Is Justin Trudeau a Rapist?

Does male feminist Justin Trudeau, head nancyboy of pozzed out Canuckistan, have a sordid history of sexually assaulting women? Sources say yes. Even so, wimminz make so many complaints about powerful men that this might be wish fulfillment, on the part of some fugly little reporteress. I’d probably be more ready to accept the accusation if the reporter was a man; but, anything is possible.

Full disclosure: one of Trudeau’s alleged victims is from Creston, B.C.. Ya boy Boxer is well known in that town, though I have never heard of the reporter.

From the Creston Valley Advance:

3 thoughts on “Is Justin Trudeau a Rapist?

  1. If any traction gains on this story……the dialogue will change to “the conservatives are worse!!!!”

  2. Dear Jason:

    The irony is that “The Liberals” are now the centre-right party in BC. The leftish party, is called NDP – affiliated with Socialist International; but, they’re about as revolutionary as your granny, and suck the cock of big oil whenever they get into power, much like American Republicans.



  3. The newspaper seems so shocked that powerful men think they are above the ‘no groping wimminz’ law.

    Given the track record of male feminists and men in power I give this story a 95% chance of being true. How she defines ‘groping’ though might play a part as well…you know how wimminz can embellish a slight tap on the arm into he grabbed a big old piece of my backside.

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