We Are All Nazis Now

The white-hot hatred, spewed by the feminist press, at anyone who dissents from the predominant narrative (rich liberal whites uber alles, welfare and warfare, etc.) is truly amusing. For days, now, we’ve been watching Zina Bash being excoriated in the press for making a Nazi hand signal. Mrs. Bash, who is married to judge John Bash, is a member of the Trump administrations SCOTUS task force, and a clerk for the (insufficiently feminist) Justice Kavanaugh.

Given that I was told (and told, and told) by the creators of public opinion, that Mrs. Bash was a Nazi and an avowed white supremacist, I got curious about her background. Here is a clip from the feminist NEW YORK TIMES, released some ten years ago…

This so-called Hitler-worshipping white supremacist, who we are all supposed to make the focus of this week’s ten minutes hate, is the daughter of a Jewish physician and a Mexican-American housewife. She grew up in (that hotbed of white supremacy) the Rio Grande Valley.

What I believe our feminist overlords hate most about Mrs. Bash is the fact that she is smarter than they are, far better looking than they are, and basically just a better person than they.

In 2007, young Zina Gelman married a young attorney, in a traditional Catholic ceremony, and has been a faithful wife to him. She and her husband have achieved greatness on their own merits, and have no need to march around wearing vagina costumes, or otherwise indulge in jackassery.

The neoliberal capitalist and feminist system hates healthy families, because healthy families make the system redundant. Children who are raised by parents like John and Zina don’t have mental problems that are easy to exploit by the system, and they aren’t susceptible to advertising or other scams. That’s the bottom line.

Oh, and Mr. Bash? He’s taking the fight to the enemy. That’s as it should be…

35 thoughts on “We Are All Nazis Now

  1. https://www.studyfinds.org/study-quarter-college-students-diganosed-mental-health-condition/

    The study is here .. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/da.22830

    What I believe our feminist overlords hate most about Mrs. Bash is the fact that she is smarter than they are, far better looking than they are, and basically just a better person than they.

    Envy has always been the problem of criminal elite in America.

    The neoliberal capitalist and feminist system hates healthy families, because healthy families make the system redundant. Children who are raised by parents like John and Zina don.t have mental problems that are easy to exploit by the system, and they aren.t susceptible to advertising or other scams. That.s the bottom line.

    Healthy FAMILIES indeed were the backbone of both Black and White Families at the turn of the last century.

    Once fractured by our own government .. who can repair it? Especially when they are bent on further distruction of the family unit.

    Her husband has given them a double-barrel of push-back .. but the msm buys its ink by the 55 gallon barrel.

    She trolled’em and did it with easy as she deny’s any involvement .. rather her husband disavows any fore-knowledge / pre-med-eye-tat-ted acts.

    This is how you “pin.the.tail.on.the.donkey” ™ with panache.

  2. Her husband has given them a double-barrel of push-back .. but the msm buys its ink by the 55 gallon barrel.

    And they’re both still Harvard J.D.’s, and the msm are all still just IQ 100 bloggers, and Trump won’t fire them, and we’ll keep laughing, and that’s exactly as it should be.

  3. Yes I agree…they hate her and her family because of what she’s accomplished…but it’s just easier to shout Nazi or white supramacist because that’s what their Marxist education told them to say.

    Also of note…the a-ok sign. Perhaps someday the lefty reactionists who never get anything will think the symbol of white power will be a thumbs up sign or making the peace symbol.

  4. Trump won.t fire them

    And this is the advantage the left has had for years .. and ALL Trump folks now enjoy .. though ..

    Twitter will be banning the POTUS before it’s over .. they’ve already played their hand.

  5. She trolled.em and did it with easy as she deny.s any involvement .. rather her husband disavows any fore-knowledge / pre-med-eye-tat-ted acts.

    Quite funny how the ok symbol is the newest way to troll emotionally unstable envy filled childish leftists.

    I think I’ll stroke my chin with a smirk on my face the next time I want to trigger a leftist.

  6. Earl check the study I posted above.

    We have a nation of mentally unstable infants. And most go un-die-ugh-nosed.

    Socialism / Feminism is a mental disorder. And college aged kids without a healthy family are the biggest victims of this man-made pollutant.

  7. We have a nation of mentally unstable infants. And most go un-die-ugh-nosed.

    Wasn’t it in the 70s when suddenly things that were considered physchologically disordered weren’t anymore?

