The End and Beginning of This Blog

In 60 days, this blog will revert to being found at and my domain name will go up for sale.

I don’t pay wordpress too much (it’s like 50 dollars per year) – but it’s still too much.

From TechCrunch:

Automattic, the company behind, has created a new rule to specifically handle the Sandy Hook conspiracists, and boot them from its platform.


While some of the affected sites – which include some extreme right blogs and those floating conspiracy theories – had already been flagged for other violations, many were hosting Sandy Hook conspiracy theories and other “false flag” content.

Kooks who make light of mass shootings (example: Laura Loomer) are an annoying part of our society, and I certainly sympathize with the parents in this regard. Even so, Laura Loomer should not be silenced.

The feminist state is making examples of such people not because they threaten the state, and not because the feminist state cares about any of the dead kids. They do so in order to condition the general public to accepting censorship of kooks and loons. Once this goal is reached (and we are very, very close) the feminist state will shut down all outlets that don’t grovel before the idol of the status quo. This site will disappear, as will every other samizdat publisher on the net.

Until wordpress cancels my access, I’ll keep writing. What I won’t do is pay them when they’re silencing other people. I hope you won’t, either.

29 thoughts on “The End and Beginning of This Blog

  1. It will be sad to see you go Boxer, but I completely understand
    Fuck supporting any piece of shit site whose Modus Operandi is to shut down and silence any ideology that goes against the status quo. …and in this case it’s the feminist, globalist, diversity, faggot enabling, transsexual supporting, anti white, anti male agenda that has engulfed the world

    Just remember that Automattic just deleted my main WordPress blog here (kryptonian51) on the blatantly false accusation that I had threatened someone
    I personally think it was that faggot Dalrock who got me banned but I can’t prove it

  2. Just remember that Automattic just deleted my main WordPress blog here (kryptonian51) on the blatantly false accusation that I had threatened someone
    I personally think it was that faggot Dalrock who got me banned but I can.t prove it

    I actually did remember you, as I read the article. I’m glad you responded.

    As a guy who read your blog, I’ll corroborate the fact that you never threatened anyone. Not that it matters. In our enlightened society, you get deplatformed for laughing at trannies and advocating traditional marriage.

    Until they shut me down, stick around and enjoy the party. We have front row seats to the end of western civilization, and it’ll be interesting to see it continue collapsing.

  3. “In 60 days, this blog will revert to being found at and my domain name will go up for sale.”

    For everyone reading who isn’t clear on this point, what the above says is that Boxer is getting rid of the domain name (which costs money annually) and not paying wordpress to host his site on his own domain. By reverting to, it becomes part of the free tier like it used to be.

    Boxer, I’ll leave my offer on the table to host your site (or better yet, a redundant copy) if you ever decide to go that route.

  4. You don.t wish to revert to a free site plan?

    That’s what I’m doing. I just said it in a convoluted way.

    Be that as it may… wordpress is now behaving as twitter did in 2015, which means that they’re likely to disappear me at some point.

  5. Boxer, I.ll leave my offer on the table to host your site (or better yet, a redundant copy) if you ever decide to go that route.

    That’s nice of you, but I don’t know that anyone else wants (even partial) responsibility for the shit I post up here ..

  6. ” I don.t know that anyone else wants (even partial) responsibility”

    This is not a bad point. Regardless, you should at least make sure that you have proper backups to plan for the eventual banning that will almost certainly take place at some point.

  7. Dear Gunner:

    Sigh, I was impressed that WordPress had been resisting the Convergence thus far.

    I hope you’ll strongly consider not rewarding them with more money, now that they’ve joined in the censorship game.

  8. “Lori is hating on ALL WORKING MOTHERS!!!”

    I love all the “rebuttals”:

    (1) Working moms who claim to be reap the right column benefits. Well good for them. They probably have one or two perfect children or a Dad who does all the work around the house.
    (2) Stay at home moms who claim to be victim to the left column deficits. This is especially stupid, as it would be way worse for such a stay at home mom to be a working mom, because then her deficits would be magnified. People really don’t think.

    My wife works part time now that the kids are in school. It’s the same thing my mom did. She also worked part-time while the kids were in pre-school, but we never farmed off the kids to daycare just so she could work. Being a mom comes first.

    “Ban her! Ban her good and hard!”

    Lori is gracious, but tells it straight. We here are generally not as gracious, and we also tell it straight. She’ll probably get banned faster for it. I keep a low profile on Twitter, with very, very few followers, so hopefully I’ll dodge the ban.

  9. I don’t know if Lori is a great troll that puts Boxer to shame or wanting to get out the truth …either way she’s hitting pigs.

  10. I don.t know if Lori is a great troll that puts Boxer to shame or wanting to get out the truth .either way she.s hitting pigs.

    Both of those claims are justifiable.

    Lori is certainly a more skillful troll than I am. Her posts are aesthetic masterpieces. I don’t know if she A/B tests, or if she just intuitively knows how best to grab the immediate attention of her audience, and it really doesn’t matter.

  11. She ain’t (officially) troll-in .. if you ask me ..

    She doesn’t go to other twitter users accounts and posts anything .. they come to her .. which is the opposite .. or master level jedi troll chit .. hmmmmm

    And she is only telling everyone about her personal beliefs and views ..

    Those two examples would be trolling in my book ..

    She’s likely just poking the bear so to speak .. she’s just airing her opinion .. in a great way ..

    To me the interesting thing is .. how many people think they have to show-up and be vulgar or forceful with their rebuttal’s. As if she (Lori) has the power to make her views law and not opinion.

    It’s un-necessary unless you feel personally wounded .. or in danger of being shown a fraud (e.g. th wimminz) ..

    Which .. again is some jedi level troll-in if that is her intention ..

    To me .. she’s just offering the counter-point that has been closed out from public view by these radicals.

    Which means their hold on our cultural shift is dubious at best and shakey worst .. hemce why they shut-down counter thought in all arena’s.

    I hope she continues to .. fight-on .. while she can .. because she can do what no man is allowed to do .. offer an un-authorized view point with seriousness and authority.

  12. Boxe those comments make her point exactly .. Obviously a Jedi Master Troll .. Her Ninja Skills are very deadly ..

    And Lori is laughing at’em all ..

    As for me .. she had me at “pecan pie”! HEH

  13. To me the interesting thing is .. how many people think they have to show-up and be vulgar or forceful with their rebuttal.s.

    It’s almost like a lot of women don’t want to be housewives and mothers. I wonder where they got that idea.

    Heck I was able to see the point of the post better than most autistic screeches that just had to say how her viewpoints of being a housewife mothering your kids wasn’t true in their experiences.

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