They Don’t Care About Us

If you ever suspected that wimminz don’t give a shit about you, you’ll be glad to know that you were correct, all along.

From DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.87.4.494

Four experiments confirmed that women’s automatic in-group bias is remarkably stronger than men’s and investigated explanations for this sex difference, derived from potential sources of implicit attitudes (L. A. Rudman, 2004). In Experiment 1, only women (not men) showed cognitive balance among in-group bias, identity, and self-esteem (A. G. Greenwald et al., 2002), revealing that men lack a mechanism that bolsters automatic own group preference. Experiments 2 and 3 found pro-female bias to the extent that participants automatically favored their mothers over their fathers or associated male gender with violence, suggesting that maternal bonding and male intimidation influence gender attitudes. Experiment 4 showed that for sexually experienced men, the more positive their attitude was toward sex, the more they implicitly favored women. In concert, the findings help to explain sex differences in automatic in-group bias and underscore the uniqueness of gender for intergroup relations theorists.

Woe to the man who is forced to work or socialize with multiple wimminz. No matter how much they hate one another, they’ll always hate you more ferociously, and will instinctively work together to keep you in your place.

19 thoughts on “They Don’t Care About Us

  1. “No matter how much they hate one another, they.ll always hate you more ferociously, and will instinctively work together to keep you in your place.”

    And man, they HATE each other, so keep your distance, bro.

  2. ‘No matter how much they hate one another, they.ll always hate you more ferociously, and will instinctively work together to keep you in your place.’

    It’s amazing to see in real time. Two wimminz who hate each other’s guts will turn into a Germany-Italy alliance when there’s a man they agree to hate.

  3. Lots of women want the top 20% of men…that doesn’t mean they are the top 20% of women. The lower 80% are probably suffering some sort of mental illness due to their unrealistic expectations.

  4. Women want the BOTTOM 10% of men. Alpha males can be damned.

    Just look at what happened to the Duke lacrosse students.

    And, mr. Rollins was right…plastic surgery doesn’t make people look beautiful, it makes them look INSANE.

  5. It’s my contention that there aren’t enough “top women” to go around, if men are on a normal distribution curve where the the top 20% are the 8s, 9s, and 10s. For women, 8s, 9s, and the theoretical 10s make up maybe 4-5% of the population, especially once they get over 25 or so.

    Now that’s just based on my own observations living in the midwestern U.S. Here, even the teenage girls are struggling with weight problems and other attraction defects. When I’m working out at the gym, there are often equal numbers of men and women (almost all women in the cardio areas) but there are easily at least 3-4-5 decent looking guys for every women who’s a 6 or better.

    That’s a real de-motivator that only gonna get worse.

  6. Women have to convince themselves a bombed out and depleted reproductive system and obesity equates the same vaule as women who haven’t done that to themselves.

  7. While that’s about enough to make you puke, the husband in that scenario got lucky. He can divorce this ho’ and she can’t say shit about it.

    I happen to suspect that this is much more common than any of us would assume, and in most cases, the cheating spouse is too sensible to be caught in the act.

  8. ‘I happen to suspect that this is much more common than any of us would assume, and in most cases, the cheating spouse is too sensible to be caught in the act.’

    They aren’t as clever as they think they are. I mean if you are lack enough self-awareness that you are answering a computer phone wearing nothing but a towel…you are probably asking to get caught.

  9. It wasn’t so much a troll but a test case to seek how she would respond. Not sure if I got anywhere with her (although I found it funny she immediately assumed I didn’t like her tweet)…but if I redirected her energy into improving her sisters from the lot of feminism it did something.

  10. if I redirected her energy into improving her sisters from the lot of feminism it did something.

    I know it says otherwise in the Bible, but my experience is that wimminz need the guidance of men. She claims to be an antifeminist. Maybe she’s down at the family courts, fighting the good fight, but I doubt it. Your feedback can’t hurt her.

    Your public feedback is most important to bystanders, though. Individual men are brainwashed into thinking that they’re alone in being disgusted by typical mores. Our frank speaking, here and elsewhere, illustrates that they are not alone. This is much more effective than we might imagine, and it’s the reason that there are congressional hearings going on about censoring social media to exclude us.

    Keep it up.

  11. My only beef is she did the ‘every other wimminz is doing it so I should too’ justification for giving relationship advice to men. Well every other wimminz advice is often wrong.

  12. Not from me…but I’ve been seeing more retort posts from guys whenever a white knight wants to paint men in a bad light.

  13. Yenz are doing great work on the social media .. it’s a whoot to watch.
    Keep it up.

    Earl sez ..

    My only beef is she did the .every other wimminz is doing it so I should too. justification for giving relationship advice to men. Well every other wimminz advice is often wrong.

    Her giving men dating advice and also advocating she continue, because other wimminz do it to, is like trying to get third worlders to stop third worldin’ ..

    It won’t work brother .. just sit back and laugh out loud (lol) as “the water finds its own level. (1)”

    NSFHE (not safe for human eyes)

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