    Homosexuality being the big one (you could certainly add feminism…although I don’t know if the shrinks ever considered it one).

    I’d also wonder THE thing they never seem to bring up with the mentally unstable infants…was their father ever available for comment when they were kids (hint hint…broken familes from no fault and kids raised by single mothers)

  8. What do you think her first emotional reaction would be?

    Outrage and victimhood and demanding someone take action to protect the poor wimminz .. etc.

  9. I held my tongue when I posted on this earlier.

    Her mugshot gave her away as a mud-shark.

    This was no accidently shooting. It was murder.

  10. Healthy FAMILIES indeed were the backbone of both Black and White Families at the turn of the last century.

    Once fractured by our own government .. who can repair it? Especially when they are bent on further distruction of the family unit.

    The church should ideally serve as the primary “repair facility” for the broken family. Unfortunately, it’s a compromised skin suit, wholly overtaken by the World that is the source of the problem.

  11. feeriker ..

    The church should ideally serve as the primary .repair facility. for the broken family. Unfortunately, it.s a compromised skin suit, wholly overtaken by the World that is the source of the problem.


    All entities (e.g. corporate, civic and government etc.) in the USofA are compromised (by design of our government) .. you are not compromised .. act accordingly.

    I have (acted accordingly).

  12. honeycomb @ 2018-09-11 at 21:20:
    “I held my tongue when I posted on this earlier. Her mugshot gave her away as a mud-shark.”

    I’d been wondering, too. I once entered the wrong dorm in college–got off the elevator on the wrong floor after the midnight showing of the remastered Empire Strikes Back–but her face is a party bus of either sexual misconduct or extreme burnout.

    Also, apartment dwellers don’t leave their doors open unless they’re expecting a visitor or the air conditioning is broken.

  13. GQ ..

    but her face is a party bus of either sexual misconduct or extreme burnout.

    You’re hitting on to the right way to spot’em.

  14. You.re hitting on to the right way to spot.em.

    I worked security at the dorms during college so I was basically knee deep in the which girls were party girl sluts and which werent…and yeah…the carousel partiers have a certain look.

  15. The body becomes the function.

    Hand-writing is brain-writing.

    These two quotes from my way back old-timey past have meaning today for just as many younger folks .. as it did me at around the same timeframe .. young teens.

    First ..
    The body becomes the function.

    A tri-athlete looks like a tri-athlete. A power-lifter looks like a power-lifter. A marathon runner looks like a marathon runner. A cyclist looks like a cyclist. A couch-potatoe looks like a couch-potatoe. And a slut / whore / skank-ho / wommimz looks like a .. [fill-in-th-blank].

    Most men can spot a particular masculine trait. Ok .. my generation could and the ones before could .. but you get the picture .. open your eyes to female traits / functions.

    For example projection is a (majority) womminz trait .. and they have it in spades. Once you understand another key trait of womminz you have a good primer for looking for commonality between traits / functions.

    The Herd Function .. The womminz believe that “everyone thinks everyone else is just like them.” This is herd behavior at its most basic form. That’s why marriage and divorce are like a flu-bug among the wimminz in-peer-group.

    But we want individual traits. Ah yes .. my young man .. you must first learn what is common among traits to isolate that feature / function in da wimminz.

    You see ..

    Hand-writing is brain-writing.

    .. Just as hand-writing is directly linked to your brain / traits .. so is your developed external features (e.g. facially). It’s automatic. Even if just a micro-expresion .. due to their ability to hide what your looking for. Things can be masked. You may be wrong from thime to time due to not enough of a sample of pics or just mis-reading a trait / function. It’s okay. They can’t hide it forever. Always be on the look-out for their tells.

    Fella’s learn to observe for key traits .. and the probabilities based on how many times you see it in their behavior. Body language and facial expersions [1] are your gateway into the soul of the modern womminz who lives her life openly [2]. Go deeper than just the first couple of pages or the cover.

    [1] Has your dad or mom ever told you to stop making that face because it will become perm-uh-net? I thought so. Mine did too.

    [2] She’s an open SOCIAL MEDIA (ATTENTION WHORE) BOOK so use it against her. Open her (picture) book, the one she’s only exposing the cover. Go deeper (beyond the cover) without a word spoken. Make your observations and speed the process of NO up and stop waisting your valuable time on worthless wimmimz.

