter .. per se .. because essentially we all are if that is the case .. I would say you’re just the “next guy” .. and ALL wimminz have a “next guy” .. you did the right thing though .. you noticed the course deviation and made the correct adjustments to get back on course.

    The “next guy” isn’t always tye “best guy” .. he’s just that “new shiny (lust) object” (NSO) she just has to touch.

    Once she touches it .. she’s ready for the next NSO.

    And .. I’m glad you didn’t get played.

  2. Wimminz do not love evil men, but they do love weak men, who they can control and manipulate. Who is more easily controlled than a jobless drug addict whose wife is on this wimminz. speed dial?

    And what’s the one tactic these wimminz use to control and manipulate weak men? Maybe the blog author can tell us.

  3. The simp tendency is very powerful in a man, and it should never be underestimated. I have been regularly at war with myself for the past five weeks, resisting the temptation to let this unrepentant skank-ho bitch move in, just because the sex is so good, and because she says so many of the right things.


    Boxer just gave me more ammo as to why chastity is important.

  4. In my unofficial research when it comes to the clownshow that is twitter…my biggest laughs comes from some wimminz who posts seductive looking selfies to lure the lustbrained simp…lustbrained simp says some predictable cringe statement…then said wimminz feigns offense or that she’s been victimized for more attention from simps. I tell ya, they are certainly skilled manipulators.

  5. Who is more easily controlled than a jobless drug addict whose wife is on this wimminz. speed dial?

    The simp.

    “It wasn.t the only way they ditched outdated marriage customs. The two, who met on Tinder, proposed to one another with separate surprises: Darcy with a scavenger hunt . complete with her getting down on one knee . and Jeff with a live musical serenade of their favorite song, The Band.s .The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down..


  6. I thinks she knows about this blog..

    If there were such a possibility I wouldn’t have posted this. My goal here is not to embarrass any of my playmates personally. At this point (now that I have a library of articles that cover pretty much every situation I’ve wondered about) it’s more like a notebook, where I can wax all introspective. If someone else learns something from my reflections, it works for me. If not, just as well.

  7. They flipped a coin to see which one would take the others last name ..

    Okay .. she won .. but he said it was a win for him really ..

    Whelp .. I still .. hate gay marriages!

    In the spirit of things .. I flipped a coin to determine .. if (HEH) .. these two less-be-uns get divorced .. ohhhhh sooooo soooorrrrrrry .. snake eyes!

    They did meet on tinder for-crying-out-loud.

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