Gillette Admits Defeat

Back in January, Gillette released a statement against “toxic masculinity” via a very stupid commercial advertisement. Apparently the corporate bigwigs thought they would make a profit by bashing all the men who buy their products.

Mass discussion about these corporate scum (and their motivations) crashed their stocks.

The execs initially doubled down…

Immediately after this initial statement, they shut the fuck up.

Just four weeks later, Gillette has buckled under.

On 28 February, Gillette released a commercial advertisement depicting a normal man, heading up his intact, heterosexual, monogamous, traditional family.

11 thoughts on “Gillette Admits Defeat

  1. Hopefully this is a sincere effort by Gillette to apologize for how retarded their first, and utterly evil ad was
    Me thinks they bowed down to money when they realized that it was suicide to bash their main demographic

  2. The first ad really wasn’t effective in demoralizing men. It was so buffoonish as to be laughable. It probably convinced some filthy, hateful wimminz to buy men’s razors, but now we know that wasn’t enough to keep the show going.

  3. Wise decision of Gillette. Hopefully they will not let themselves be hijacked again by those who invented the previous ad. There are much better topics to create awareness about. How about the male suicide rate?

  4. Let us not forget that these aholes were the ones hiring feminists and feminist-esque contractors to make this crap to begin with. It should be revisited or at least my idea of us buying from small “men-owned” or vet owned businesses instead. (A “buycott” list?)

  5. In 2012, Gillette was the 12th ranked global brand ($24.898 billion). By 2018, Gillette had fallen to 28th ($16.864 billion). The writing was on the wall. They charge too much and online sales of discount razors are slowly, but surely, killing them. Rather than find a way to adapt and compete, they went feminist SJW activist. That’s the spirit of the age in a nutshell.

  6. (The above is wrong. Below is correct.)

    In 2010, Gillette was the 13th ranked global brand ($23.298 billion), it’s peak ranking. Their global value peaked at $25.105 billion in 2013. By 2018, Gillette had fallen to 28th ($16.864 billion). The writing was on the wall. They charge too much and online sales of discount razors are slowly, but surely, killing them. Rather than find a way to adapt and compete, they went feminist SJW activist. That.s the spirit of the age in a nutshell.

  7. He’s military of course……hipsters don’t shave and countless other men have facial hair today because “chicks did it”

    Did they admit they were wrong? No. Their excuse will be “we market to a variety of men, and this ad just shows that we are open to the many men who use our products”

    No executives were fired. No one lost their jobs. If anyone suffers from lack of market share, it is the average joe who works in the P&G plant making, packaging the product.

    Gillette makes a fine product, always has.

  8. I will say this commerical is more inspiring to be a man rather than having a commerical tearing down men to inspire them.

    Sure they are still selling a product…better to make your customer base feel good about themselves rather than lecturing them.

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