The New McCarthyism

Laura Loomer Mocks Our Enemies

Today, Sargon of Akkad (rumored to be a British bloke named Carl) was banned by Patreon, a web page which allows regular folks to kick money to their favorite tranny troller. What’s most interesting is that Sargon isn’t a particularly contentious figure. Sure, he occasionally gives a shout-out to establishment non-faggots (like Donald Trump), but he doesn’t make fun of skanks or trannies, which are the cardinal sins of our generation.

Even annoying P.J., who wouldn’t care if we were all deplatformed, stands aghast at this insane example of overreach.

Another example of encroaching hubris is the deplatforming of radical feminist Meghan Murphy.

Murphy had the audacity to call a man named Steve, ‘Steve,’ rather than to pretend he was a woman, and call him Stephanie. For that, she has been permanently silenced. All her friends have taken note, and are in the process of being “re-educated” out of speaking such simple truths. We are being taught, in word and deed, who are our new masters.

It seems to me that Lenin has something to teach us in this particular context. Neither Watson, nor Sargon, nor Murphy, ever objected to my deplatforming. The time to complain about this was when it started, way back in 2015.

Lenin was a big fan of the historical imperative, and so am I. Given that none of these people cared when I was silenced, I look forward to their upcoming muzzlings (soon!) The more people who are arbitrarily banned, the more people will come to hate our digital overlords.

Worse is better… for now!

20 thoughts on “The New McCarthyism

  1. ‘Neither Watson, nor Sargon, nor Murphy, ever objected to my deplatforming. ‘

    Curious…What was the basis of this deplatforming?

  2. Curious.What was the basis of this deplatforming?

    I was banned at the IP level by twitter for making fun of trannies.

    What was particularly insidious was the way they did it back then. My accounts are still up, and look live. Twitter removed the “offensive posts,” and I just can no longer post anything. All my followers assume that I deleted the “problematic” content, and wandered away.

  3. Whats hilarious is that these leftists think that the boot will stop once the head of conservatives is crushed. NO! Morons! They will simply start to apply pressure to the next head until all are under the boot! All you do by giving them more power in an attempt to crush those who dont think like you now is increase the power they have when they come after you! You are literally working with them to stop the only thing that will stop them! Idiots!

  4. What was particularly insidious was the way they did it back then. My accounts are still up, and look live. Twitter removed the .offensive posts,. and I just can no longer post anything. All my followers assume that I deleted the .problematic. content, and wandered away.


    My first account got ‘locked out’ for something offensive just out of the blue (can’t remember what it was but it was probably stating something against the globalist groupthink). I wasn’t actually for sure what it was so I just said forget twitter for a couple of years. I decided to come back and start from scratch with a similar but new account.

    That being said how long until my redeux account gets axed.

  5. Stay strong Boxer, it’s going to get a lot worse before it gets better
    They are deplatforming us because we speak the truth but the truth will always prevail

  6. LOL, Where were y’all when I got banned off of a dial-up “pirate” Bulletin Board System in 1983 using a TRS-80 Color Computer 1 with a 200 Baud modem? Who knew law breaking pirates sharing unlicensed calculator software, dirty jokes, and dirty pixel graphics could be so politically correct?
    There is nothing new under the sun.
    Eventually they’ll restrict all our commerce:
    Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    I also Joined FreeRepublic during the whole Monica Lewinsky scandal, and got myself banned for being a bit too free with my speech. I was asked what color I was before they banned me. LOL Apparently I could have said what I said and been OK if I had claimed to be Black. But I didn’t care, I was already back on with a new name.

    Don’t you just love the self identifying comments?(‘cuz that makes it OK)
    Negro’s are dirty lowdown no-good entitled lay-abouts, and I can say that because I’m black as midnight and I work for the NAACP.
    Women are all treacherous evil bitches to the core, and I should know, I am one.
    Kiwi’s suck Aussie balls, and I ‘m from Christchurch.
    Obama was the worst president ever, and that’s coming from a tranny civil war veteran who voted for him twice!
    Bodybuilding is gay, and I’m buffer than Schwarzenegger and Lou ferrigno put together.
    Adults r stupid, they don’t get Minecraft, and I’ma really old grandpa. SRSLY!

    Sometimes I suspect people are not all telling the truth on the internet, but I’m not paranoid enough to believe it yet. Hold on, the Nigerian Prince just e-mailed me back with where to send my Western Union. I’m gonna be rich!

  7. LOL, Where were y.all when I got banned off of a dial-up .pirate. Bulletin Board System in 1983 using a TRS-80 Color Computer 1 with a 200 Baud modem? Who knew law breaking pirates sharing unlicensed calculator software, dirty jokes, and dirty pixel graphics could be so politically correct?

    I also Joined FreeRepublic during the whole Monica Lewinsky scandal, and got myself banned for being a bit too free with my speech.

    In typical midwit fashion, you seem to be saying that Twitter has the right to ban Laura Loomer, asserting Twitter (the self-described public utility) has some sort of equivalence with the furry fandom forum you used to post on, and the faggot-striver CONservative political magazine you like to troll.

    One of the obvious problems with this argument is that someone else is creating the content on that gay political magazine where you were conspiring to purchase barely-legal butt drugs. Twitter creates no content. It exists merely to profit from the content that Laura Loomer creates, while it lobbies congress for tax breaks and bigger H1B visa quotas (lest any Americans have to be hired for a living wage).

    Conservatives like to trot out the kookshow argument about “muh free market and shit, build your own twitter if you don’t like it.” In fact, every American has already built twitter, by paying all the taxes that Jack Dorsey didn’t, and by continuing to fund the infrastructure that it runs on.

  8. Boxer,
    I think you got me all wrong. Perhaps because my midwit humor is incomprehensible.
    I wasn’t saying that what Twitter was doing was OK or defensible. I was illustrating that we are all potential victims of censorship, and many of us have experienced it, and not been stood up for, just like yourself, so I was sympathizing with your plight of being banned and censored, long before you even made this particular post about it.

    I hope my joking about negroes didn’t offend you, because it’s all OK brother, Although I’ve said I was White in the past, to fit in, I’m actually an albino negro White supremacist. So I can hate on folks and be a victim at the same time. There are lots of negro Mennonites. Really! Just look for the buggies with the gold spokes.

    And Dude! You weren’t supposed to out our furry fandom/butt drugs connections. You don’t want me posting our group pictures from the pumping party, do you?

  9. Yes, earl, Lori is doing great. Thanks for the updates.
    Since I am boycotting Twitter in solidarity with Boxer, and since I am boycotting Facebook, because it’s lame, I am only able to see what is on Lori’s “Transformed Wife” website.
    She has censored my posts too, but I get that it is her website, and a whole different thing from Twitter.

    I thought my post that included about how big my dick is, was tastefully done, but Lori apparently has pretty high standards for the discussion on her site.

  10. You do need to step up your game Boxer.

    Call me crazy, but I don’t think I’m qualified to teach married people how to succeed at their chosen lifestyle. I’ve just gotta defer to my elders and betters in this respect.

  11. I’m not either…but causing autistic screeching from the groupthinkers who learned everything from the globohomos is something I’m getting pretty good at. Well at least until I get kicked off twitter again.

  12. “Call me crazy, but I don.t think I.m qualified to teach married people how to succeed at their chosen lifestyle. just gotta defer to my elders and betters in this respect.”

    And that right there, the ability to admit that you are not an expert at everything, that is why we would get along if we ever met in meatspace.

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