Chad Mad!

Yesterday, I followed my own custom and exercised minimum standards for any acceptable journalist. When I wrote a critical article about Glenn Beck and Chad Prather, I emailed them at their Blaze TV address, and invited either or both to respond.

I usually get no response, which is the wisest course of action for these types. Neither Chad nor Glenn have (to my knowledge) acknowledged my review of their “work.”

Even so, today, I went over to Blaze TV, and found that my IP was blocked from accessing any of their content.


Not being able to access his autobiography, I went over to Wikipedia to get some background on Prather, and wasn’t entirely surprised at what I read.

I’m sure his wife’s son probably has a different perspective. To me, he’s just another CONservative grifter.

If our male-feminist culture vultures are so embarrassed of their work that they block some nobody, like me, from lampooning it, then the obvious solution would be a change in production. Worshipping skank-ho cunts isn’t manly, and all the big talk by fake cowboys can’t make it so.

It seems, to me, that Chad Prather, who divorced his wife in order to marry a single-mother, has no standing to give advice to young men as to how to deal with wimminz, nor how to have a successful marriage. Young brothers who seek after the family life would be much better off taking advice from Derek.

16 thoughts on “Chad Mad!

  1. You just proved what I said in the other post, and what they were broadcasting in the video. They’re yellow-bellied cowards, pure and simple. If they’re so afraid of the wimminz, they’re going to be afraid of you.

    >I usually get no response, which is the wisest course of action for these types.

    Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. (Proverbs 17:28)

    At least they have some sense that if they open their mouths and try to defend the video that they’re going to come out much worse than they already are. Doesn’t stop them from being cowards, but no need to make the hole deeper, right?

  2. I made the statement on twitter after you brought about this video…and then again after watching some sports talking head proclaiming how his wife has all the power…but I’d warn brothers of the men who tell you emasculation is the path to masculinity. They are sell outs at best and liars at worst.

  3. @Boxer, et al.

    Did you happen to see the comment section on youtube under that video? I couldn’t find a one that agreed with their take and it was mostly talking about how simp, cuck, weak, and soft they were.

  4. Wrong domain. It.s, not,

    HAHAHAHA! I tr0ll3d myself! (0wned hard bitch!)

    No, it’s the correct domain. Either one I attempt to resolve through Safari takes me to the /blocked page.

    Derek wins this thread.

    I’m likely overselling my own importance to Glenn Beck’s fabulous media empire. It might be technical problems… but I can get there just fine through a proxy, and can’t through my own IP, which makes me wonder just how sensitive these poor cucks are.

  5. I honestly think a benign version of this is just a handicapping strategy, which actually would be funny in a healthier era. It’d make the speaker more accessible, and perhaps slightly more attractive, giving him the air of someone who has so much hand he can voluntarily relinquish some power and still be the man of the house.

    Of course, in a feminist era, it gets amped up to an absurd level.

  6. Yeah but it’s not even about deferring some power to his wife…it’s flat out stating she has ALL of it, he’s proud of it, and makes the statement every other man should give all the power to his wife.

  7. I’ve read OT stories where the king would give either his wife or a woman anything up to half the kingdom…but he never went so far as to give her his crown.

  8. I feel you. I’m mainly just commenting on what are (probably) the roots of today’s obsequious displays of groveling by celebrities in mass media.

    “My wife, who is THE SMARTEST PERSON I KNOW…”

    “My wife, who is THE BOSS IN OUR HOUSE…”


    One could see where, in a sane culture, these would be semi-humorous one-offs, so obviously inverted that they become jocular. These days, men lead off with shit like this and they’re utterly sincere.

    I mean, shit. Have some dignity people.

  9. “Yeah but it.s not even about deferring some power to his flat out stating she has ALL of it, he.s proud of it, and makes the statement every other man should give all the power to his wife.”

    Earl, there is a reason for this. Watch the video and hear what Chad Prather says:

    “We’ve all gone out there and fallen into that trap, that downward spiral cycle, trying to show how macho we are based on the [sexual] conquest…”

    No, not all of us have.

    These fornicators feel guilt about what they’ve done and are embarrassed by their parent’s (the sexual revolution generation) sexual and parental failures. Bowing, yielding, and deferring is what you have to do to punish yourself for “taking advantage” of women. It is their idea of recompense. I have no problem with men and women repenting of fornication, but to punish yourself for forgiven sins is itself the sin of unbelief: to deny the grace and forgiveness of God.

  10. …aaaand I take it all back. My IP is indeed blocked by both blaze dot com, and blazetv dot com, and both addresses take me to their “blocked” page when I try and log on in Safari.

    I can get to both in TOR. When I do, I note that blaze and blazetv URLs resolve to the same place: Glenn Beck’s faggotry.

  11. @Derek…

    I could see that as perhaps motivation to grovel like that publicly. Unlike repenting to God though…I don’t perceive many men seeing their takes as repentance but rather either virtue signalling or being a simp.

    Still makes me glad I didn’t take the offer of a woman who complained to me that I WASN’T taking advantage of her. Wimminz love to play instigator when there’s no eyeballs on them, and then victim when all the eyeballs and cameras are on them.

  12. Still makes me glad I didn.t take the offer of a woman who complained to me that I WASN.T taking advantage of her. Wimminz love to play instigator when there.s no eyeballs on them, and then victim when all the eyeballs and cameras are on them.

    While I wasn’t there and never try to second guess any wimminz (unpredictable creatures that they are), I assume that this wasn’t an attempt to set you up as some sort of predator.

    Wimminz like to pretend they “lose control” because in so doing, they can lie to themselves about the choices they’re making. This takes me back to Sunday afternoon, when a bitch said something identical to this.

    I could have got all technical, and told her no, bitch, you chose to fuck and suck me on the first date but why bother? It’s easier for her to excuse her free-choices with the notion that she was somehow determined to do whatever she wanted to do anyway.

  13. I assume that this wasn.t an attempt to set you up as some sort of predator.

    I don’t know what her underlying motivation was…but I just got up and left and broke things off with her. She was already quite handsy and liked to make out with me a lot so I just figured it was horniness. I’d rather break up with her beforehand rather than do the deed, break up, and have her retroactively accuse me of being a sexual predator because she suddenly feels that way.

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