  16. Boxer .. brother .. please fix my strong carrot at the end of my second quote (rat after “you see”) .. thanks in advance.

    And please delete this post.

    Thanks in advance.

  17. LOL .. almost right ..

    1) Make sure thy are female. (This is a new problem and has been added to the #1 spot because my skills only work on wimminz .. so because of the example above[and below in the link] I have a new #1 rule.) [1]
    2) Make sure they aren’t wearing a mask. (e.g. a fake smile .. etc .. something isn’t matching .. eyes are happy but the smile is not genuine or warm .. or vice versa .. body language says one thing and the face is saying another .. etc.) If you spot anyone wearing a mask .. or appears to be faking it .. you must have more pics or be dialed in on what to look for.
    3) Now you can evaluate your picture .. and that is as much an art as it is (psuedo) science.

    [1] https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2013/04/01/female-beauty-from-5-to-7/

  18. These pics above got sent to me a while back.

    I knew something was wrong. But .. it didn’t immediately dawn on me what it was.

    Then I saw the navel in the second pic.

    MtF trannys are or can be very difficult to spot immediately. But if your gut sez .. something at right. Take a time-out and get all your senses involved.

    They can fake a lot of things .. but elbow to navel to waist-line are probably never gonna get transitioned.

    Let me re-iterate .. with thebrise of cross-fit and wimminz on “gear” .. it is even tougher.

    You can’t just check their voice in a pic or in real life because a lot of wimminz have a perm-uh-net voice change. And they are so hyper-masculinized that you do a double take.

    Just be careful out there and don’t assume it’s a womminz .. it could be a crossfitter or a MtF dude. Same thing really .. HEH!

  19. Just be careful out there and don.t assume it.s a womminz .. it could be a crossfitter or a MtF dude.

    FWIW…considering how birth control messes up the hormones in wimminz and they start taking it at a young age it can cause a lot of masculine facial features in them.

    I noticed CH did a poll asking which of the two was the prettier looking…I picked what 90% of the poll picked…the one on the left. The one who looks more doe eyed feminine. The one on the right may be MtF (although let’s start with Occam’s Razor before going down that route)…I’d bet she’s been on birth control for a long time and add on that those ‘hunter’ eyes tells me she’s probably been on the prowl.

    Also pics only tell part of the story…if I could see their hip sway, that’s a bigger indicator. Pelvic bones don’t lie.

  20. And with that I read the rest of CH’s article. Guess I can spot the female better than a transitioner.

    ‘Not everything is what it seems. You.ve been duped! The pictures do not contain two women, but rather, a man and a woman! The woman is the one in the white top and the man is the one in the black top. The man underwent hormone replacement therapy to turn into a tranny, and has been living as a woman for the past 8 months. The tranny.s actually wearing a wig until his real hair grows out long enough to look like a woman.s hair. They.re siblings, and the black top brother is only a few years older than the white top sister. Nice contrast, I know.’

    However what does that say about women’s chances who have manjaws and more T than the cucks?

  21. “What do you see? (Yes this is a test.)”

    Oh good, a physiognomy test. I haven’t looked at the answer yet. Left girl: hundred-cock stare. Bigger lower lip than upper, a narrow chin, therefore very feminine. Nose, I think, is concave and slightly turned up, suggesting optimism and sociability. Can’t see the ears. No tats. Nice boobs. Conclusion: freshman party girl.

    Right girl: Predatory “new moon” eyes but no sexual damage. Moderate manjaw, nose is straight, implies a stronger will than normal for a female. Too much makeup & hair to say more, which itself it’s a clue she’s hiding something. Conclusion: wolf blending in with the sheep.

    *checks heartiste*

    That’s disgusting. Hmm, check the fingernails on wimmin… good idea.

  22. That.s disgusting.

    My bad [1].. not trying to trick yenz’.. just get ya’ll thinking about a lot of longer term Birth Control Wimminz are very manly .. and we have gotten used to that … just don’t take for granted .. it may be a MtoF issue.

    [1] My bad folks.

  23. Well much like Boxer mentioned before…I dig doe eyes and the feminine jaw. I don’t think any MtF tranny can pull those off.

    Problem is even the wimminz are starting to make you wonder what plumming they are packing given how their faces look and attitudes are.

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