Superior Latinas

Long ago, there used to be an old goat who hung out at the Spearhead mag, who endlessly boasted about his hot Latina wife. He’d go on at length about how wonderful Latin women were, compared to the typical white and black hoez that us norteamericanos have to slum with. He would arrogantly boast about his exploits in Mexico and points south. He’d alternately brag like a frat-bro about fucking and sucking hundreds of superior brownies, up and down the baja peninsula as a younger man, and then switch over to talk up his wife’s superior mothering, homemaking, sex and cooking skills.

His name was “anonymous age 69.” He suddenly disappeared, at some point, and hasn’t been seen since. This might indicate that his sweet, submissive little Aztec wife stuck an icepick into the base of his skull one night; or, it might be that she decided she “was no longer happy,” and ran his ass through the divorce courts, or, it might be that he succumbed to heart failure, after too many toasted bean and cheese tacos at the corner stand in his adopted Nuevo Laredo slum neighborhood. Who knows?

One thing I do know is that he was dead wrong about Latina wimminz being inherently better than any other group of wimminz. Any differences are cosmetic, rather than fundamental. This does not mean that “Anonymous 69” didn’t meet a nice Latina, knock her up, and settle into a life of marital bliss. It means that even if that did happen, it didn’t happen because his wife was a Latina. It happened because she was a good woman.

Good women are vanishingly rare, in every ethnic group, and there is no mythical Shangri-La down Mexico way, where the valleys are full of sweet, submissive girls who want nothing more than to be a good and faithful wife to you, for the rest of their days. Au contraire. If you go looking, you are much more likely to be suckered, as a chump who isn’t entirely proficient with the language and culture, into marrying a wimminz who will pork up quickly, and who will end up taking you to the cleaners when a better deal comes along.

A couple of weeks ago, I mentioned that I had been to a work-related meeting in Colombia. I subsequently noted how attractive Colombian women manage to keep themselves. Here is one example…

Granted, she has something of a horsey face, but her body is on point. Here she is again…

I wouldn’t throw her outta bed. More interesting: This is a 42-year old lady, which at once illustrates just how awful American women have become, contrasted with the high standards of South American women. My sojourn in Colombia included seeing specimens like this as a matter of course.

Of course, if you read my paragraph-long blurb, I also commented on the absolute amorality I saw among wimminz in Colombia. The females there are far better looking than American sluts, but they also seemed more mercenary, more money-hungry, and much more intelligent. The stupid white wimminz in America have about as much self-awareness as a cow. This is pathetic, but it also encourages a dangerous complacency, at least in me.

The minute I opened my mouth, every wimminz within earshot knew I was a norteamericano, and they all turned on a subtle, feminine charm that I found difficult to resist. One of the lines I heard, more than once, was that my acento was just ever so sexy. They all assumed I was from California, and they all assumed I was wealthy, and trying to dissuade them of either notion just made them convinced I had something to hide, which they all found alluring.

So, if this is typical of the wimminz one can find in South America, what else does a young man need to know?

Plenty, actually. All three of these photos depict the same 42-year old wimminz, a native of Cartagena, named Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello. She is the self-same whore who was just arrested for luring poor children from neighboring Venezuela, branding them, and forcing them into a child-prostitution ring. She rewarded her best little earners with illegal narcotics (and yes, processed cocaine and heroin is illegal, even in Colombia). She punished the little children who resisted her orders with boiling water and beatings.

Puts sort of a new spin on the idea of wifing up one of these sweet, submissive, traditional Latinas, much less giving her some of your genetic offspring to raise up.

If you read Spanish, you can learn more about this disgusting wimminz herehere and here. Be warned, it’s a pretty awful story, which is not for the sensitive.

7 thoughts on “Superior Latinas

  1. The stupid white wimminz in America have about as much self-awareness as a cow.

    LOL…exactly. They think men will just do anything for them because they are awesome and it doesn’t matter they are as feminine as a sailor.

    But the Latinas actually use femininity to lure guys, huh? Interesting take. I say that because the chunck of land I live in is something like 60-40 Latina/Gringo

  2. I guess .. as an older playa / gentlemen .. long since happily retired and living stress free (i.e. no drama) .. I can tell you fella’s a lil secret ..

    AWALT (circa 1968 to present) .. world wide .. how do I know?

    Because (and Boxer can search the FAA databases and search my name for my certificates) “I’ve been everywhere man” [J. Cash].

    As an International Pilot I’ve travelled for bid’ness and pleasure abroad (HEH). I’ve lived in a number of other countries. 3 of which in San Juan, PR flying the Windward and Leeward Islands. It was a true Latin Macho world and the wimminz behaved accordingly. Like Black Widows .. but I’m getting ahead of myself.

    I do my best to sound like a south alabama hick .. but it’s an act.

    Just like those International Wimminz(tm).

    You have to find the right womminz .. and that’s tougher than a simple border that allows cross-border TV .. Social Media .. Internet .. Human Nature .. and NO border can stop those things.

    Read your Bible .. read of the wimminz there-in. Tell me what you find.

    Eve’s rebellion and self worship flows thru’em all .. how much and when it flows is a moving target. But it’s always there.

    Frankly .. I got good advice from an older man at an airport I used to work at during the summers. That Ole Brit had gone-n-done-gotten married to an American (Southern-Bell don’t-cha know) womminz many years before I knew him. He had sons and one daughter. All were just a few years older than me. He was like a second dad. He wrote a great private book called “The Domestication of Man”. He gifted me with a copy. What a great read and this was years before “The Predatory Female” was written.

    You young men .. prepare for battle .. ‘cuz that’s what the current fight is .. WAR (re: searching for a wife / marriage)

    And the terms of your surrender (aka divorce) will be written on some future rules and laws you have never agreed to .. not today’s examples.

    Keep that in mind as I sip on 18 year old scotch.

  3. they all assumed I was wealthy, and trying to dissuade them of either notion just made them convinced I had something to hide, which they all found alluring.

    They are probably told tales of how America is the land of flowing milk and honey where all the men have fat stacks of cash. That’s why they are all trying to get in.

    I’m looking forward to the next post….’Superior Eastern European Women’. I’ve seen plenty of playboys try to prop up the Slavic regions femininity (even though they are sporting the same instagram eye candy you see everywhere else).

  4. I.m looking forward to the next post…Superior Eastern European Women.. seen plenty of playboys try to prop up the Slavic regions femininity (even though they are sporting the same instagram eye candy you see everywhere else).

    heh heh… that was only three weeks ago. The slavic superwomen (who morph into boxy, smelly old mustaschioed grannies, ’round about age 32) will cycle back next month, most likely.

  5. The guy I was thinking of was doing his ‘look at me’ tour in Romania about the feminine charms there. His arm candy looked like the Romanian version of any other instagram woman you’d see.

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